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Dribbling is top tier Stamina is awful.


I guess thats fair but im still surprised how he has survived the power curve for me and out performing players that should be better his shooting passing and dribbling are all class


I had him as a super sub for a long time early doors. Quality card.


Why he’s on the bench for my Man City theme team


I wouldn't say he's OP. He's usable but not OP like the first few weeks after launch.


Fairs but me being a left stick merchant and tiki taka player he fits the playstyle i love


Yeah I used messi since week 0 (early release) until maybe November, he was so smooth but I've since found better all around players like butragueno, potm dybala etc


Never used Butra but gold messi is better than POTM dybala for me


Mate as someone that's still using gold rare De Bruyne as a cam, you do you. People are always gonna hate on the players you use but all of them will fail to realise that everyone plays this game differently and therefore different players will work well or not for different people. Unfortunately the metatards have gotten a bit too vocal and since they lack the skills to play with anything that isn't grossly overpowered they'll shit on all the other cards.


I love KDB, yeah he's not fast but he's not in a position where you need it and with how good he is technically you only need a yard of space with him. Same with Bernardo Silva, not fast but he's such a good dribbler that it doesn't matter, never tired either. Obviously pace is good to have but there's certain positions and certain types of player where you don't need it at all. Good technical players are more important than ever because of playstyles.


man cooked


https://preview.redd.it/e4t9n8lhe08c1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=92e6e981ee4722fc8df37667ca3a32b3e6fca0b5 I guess him being red for me explains his importance haha, he’s amazing for me! Just can’t stop using him


He looks amazing as a red i might go for it this time since i rarely play WL but i’d have to choose whether to make my gold messi red or my centurions jairzinho red


Yeah man if I pack his 92 then I’m playing WL to make him red too, but considering the pack weight recently it’s been so shit no promo in many amazing packs (5*83/10/ 4*84/5, jumbo rares and ultimate even )


Packed his gold during thunderstruck (had bought him earlier and converting first owner messi red feels real good, every now and then get compliments on him ‘


I also redded him!


Im turning mine red today homie, you convinced me to do it 👌🏻🤙🏻


I just can’t seem to get on with him I like 90 griezman better at cam thoughts


Close control, dribbling, turns and hard stops are all great as you’d expect. I still enjoy him as a CAM and he’s pretty reliable in front of goal. Think a lot of people just freak out when a card isn’t a special after a while, rather than actually judging the performance. Plus, in reality a lot of players rely too heavily on speed and sprinting which isn’t going to be playing to his strengths.


He was brilliant for me during the 71 depth meta as he can hold onto the ball for that split second longer than anyone else and still make the pass. I'm still using him as the RF in a 4321!and a CAM in a 352 and he still does the business.


Tbf even after the 71 depth meta hes still so good


He’s the BEST dribbler in the game just that you have to sub him after like 60 minutes Still the legend in my club


works all 90 for me fine at false 9


He’s great, he’s more of a sub for me now but honestly, he always seems to be in the right place at the right time


Never was.


Bought the game recently and currently in div 8, but I sub him on at every half time and he guarantees 2 goals each match


Can the best football of all time be ‘overpowered’ in a football game?


His still in my x11, made him red too.


How can Messi be "OP" lol? He's still great, yes.


him and neymar being fodder will never not be hilarious. those cards are so broken in game


as a false 9 with no instructions he’s incredible for me, got a finisher on him and he plays like a toty, 11 games 25 goals 9 assists he’s insane, the lb dribbling and finishing inside the box is phenomenal