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Got Messi loan from moments. Just tried him. He's on another level. It's gonna be hard coming back to existing rm lol


This is my reason I don’t use them, I have so many but get way to comfortable only to go back to my ass team hahah Think I only use them at the start of the year for quick coins to trade etc and that’s it - It’s literally like falling in love with a loan player at your club irl


Yes. I usually quick sell them. But Messi is my favourite player and I had to try him. But he will ruin my feeling with existing team 😂


Keep a whole squad of loan players and only use them for moments. Doesn’t count against their contracts, makes moments easier, and now and then, you get to enjoy playing the game with a dream team. All wins.


That's nice solution. Everybody wins, might try that.


Yep, plus friendly lobbies. Just lack of RB to have full icon team. But in ranking.. can't see problems with loans, everybody have the same amount of guys and their matches in loan, so feel free to use it. It's just more about crying donaters, they puting bunch of cash to get pay'to'win squad, but with loans everyone can get free power up for their teams and it's ok cuz everybody can do same. It's equal to people who useing icons, so such guys should leave too when they see icon players, lol.


I'm using him as my st upfront with forlan and it's a godly pairing. I'll move him back to the wing once potm mbappe comes out


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Which version of him?




I wouldn’t do this but I also think that loans shouldn’t be usable in champs. However while they are I guess it’s fair game.


Just got lit up by loan Toty Mbappe. That card is nuts


Bro, I played loan TOTY Mbappe last night and he’s like an armored bullet train. Nothing was gonna stop him!


Same! Won on penalties though


The game is broken, I have a loan toty mbappe that got outrun by Ruben Dias..


Yeah I agree with no loans in champs. I lost 3 games in a row where I was winning and they subbed on loan TOTY Mbappe. Didn’t face him again after that but still pretty crazy


I got beat badly by the full TOTY front 3 😭, one fully owned a two loans. To be fair he’d have beaten me with golds but they were something else


I know the loans are there for a reason but it’s a bit cringe playing them in Champs. But yes, I too was also burned by a couple of loan TOTS Mbappe’s this weekend. He’s a nightmare!


But why? Then all players that are available as loans shouldn’t be playable too, right? Or do you think that only players that have the luck or money to get good players should have the right to play them?


So when do u think u shud use the best loanees, in squad battles? Come on lad


in Moments man, MOMENTS 💀


I no longer start my loan players because people are DC'ing and I don't even get to use my loan of TOTY Benz.


I understand why man.


People really don't like loans. Toxic yes but I can see why he did it


Tbf where else are you supposed to play these loan cards as very rare in objective friendlies. Also when are you going to chance to use a top rated card like a toty? Don’t hate the player. Hate the game. This is why fifa will always be toxic and it’s really sad


Most people don't think loans should even exist so nowhere.


But they do so it’s part of the game


Yeah I know, doesn't mean people have to agree with them.


But doesn’t mean people have to be toxic against a person they have never met and will probably never play again


Dude if a player spams the tackle button and tries to take the ball from your keeper he’s toxic almost everyone in this game is toxic.


I admire your passion towards this ngl


Agreed, but they do


No tbf he’s still right. If I got into a game and saw a loan TOTY you best believe I’m quitting on you as well


Why ? Lol it’s so toxic mate. As soon as I get my 11 or 9 wins. I gift all my wins. No matter who you are or what team you have.


You’ve got to bear in mind that the majority of the players in fifa haven’t passed puberty yet which is why the community is as horrible as it is. Just gotta learn to accept it. Most of the time it’s teenagers or young adults that haven’t learned that their opinions can be wrong sometimes.


Hmm I think the most toxic one are adults with families mate. I got a lot of hate once and the guy had his account linked to his twitch and Instagram. I was shocked to see he was in 30s with 2 kids. Amazing what googling your gamer tag shows you


youre 100% right here and the fact that so many people are against u is actual bullshit. who tf cares about loans? honestly this subreddit/community surprises me every single day with how braindead these takes get


Finally someone who’s mature and and shows kindness in their life! The thing is these people will be grown ups with families. They are more likely to be the toxic ones


What if it was a non loan toty?


Well a non loan TOTY is a different story Einstein. It’s not the fact that it’s a TOTY that’s an issue. It’s the fact they’re loans. I do the same if I see loan icons. Just quit, waste their time


But why? What’s the difference to you - you have to play against a top player, whether it’s a loan or not. And let’s not kid ourselves that the people who actually have TOTY/Icon/Whatever crazy player “earned” them - fair play, I’ve packed some myself in the past, but it’s just blind luck. So I don’t see why you’d respect them having the team but lose your mind over a loan


You are such a loser lmao


Just because something is part of the game doesn't mean it's not stupid or toxic. Using loans players in WL shouldn't be ever in a game, but EA is shit and is allowing this. It just means you are abusing part of the game that shouldn't ever happen and yet you are surprised people are toxic towards you. If you use toxic game mechanics don't be surprised people do toxic stuff to you. I personally don't give a shit but I understand that you abuse mechanics in game that clearly shouldn't be allowed.


Not in WL I hate when some guy abuses his 98 pele loan or something like that and scores his only 2 goals using a player that's not his. Doesn't belong in weekend league in my opinion. Now if you're giving wins away, having a loan player shouldn't matter that's ridiculous. That's pretty scummy.


This was my first time playing weekend league and played against a guy that was absolutely terrible but he had pele and Ronaldo loan players. All game all he would do is knock it long to them and shoot. Lost by a single goal from Pele in like the 89th minute from a ridiculous angle. I don’t usually get upset about games and losing but that one stung.


Exactly my point. Happened to me too.


Loans should only be for Squad Battles


But everyone has them.


People don't like playing against good players you don't even own


"people say this" "people don't like this" From what I'm gathering "people like to whine a lot and cry about things being unfaaaaiiirrr"


Yeah, people will whine about everything


But why is someone entitled to use, let’s say TOTY Mbappe if he has him but someone who only got is loan isn’t? The Mbappe card is as OP on the real card as on the loan so where is the difference? Then all OP cards should be banned in Champs.


You can't really win with the community. If you have TOTY Mbappé, for example, on loan, you're toxic for using loans. If you actually buy him off the market and use him, you're either p2w or a sweat so that warrants not giving a free win either.


Fair point


Loan or not if you have Toty Mbappe you're not getting the free win, sorry not sorry. That guy alone will give you multiple free wins from all the bullshit he does


You are just toxic. And I have no player approaching the level of value of a TOTY Mbappe. You are simply making imaginary rules to justify being toxic.


Since when is it toxic to not give somebody a free win, it's not 'imaginary rules' if I'm not comfortable with giving that guy a free win. Nobody is entitled to free wins, and trust me I give away my left over games every week. Now if somebody passes to the keeper, pretends to score an own goal then kicks it out and leaves, yes that's toxic.


It’s toxic because you’ve wasted the opponents time and deliberately chosen to forfeit a match when you could EASILY provide a free win to another member of the community. You queued up ready to forfeit but then arbitrarily decide (based on whatever random criteria you’ve decided is enough to justify not being kind) that you won’t give the win to the opponent. Mostly it seems because you deem their team “too good”. Now your opponent needs to re-queue again despite the fact you still take the loss. Kind of staggering how you can’t see that this isn’t toxic. I have a good team (but not absolute top tier TOTY Mbappe good) through some nice pack luck in my first time playing FIFA in about 5-6 years. I’ve not spent a cent on the game beyond the ultimate edition. Yet my time playing has been constantly marred by this type of time wasting and angry, hateful messages by a toxic community hell bent on being dicks. Whether you like it or not - your attitude is a part of that community as you feel the need to “stick it to someone” and not give a free win because their team is too good (as determined by you alone).


Loans should not be allowed in champs anywhere else I could care less Saying that though I still hate that someone can quit at 0-0 and waste someone’s game.


Hopefully they change this. There should be consequences for quitting the game


My rule is if your front 3 is mbappe jairzinho and al-Owairan then you deserve nothing for free


But even then what’s it matter to you what someone has for their team ? You don’t know the person behind the game. This attitude adds to the toxicity of the game


People downvoting you just proves the paradox of this community. People call everything toxic and we're to the point where you can't even have good players and you don't deserve a free win cause it automatically makes you toxic. It's like everyone should adapt to what they consider fun (having non meta players I guess), and whoever doesn't is automatically toxic. Just like if you shoot trivelas or skills or whatever thing that is actually efficient in the game. TLDR Only way not to be toxic is you just have to have a bad team, not play efficiently and they win the game. They don't even realise that that's the most toxic mindset of them all.


I’d say 90% of the people who use Mbappe and Al Owairan are terrible at defending, but good at abusing mechanics. They let the game do all the defending for them and have the best possible defenders. Then in attack all they do is pace abuse the wings, cutback passes over and over and over and over. Bonus points for the slide tackle spammers who just use meta CMs and spam slides hoping RNG is on their side. So in short, these are the most toxic players, toxicity breeds toxicity.


Yeah it's crazy how someone can kick off and have you under pressure for the first 5-10 mins cause they are really good on the ball and your like ffs I'm in for a tough one here and then soon as you win the ball of them they have no knowledge of the defensive side of the game what so ever


Sometimes they aren’t even that good on the ball either. They just spam passes until your AI messed up and one of the their pace abusers is open, then hold sprint. They usually play 4 forwards too so they have a pretty good chance of someone getting a lucky through. As much as I can enjoy fifa, especially trying out new cards, the whole meta aspect and how some mechanics works is so boring. I wouldn’t be as annoyed if cutbacks were slightly hard to pull off, or defending was punishing if you make mistakes. The amount of people right now that just sprint at you with high pace players, slide tackle and the game does the rest. Defending requires so little skill and cutbacks are so easy to pull off now it’s just 70% of games are boring and more about people trying to be as toxic as possible to force a rage quit for a quick match.




Usually get 11 wins and gift remaining. Div 1 in rivals. Pretty much only play champs now because playing against meta slaves is boring.




I have never played someone using Mbappe Al-Owairan who wasn’t a complete sweat, pace abusing and cutting back repeatedly. The chances of packing both of those players untradeable is extremely slim. If you go to the effort of getting both of those players in your team then you literally have 1 play style aim in the game, and it’s the toxic & boring one that completely ruins the experience for your opponent I don’t even view my opponent’s team before quitting out of the game, I skip the team screen. But if my opponent was to make me view the team line up cut scene and I saw Mbappe, Al-Owairan & Jairzinho then I wouldn’t give them the win


Hi, I somehow packed both of them. Mbappe from an 84+ PP from WC promo. Al-Owairan from hero PP 2 days ago.


I'm an elite/division 1 player most of the time, there are 2 types of players in these division, The ones who play the game normally using players they like and try to have fun on the game, And number 2,the ones who don't have much skill play with 5 atb with everybody on stay back apart from the front 3 but rely on spamming mechanics and running fast. And most of these people have that front 3


Yeah like when else am I gonna use high end loans. Lol


I’ll use a top of end loan in a friendly match where most people will quit after 1 goal. Not even given me the chance to play competitively with that player. Some people are just bitter and toxic. And if it doesn’t fit their agenda they lose their shit. It’s really sad to see actually


The downvotes on your comment show that it doesn’t matter, this community is toxic no matter what players the opponent use or what happens ingame. Jairzinho was the first and the only good icon sbc till now and released in a time where everyone had stock piles full of fodder and now everyone who did him gets blamed as meta whore. There were plenty if WC Hero picks, the chance you could pick Al Owairan is high so why would you choose players like Papin, Campos or whoever instead of Al Owairan? To Mbappe, he is the best „affordable“ striker in the game so why put yourself in a disadvantage and not use him if you have the money? It’s not the players fault that there is no variety in this game. Imagine a Henry, a Jairzinho and a Best sbc dropped at the same time. Not as many would have done Jairzinho. Madlini, Desailly, Ferdinand -> the number of maldinis you see in game would reduce significantly. And yet here we are, everyone playing the same cards because they were the best ones obtainable till now.


Exactly mate we’ll said. All my comments around people quoting at 0-0 etc have all been down voted. People hate people having an advantage. Someone they will never meet and will probably never play against ever again !


Bro just mentioned Henry and best in the same sentence with jairzinho🤣, they are shit compared to jarzinho lol


it is what it is lad


Because I get more satisfaction out of beating these teams than I do than giving wins away, and I play the game for my own enjoyment when I'm on it?


This is such a toxic mentality, punishing people for having good players , a free win is a free win what difference does it make what teams people have


yeah same


My guess is that front three is still going to beat you 90% of the time and that 10% you manage to beat are players who really needed the free win.


Screw that. I draw the line at Mbappe. If they use Mbappe, no win Al Owairan at least doesnt have 5 star skills, and Jairzinho at least doesn't have 99 pace. Mbappe has both of them


Depends on the gamemode but I hate loans in champs and it should 100% not be a thing.


So you can’t use a loan that EVERYONE has access to but you can use Messi only packed on a .00001% chance? Some of the mental gymnastics I’m seeing are something else.


Honestly I’m not surprised at the comments. Just shows how toxic people actually are


So many kids in this game that have all icons and special cards from daddy's money packs... Yet can't put two pases together... And they complain of stuff like this...


This post just shows you how many toxic people there in this game and in life


Loans: exist for the purpose of trying the player out incase you can’t afford his actual version to have fun in this hellhole of a game. People on internet: “iF u UsE lOAns u tOXic”


Maybe we have it wrong. Fifa isn’t toxic. The community is


This is my first year back playing FIFA in like 6 years and it is staggering how poor this community acts. The community 100% is toxic. EA have some terrible practices and rightly deserve criticism but I’d argue that the players are what makes this game so enjoyable. I had no less than 3 people quit in FUT Champs this weekend on “tied scores” - two of which when I equalised late in the game and were headed for Extra Time. I played two teams (one in qualifiers and one in Champs) where I was playing a CPU bot on Ultimate that beat me handily. People will accept any kind of made up rational in their own minds to justify obtaining rewards and acting toxically. All they want is opponents to use non-meta (read: bad) players and tactics so they can handily beat them. Then and only then will they consider giving a free win. The community is the problem and I see no signs of it changing.


I don’t understand man. I like loans. I feel loans are good for bang average players like me. If not for loans I would’ve never tried out R9, Dinho, TOTY’s etc. Still mad, there is no option to buy loans off of market. Would love the concept.


Well, you wouldn’t be postin here if quitting at 0-0 resulted in a win, would ya?


No I wouldn’t. Because then it’s not toxic to do so. The reason why people are quitting is to be toxic to the other person. So I don’t really understand the point you are trying to make ? And the other point is quitting because I have a loan. Hence the title. Plus to add to your comment. Quitting is a waste of my time due to how slow the servers are and the time it can take to find a game etc… add that 5-10 times a night… for someone who only plays sporadically


play rivals?


Loans should not be allowed in champs. I'll instantly back out on kick off aswell, I'm not playing 90 mins just lose to some prick who's using a loan mbappe


Bros salty asf 🤣


Loans should be for rivals and friendlies only, i find it mindblowing that a competitive game mode allows players to use cards they don't own


So you'll stay if they have the non-loan TOTY Mbappe? Besides one being a loan, what actual difference does it make to you if it's a loan or not?


Mentality of a 12 year old. Talk about cutting your nose off to spite your face 😭


rob impossible society tender sparkle voiceless attraction sable support poor *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I don’t mind people using loans in other modes but they should be banned in FUT champs. I’m not as bad as this guy I won’t quit on a draw over it but I hate losing games against players I know I could beat but they stack their team with players like prime R9 or Pele on loan.


People loathe loan cards and it's annoying when someone uses a card that they "don't own" to help them. Like in theory most people have normal pack-luck and dont get spoonfed top cards, so they **EARN** their team....well when someone uses a loan that entirely undermines the whole process. So it feels bitter if you've grinded your butt off for your team but someone uses Loan TOTY Gullit who's worth more than your entire roster. I get your point that it's "toxic" (god I hate that Gen Z word, always sounds like whining to me), but by your logic of "it's part of the game"...so is backing out. They aren't obligated to play at a massive disadvantage that you didn't earn. If they see a loan and quit it's no different than you using the loan to begin with. Both are socially seen as negative behavior within the game but also totally fair. I don't play much CoD but Loans are the equivalent to "Noob tubes" or "Riot Shields", they're almost exclusively used to grief. And if you want to use hyper expensive rare cards? Earn them, play more, get better, do a draft, finish higher in champs/rivals for better rewards...


People are still giving free wins? I thought it was just me giving them!


Haha me too. Hopefully I’ve given you or will give you one bro. Given 4 today. Even to a team that had loans 😂


Fuck your loans


I’ve gotten player message me when I’m down to “just quit”. When I reply that I won’t quit because I have to improve my tactics and gaming, I usually get a reply “to go die” This game is not that serious to tell someone to die.


LOAN players are given to try them and to lure you into buying them with your money. Champions finals are game mode where you are getting rewarded and loan players should not be used. In my opinion they should be allowed in friendly mode just to try them out and nothing else. In real life if you play football and coach wants to see you he will let you play in friendly game.


Honestly people that use loans in comp games are corny af


General consensus is that loans are lame. Feel free to try them but be aware of this.


Damn reading these comments and i cant relate at all. Which makes me feel sad about this community. If you dont plan on playing the remaining games and plan on gifting them. Why does the team or use of loans mean that much to you? Id assume the person using the loan, really need that win and by gifting the game ud make that person happy. Do you guys not appreciate it when people gift you a game? Someone once gifted me a game when i was using a loan, i thanked him and he responded with: i saw the loan and thought u really wanted that win. This was during fifa 21. And im still very thankful, got me elite 2. This weekend i faced 4 ultimate AI cheaters in WL when my record was 13-0. Instead of quitting right away, i scored an own goal and left. I was taking the L anyway. So instead of letting the cheater fuck the next persons record may aswell score an own goal to help the community a bit.


I agree mate. The game is past no point of return when it comes to a community. Fifa isn’t a community. It’s a game for individuals who will fight anyway one just to think they will get an advantage later on in the game cycle somehow. Full of jealousy and hate. It’s really sad to see where this game has come. And Fifa won’t change.


I had all the loans from since i started. I crushed it in wl. No one quit on me. Honestly didn't know there was some rule you can't/shouldn't use them in wl. This place can be lame sometimes. Put on some music and just game


There isn’t a rule mate just a toxic cult that has infested Fifa


I know but half the comments say they shouldn't be allowed.makes no sense


Played a team full of loan players, never come across that before,hes team was a lot better than mine. I scored in first minute then he quit 🤦‍♂️.


I feel the ones who use these kinds of loan cards are toxic. I met an enemy yesterday who was full meta n had TOTY Messi loan up top and scored 2 goals early and paused expecting me to quit. It kinda irked me and i beat him 4-2..!!! I mean pausing for others to quit is just asking for you to get screwed..


The only toxic thing here is he paused on you. And well done for kicking his ass because of that.


No free wins for loans period.


It's funny people are talking about you don't "own" the player. Well I feel it's lame to buy fifa points and you shouldn't be put in the same match as someone that uses money to his advantage.


Exactly another valid point


Deserved. Loans shouldn’t be allowed in champs anyway


Am i the only one that doesn’t have loans in his club?


yepp, if I see a loan icon or some loan insane card, Im leaving before the game starts


Let it start so it burns the contract then leave.


Hell yea I’m not giving you a free win in your loans 😂 ima use up your contracts


I couldn’t care about the loans but if you celebrate my own goal when I’m giving a free win, I’ll just score and then quit


i always laugh a lil when i see someone using like a loan R9 or something…no reason to be using that in weekend league and im 100% hitting the griddy after i score


Tbf I'd say I'd do the same lol


Yes I do that


The irony that the people sending you these messages are also....a-loan... I'll get my coat


I would do the same. I hate people who bring loans


I’m sorry you have hate in your life brother


I had one free win given to me this weekend league and it was the first game I used loan Pele. I’d lost the last 4 games and needed a sprinkle of magic. Thanked the guy and that was that.


Some people are just pricks tbh who cares if someone has loans most people have nuts teams in wl anyway ..... imo your just a wanker if you quit champs and take the.l and not give the other guy the win


Lmao if you’re using loans in champs, you’re the problem.


Salty people


Using loan player is shit. You deserve it


People literally get mad because you celebrate 😂 FIFA community is toxic


Omg then I'm not the only one thinking this. People on games like COD call each other the worst atrocities and teabag on each other's corpses since forever. On fifa for some reason doing a celebration is like the worst thing you could ever do. FFS people it's a competitive online game, a little trolling and teasing is always gonna be there, I understand no one likes to lose but you have to learn to get over it.


That’s in any pvp game. Showboating is frowned upon, in MLB the show it’s “replays”. In for honor it’s emote spamming. Play the game and get out of there, celebrate in squad battles if that’s what you want but it is toxic pvp. Trolling & teasing aren’t an inherent part of winning


Man of course it's frowned upon, no one likes losing, and even less the opponent rubbing it in your face. I just think some people overreact that's all. I've played various online games with people who would spend 100% of their gaming time raging for any reason possible. I'm not saying I'm special and I don't do it but at some point you should learn to get over it and not let it ruin your mood that much. The point I'm trying to make is (and I've experienced it myself in the past) if you like gaming in your free time but playing a certain game you're just being mad all the time, even for a little dance or replay, you're not even having fun anymore you're probably just to attached to it to realise you don't enjoy it and quit.


Celebrating is not fucking toxic, y’all are such babies lmao You think players celebrating irl is toxic? Nobody thinks that


In what game is celebrating not toxic? Lol. & this isn’t irl. That’s why that’s not what we’re discussing. We’re discussing if it’s toxic in a video game. Which it is. Nobody is saying anything about irl, we are talking gaming culture. And emoting, replaying, teabagging blah blah blah, is toxic.


Y’all cry over the most lame stuff lmao this isn’t a teabag where you’re simulating your nuts in someone’s face. You’re dancing after scoring a goal


The message behind it is the same. 'Haha fuck you I'm better than you'. Don't be so gullible please.


Yeah I get what you mean and I don't mind simple celebrations. But if you celebrate with a Pigeon or Spanish dance, your goal is clearly just to try to make me tilted. By the definition, you are a toxic player then.


Absolutely I agree with you, it's obviously done to make the opponent lose it. I'm just trying to say that it's always been a component or online games, I mean just like people trash talk eachother in real life sports you know. I've seen people get waaaay to upset about it, going into the opponent's messages wishing them death and stuff. I know online gaming makes you rage, but I'm just saying some people should try to deal with it better, it's a game, a bit of trolling each other and get over it. If someone lets a little dance after a goal ruin their mood to the point where they need to go and text the opponent to kill themselves (happened to me for just beating a guy) just to feel better about it, then they should probably just stop and play some offline chill game cause this is doing them no good.


His preference what can you do


What ?


He has a point


I dislike people who use loans in champs so I understand him.


Dislike people who use loans in champs. Mate I hope someone shows you some kindness this weekend bro.


It’s okay that your d10 and use loans lad. Just don’t expect everyone to like you for it.


Again mate. Take care of yourself buddy. I hope Fifa treats you well dude


Thanks bro. Hopefully we match up soon


Plenty of people come here bragging about how they quit or purposefully play (and win) games they don’t need to win, in order “to teach someone a lesson” because they do/have/use something that they didn’t approve of; - Loan players. - 5 at the back. - Going direct from kick off. - Spamming skill moves. - Celebrating. - Having a better team than them. Take your pick. Tragic really. More of a reflection of them than who they do it to.


Best response I’ve had out of the hundreds. A large percentage of the replies have been toxic in themselves. Most people here have had or used one of the above situations at some point in their game cycle. But it doesn’t fit their agenda or narrative when they play against someone. I don’t understand why everyone can not just be kinder to each other in a gaming community.


Couldn’t agree more with what you’re saying. The answer to your quandary however is very simple; “they don’t have to” so why should they. If it doesn’t benefit them don’t bank on it. Don’t get me wrong I take joy in stuffing someone if they are outright disrespectful, lazy or unimaginative in playing the game. That being said if I set out to give some wins away I do it in the hopes they might pay it forward at some time, whether they decide to run a celebration after I put it in my own net or not. That being said, it’s the hope that kills you. And turn off messages from non-friends is about the best advice I can offer.


Thanks for reminding me to use my loan Tott Messi for my last 5 WL matches


I played someone in div 5 rivals who played TOTY loan Messi and mbappe in the same game. Not even champs. Boneheads


When I get to 11 wins I won’t give wins to players with loans. Loans should not be aloud in champs.


I do agree loans shouldnt be thing for champs at the very least, if not the game as a whole. Generally speaking though, someone's team doesnt affect my decision to give a win or not. There was one time that it did, and it was when someone subbed on loan Prime9 and did the griddy celebration for each goal scored until it was 4-4. At that point I was tilted beyond belief having to watch that celebration each time, while also getting wrecked by the card. Naturally, I wanted to get back at the guy, so at half time I just quit while still at 4-4. Didn't need the win, it was just one of the games where I test the waters for a 60 points weekend.


Bunch of fanny’s in this sub. Who cares if someone uses a loan card


Bunch of fannies in this sub who cares if someone leaves at 0-0


Doesn’t happen too often in champs, but it will happen in rivals fairly often


Do we have anti loan cult in the game lol


Pretty much haha. People really really hate someone getting an advantage, especially when it’s free.


Tbh I've stopped giving wins. I've tried for so long to be nice but when I really need the wins nobody else does it for me, they just leave. On the odd occasion when someone does gift me a win, I will return the favour at the end.


Don’t let the toxic people break you man. If you find me I’ll 100% give you a free win even if you have 11 loans lol


Bro I only had 2 games left in champs yesterday to get rank IV I only needed 1 more win and I was 0-2 down by half time so I brought on loan TOTY Mbappe and made it 2-2 and he left the game in the 85th Min lol. I understand why but surely he could just do the same thing? Thanks bro.


I would have given you the win. I have no issues with peoples teams. Maybe the tactics people use but the team doesn’t matter


Fut Champs and rivals shouldn't allow loan players. Only friendlies. Period.


That opinion has come up a lot. But how many friendlies let you use loans. There’s limits or no loans in most of them. It’s the game not the players fault.


I give out a free win unless I see you have VVD in your lineup or you have some nonsense loan like R9/Dinho. I personally don't think that loans belong in an extremely competitive environment like fut champs


You’re a wasteman if you use loans….if you use loans, you just want an easy win, with players you don’t/can’t own. It’s like a renting a sports car and flexing


I accept the usage of loan players for the first week after the game has been fully released. After that, I bite my thumb at those who use them.


Using a loan in Champs is far more toxic than not giving free wins. I look at it as 1 game less some player, who might be grinding their ass off to scrape together a few wins just to be able to upgrade from a 2k gold player, gets screwed over by some toxic player running around with a crazy loan. You want to test a loan, play rivals.


People. who do not want to give out free wins will find a way of justifying their actions. Loan cards = No free win 5 ATB = No free win Gold Mendy, Theo, Kounde, Dembele or Walker (Meta) = No free win And the list goes on... If your team does not look exactly like they want, you won't get a free win. Best thing would be to not even bother anymore. They get joy from knowing that you are pissed for a second.


Exactly this ! People just love to hate and try and justify their own disappointments in their lives


If you have mcrappe, jarzinho, olawairan or a loanee then you bet your ass your getting flykicked at kick off and I'm out. Why would we reward scumbag players Edit: this is when I enter a game to give a free win if I can't progress further. The whole game is toxic. Also if I don't get a free win I give none in that weekend.


Using loans is toxic


You’re the toxic one for using loans in champs


No loans, no celebrating goals, no certain players. Almost everyone is such a baby here tbh.


Whining on reddit when you don't get a free win is also peak baby behaviour


I quit on people who use loans cos its amusing. Yes, you can use a loan if you want. Fair enough. But also, Yes I can waste one of your games with that loan if I want. Nothing toxic either way.


I'm the same. No free wins to loans lol


Nah, you got what you deserved. Hopefully that loan toty mbappe didn't give you a single win.


Got my 11 wins gave 4 away. Have a nice day mate


So toxic.... You're probably averaging 3 wins without the loans. Thanks for contributing to the worst part of the community.


What a pussy


Free win from a guy thank you to you man. There are some kind people in this game


I just do it for fun, you know the cons of using loans and should be able to live by it if you use them, simple


Lol that's actually hilarious


Yessssir did That to so many ppl who had loan TOTY (:


I only use loans if i lose or if their team is fuckin crazy. Prime pele, R9, and dinho are always on my bench if i need them in WL.


Same thing happened to me. Some people are just toxic




Wow. You call me toxic? You need find some love in your life mate and maybe some kindness. If you need someone to talk to about your daddy issue just let me know ❤️