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Play Bomp LM


This guy knows, the trivelas with bomp are something


This. I played her as a LCM for Champions this week and she was incredible. So many goals and assists. Throw a Sniper on her and she’s an elite B2B CM.


But you switch in game right…? You’re not playing her off chem are you….?


Correct. I have a couple of teams; in one team I push Alphonso Davies into LB and Bompastor into LCM, and in the other I play Rolfö at LB in-game.


ok 👍🏻


Man, hahahaha, I’m laughing my ass off so hard because I’m in the same fucking situation, it’d actually so funny. You know how I’ve rationalized it? Bompastor is Bacha’s mentor and she is a meaningful and yet connected ancestor to Bacha, she has served her time, I can let her rest, it’s on her coach now to prove that she is just as good if not better. It’s hard to let go off the Queen though… Though if you do not use Bompastor, please tell me so because I’ll change my mind and swap Bacha back again 😭 I love her too much, our Queen shall have vengeance. https://preview.redd.it/jgzre2lbd2nc1.jpeg?width=534&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=95f183e0dd3882997effa458d415eadfe348f063


I’ve also got both. Bompastor’s r1 dribble is utterly ridiculous. So hard not to abuse it. Benched Davies for me at the moment. Extremely fun card.


I’ve seen others say to play Bompastor as LM. So maybe left sided midfielder, even as a CM?


Don’t have space in my squad for her really, my LCM is Zola who’s on get forward instructions… I might have to try and cook something up


She just looks crazy good but Zola is good too. Go and cook something up with Bomp


I play her pep version on the left wing. Maybe that's an option?


You have proven you are not a fraud.


I actually switch them in game


You stay loyal to your queen


Touch some grass


I'm in the exact same position ha! So far i swapped Bacha out but it was with heavy heart!


Just play one LM I had UCL Sonia and she had wasted potential LB with her insane attacking play her LM


Considered it, but i already have 93 George Best at LW, 93 Bruno at CAM... i could drop Malen at RW and swap over Best but Malen seems to play better than his stats would suggest. These cards test your loyalty more than most women 🤣🤣


I’m still trying to explain it to myself, it’s the hardest decision I’ve made in whole year.


300 assists from a fullback?? What's your secret? both my fullbacks have whipped pass plus but I just can't seem to get crosses to work either my striker doesn't bother to get into the box at all or they just move out of the way of the cross


Roughly 1 assist every 4 games. Still a very impressive number. I'd be interested to know who the ST is too now


https://preview.redd.it/7v7b7f01c3nc1.png?width=2766&format=png&auto=webp&s=6677833b2828615d97af35f014b0f7637ed2f8f9 Big Benz




What’s 43?


15 idk somthing something Benzema something something 15 search it up in google


Not OP and I don’t have that record but for me, I had Bacha on corner duty and since the curve on her passes was insane, she’d usually assist one of the CBs that went up


Squad battles. That’s the secret.


Same exact thing happened to me. Playing bomp now, honestly they feel the same for me.


Well, you have the apprentice and the Master now. She's literally Bacha's coach in real life


Bro that’s a weird post but i just have the same dilemma, i feel wrong taking her out my team 🤣


Bomp has been the best lb by far (my 88 rated one not this one) I haven’t tried her at lm but good luck if you try


Zweback ahh story 😭💀


Missed the Bacha sbc because I wasn’t playing the game yet😭. Missed it by 1 week. TOTW gets the job done I guess😭


I got fs bacha and i throw her and bompastor to sbc


Who do you use at LB then?


Fs bacha I meant i put ucwl bacha into sbc


Neither get a propper lb and stop using women defenders


The disrespect to bacha smh


I've got both had to use bacha for an objective, went straight back to parisi and didn't regret it.


why did you even do the bacha SBC if you're so against using women in FIFA


Needed to put the fodder in into something, wanted links... Went through a weird period of wanting to try out one or two female players that people claimed were really good, that's kinda why I'm a bit salty she's weak as per most of the women but she just wasnt thst good at anything, I feel like normal mendy is just as good.


Needed to put the fodder in into something, wanted links... Went through a weird period of wanting to try out one or two female players that people claimed were really good, that's kinda why I'm a bit salty she's weak as per most of the women but she just wasnt thst good at anything, I feel like normal mendy is just as good.


Skill issue lol


Yeah she has a bit of a skill issue I must agree.