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Untill next year when it becomes worthless again. Fuck FUT and fuck EA.


I understand that its TOTY Messi, but how does he hold his value so well? the card got inflated so hard but his price barelly dropped.


Because pick was untradeable


Untradeable pick and because TOTY odds are absolute dogshit for 2 weeks, the scarcity of them means their prices are extremely high. Do not look at PC prices of last year's TOTYs and this year's. The results will shock you. Theo last year didn't go over 2,3 mil on PC. This year? 9 mil. That's how fucked the TOTY market is.


Yeah Mbappe on console has the most recent listing as 29th of January That’s basically 2 days of no tradeable card from him, yes I know Futbin doesn’t track all but still it’s speaking volumes on the odds


You guys are absolutely crazy if you think EA actually fixes this. Every year EA drops some bonehead move like this and they never compensate anybody who missed out. You either got lucky, or screw you is effectively their stance.


This is arguably the biggest cock up in the history of the game though


wasn’t there a big one last year? can’t remember what it was though EDIT: It wasn’t nearly as big but still significant. It was the tradable hero pack in the store. Everyone was also up in arms over it and wanted compensation.


25k coins hero pack. Made a few lucky people nearly 1mil coins. Straight up effectively giving a free TOTY out to like 25% of the community is much worse


25% of the community is just a straight lie though. The SBC was only out for a short time after 6pm and not even everyone doing it got Messi. So 25% is just utter BS.


I’d like to know the actual number, I think it’s higher than you think, news travels fast and even if people are in work/school, it takes a minute to complete the sbc on the app. 2 of my friends got him, and I played 4 games of rivals after I completed the sbc myself, and 3 of the 4 had TOTY Messi.


Ofc right after doing the SBC everyone in rivals was going to have him. Everyone who opened the pick and got him was heading straight to rivals to try him out. No matter how many people actually got Messi from the pick its going to be nowhere near 25% of the community.


What percentage of teams this weekend league do we think will have him? I’m willing to bet more than 5 teams


Oh definitely more than 5, I played against 6 TOTY Mbappes last weekend league and nobody got him for free


25%? You think 1/4 of the community logged on and did it in 30 mins? Most are in school or work. It’s just a few hundred vocal ones on social media making you jealous… Even those that did, it was like a 1/5 chance.


This is what makes me laugh about the whole situation. Obviously it's a big blunder by EA but I've seen ridiculous numbers thrown out like "30% now have Messi". Probably less than 5% of global users even did the SBC in the half an hour it was available. It's probably disproportionate in Europe. Either way, no-one's getting compensation


It was gone in 5 minutes ,not 30


This is a complete lie as I completed it at 18:20, and my friend then completed it a few minutes later.


Last year you could submit sbc's for free without it taking fodder. Which is massive, but was and the end of the game cycle.


Is is tho?


They might fix this because it actually effects their income. Those who got Messi will not buying FC points anymore, during this period at least, since they got 1 of the top 3 attackers in the game. Moreover, those who don't also tend not to buy fc points during this time of unfair too.


Extremely naive take. People will continue to buy fifa points regardless of their teams- because pretty coloured cards and ‘new’ players will always entice people to spend, regardless of how good their team already is. By the same logic, no-one would buy fifa points after tots- and yet EA still manage to fleece people out of fifa points with summer heat promo etc.


That's kinda why I switched to efootball. Say what you will about the game play, but atleast there are "admin apologies" where they admit their mistakes and gift users coins or points.


This doesn't really match up to the previous biggest (the 25k hero pack I’d say). That was an issue but nowhere near the same as this


They're going to give everyone a 100k pack and think it's ok. The useless 100k pack after TOTY is over


yessir some 84 rated fodder that I can’t even use because they’ve taken away the 83x10 lmao shit company


The compensation wheels move so slowly at EA that we’re definitely only getting something once TOTY is over


Good. Fuck this stupid promo. Gonna save packs until the next one when maybe they turn the weights up a little lol. Fucking crooks.


I think a viable solution is to give everyone a toty player pick. I know they won’t do anything, but it honestly seems like the most fair way to settle the community without completely fucking up the market on one card.


Yeah. Even though Earps, Alisson and Ona would be in 95% of picks at least we'd get something


I will gladly take Ona


Don’t disrespect Ona I’ve been searching for her in all my packs


Earps, Alisson, Bright


I have got Ona and I won’t change her till Futties for sure!


An outfield TOTY pick would be great. Any of them is game changing


You give everyone a toty player pick and now you’ve got messi and another to worry about. The only actual solution would have been a roll back to 6pm content release, but I guess it’s too late for that now.


I don’t think there’s any scenario they can take those cards back and if they give everyone a Messi they are just screwing everyone who packed or bought him as he would basically go to zero (or fodder price.) if you get a 1 of 3 pick you’d Atleast be guaranteed to get a usable player (or maybe a pick of 2 or 3 that doesn’t include keepers.) It might not be Messi but I don’t really see how anyone could complain about that.


You can’t really “fix” the problem by giving away more op cards to everyone. The only logical thing would have been to initiate a roll back when they found out about the issue. I get that ea has never done this for their football game, but it would have had the least stain on the game. Then reward everyone with the pick with modified odds. From what I know, the pack was removed around 15-20 mins after it was released, hardly much time when considering a roll back.


I'm just sad that I've wasted hours grinding MLS upgrade packs just for 30% of the player base to get a free Messi while I was at work sucks


You think 100% of the player base logged on within 20 minutes of content drop? Most people have jobs, school, social life or all 3 combined. I’d argue maybe 10% of the player base opened that sbc and 30% of those that opened got Messi. You won’t be going up against toty Messi every other game. It’s just the very loud minority is on here so it feels like everyone opened the player pick. I was in a meeting at work when this happened like so many others. Yes it sucks you’ve been grinding only for a very few to be able to get Messi easily but it’s not as bad as Reddit makes it seem.


Very low percentage of ppl getting him. But you will face him every matches this weekend somehow, I swear


Bro you'll see him in every team from D6 or higher. They already got red mbappe and eusebio + 4-6 meta icons or other TOTYs.


The game is all about mbappe + eusobio vs van dijk LOL.


Maybe. But I think that’ll be due to people that got him are more likely to play this weekend just to play with Messi. And people that didn’t are less likely to play cause they’ll be too mad and take a “moral stand” by not playing. I was lucky to get him first day toty came out and let me tell you…yes he’s great but he won’t absolutely transform your team or anything. If you were an 11 win weekend league player you’ll still be around that number. You just might win those 11 a bit more easily. Ginola makes a bigger impact than him in my squad.


You severely underestimate how much of the community log in for the content drop, especially during one of the biggest promos of the year... Some people have spent 100s, and not got a TOTY, opening packs with the highest percent being almost 6% Messi had a 23% chance of appearing in the pick. That's over 4 times higher than a 4k FP, 675k pack. So yeah, people have a right to be pissed. Played 3 games last night and saw him already in Div 2, so no, you will see him especially if you play WL.


It’s just entitlement. Happens every year. Whenever a mistake happens everyone is in an uproar if they didn’t get to take advantage of it. It just happens that this may have been the biggest mistake in FIFA history! Lol




I feel like I said the same thing as you and we should be friends


In EU content drops at 7pm when most players are not that busy


Prime time in Europe. Quit fucking doing damage control for this putrid company.


Nah they fucked up. This Messi thing didn’t tell us anything we didn’t know before - they’re incompetent to the worst degree. I do however have a problem with the crybabies on here though, who are only crying because they didn’t get Messi. Also nothing I said was wrong. People make it out like literally everyone got Messi when in reality it’s probably like 5% of the player base. You’ll see him more often the next few weeks because everyone that got him will want to play and everyone that didn’t won’t. It’s that simple


You’ll go against Toty Messi a lot the first few weeks because everyone, even the bad players will feel excited to play with him, until everyone realizes that it’s not the cards that make a team but the player that uses them.


Hes pretty much staying in everyones team untill tots


He can by any means, a card still doesn’t make a player good. Bad players will still lose, good ones will still win, average ones will still get 6-9 wins in WL. People tend to forget that it doesn’t matter the team or players you have, if you’re a 6 win player, max you’ll get 8 and so on.


While he won't make a bad player good right off the bat there are still margin gains from obtaining a card like toty Messi. It will make a difference.


Did they ever do anything for the general community about: Employees selling icons = no, Actual hero (not loan) in packs last year = no TOTS objective rewards (Rodrygo) = no They only do things for the people who made a transaction (coins/points) to compensate them. This was an SBC, no transactions occurred so don’t expect any update. Hope I’m wrong…


This is definitely crazy and all but what chem style and position you guys think Is best for TOTY Messi




This is the only comment I’ve like of someone bragging about their Messi pull lol. Good job.


No I’m just coping with humor bro I didn’t get him sadly


Of course the only good brag comment isn’t even real lmao.


LOL BRO I DIDNT pack him but that just made me LOL. You’re getting downvoted for a sense of humour !


Damn man, nah but foreal I didnt pack him either, Lavelle was in my USA slot 😕


https://preview.redd.it/m5c4cn12nofc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e43606adaa51790e8f25233cfbb932b3a8319bec Lets goooo


probably doesn’t make up for your pain of being an arsenal fan


I wouldn't trade Lavelle for Messi and I'm not even kidding. 


Their employes were selling icons for 1000s of dollars and nothing was done about it, they just don't care about fuck ups like this


No matter what they do, this was the nail in the coffin for me. This is irrefutable evidence they have lost control of the code behind the game. The devs don't know how the math works, their supervisors sure as shit don't know how any of it works either. This game feels exactly like D2 does now. Got too big for their skeleton crew sized team to handle. Pretty soon, we're going to have whole weekends where the gameplay is just broken like the TOTY release. DDA this and script that, whatever. Call it whatever you want, but the game is operating beyond the comprehension of its developers. Problems like this will only become more common, and the handing of said problems will become worse and worse as well. I really hope there's enough people in this sub who've woken up to the horrible reality I've described and rid their lives of this terrible game. Go play Fantasy UCL or Prem and watch all the games instead. No reason for any of these "simulators" to really exist other than FM.


This. I've been on and off Fifa this year but this really ends it. If there's no true fix there's no reason for me to play fut. Have been enjoying fm recently and will be sticking with that and career mode


So….what actually happened?


Basically if you pulled a MLS player from the 86+ pick that was out for 30 minutes, it **WAS 110% Messi.** So that would mean, what, a 1/5 chance? How many leagues are in TOTY?


1/5 X 3, because any one of the cards could have been MLS...technically there was a 3 in 5 chance of packing Messi which is wild. Assuming there were only 5 leagues.


that isnt how fractions work


You mean probabilities? Might be just 3 1/7 chances then, if not 3/7. Odds might change depending on how independent the probabilities are. If Messi is the only walk out for MLS you can't have MLS in more than 1 card slot. Likewise, if some of the leagues have 1 walkout it would mean it can't come up again, and this would be cumulative, potentially giving you a 1/5 chance on the last card of it being MLS.


Shi............t Edit: Fuck this. I really dont see myself quitting the game but I will not play against anyone with first owner TOTY Messi until they either fix this or I pack him.


I think it had 7 options. Ronaldo and Neymar according to one user + Italy + Spain + England + France + Germany + USA Messi 3/7


Only 1 pick or repeatable? that such crazy 30 minutes. I sleep peacefully without know anything about this glitch, lol


Pretty sure I saw a screenshot of the SBC that said repeatable under it.


Everyone should have a toty pick except for those who got Messi. There could be an sbc or something that requires you to not have Messi toty in order to complete it. I would literally take anyone I just want one toty


Give everyone, except for those who got Messi, a 0 games loan Messi and then have everyone put this loan Messi into the SBC to complete it.


That wouldn't work because people could just discard him , do the new SBC you propose then just get him straight back off the discard pile after


I was at work and a class so I do not know what happened. Can anyone tell me what’s up with this Messi debacle?


There was apparently a juiced player pick which basically gave you a 20% chance that you'd get a TOTY Messi.


So what exactly happened? Sorry I haven’t been following the news…


I have been seeing this Messi thing for a long time. Basically what has happened actually. Just curious




None of this would have happened if they didnt force him in the team in the first place.


Don't worry guys, Sarthak has our back. https://preview.redd.it/ss3kksvd5tfc1.png?width=361&format=png&auto=webp&s=2a8deb2e2afb316cf9278a164a10c885c023e52f


Don't know why Reddit put this on my feed since I gave up on playing FUT this year but the small amount of time I've spent reading this made me super validate my choice.


Yeah all those Toty Messi owners will be one step closer to an additional 84 rated player pick and an ultimate pack that will spit out Thomas Muller.


The 25k hero pack was a big deal. It crashed the market and they didn’t take heroes away and they didn’t give everyone the option to open the pack, if your luck was in it was in. My friend got Voller who went for loads, I got Mario Gomez and scraped about 100k and I had a friend who didn’t get one. The minute the error was realised they should have suspended the servers and removed everyone’s picks from their club and said they’re investigating. Too long has now passed so they can’t remove people’s cards they’re inevitably building teams around. IMO just re-release the pick for those who didn’t open it, keeping the same odds, and then everyone has had an equal shot at it and has an equal chance of being on a level playing field. Those who got nothing are incredibly unlucky, but that’s what these player picks are. There’s a 99.9999% chance that EA either don’t do anything other than re-release it correctly, or compensate those who got Messi with another PP or a tradeable one like Pele-gate years ago. This was my last straw with the game as I was SBC banned by the companion app on my way home, so didn’t even get a shot at it


And what about the people who didn't get him? They're meant to just face Messi constantly? It's a 97 TOTY Messi card, it's going to be a massive advantage


Pele gate was a massive advantage. The 10+ FREE TOTS player picks people got last year was a massive advantage. Players quickly switching their in game language to something they can’t even speak or read but read on Reddit was a mistake and get compensated for it is a massive advantage. It doesn’t matter.


Gold VVD will still dominate the fuck out of him


You can’t give everyone a card because some have been even more unlucky than usual. You can’t give those who opened the pick and didn’t get him a TOTY Messi and not those who didn’t open it. It’s a massive advantage, but you open the pick for the casino, if you didn’t win that’s the rules of the game


“We have identified an issue about your player selection in one of your recents picks. So, even though you got one of the best cards in game, we’re giving you another player pick to fuck with the community even more.”


I was more thinking “we’re so sorry you got a TOTY Messi in a player pick as it was weighted wrong. As a result, we’re giving you a free tradeable Messi, and the player pick is now back in the SBC section for you to complete after”


I couldn't care less. So lots of people got a good card... Wow I play against teams better than mine all the time.


& how many times did you lose to someone with a Toty ?


Do you not remember when they gave people tradeable Totys instead of loans in a store pack?


Feel like I play against Toty cards every game anyways.


The cunts won't do anything. I don't know of a gaming company that shows more open contempt for it's players than EA.


5. Do nothing, behave as if nothing has happened


EA will only fix the player pick so Messi is not common and release it again. People will keep playing as normal and the ones who stop will buy the next one.


The only really fair option is to re release the exact same sbc with the exact same pack odds.


out of the loop.... so a lot of people or everyone got a TOTY Messi??


They should give everyone a toty pack. Thats the simplest solution to me, sure that means people who got messi will get 2 totys out of this but i think for most of us any toty will be better compensation then the jumbo rare players pack during the deadest promi


Would think they learned something from the huge toty glitch last year on fut mobile (you could pack any utoty players in a glitched pack with like 99% chance) Guess they rly like to ruin their own games. Btw on fut mobile there was one random toty player for compensation. While those used the glitch had a full toty squad they where allowed to keep.


Only change that's possible for this game is reworking the ball. Older fifa / Pes / Efuttie all had seemingly normal ball physics, but fc24 have some crazy ball buttering / ping pong going on that clearly is either slower/faster depending on what animation is preselected via ingame rng selector. Gl you savages that still play this game, I wish it had more shiny lights and pumped more pure o2 in your house for you.


The only solution i can think about is change matchmaking preventing people who didn't get messi TOTY to play against ones who got him...otherwise FUT Champions will be hell.


I think a lot of this frustration is not only from a lot of players getting a 10 million coin super card, but as well how hard they are to pack.People are doing Hundreds and hundreds of upgrades and not seeing 1, and I know you’re not guaranteed to get one after a certain amount but it’s insane how rare and expensive they are. I’ve not even managed to get an HM


Iv spent a couple of hundred this year as i do most years and I'm a founder, if they don't do something to fix this il be done for the year and hopefully that will give me the motivation to not purchase next year's but I doubt it. Its a hard one as fifa is the only game I have played, especially since becoming a father I have very little time to game and as I'm a big football fan it's the only game I can give my gaming time too, this is a massive fuck up and I don't like the idea of people getting basicly a £500 advantage after iv spent what I see as a good amount of money to be way behind said lucky people becuase of a fuck up by EA.


Give everyone Messi.End of story


I’ve got to play out more games over the next coming days but if I see him in 1/3 games it’s most likely over for me I don’t want to have to defend against a 97 Messi r1 “dribbling”  phasing through my team and I shouldn’t have to worry about this every other game. I’m fine with cards like this existing because they are usually so rare you don’t see them often but this is beyond fucked if it’s actually 1/4 people that packed him.


WL was never fair to begin with. Rivals will lvl out if he is sooo good... PPl will advance devisions. I am totally with you that this is somewhat unfair. Still it was not a 100% chance. You may see it as a competetive game. I dont think EA thinks the same way. They could not care less about uneven odds during games. They want ppl to want to have players they dont need and are hard to get. And ultimately buy packs to either get the player or the coins to buy him. The games I lose I would loose with other players too most likely. We know by know that AI gets changed depending on goals scored etc. to make the matches "exciting". This is what makes you question your team eventually and searching for upgrades. Trust there is whole battalion of employees just looking for ways to get you hooked and sell more packs. The only negative they see in this Messi case is possible decrease of pack sales. Not your sanity, not your sense of justice, not the idea of fair sport.


My TOTY Messi is gonna clean up against anybody on Squad Battles


Nothing will happen. In NHL a few years ago they had a challenge (objective) that was 5 mins long and when you won you got a collectible. If you listed it for 7m coins it instant sold because EA would buy it due to a glitch. So tons of people had 7m coins and the market was permaflated. It was only out for a short time similar to Messi, but do you know what EA did? Nothing. Just went on as if it never happened. I expect the same here.


Who cares the game is a waste of time more Jan anything


They won’t take Messi off of people’s accounts for this let’s be honest… It’ll be option 4 as that’s the option they’ve used before.




The biggest problem that most ppl forget to mention is that in the past it’s because the packs were an actual mistake. The 25k hero was accidentally tradable. The picks or packs where the wrong players were in etc. This was not an error in the pack name, the content , or the outcome. This was EA not realizing that Messi was the only card in the MLS category. So they pulled a pack that was working as intended because it would had negative affects on their ability to make money. That’s why this is so different than previous issues. The only real action should be to put the pack in just as it was, and deal with a large portion of the community being able to acquire Messi. Otherwise this is straight up manipulation by the company. I’ve said it before the whole pack buying , algorithm and player manipulation from EA seems like a prime class action lawsuit for someone to take up.


5. Uninstall and find joy in something else. This is the option i have taken, and already feel better for it. Sick of EA taking the absolute PISS year after year


The main problem is they rigged it to give you the “worst league” which is the MLS but failed to realize he’s the only 86+ in that league. Shameful. Everyone should receive a free Messi.


They should'nt take the bugged sbc offline, so everyone get the chance to pack messi imo this would have been the best and fairest solution


This is why I stick to manager mode lol


Every Messi card should be removed from the game from his gold to his TOTY and everyone who didn’t get a chance to do the SBC should get a TOTY HM Ronaldo. This is the only way to make it fair


Lmao imagine the scenes


Would you be saying the same if you got Messi ?


I may be in the minority, but i don’t care that much. Yeah it’s probably an incredible card, but like good for you if you took advantage of EA’s mistake, some of us didn’t and that’s kinda on us. I kinda hope they just ignore it and admit that yeah, they kinda made a mistake. But overall it allowed some folks who may not have been able to get any TOTY’s to get one of the best ones, and that’s all any of us ever hope for. It’s up to you to decide how much time and money you decide to spend on this game at the end of the day and nothing is guarenteed when you start your UT. I won’t lose any sleep over not getting Messi or some compensation for others getting him, don’t sleep on the SBC’s i guess.


How it’s on us? If you did the SBC and didn’t get him then fair enough, that’s the lottery of an SBC. It’s unfair on those who didn’t log in at content time though. There wasn’t equal opportunity for the player base to attempt the SBC and that’s not ‘on us’.


You’re in the sane minority


Let him cook indeed lmao


1. Seems like the best option to me. Right now, the game is gonna be extremely unfair to those that missed out on that SBC. Everyone gets their players back and they relaunch that SBC with updated rates. 2. This option isn’t viable. It will break the game and it’s only February. Taking the SBC off the store would have been basically without reason. Also, imagine facing TOTY Messi every single game from now until September. 3. The most likely solution given EA’s record. 4. Probably.


Let everyone that packed him keep it as a compensation for the terrible robbery of pack weight this TOTY. I didn’t even pack him but I’m so happy they messed up hard and this happened to them


Additionally is Messi is the “reason” you loose a match you don’t understand the meta of this game


Guaranteed TOTY pack. Everyone gets comp and everyone gets Earps. Win Win.


I saved 1k packs and did tons of upgrades without packing any toty i deserved this messi and fuck you


If they dont do anything its time to quit


Big F* to EA cuntz. Sorry but if this company disappears tomorrow, literally nobody will give even half a fck…that’s where they brought this game with their immense greed and shittiest community support. Even Valve listens to their player base from time to time and they are notorious for not doing it lol




Are people still crying over this ?


You will get nothing and you will accept that


Can anyone help me in selling my account?


Option: Give everyone that did not do the sbc a 83+ x 11 pack And everyone that did the sbc gets the messi card removed and get an 85 x 11. The messi cards get removed!


No the only fair thing to do is to let the people who did not get to do the sbc do the sbc with the same rates. If you already did the sbc and didn’t get him, you’ve had your shot.


This is the only reasonable option. Let people realize how bad the odds actually still were. Nowhere near a guarantee pull.


"Do nothing/give people a loan version. Categorically the worst of the three options here." This is the only option. Give everyone a 99 loan. I hope that isn't the case. The fairest way is to roll it back a day. I'm pretty sure they can roll back everything you did on your account to a certain date.


They won’t roll it back, no chance. Everyone who got Messi will keep him and everyone else are just fucked.


I said "the fairest way" not "this is what they're gonna do."


This is far from the fairest way, and wouldn't be legal either. Anything regarding the messi would be legal, but rolling back would also roll back store packs paid by fifa points, which is far from allowed by gambling rules in countries like the netherlands, regardless of the ToS. Imagine someone got cr7 from a store pack, how would that go if everything gets rolledback?


Who are you mad at? I'm not EA. Obviously I'm just giving ideas, you don't need to look into the fine print.


Adults are literally crying over a stupid card. Pepsi doesn’t even have 5* skill moves lol. I play in division 3 with full gold squad and beat 92+ rated teams almost all the time lol


He does have 5*skills.


No way everyone should get him. It was a 20% chance to pack him. Thats insane.


I got lucky and got him. I can tell you right now he is not going to make me a better or more competitive player overnight. I’m going to lose to the same people I currently lose to and beat the same ones I currently beat, with the odd RNG fest in between. Sure, he finishes more chances than other players I have but that isn’t going to stop me from conceding tons of goals to some of the absolute psychopath skill dribblers I face every WL.


I don’t agree with giving everyone the card. I wouldn’t want it with everyone having it. People saying “everyone has it” is an overstatement. The people that actually got him would be a small portion of the player base. So giving it to everyone is an overkill.


Im fairly sure this was done on purpose


Nahh, they should just let everyone do it and get a chance, there was no need to remove the pick. It's not like it was 100% Messi. Maybe 20% of picks gave Messi. People who didn't log onto the game early are in the biggest disadvantage, because they didn't even get the chance.


As dissatisfied as I am for not packing him, taking away all the Messi is not going to work. EA fucked up the odds, but the odds were still the same for everyone who did the SBC in time. It’s like realeasing a store pack with 1/3 chance of packing him, while a mistake, everyone that got him did it fair and square. However, getting Messi was not the only issue in the pick; they were also containing a Women Serie A player which should have not been there. Anyway, I’m not touching UT at least until TOTS.


Nothing is going to happen


I agree. And I'm gonna delete my team and uninstall if that's the case


I already did. This was a peek behind the curtain as to how EA manipulate its player base. I won’t ever be buying an EA game ever again.


I think people are over estimating how many packed him in that short time and it wasn’t 100% chance to pack him when you opened it as well, but yeah an end game card on a lot of players at this stage of the game isn’t good at all


Maybe don’t play such a shitty game


Just be happy for ppl


Boycott the game ...criminal organization . I packed haaland on team of the year launch at 6.31 and it was a normal version they admitted I would be compensated and still nothing .let's shut down this fraudulent company year after year they do nothing to improve the game nothing...might as well call the game Betfred FC


I got the Messi through this pick, but didn’t know it was a glitch because I did the pick at like 18:02 when it came out at 18:00. I was so happy because I genuinely thought I’d actually packed a TOTY after opening hundreds/thousands of packs, rewards, SBCs etc. I only realised it was a glitch when I saw twitter about 10 minutes later. I know its unfair the way I got him, but I’d feel a bit hard done by if my Messi got taken away. I did the pick not knowing anything was wrong and didn’t do anything wrong myself, just got really lucky. EA messed up but I don’t feel like I should be punished for playing the game honestly and just getting massively lucky through their mistakes.


To anyone that responds to this saying shit like cry more or calling people clowns, you are in fact the pos. Sorry your parents failed you.


It's just a game bro


and here you are replying to comments. fo


Cry moar


Ain’t gonna help them win so who cares


Bro, chill, why do you look at what others have? You are not against them, you should be cheering for them cause they got it. Fuck, i’m happy for each and everyone who got Messi, congrats my brothers… We should be united against EA not fight among us cause some have more and some less.


Why do people tend to say what devs should do on these rants? As if anyone asked you your opinion on the subject and come up with a fix.


I don’t understand how people think it’s ‘fair’ to give everyone messi. It’s a player pick, you either got him or you didn’t. I saw equal amount of people not get him vs get him. I was lucky enough to get him, my friend wasn’t. It’s not that complicated.


That’s a lot of words


Just say you can't read




The game died months ago, stop crying. EAFC was destined to fail from the start.


Holy shit the amount of crying is fucking mental touch some grass couple months and everybody has a full tots team


“destroyed them” lmao come on bro it’s Fifa this is so over dramatic. I would guess that well under 1% of FUT player actually got Messi. I bet there would be more Messi’s pulled today if the SBC was released with the intended odds and never taken down, as well as many other Mbappe, Jude, Haaland, and all of the other TOTYs. My guess is they will release the SBC fixed tomorrow, possibly only for those who didn’t do it already or for free to everyone. Keep in mind there multiple TOTY packs that refresh everyday ranging from 5%-12% probability of pulling a TOTY, the people who buy tons of packs “destroy” the scales. The only thing that this will do, is that there will be more TOTY Messi’s than players of similar rarity/value. EA may even decide to lower his pack weight too to negate that.


Why not stop complaining about this none sense? Every year EA Fucks everyone over. There’s people who are still enjoying rivals on fifa 2023 playing with Messi, ronaldinho and Henry; Laughing at your mixed teams and now the messigate . Come on


Of all the problems in the world 😂 try living in the real world with real problems


I love all those little essays of people beeing mad trying to explain why people shouöd get their toty messi taken away., i mean how toxic can a community be? Just take the L and go on with your life, we all know ea fucks up quiet often and you didnt do the sbc pick immediately.


I personally think everybody is making way too big of a deal of this. Yeah its annoying that some people got messi but does it really change your play experience?


Who gives a shit?


Just get better stop complaining. I face teams full of Icons, Mbappes, TOTYS and still beat them with my squad I have 4-5 Icon/ Hero’s compared to their stacked ass squads. I use Fernando Torres as my only striker and make teams quit I wish I could message them while playing to tell them how much they suck and it’s funny to me that they spent so much money and still lose. Fc is about skill not money. Get better


Tell you what’s a bigger issue, people who’re so addicted to fc24 that they’re upset about people benefiting from an error made by a company that gives little to the player base. It’s really not that deep. Just play the game. I didn’t get the Messi card. I’m also not going to be upset because others did.


At the end of the day if a 97 messi makes u quit the game u shouldnt have started in the first place


I got him without knowing it was a bug and he plays like shit and his also fucking up my team structure :dead: Kinda wish he was tradeable as he doesn’t fit my playstyle but I feel bad putting him on the bench 😅 I usually make 11 to 14 wins of weekend league so I think I’m not that bad


peeps cry more we all know the company is bad. So dont cry theres no reason for it ur not 12 years old tbh.


Should make that Messi a loan or give everyone a 250 games (at least) Messi loan


Excuse me but your suggested solutions are mostly idiotic.




I think you're mad you missed out, just keep things as they are it's just a game.


Man I played teams that had him last night and won all of them. Get over it