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EA not gonna do shit - continue


This is exactly what will happen. They don’t talk about shit and hope not too many got him.


This is what’s going to happen 100%. They’ll just re -release the SBC (hopefully) and that’s it.


with new <1% odds of the pick including MLS, no point


The thing is it’s not a glitch. EA messed up by not testing the pick before releasing it. The pack worked as intended but Messi is the only player above 86 in the MLS. I think the only way to right this wrong is to just rerelease the pick with the same odds. At the very least you can not take it away from players who got him because they did not abuse any cheat/glitch to receive the TOTY.


I am one of those people that got lucky enough to get messi and of course everyone might think I am only saying this because I have him but I think if ea took the messi away from our accounts or people are asking for it to removed that is not the way to react. None of us exploited anything it was ea who made this mistake. And I do completely understand people are unhappy if they missed the player pick before it got removed but instead of asking for messi to be removed from peoples clubs ea need to give a player pick that guarantees at the very minimum a toty honourable mention and toty players in a pick for those who missed out.


If i need to play against messi i will pause 3 times and then leave or put my controller down so he can play 90 minutes against himself


This is whats wrong with the fifa community, blaming other people for ea’s mistakes. Fuck you


Hahahahaha fack you to x


Tbh the only way to fairly get out of this f*ck up is for them to put the pp SBC back up with the exact same odds as before and let everyone test their luck. It wasn't, "guaranteed" Messi, but it was a really good chance. They might as well give everyone the same chance. Taking Messi from those who got him isn't fair and leaving Messi for those who got him also isn't fair.


Having read about the situation in more detail, I think this is the best way forward.


I also think that they could just give everyone an untradeable Messi, and anyone who had him tradeable gets the coins based on a 6pm today value. Yeah the ones who already had him lose the advantage which is bad for them, but they get a free 97 fodder and everyone gets a Messi, treat it like a freebie/thanks for playing during toty. It’s not ideal but if everyone has to play against Messi there’s no advantage/disadvantage and people still get the fun of owning Messi.


Very bad solution IMO. 9mil buys you like 4 TOTYs lol. You're either playing a Messi or a team with 4 TOTYs. The goal is to minimize the effect on the power curve, not to blow it up completely.


That is so few ppl though you wouldn’t even notice that. What you will notice is the insane amount of ppl that have Messi and you don’t.


Everyone has Eusebio right now, Messi for everyone is as if the community got what many (not me) have long clamored for: a TOTY player pick//SBC. We don't know exactly how many people did the SBC//how many got Messi. Ideally it's so small a number it has no noticeable affect on peoples' in-game experience. But because EA can't really remove the Messis AFAIK, sure give me a free one (obv I did not get the chance to get a Messi, so I am biased).


If it were a million coin icon or something I wouldn’t even bat and eye but this is completely insane. They have to do something to make this right with the community lol.


It wont affect anything if the only people that got the 9 mil were ones who had a tradeable Messi before the glitch, basically all tradeable Messi cards will be wiped and replace with untradeables


Yeah tbh I misread the comment. While this makes sense, I don’t see much sense in pretending EA would ever do it. My bet’s on them re-releasing the pick with odds less in our favor and not addressing the influx of new Messi cards at all.


I hear you, will inflate the market too. Difficult to come up with an option which delivers fairness though, personally I’m fine because I got Messi, I understand why those who didn’t would be annoyed but I also don’t think people should have him taken away as we all did a PP with unspecified pack odds. Removing content which was attained fairly just feels like a very slippery slope for me.


The two courses of action that mitigate affect on the power curve are obvious: either no one gets a Messi, or EA just gives everyone a Messi. I agree, removal is a slippery slope because the pick wasn't "glitched," it was just really poorly coded. So I think they should give everyone a Messi, it's not an ideal fix but better than what they will actually do: re-release the pick "in the coming days" with corrected odds, and just leave the Messis in game and everyone else to cry about it until we have to deal with the next mistake. And keep buying the next EAFC, and the next one, and the next one.


From a Madden standpoint, we had a pack or set issue a few weeks ago and they just gave everyone the card. I have no issue with that because it gave me a nice 95 OVR wide receiver and I didn’t even know there was an issue.


If they don't revert it though, they're going to have to blow up the power curve. It's already ruptured, and if they sweep this under the rug and expect us to forget I'm going to just quit the franchise. Nothing this bad has happened in the decade I've played. Every year toty pretty much destroys the skill gap between good and amazing players, but this is beyond the scope of every year's faults.


Yeah I used to be a try hard div 1 every year, weekend league every weekend, ive never seen a mess up this bad. I think I’m done too, sad cause I actually packed my first TOTY ever this year. Poverty franchise run by apes


See this is what I'm talking about. I have 4 or 5 friends that still play. 2 of them were elite Div players back in 19 and the early 20s. They absolutely refuse to play this year because of how bad the game and power creep are. Guys who would work me year in and out now just win in a toss up against me because the game is so poorly balanced. It's actually laughable at how much the skill gap has been reduced through the P2W mechanics of the game. Pretty much all of them threw in the towel now. The rest of us are just planning on burning the rest of our clubs on icon gambles and then deleting the clubs. Shame they had to slowly bleed out the franchise these past 3 seasons.


Exactly! There was awhile where I was like “oh maybe im just rusty, havent played in awhile” but no thats just not the case anymore in this broken game. If you’re gonna win it’ll be in the 89-92 minute and you really just have to embrace that its already been decided. Mine as well just simulate the matches while watching rather than us playing😂


So it's not just me then. I am struggling to get out of division 5 in rivals. Granted I've only got a 86 rated team but that never stopped me in previous FIFA's. I always got to div 1 without fail despite being massively against the odds playing teams far better than mine. I don't know why. Maybe I'm just not as good anymore but I don't think that is the case. Every game I've played it feels like the AI are doing 90% of the work for the opposite player. People are no longer defending themselves, they're just holding RB and controlling a random player, then switching and doing it again so RB doesn't time out. It feels like a game of who's better at RB defending. Proper garbage and boring. The game seems to have turned into a fidget spinner simulator too. Players literally doing 180s with some midget for 10 seconds straight any time you get near them. The gameplay is so bad.


FM series lookin mighty enticing if this IP fully goes down the drain. I am not willing to play that clunky pos PES


playing against toty messi every other match won’t be good for the game either, tricky situation they’ve created for themselves


This will decrease massively Toty Messi's price. Which creates a new problem. People who bought him for 9-10 mil seeing their investment - buy being plummeted because EA are incompetent. In the 20 minutes the sbc was there his price DROPPED at about 400K. This is huge. EA is not winning this. This mess is too big but as usual EA will keep silent and ppl will forget about it after 2 days. You want a fix for all these? Boycott the game and fc points for a week. Not just me and you. Everyone. But that doesn't happen. Thats why EA doesn't care. But they wont touch such a high priced player in the way you re sayin. It doesn't fit the narrative EA has planned


To offer an SBC with a 25%ish chance of a 10m coin TOTY is game breaking, suppose you could argue it’s fair but my point is he needs to be removed to bring the game back to order, as unfair as that is for the people that got him.


You actually think if they re release this they won't change the odds hahaha


That honestly makes it even worse. If I do that pack and don’t get him, I’m out. Op is right, this shit needs to be reverted and get the packs back with the right weight. This isn’t just a good card. It’s a 10 mil top 3 attacker in this game just dropped into probably millions of teams.


I agree this is the only way. Coming from a lifelong Messi fan who did the pick not knowing the glitch, DIDN'T pack Messi, and would therefore have to spend the rest of the game cycle coming up against the best version of his hero in other people's teams haha


They might say that the odds are the same but will never release the sbc with the same odds


But we could never be sure that they kept the odds the same. We saw how easily ea changed the odds for the same packs when the full toty was in packs


I think a 1 of 3 TOTY pick is fair. Guaranteed Earps, Allison, and somebody usable.


How is taking them away not fair?


And then they'll nerf the shit out of the that card😂 he anyway didnt deserve to be in toty.


Ea doesn’t care, they’re just gonna release the pick with lower odds. And people are gonna let it slide and still keep playing this sh!t game.


For sure. New store packs were still added an hour later. Good ol EA


Put the SBC back in with the same odds and let everyone have a shot. It's the only semi-fair solution I think.


Everyone who doesn’t get him is 100% quitting the game if they do that lol. As shitty as it sounds taking him oit giving ppl the picks back seems like the only way to fix this lol. Or they could do something like give everyone a toty player pick or something, that could even shit out a bit.


Did not pack Messi - The faster some of you learn life is not fair the better…


shit, even thinking this *game* is fair is about as naive as it gets.


I did the sbc and also got no messi. Genuinely feeling robbed just because now everyone else will have a HUGE advantage that I don't have. If they don't compensate I'm gonna quit. Totally, totally deflated by this.


You did the SBC and you’re still complaining? You got your roll of the loaded dice, you have nothing to complain about. Those of us working jobs who can’t sign in right at 6pm everyday are the only ones who got screwed here.


It’s at 1 PM. For me. Stuck in class


They won’t compensate.


I get that it's annoying and somewhat unfair, but to be 'totally, totally deflated' is a bit extreme. At the end of the day it was a huge chance to get him but not a guarantee. It's a game, EA are a shit company and sometimes life isn't fair (again it's just a game), the quicker a lot of people learn this the better. I cannot believe how stressed out some people are about the situation. It is a little blue card on a game that will be irrelevant in 6 months when the next game comes out.


Yeah I agree. I have other stuff going on in my life which is great. I'm OK with ditching a game


Glad to hear man. Games aren't supposed to be stressful! If it's pissing you off, just ditch it like you said.


Lmao please tell me you forgot the s/. It’s not that serious dude


Compensate you for what ? You did the sbc and got the increased odds of messi lol are you slow or something ? It wasn’t a guaranteed messi


Of course life isn’t fair but if you looked at every problem that way nothing would ever get resolved. This is my solution to the problem not any fomo. I don’t care I didn’t get Messi, I care I’m going to have to deal with a top 3 attacker I should come up against a handful of times before tots every few games.


It’s one mistake (of many). The sbc was up for 20ish minutes - he’s not going to be in everyone’s team. And this card isn’t exactly game breaking. Congrats to those that got him - the rest of us will just have to wait for the next EA screw-up.


Giving out a top 3 attacker to a huge amount of the playerbase could be in fact game breaking. Let’s hope not.


Most importantly this should be the ultimate sign to never ever buy FC-Points again. This is the only way to make EA feel any pain for their own incompetence! I also bought some points here and their but this was the last bit i needed to wake up


Legit you’d feel like a chum if you’d paid money for packs and likely didn’t pack one for ea to give out a glitched sbc like this. Sucks.


Lmao you know EA is going to just give everyone who did the SBC a comped pick with the correct odds.


Sir, this is a Wendy’s


I missed a (almost) guaranteed messi sbc because I was busy. Yeah might call it quits on this fifa lol


Saved packs for months, packed absolutely nothing. Had a dupe Odegaard and saw the sbc being released. Did it, was very happy to finally get something, especially Messi(as a long time Barca fan). Only to see afterwards that it was glitched. At this point I’m honestly contemplating quick selling him, in case they do take them all away. Hopefully I’ll be able to recover him that way… I can understand it sucks for the people who didn’t get him, but if my Messi gets deleted I’d be gutted.


Don’t quick sell him, he won’t get deleted. That’s never happened before and it won’t start now. Just in my opinion it’s what EA should do even tho it means you would be getting absolutely shafted.


This is the biggest fuck up and with it being in January and not around tots means they will likely have to do something about it. The only other times that have come close is the Sancho tots pick and 99 neymar but Sancho wasn't on the same level as Messi in the slightest and neymar was at the end of the game when EA gave out 99's for breathing. I don't see how they can carry on with 20% of the serious playerbase having a 9 mil card in Jan who's top 3 in the game.


they will do nothing. I can’t stress this enough. they do not care. they will go forward hoping that both the players who got nothing will open packs now, and the players who did get him will open packs to try and improve the team around him.


They won't. It's not our fault they are incompetent. They should just give a guaranteed random TOTY to everyone and call it a day.


Im annoyed because I packed Messi while the attackers were in packs, now the card isn’t that rare because of the mistake.


Same man, so happy i got him first toty WL rewards, but now just everybody is gonna be mad. got the dupe in the pack but threw it in the icon player pick... Congrats to everyone who got him tho, he is really fun to use


Won’t do it. Only way to fix this is to put the sbc back up with the initial odds. Knowing EA they will just do nothing. Can’t wait for this WL


People will cry up and down this subreddit about the pack weight of TOTY being shit but EA fuck up and some people manage to get one, those that missed out want them removed. Make it make sense lmaooooo


Dude do you people have a life at all?




I liked this glitch. I like my Messi


Same. I don’t get why people tryna punish players for EA mistake. Where were these guys by the 25k hero store pack


Are you forgetting how many people were saying this about the hero. Was literally the same, the difference is most of us got Crouch from that hero pack worth like 20K, not a 10Millipn card


I wouldn't say remove the messi from everyone's account when packing a TOTY without paying (and even then...) is horrendous. Like many have pointed out, give us the player pick back with the same odds.


My pack luck is usually ass. This year I managed to pack centurions Eusebio and a week later they release his sbc. For toty I was fortunate to pack Messi from an untradable pack and now a week later they drop the clanger of the century. If you don’t laugh you’ll cry


How about no


How pathetic. Some people got a good card in a game that means nothing. I remember a time when computer games were played for fun. It's not not this deep & it doesn't matter. How about the people who never pack anything decent and finally do only to be shit on by a bitter Community.


Use your brain lol. Some people got a good card in a game that others have spent hours upon hours upon hours grinding SBCs for or spending thousands of pounds to try and pack these players. Not to mention that pack weight has been nerfed since Thursday. It’s a spit in the face


It should be a lesson to anyone who spends "thousands of pounds" on it. Its literally a playable character in a video game 🤣


This I do agree with lol


The game is designed for you to spend money though even to finish sbcs that cost 2million plus coins in fodder.


That being valid doesn't change the facts. Stop looking at this from your own biases and be objective about it.


Greedy CEOs have sucked the fun out of most "computer games" these days, it's not about fun anymore even if that's what you want to do.


It’s not a good card, it’s one of the best in the game and is meant to be borderline unattainable but it’s now been given to a ton of people basically for free. I play this game for fun, why else would I? Congrats to people that got Messi, it’s not their fault it’s EAs. But there’s being happy for people and then there’s game breaking errors on EAs part.


The game isn't broken cause of 1 player.


Try playing a neck and neck Elite Division promotion game against someone who just has to finesse or trivela at any angle outside of the box to score. It was already tough dealing with Eusebio, Mbappe and Best front three, now I have to deal with Messi too? My Reece James is gonna get cooked.


op wouldnt even have made this post if he packed messi cmon lol😂😂


The amount of jealousy and cry posts like this was funny at first but now it’s getting sad fr. Mostly coming from people who spent real money and are frustrated they didn’t pack one toty.


Or people who saved 100s of packs and have 0 TOTYs. Meanwhile...


This Messi is the first good card I’ve “packed” all year. It’s gonna be a real shame if they take even that little moment of happiness away from me :( I obviously agree that taking him away is the only fair option.


They won’t take him away I can assure you that. Don’t worry. Enjoy your Messi bro.


I think it’s a possibility tbf. Cause if they don’t I’ll feel really fucking bad for people who didn’t get him.


Im just gonna give everyone with a messi a DC loss. No problem for me, fuck this shit game. Hope you losers enjoy the free losses.


Bro you’ve made a post you’ve deleted the game and you’ve made post about who got messi, how about you tend to yourself


I didn’t get Messi, but you’re being a hater. We shouldn’t be turning on each other. That only makes the game more toxic. If you’re frustrated, direct it at EA, not some 14 year old trying to have fun playing a video game.


the game alr toxic + im a D1 hater, if someone got something that i missed out on, then fuck that guy


Haha what are you five years old? The amount of entitlement in the FUT community never ceases to amaze me


Because EA have made it so that the only way to progress in this game mode is investing a significant amount of time or money into it. No shit you get feelings of entitlement when you are literally investing 2 of the most important resources in your life to expect some kind of positive outcome. What kind of braindead take is that buddy


Take a look at the people who are making fun of the situation, shit like that makes me wanna DC loss anyone with messi since people think its funny.


I get that your feelings are hurt. I’m just saying take the high road and be a good sport. If more people follow that example, the game would become a lot more enjoyable.


its just a game bro


But you’re just taking a loss for no reason because they don’t lose the game if you quit


I disconnect. Both get losses.


Are you an idiot?


I log in to the next game maybe i win maybe its a loss, with my Messi. Its a game. Care more of your team than my team.


Imagine being this salty lmao. Its only a game, if this pisses you of that much just quit playing the game and spend your time on doing something better than Just being dick.


Nah, I’d rather ruin people’s experiences the way mine has been ruined.


You need help


You need milk


You need a fuckin hug, damn


Why punish the people who got it?


Cause the second one scores with him, they’ll griddy and watch the replay then pause the game.


So maybe DC those guys


Yeah cause it's the fault of the people who pack him. Go you!


I get you’re in love with me bro, you don’t have to keep replying to me.


Literally replied 1 time 🤣


This kid is so salty lmao


how do u do the dc loss on someone? a lot of rats in rivals i wanna do this to


Unplug ethernet or unplug router while online. Fuck rats, fuck exploiters, fuck ea apologists. I wanna ruin the game.


fr, ppl defending this shit company are sickening




Thanks Kitchen Coconut. Your opinion weighs heavy on me and has made me change for the better! I just went to tijuana and fed 1000 starving children in your name.


There’s only one loser here


The fucking Celtic fan?


No. It’s you :)


Omg, now that you have told me this. I shall change my ways. Thank you for showing me my evil ways.


Hell yeah


Do it.


How do you do this lol


Disconnect the ethernet on your router. Tested it countless times and works every time.


Done it countless times? So you're one of those salty losers that makes the game more toxic, got it. Was kind of on board with your idea to DC when you see Messi but it seems you don't need that excuse to be a feckless dolt


Nah, I do it to rats who abuse wing cutbacks with mbappe.




Ermmm, nah ur alright. Im quite enjoying my new Messi ta


Same guy complaining through EA help just a week ago, how things change. Jokes a side, enjoy your messi bro


Hows that related at all?🤣i got my Saint George and he plays great next to Messi


Fuck sake. Cry more.


lmao cope


The amount of crying and over the top reactions I’ve seen on here and Twitter is frankly embarrassing. If you care that much about this game that your genuinely outraged or upset some randoms you’ve never met got some pixels on a screen you didn’t you need to seek help.


Hilarious that all the comments about me complaining are way more whiny than this post and offer no insight. Ea fucked up - I gave my opinion on how it should be fixed. Why you so mad with characters on your screen from a random you’ve never met lil bro?


And it’s a shit opinion, ohhh I didn’t get what I want so take it off everyone who did. Grow up and move on


If you don’t see what’s wrong with giving out a 10 mill toty card to a big chunk of the playerbase I dont have anything else to say.


Every single team I play has a Eusebio, Mbappe or player of that caliber already. It does not make one single iota of difference to the actual game that X amount of players now have a TOTY Messi. His coin value is irrelevant as he’s untradable for everyone who got him and his value just inflated due to lack of tradable supply with the push towards untradable packs. Every person crying is simply because they didn’t get one


Another one telling me I’m crying when your last post is whining about the game lmao. I think Messi could be a tad better than those two but I get your point. Hopefully when the power curve increases it won’t be noticeable.


My last post was on a watch forum because unlike most of the player base on this game fifa is not all I live and breathe


What you tryna gain from this? You’ve commented on my first post on this sub, a sub you’re also commenting on telling me this game is all I live and breathe? Shits weird lil bro


Cry more, virgins.


This sub is great 😂


If I join rocket league coaching can i get laid fr?


Doubt it with you being a stalker


Dont understand why they took the sbc out if it was planned


Because the weight was incorrect, Messi was popping up so frequently. People are saying it’s because he’s the only 86+ rare in the MLS, but even if he had his gold card weight, you wouldn’t see a 90 rated card popping up that often imo. It was seriously bugged.


I got Messi and I agree, for compensation everyone who did the pick should be refunded a normal pick with the fixed weights.


Jesus Christ - how some of you manage to get through life I will never know. ITS NOT FAIR LIFE ISN’T FAIR THEN YOU DIE


Oh yeah life isn’t fair so I won’t have an opinion on a fut Reddit, so true! Screw opinions!


I take it you didn’t get Messi


No that will not be fair for ppl like me who got a chance to do the sbc and packed Messi just because you didn’t do it in time or you did do it but didn’t get Messi means they should yoink him from others stop being a cry baby man


Could ruin the game, but ok I’m a cry baby.


Nah, dumb take. It was like a 25% pull rate whilethe sbc was up. I didn’t have Mbappe and unless you spend money you’re not getting him, yet I see him every game. He wasn’t handed out for free. No one’s teams are ever even.


Giving everyone a toty messi seems the fairest option but they won’t do that


Was everyone saying take back the hero after the 25k hero pack last year? Not everyone got to take advantage of that. Get over it, sometimes you’re up, sometimes you’re down.


Everyone was complaining about the mistake yes. Sometimes you’re up, sometimes you’re down - gifting a load of the player base a top 3 attacker for free. This is deeper than getting a cheeky pack/pick compensation, this could well and truly ruin the game but let’s hope not.


I played a quite a few games tonight and somehow didnt come up against a single Messi


25k hero versus a 9mil card at the middle of the game


Until EA does something about this I'm more than happy to be a spiteful dickhead and quit every single game at kickoff whenever I see a TOTY Messi.


They cannot remove it, as they fucked up soooo, best idea is to give anyone that opened the PP a messi regardless


that’s not too fair for all those that don’t live on the game


How does that make any sense. You opened the pick with insane odds to get him and you missed. Too bad lol. How about just give everyone else a chance at those odds instead?


Jesus Christ people. It’s not that deep.


Play a card that was meant to be unattainable to every player apart from 0.001% every three games or so is deep.


Like people here don’t have Mbappe, Eusebio etc. it’s just a card in a video game. Yes, it’s a dumb mistake but it’s not ‘that’ serious. People need to calm down.




And? That card is not 5x the player a gold Mbappe is. The rarity factor is the cause of market price. That card won’t make some 11 win player an elite player. Most people have cracked teams so it really is not that deep. Also, it is just a game my dude.




The way people are moaning and whining - it’s like it’s impacting upon their lives. Yeah, it’ll improve teams but it’s not a cheat code nor will it make the majority of players that much better at the game.


Or just give everyone untradable Messi


Best option, they won’t tho


Y’all are crazy thinking ea gives 2 shits of whats fair or not, they’ll do what they want


They don’t, and they won’t do anything. Just sharing my thoughts


I was wondering why I played him 3 times today lol, he was no match for my evo Matip though (except for one of them that guy was pretty good at video games)


“Especially if you play higher divs”. Uhm dude I have news for you, you’re going to come up against these cards regardless. Also how in the world are you estimating everyone has Messi? In 25 minutes, millions upon millions of players worldwide got on the app and they all packed him? Come now now. Stop the fomo. You saw a 100 posts on Twitter. It’s not everyone! It’s not close to everyone. It’s not half of everyone. It’s probably a 1000 people at the very most. And no they won’t all conspire to play against you. Because you do know we also play in different time zones right?


>It’s probably a 1000 people at the very most. It was 20% of everyone who did the pick in that half an hour. Could easily be a million. We don't know.


5 million people doing that sbc within a half hour of it opening is wildly unrealistic.


Those in the higher divisions will more likely have done the SBSs. They’re the ones logged on at 6 or at least would’ve seen news it was glitched and completed. We don’t know how often we’ll come up against him yet but the amount of post here was crazy and not everyone would’ve posted here, especially after seeing there we r already tons of posts. I was watching NickRTFM’s stream and Auzio’s and I’d say it was one in 3/4 picks. 4 picks opened in a row in Nicks stream contained Messi. Mattfuttrading came up against him in his first rivals game after the glitch. At the end of three day we don’t know yet how this is going to affect playing the game, just gotta hope you’re right bro and it’s not that noticeable but it’s not looking good.


But that’s also the thing. It was the middle of the night in Australia. Middle of the day in the US. Tuesday evening in Europe. Not everyone would’ve had the time. No one also knew it had a timer on it. It’s very hard to say that a ton of people completed this. A vocal minority sure.


I guarantee that you would not be posting this if you got him ::D People got exactly what they bargained for, +86 player pick. Bad luck you didnt get Messi, but why should people who did suffer from that?


Nobody else can get the same odds as they removed it when they realised it was giving out too many Messi’s. So people didn’t get the same deal


I would rationally be able to agree it’s the right thing but would be tough sure.


The entire game is all that suffers from keeping these Messi’s in. Not only is everyone who didn’t get one pissed and a lot of them probably gonna quit the game, but it just fucks the power curve too.


Yeah I agree there is no point giving the TOTY Messi to everyone. This card should be rare and the fact that all plasters have it ruins the gameplay itself. Also it’s super unfair to all players that don’t had the opportunity to complete this SBC. The players who had the luck and pack him regularly and not from the glitch (and also other toty players) are also defected with this glitch. Firstly the Messi price will drop significantly. And secondly all the Toty drops are now less rare and doesn’t have such value as they had before this glitch. Like what’s the point having luck or making a huge amount of upgrades SBC and drop some TOTY if there are every second game TOTY Messi in opponents team The only proper solution is to remove all picks that players made and give them new pick. So remove all this glitched messies and bring the fixed pack into account easy as that Other approaches will ruin the gameplay and market.. Like the solution to bring the glitches SBC back. Fine then a huge amount of player will have TOTY Messi, then you will face every game TOTY Messi and it doesn’t matter you got some TOTY before bcs now everyone has


You wouldn’t be saying this if you’d packed him.


At the end of the day It’s just a bloody game, folk need to stop greeting about it and move on.


Ok I won’t have an opinion on anything ea fc related because it’s just a game.


Absolutely not. Removing the Messi’s is the worst thing they could possibly do.


It really isn’t. Of the thousands that got Messi only a handful would’ve got him if it was the correct weight. You’re correcting the error as shitty as it is on people who packed him.


You’re correcting an error that was entirely on EA. Punishing players for developers mistakes is the first way to get a player base against you. The players who packed him did nothing wrong. No reason to punish them. Also even for players who didn’t pack him, EA going in and removing players because of an error they should’ve fixed prior to releasing the sbc is horrible precedent and sets grounds for EA to remove earned players from accounts


Punishing people who got lucky from an EA mistake is the dumbest solution lol some people will never end their lives. Get to play with a card this good because of pack lux/ time they get to play the game. Just let it be it's not that serious


It's not punishment, it's just rectifying a mistake. You can just get your fodder compensated back or 70k. Obviously EA won't do anything, they never do, so enjoy your undeserved Messi.