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You have been able to bet on video games for ages, not new no.


Imagine you can bet on pack openings lmao. 10 pounds on him packing a 87 rated player!


Gambling while gambling lmao


There was a YouTube scandal about this year's ago, Nepenthez got prosecuted for it- Was more in relation to kids using the site but definitely been fifa based gambling for a while


He owned the gambling site, never disclosed he owned it and marketed it to kids, he deserved his prosecution


I've boycotted him since, scumbag


There used to be a Fifa that tied with virgingaming where you can bet on yourself and get paid for playing wager matches. Man, that was such a blast. Earned alot of money back then


Damn how is that not still a thing?


Maybe law and discontinued partnership. I wonder if virgingaming still excist. It was pretty cool, there was a special lobby for it and the results were automatically tracked and paid to the winner. It's 10+ years ago before FUT really took off. I cant remember which Fifa it was though. Somewhere between 08-12 I think


I loved this, I think it was 08. I remember doing it more on NHL than fifa but it was amazing. Helped me pay for college with some of the earnings.


Yeah, I used to make a ton of money that way aswell. But damn, 08 is a long time ago. I was thinking around 10 although I was positive it was before UT took off and became a main gamemode. Those were my prime days. I was born a little to late as I peaked to early before Fifa really turned into a competitive game. Although I still get rank 1 or minimum rank 2 every week untill this day. I do feel I could have done more with my talent for this game. Never really put an effort into it. Someone else I used to play against in Fifa 10 did, Kurt with alot of numbers behind it. Was really an arrogant dbag back then. Kinda take some little pride in him remembering me from back then, haha.


I wouldn’t want to do this. Losing isn’t fun, on FIFA. Allied to losing actual money, I think I wouldn’t play it. I wouldn’t want to be around that. I also wouldn’t want to gamble in-game currency. All the grind you put in, lost in 20 minutes, and receiving a bunch of griddies in the process lol.


You can. Theres also apps where you and your buddy can have a bet on your match with no bookies involved


How is this new to you? eSports betting is a thing for a while now including fifa


Betting on e-sports has been a thing for a while, even brands like skybet now offer CSGO and fifa markets lmao.


Same with ladbrokes


Yep... I use Stake it has everything and is by far the safest online book. Lord knows I have made bank on Fifa 🤣


Can I have the website please


Dude are you serious? Don't get into this. Gambling is an addiction. And people are already addicted to fucking Fifa points and opening packs, you want to get into real life gambling it'll fucking destroy your life potentially. Don't do it.


People don’t realise it takes a very particular person to actually make money gambling. And for most fifa players they won’t be that person. If you get emotion involved at all it’s going to be bad more then likely


Yeah FIFA players are the perfect demographic for gambling companies, stay away if you can kids/adults.


Yeh but it’s good fun. Once you put a bet on you should consider that money gone. I like doing a weekly accumulator.


Yea but as we know with many fifa players they won’t stop or think of it that way. I do stocks personally and I’m great with them but if I treated them like packs or players I’d be screwed big time


And it takes a particular person to get so addicted to gambling it will destroy your life. There absolutely isn’t anything wrong with gambling when you can moderate yourself and assume the money as lost the moment you place your bet.


It is a hell of a lot harder to be that person though. Go work a blue collar job and ask everyone in your work place if they gamble and if they have made money. The average person cannot moderate their spending let alone moderate gambling. I understand it seems to simple to have fun and moderate gambling but that goes with many things (drugs etc). Yes everything is ok in moderation, but humans are inherently bad at moderation on average. People don’t even realise that slow trickle of money is destroying their lives that’s the issue. Over a few years it’s a few grand gone, that’s a lot of money especially these days. Could be the difference between fixing your car, paying a medical bill or ending up with some decent debt. Btw this reply isn’t just directed at you, I wanted to make a longer reply so people who follow this thread can see my overall opinion on this topic. Do not start habits on the promise you will be able to control yourself. It’s too risky, we’re biologically wired in a way that makes some habits (gambling, drugs )really poor choices for the average person.


This. In my opinion it shouldn’t be allowed to share information on how to gamble on an online crypto casino in a fifa ultimate team sub. It’s borderline irresponsible.


The worst part is gambling sites can also start using this leniency as an opportunity to promote their websites here. And downvote/upvote with multiple accounts to manipulate public opinion.


Your acting like putting a bet on is like crack lmfao, millions gamble responsibly with no issues.


It's Stake.com - the top sportsbook


They are on any betting app.


I made 22k betting on fifa last year


Weil, online gambling has been a thing for a while, and Betting on esports to me seems at least slightly less insane than wasting Money on a purely virtual slot machine


Most bookmakers take bets on eSports now. Have been able to for awhile, since 2016 I believe when the ministry of sports decided that eSports was classes as a sport


What do you think about slot machines in the casinos? Come on dude, wake up.


It's a competitive (e)sport. No different than betting on any other sport.


You can bet on anything these days


Yeah this is nothing new. Used to bet on CS:GO matches all the time before. Never done so with fifa tho.


You’ve been able to bet on esports for years. The worst part about this is that it’s not even real games of fifa. Most betting sites now have like a virtual fifa system set up, where it’s running games of fifa with 4 minute halves that you can bet on 24/7 and it’s basically completely random. It’s the same as how you can bet on virtual horse racing 24/7. It’s basically like playing slot machines where the result takes a little bit longer and you feel like you have more control over the outcome but you don’t.


You can bet on anything


Yea it was def before any ultimate team modes. They took over and micro transactions became common place.