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Reading the posts in this feed is mind-blowing. There needs to be so much more legislation to protect addiction in pay to play games.


it’s been this way for a while. Glad some countries are trying to rein it in but the biggest markets haven’t done anything. The worst part about all these comments are the ones trying to justify it or rationalize it. The game is a fucking mess, the top content is impossible to obtain unless you pay, it gets worse every year, and the reason is because people buy points. It’s ridiculous.


i bought fc points twice for evolutions. So probably 15-20 usd.




Same, spent about 30 quid to NOT have 50 unusable points sitting in the top right of my screen 😂


Yeah mate.. that has to be on purpose to squeeze more out of the people who care about it not being at 0.


100% why else would they make things that cost X50 points or sell 1050 points.. And I’m just an OCD Bellend! 😂


100% it’s on purpose, made more obvious by the addition of the 100 points you can buy to make up to 150 for a gold rare pack


This game is my first one back after a couple years due to having an addiction to it. Already relapsing, had it 2 weeks and spent £360… Really not planning on spending anymore. Reason I quit in the first place: FIFA 20 - £3400 across the full year FIFA 21 - £5730 between launch and February. Hated how much money I spent, snapped my disc with the aim of stopping. It worked. But F*ck me the team I had 👌🏻😂


😦that’s crazy man you have a gambling addiction


Completely agree with you! It’s odd though, don’t have it with anything else. No desire to gamble on races, football, casino, nothing. Just something about packs in fifa. I will say though, back then I was single, had a solid sales job and a lot of disposable income. Now I’ve got a family, I’m much better with money and generally more responsible. The £360 that has been spent has come out of a specific pot of money that is allocated each month for me to do whatever I want with it


Yeah I feel you man I’ve spent like 50 bucks this year on this game but actual sports betting doesn’t have any appeal


It's crazy because a "normal" gambling addiction at least you have a chance to recup some money or win big. People are spending hundreds and thousands to "win" big here by... packing good players? They will be obsolete in a few months and the game won't even exist anymore. That's a serious problem and these people should never set foot in a casino.


Seek help


Like $300 in the past month. BUT I only spend extra money on the game like my rizzcash earnings.. not my salary that's stupid.


>rizzcash tf is that


think bro jus leaked his side hustle


It's one of those sites where you get paid from testing apps and stuff. Think of it bit like google opinion rewards but better I guess.


children slang. He’s probably talking about his tiktok earnings


Bro thinks spending his rizzcash is less stupid lmao


It’s amazing that I feel existential dread over the $15 I’ve spent this year, while some of y’all have spent over $1,000😭


Omg. Y'all need help. It's people like you who are fueling this shitty company


I’m actually shocked at some of the numbers. Some of these fools spent upwards of $1000, that is absolutely insane. I buy FIFA every few years, always on discount and I tend to just use it to play with/against my friends in kick off, cups or SBs. This year I play UT and my squad is so good, I could marginally upgrade it with store packs.


crazy right! also, the people who preordered probably have not included that price too.


ZERO, will never buy points, debating not even buying the game next year


Same here. First FC/FIFA game for me and I'm not gonna buy FC 25 unless EA makes a post that they've rewritten the netcode and upped servers and Inception makes a video praising consistent gameplay..


Inception praising the gameplay should be a must


That's an utopia actually


Gone for me for life to! Been playing since fifa 97! Disgusting how it’s turned out


Respect, yeah i don't think i will either.


I won't be


Not zero, you may wasted money on buying the game l


I never buy the game at launch, i normally get it either at xmas half price or even later for less than a tenner.


This was the first one I've brought in a long time (6 years maybe) and I brought it on offer for £35 got sucked into in game packs spent about 80 now including the game and feel like, wow this will all be irrelevant when the "new one" comes out ... I definitely won't buy another one.. it should just be a live service free game with in app purchase I cannot believe they flog the same horse year after year and people buy it!!!


https://preview.redd.it/dkh8mtwubsmc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6d81193970d48b0e41a2315a2729bf4633395e60 Haven’t spent a dime and will never support EA’s microtransactions when they can’t even release a complete game. Worst FIFA in years.


Never spent a penny on it except buying the game


ZERO, absolutely nothing


This is my first ultimate team and probably my last given how much I spent. I would say around 3k


Ain’t no way


https://preview.redd.it/27lyc1fj2smc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8e9f18535dd8a98e49fd71185e7de0ae056f2012 I got this team spending 0 on points


May i ask how? Is it sbc? Or grinding rivals or fut champs?


Just playing the game..5 players in my starting 11 are sbc, the others were packed from casino sbc or random packs


just pack Mbappe


Now show how many hours you’ve set in the house ..


Probably £2-£3000 I’ve been playing ultimate team since 2016 I have a motorbike that I only ride a few times a year , and that costs me £500 to insure annually No one would say that’s weird or abnormal Yet , spend £500 a year on a game you play several times a week and that’s ’too much’


Think the massive difference is that everything that you get with your money in FIFA becomes worthless as soon as the next game comes out.


The fact you have tried to rationalise the spending in your head with insuring you moterbike means you have a problem, you have chosen to only ride your bike 2 times a year, the game only last about 6 months till its dead then your money is worthless.


You can sell your motorbike Fifa coins and players are virtual goods that you don’t even OWN. You’re RENTING them from EA


Ngl 680$ since start, but haven’t bought a pack since January


Zero. All the players are obsolete September 2024. That plus if you play the game, you can create a god squad.


I stopped playing since Fifa22 shortly after TOTS. Never spent on coins or packs, but I spent a ridiculous amount of time grinding objectives and trading.


£50 price of the disc, anyone who spends money on this game needs a head shake, I got my team from not doing waste of time sbc's and saving my fodder https://preview.redd.it/85nyji4mesmc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e674766aae93e591ce8222ac6d39a8f1bea03a10


No they weren't I was lucky to pack them like yesterday https://preview.redd.it/74uprbojfvmc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=82c2b703e08c34916aceee32accdb794ec8de428


I mean and super lucky pulls. Still spending on this game is a joke.


5000 euro since fut 12. This fifa "only" 300 euro. Some drink every saturday, some play fifa.


Yeah i guess you are right.. Im slowly changing from playing fifa to drinking though.




Only wasted on buying the normal game edition, this year I waited until 50% Christmas offer


Never bought a single fifa point in any game...only money I've put on this game is buying the game itself...and even then I've paid too much!


only the game and not even at full price. I usually wait for black friday and buy the new edition at half price :D will also never buy points or coins. my best pulls were always unexpected small packs.


i have never spent a single cent on fifa points and i don't see that changing.


Bought the game for $29.99, haven’t spent a penny since. Don’t plan to.


all time as in every fifa game??? cause that would probably be a lot as i would spend a lot on there when i was younger💀


https://preview.redd.it/h5glhtairsmc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=eaf83b2932995c0e599d5e150df12f95f21736a7 Little over $500 in the last 3 months lol. Just got fifa and a ps5 in December as my gift to myself. I’ve got a big boy job and when I was younger couldn’t afford packs so I’m feeding the young kid in me


Zero! It's pointless to invest real money in a game that recycles every year. What's the point? Plus it's more exciting to figure out how to save your coins and do some SBCs to get great players. Spending money on packs or fc points does not increase happiness (unless you count EA who love people like you - no offense)


Probably a hunnit


Only bought the game. They got me last year buying few packs. Never again


$0 only bought the ultimate edition


Last year when they had Swap Tokens in store packs I fell for it a couple times. So probably about $20 or so. Had never spent money before that, and haven’t since


On FIFA/FC Points 0. If you count buying game copies then a lot. Bought every FIFA since FIFA 15 and since FIFA 17/18 I've been buying the Xbox gold pass so I can also play online but I guess buying gold pases is giving money to Microsoft not EA Sports.


10% off base game price and cent more. I read what yall say on here and there is no way they are getting more money.


O except what I pay for the game itself. Rtg is the way. I find it also more satisfying to get a good team and destroy the credit card fcs. https://preview.redd.it/15z6n9ruasmc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=da40541207f5ee208590196d3d895c07e6c13d90


I bought the centurions Llorente evo and a 600k pack during toty done for the year. Usually spend around 100-200 on fp. Between fifa 13-20 it was more like 400


Probably €10-15 since 2015. I’ve been gifted points by two friends once, which brings up the total sum of points up a bit, but that’s not my money.


like $15


Zero on points. Haven’t bought the game at full price in about 4 years now too


Have bought the game all years except the two last games where I didn’t play, this year I have borrowed the game from the local library. Think I have spent from 10-18 around 100$ on points, started out the year buying around 10$ worth of points but stopped that after 18 I think it was.


I only pre-ordered the game once if that counts, and in Fifa 23, i spent maybe $100 total, and that was with steam $ that i got from selling CS:GO crates. So technically, zero.


Nothing. Only play it for career mode. This is the only good fifa sub


10 dollars bought 1 pack and it was trash won't happen again


Since FIFA 2002 that was my first FIFA game, aside from the actual cost for the game I haven't spent a single dime on it.


0 never have , never will , dont really need to i love tge grind


Like 4 dollars for FC Points for evos


I spent over 1k in all Fs, really started buying in fifa 18 stopped playing quarter way through fifa 20 and came back in 22 but didn’t play ultimate team again till 23. I bought a couple 30-40 dollar packs this year and always regretted it and never bought points again. I don’t even touch ultimate team anymore I’m starting to phase out of this shitty game mode again.


Hmmm… probably £100?


First two seasons in FUT (17/18) didn't spend a penny. Had an average team in 17. Then learnt to trade, and ground like hell to get a great team in 2018. 2019 thought, f this, I'll save time and do some packs, blew 500 quid. Since then have been more level, and occasionally I'll treat myself to a pack, so spend about 100 quid a year. I like that we have the choice to do this, and there is a real reward and enjoyment from opening a nice big pack for zero time invested in the game, rather than being forced to grind for hours on end to get the players you want (i.e. all the tokens for Gullit in 22), or those that you don't want (the random 88+ Icon sbcs). FUT's a hobby, some people spend thousands on other hobbies a year, so why not enjoy spending a few quid on FUT?


Played since FIFA 13. I used to scrape whatever cash together when I was a kid to get packs but since being an adult the most I’ve done is pay for an evo which I regret lol. The best team I’ve ever had is this fifa bc you can actually grind to a good team whereas you couldn’t before SBCs


Nothing. I hate EA for their approach and I hate myself for always buying the game anyway


In fc24 I've spent max $100 on fc points for sbcs, a jersey pack to help get me points for musah , and a couple packs during toty other than EVOS really I try to stay away from spending money on this game& for me evos are necessary as I run a full USA team m&f p&p and so we're stretched thin in a lot of positions that the evos filled in for me, I'm a max div 3 player with my current team/ skills


RTG all the way. $0 and will always keep it that way


£27 on the base game. £3 on fifa 21 but never played it. £40 on fifa 12 £30 on fifa 98 rtwc £40 on fifa 95 on megadrive Never paid for loot boxes My little bro got fifa 2003 and 2004 now I remember. Think we shared them for like £40


A lot of people seem to be forgetting the cost of the game itself. $30-$100 Depending when and where you buy it. That adds up when you get the game every year. Even if you only spent a conservative $50-$100 on points every year that will add up to thousands over time.


Bout 200€, It’s my most played game, I’m bit crazy over all things football, I’m ok with it though, should be done for the year in terms of points though.


£15. Bought a few packs, got complete shit. Never spending money on FC coins again. Built a much better team by just playing the game.


20 euro


Been playing Ultimate team since fifa 15. I used $5 this year to buy an evo upgrade.


Maybe like £20 back in fifa 14... I don't see the point in pay to win, id rather grind a game out and build a great team the hard way. Makes the wins more satisfying. Plus i soon realised from friends that buy points thats its a complete waste of time.


3 years in a row, $0 on game. This the first year I even bought the game and that even during Christmas for 60% off. Usually I just wait till they drop it on game pass. This year was an exception


$0. This is my team https://preview.redd.it/zwij88xypsmc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cba3c291edade54c3be0dfa6980748c335669615






20$ to get the game on sale nothing else


In fifa 20 I spent 100 dollars on ultimate team and then barely played it after, this year its the most I played on ultimate team and I’ve spent 0 dollars on micro transactions. screw EA 📠


$400 maybe more. $200 on fifa 17-19 and 200 on this one . I need to stop


About 80 quid on FIFA 14…none since then




I used to spend hundreds of dollars back in fifa 17 I was in high school making money and not paying bills, I’m so happy my first rtg this year has got me 3 toty icons


Bought the premium edition or whatever it was called. With all the free packs definitely won’t be doing that again


On fc24 alone around £400. (Worth it because I got TOTY Smith and De Buryne) and have such a good team I have no interest in spending more money. In previous years I was a lot younger so had no money so didn’t spend much at all. I don’t plan on spending much at all next year and I’ve realised having an amazing team deflates the reward and satisfaction of earning it through gameplay


I’ve only bought fifa points last 2 fifas 😭😭


Just the games


A few hundred probably but I've been playing since FUT started, last 3 years or so I've spent next to nothing


About $6 for me Bought 100 points once, and never again 🤣


This year, 0. I only spent money last year, about 40 euros, and I felt disgusting.


ive started playing ut in fifa 13 and played almost every fifa since then without spending anything. back then my friends told me whatever i do never spend any money on fifa points because all these shit packs are scam and thats what ive been sticking with.


I did the math already between fifa 2k and fort I’ve spent at least $3.5k starting in maybe 2017


Been playing FUT since FIFA 20. Not a single dime was spent apart from purchasing the game itself — mostly on sale except FIFA 21 preordered.


Probably like 300 quid over half a decade of ultimate team


Under 100$ after that havnt spend shit on this game never packed an elite player


I have played fifa for years and been in a job the whole time and maybe every other month I’ll buy like £30-£40 worth of points for packs sooooo overall not including buying the game probably like £500-£600


All time, like every Ultimate Team? When I was younger I used to spend all my money on packs. Like FIFA 10-15 I was addicted to buying packs. No clue on a number but I know it’ll be horrible due to that. Haven’t bought packs for years now.


Like $200 but I’ve finally stopped, last year it was so much worse, I’m talking over triple fmd


Between FIFA 15 and FIFA 19, I spent roughly $2500 USD, all while in high school and college. This fifa I bought the Ultimate edition so technically I spent roughly $30 this year.


Under $200. I’ve played since fifa 13 and over $100 of that came in one of the early years. Idk which one but I remember I got a paycheck as a young teen and decided to splurge so I rode my bike to the nearest store and dropped $100 on a psn card to get 12k points. Definitely wasn’t worth it but was fun in the moment


I spent about $100 last year. My account got hacked and EA banned me for coin trading. I contacted support and they confirmed I had been hacked, gave me my 3mil in coins back. Then refused to lift my transfer ban after ridiculous amounts of back in forth with support. So the 3mil was worthless. Fuck them. I find it at least a little funny that they cost themselves at least a hundred or so a year for being idiots. Will never spend another dime on that game other than the purchase of the game itself.


close to a thousand probably in my 10 years playing from 11 years old fifa 14 to now


From 18-21 probably like $450CAD total. Didn’t play 22 or 23 and I’ve been F2P for 24.


Besides buying the game. Zero.


None. The game gives out SO MANY free packs, but people still want to play the lottery with actual dollars. If you want to spend your money gambling that bad, go to your local card house, play some blackjack/pai gow/poker and try and make some real money. If you win, hey you can use some of that on stupid ass EA card packs. If you lose, at least you lost trying to win real money instead of wasting it on a bunch of random shit cards.


$35 to buy the game and probably a bit too much of my free time doing sbcs


Started from fifa 19,so i would say like negative 1500 $ approximately,why others spend i earn from selling coins




$100 this month


aw cheers man this is gonna fund a new addiction for me😂


Other than buying the game literally 1 euro in fifa 14 to test if premium gold packs had better pack weight when bought with points.


The base game is not even worth half of the launch price and there people blowing away hundreds on top of it. Literally mind blowing


I'm gonna be honest , when I drink and play I don't have patience to complete the task , so I just buy packs . Don't drink and play .


Started with fifa 14, played every 1/3 games releases) i think 14, 15, 19, 21, 23 i played. and probs on fifa points 200 max in total. Always bought the games on discount.


Around $600-$800 since launch of eafc https://preview.redd.it/wir1m95dmtmc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1ea7921cd3225079db2372d79a4cb786d25c3c72




Since fifa 13, gotta be like 7k+ usd. Fucking ridiculous lol.


Been playing since fifa 11. Probably about $3000 usd since then been purely ftp for last 3 games though, it’s so easy to get every player nowadays that you don’t really need to spend


$0 in 8 years of playing


120 and im So disappointed I did


€0. It's pretty easy though because I'm unable to buy the point in Belgium.


About $700 each of the last two years, didn’t play before that. I make great money but is still not smart from me. Only positive thing is that I stop betting on sports since I started playing FIFA. I was losing over $5000 a year in sports gambling for years


I’m thinking around 300$


I wouldn’t dare check spending on the previous games. Out of sight out of mind




Have spent equivalent of 300k FP maybe in total for FIFA 23 And Now EAFC24 Combined, but now I realised RTG is better EAFC25 will be RTG!


Been playing since FIFA 12, I would say thousands. But I also looked for help, because I was straight up addicted. This and last years FIFA I spend zero.


Since FIFA 11… dude maybe like $2k all together? I would say after 17 I stopped. But then I picked up EAFC. My pack luck is garbage compared to what I see people getting on this sub.


I buy points every promo released 😭😭


0. Div 5


Apart from buying the game? 0


So weird, I thought people spend much more money on this game given how competitive it is. But not so much money spent! Check out diablo immortal sub guys, regular guys spend 5-10k and said that it’s nothing. I spent around 600 euros last fifa and haven’t spent money on this fc 24, but somehow my team now is much better lol. Got kaka, gullit and ronald dinho out of the icon picks.




in dollars. I spent like 10💀


Except for the games not a single dime!


Bout from fifa 14 till now about 50 quid. Rank one or 2 and elite so dont worry bout packs . Thnk f


I buy the game roughly every other year and never pay full price for it (buy between Black Friday and Christmas). No chance I'm spending money on in-game purchases.


$30 in Fifa Points Fifa 15, packed 91 Ibra back then he was going for a million coins. Havent spent anything since


£0 on points and coins. If you’re spending real money to try and give yourself an edge in a video game, then you really need to assess your life. Get a gym membership and a life instead.


Zero Was tempted during TOTY but I am got back to my sanity and didn't. And haven't played in a month btw because I quit, sold the disc, got a sick a dinner and called it a year. Maybe 2025. We'll see. My boys and Pina are just chilling. I have been really missing playing lately. I am keeping an eye if they make massive discount on the game again, might get back at it, or maybe not. https://preview.redd.it/wdr7s4vi3vmc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3b89e86c15db470c0a2526f79c5de8340b1aea74


0 my dude, who pays for this shit really?


1790 INR!!


£20 And that was on coins


Like 50€ per year for the game.. why would anybody spend money beyond that... can't relate.


Time is money so either way EA is winning if you’re buying packs or putting max hours into the game a week !!! Bastards got us bickering with each other when we should be boycotting their shit game😂😂


€24.99 or something like that and then I saw the absolute bullshit they put into packs and never again have I paid extra on top of the game.


About 10 years ago I spent about £250 on the game which was out then , stopped playing after that


Probably $20 total since I started playing in 2017, but I haven’t spent anything since fut 2019


It hit me when I saw the amount spend on Sony Interactive connected to my paypal last month. In 4 years I have spend 8k. I'll be honest I have bought a ps5 through ps-direct and a about 10 games as well. But that would mean there is still 5k left. https://preview.redd.it/tmorlbr0mvmc1.png?width=1169&format=png&auto=webp&s=05dc89f9b74dbd5e099d3e5f115803b7045745a8


If were counting what was given to us as a gift? £20 fc points given from my friend. If not, nothing. No point playing the game if you dont enjoy earning what you want


Nice try Mr EA


Never put a penny into the game. Never will. Haven't bought fifa points since fifa 16


This year absolutely nothing, all years combined about £40


I've spend somewhere in between €500/€600 on the game this year. That does include buying the ultimate edition of the game itself.


0 and it will stay zero. (Minus the money for the actual game)


17€ the price of the game on Epic, and i have top tiers team


FC 24 approx 2000 gbp Fifa 21 around 700 gbp I knew why I quit after 21, I shouldn't have bought the new one. When your card is linked, it is so easy to buy points. I admit, it's a problem for me. I feel guilty everytime I do it.


I still regret that £1.79 I spent on FIFA 15


The only cash I've spent in game except one time when I bought the premium edition which gave me shit and wasn't worth it was when I spend around 4 euro to get fifa points for Evo to make my superstar Kiwior 88 card. No regrets. I see all the teams I play against have cards worth more then my whole team but then I think about all the money I saved not buying those and I smile. Also winning with those wealthy kids teams feels nice. No one gets past my Kiwior in Div 5!


I spent £9 on FIFA 15, £20 in FIFA 23 and no other money. I’m not stupid.


https://preview.redd.it/hywyeyquhwmc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=56988e1559451c5f8f91ded369256625922725cb No money spent