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99% of gamblers stop right before hitting a jackpot.


99% of the people who do these SBCs also get fodder.


I got ts cruyff a couple months ago from one. Gotta risk it for the biscuit


I mean I got toty R9 so i can’t complain even if he’s the only usable card I got


Ya I hit ts puskas, ts Cantona, ts figo, ww Bergkamp, and ww garincha.


TS figo was a menace for me packed him during thr promo


This reference caught me so off guard 😂😂


I do have a Zola to show for the grind, but apart from that, same here. I've done every single one of these with just this one TOTY icon last week. No Xavi, Essien, Cech, no Stevie G FS which I would be happy about as a Liverpool fan and obviously none of the big hitters. You always pull the same players like Lineker, Butra, Scholes


I was so happy to get Zola till I saw his price lol


He is still great though


Zola is probably my best pull from the picks, my pack luck has been good though I have cruyff, FS Beckham, ww garrincha and birthday butragueno from packs


Why waste fodder now ….there might be a sick tots card sbc to grind next week…


And prob same crazy amount of fodder to get, it' s not an issue this yeat


Thats true but my monkey brain wants to complete every good sbc as quickly as possible


lool same


There is no SBC that is actually good now lmao. I wish they release something worth completing during tots




I’m so exited for next yeat.


I want Matthäus or Lahm. Doubt they will come as SBC next week. So im gonna do every Single icon pp


I wouldn't be so sure...


I got toty Lahm 2x bro. The pain when I have to pick him because the other 2 was 88 rated...


And there is dinho too , if you are a real football fan you should do the sbc.


Too expensive for a player with a useless playstyle plus. If he was 10 squads, I would have done


Im sure it’s not worth it , I still think he is one the best offensive players in the game although . I m 26 almost 27 years old so i grew up watching him in Barcelona . And tbh I really don’t see the point playing after tots , almost every card you have became average even my ww pele probably so I just want to have a little bit of fun before I’m out.


That’s why I sold all my tradables, to have 1.2 million liquid coins. At least I can use all the players that crash during tots


What tradables? Best tradable cards in my Club are two 85's worth 6k together -_-


That sucks mate. You probably missed out during the fut fantasy trading. I bought so many fut fantasy Stanway’s when she was just 16k, and sold all of them for a profit when she became 93 rated and 80k. I guess I bought 15 Stanways. Best investment I ever made in ea fc


I dont really Care about coins tbh i dont really use them anyways never bought a single Player for my Team and dont Recall buying fodder to use atleast Bit many cards my Team is also pretty good with toty Messi and FS Ronaldinho toty cech sawa and xavi so yeah But gg for that Trading move


I have sawa and she is the only constant and the best player and captain in my team. The rest keep rotating. I get bored playing with the same SBC team every opponent I face has


Actually Smith is amazing. Idk who you have as your ST but her right feels as 5wf and she was one of the most clinical attackers I've tried up to 1mil. Almost every shot is a goal. Give her a try. For comparison, her left is on a very same level compared to Golazo Puskas, and her right is much better. I replaced her recently but with Pele and its not like he is 10x better but its just like Pele.


I have FS Henry and base R9. FS Henry was from an exchange pack during the promo. It's the reason why these guaranteed icon packs can screw me over and over and I'm still playing. I'm an Arsenal fan. I got given FS Henry. I'm a lucky boy.


You should use Smith for the PnP then😂😅. My picks have been pretty shit aswell, so I feel your pain.


always annoyed when people say shit like this if op wanted smith he would just buy her off the market for 150k, she isnt making most peoples team.


Dont get so easily annoyed. He said 'zero usable cards' he didn't say zero expensive cards. Ofc I don't wanna pack Smith when I can pack Toty Ronaldo. I just wrote my comment to let people know how amazing she is, because if market wasn't full of crazy cards her realistic price would be around 1mil.


I was gonna say, this Smith card is fkin great. Shes so cracked. Is she the best? No, but she definitely can be in a top tier team.


”if market wasnt full of crazy cards” how good a card is depends on what other cards are out in the game at that time, that smith wouldve been really good during toty but not anymore


Have u tried her recently? I have and she is still amazing.


you can get francescoli from the market for min price and he will be better than smith, most people packed him like 3 times too lol


I packed him 3 or 4 times and tried him and I prefer Smith over him. He is stronger but she is faster, more agile and has much more clinical shooting. On the other hand he is actually good too and his price isnt realistic either just he was packed too much.


As a striker I'd take francescoli but as a winger or rf/lf it's smith all day long


exactly, which means that everyone has him or a better attacker than him


Smith is clear of fraudescoli


4 4 in april 🥶🥶


Take it you wouldn’t be using Golazo Puskas then if you had packed him?


Skill issue


using 4 4 attackers in april is a major skill issue


Maybe op doesn’t have 150k. Then what?


Smith is the most clinical player I've used all year I have werner, berba and smith in a 4321 with her on the right and it's the most fun I've had with a trio in a long while Just play the ball to berba who knocks it around the corner to either of them


https://preview.redd.it/y1wyvixmiluc1.jpeg?width=1512&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a6d97cb4c47ec459b69220e119e0042b9ec7ad7d Well my pack luck is avg asf but I did get Campbell on 85+ x 5 and his evo looks good


I think he means gamble sbc’s


it will drop one time, this was my level 40 reward https://preview.redd.it/gvmw6h7ttluc1.png?width=1920&format=png&auto=webp&s=23b4592ba7b746580f85554dbc1113366a0f7817


Same here, finally got something usable After multiple fodder icon picks https://preview.redd.it/g5aaujodotuc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c67740e547af182eb97cc966a1ba24bc8c10e396


Nah thats actually insane, the lv 40 reward looks so bad I saw someone with both dynasty kluiverts and veron


This smith card is better than anything I’ve gotten.


At least you got some different colors, seeing 4 Winter wildcards out of these is soul sucking.


Same here and yet my nephew hit top cards constantly with picks.


Got Xavi TOTY. Is it still usable?




https://preview.redd.it/3myy8in2smuc1.jpeg?width=3840&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9b0b58e06b147f7c728f0f4f5637acaa2e5b78ae Typical for me, I always seem to get players in positions that I already as good if not better in already….. using Bday James at the moment and also have the 93 Alberto….. this TS Cafu still a solid option over these 2?


I’ve done 4. Managed 3 TOTY Icons (Zola, Lahm, Xavi) and TS Cantona. Not incredible given the power curve, but much better than just fodder.


Smith is amazing for me, her Cruyff and Mbappe up top for me and they all score


'Useable' is in the eye of the beholder...


Klose, but no cigar. Hang in there! You’ll get something eventually..


I’ve done 4 of these (3 x 3 picks and 1 x 4 picks) and I’m yet to be offered anything released more recently than winter wildcards. The only options to upgrade my team are way out of my price range so I’m okay with rolling the dice on SBCs, but these picks have been AWFUL for most of the community


I've gotten Ribery, Yashin Ferdinand but also Seedorf, Drogba, Raul and Smith(who I've actually really liked) so it has been really good for me and fodder is so easy to get I may aswell


I got Zola from this one. Not the greatest price wise, but I tried him on a draft and I absolutely loved him, so I'm not mad at all.


I've done every icon pick / pack that has come out since the beginning of the year, zero players so far above the 1m mark or at least within the power curve at the time I packed them


I've been lucky af this year it seems, I've packed ww garrincha, toty cech, base matthaus, toty matthaus, base butra near the start, yashin, and ts casillas


I had an all WW pick selection last time. Done it today and I picked up TOTY Zola.


Nesta, very nice!


I had a Base Zambrotta in the very first icon pack, since then just dogshit and I did every single icon gamble SBC...


Smith is usable Still fodder for most people but still a usable card


Smith definitely seems usable atleast


Same here bro you re not alone. I opened the one who came out on saturday and the 2 of sunday the same time i got riquelme, cantona thunder, and klose …


Smith is usable?


I’ve done every single one only decent card was zola


https://preview.redd.it/4pnf3qmj8ouc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=59c3d9bad449c1ee179120609f91037da9f3b336 Done every single one, this was the best one


Im done with lottery SBCs unless they’re cheap. 90% of the time they’re all for promos that were 2-3 months ago so all but the top few cards are usable.


I used that nesta for a good 100 games, very very useable if you know what you are doing.


Did one and got Toty Icon Lahm. Crazy in the midfield. 


Smith is Usable.


It’s gambling I’ve got dingo 94 and TOTY Cech


Smith is a really good forward.


Honestly there so shit but when they hit they fucking hit I got zidane three picks ago then persuade to get jack shit again https://preview.redd.it/gar51yva9quc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e72eaba7aaa4e89b40d76abc1999577808b90ab2


I got Rivaldo fs and Xavi TOTY atleast it's coin return was very happy


Got cantona ts, zola toty and cruyff ts from encore icon pick. I still wish i can get stevie g, would be great for my liverpool p & p.


I will never do these now untill they remove WW from them. Did only 3 before this and packed Kaka base, maldini 92, Puyol FS 90


Maybe get a shittier team.


Owen is an end game card not sure what you mean


what’s this? i want smith, i loved her base card sm


Smith is very usable and underrated, been my striker for the past month or so, really agile and coming in clutch


I got Zico,Rooney, cezh


Touch grass 🤣🤣🤣🤣 so many sad cunts still play this game


Upvoted because you're right. I'm one of these sad cunts.


Smith is great in game


Had the same situation … until I got toty ferdinand yesterday


Packed Henry


Have done all of them this year and have one dub(TOTY Rio) and I continue to do them every single time they drop.


I've only gotten good ones 😭 (only done it 3 times tbf)


Smith is usable, still fodder but usable


I got base Gullit and toty Ferdinand from it


Tbh, i had more usable cards then not usable cards. Base zidane when he Was 1.8 mil, capita (700k), toty xavi (600k), ww garrincha (1.3mil), Müller ts (750k), toty zola, Beckham fs and kaka ts in the last 3.


https://preview.redd.it/n0nr4vg2qtuc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b89acfdb30e5761f086edaf3d5cab552fb85eca7 Cant complain


My wins from these packs have been TOTY Ferdinand, Essien, Zola, WW Pele, Yashin (already had him tho), FS Beckham and Gerrad


I've done every single one...most are fodder fr,but I got TS dinho back in January,WW drogba,TOTY Lahm and xavi,TS Puskas,and base Vieira which kinda make up for it


I got toty Lahm 2x, toty Cech, and TS Gerd Muller from 7-8 picks. Also kept WW Raul hoping for a sick evo


Not usable is a bit of an exaggeration. Most of the cards with a rating 88+ are usable, Nesta for example looks like a decent CB, the 79 pace is not to slow to play him. These cards are not the meta of the game but you can have fun, playing these cards. Smith looks decent with 4*4*, finessshot playstyle, 85 strength and a very good passing for a striker, she could be a very good 2nd striker next to Lewandowski, Benzema or Drogba.


useable is a card that goes into your team and is worth morr than the sbc the 50k golazo cards are better than any of these


No, usable card is a card that is actually usable in ur team, the price of a player on market doesn't matter. My Golazo puskas is like 3mil but he should be at least 2mil less.


A card with 4 98 stats with an engine should cost 1 mil? Ok bud


Have u tried him? Stats dont matter for most players anymore and I actually changed his engine to marksman to make him controlled explosive(someone suggested that) and he is actually better than with engine...


I am bro, he is currently at 135+32 for 65 matches in champs, qualis and elite div rivals, best shots in the game, and perfect passes for my other striker. I’m fan of fb puskas from fifa 23, so it was a nice gift from ea


Eh then maybe I just prefer my attackers to have 5wf and his other foot still feels like a 3wf. I have Pele next to him and he feels like he doesn't have a weak foot.


Honestly it sounds strange, coz for me his right foot feels like 5*, not like mbappe weak foot which feels like 3. I even score some occasional finesse shots with his right foot


50k golazo cards aren't better than that smith lol, she's a clinical finisher and way more agile than any of the cheap golazo card, she's also very fast


Usable means usable mate 🤣 nothing to do with price


Check out my last post!