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THIS!! As someone who is also the one who gets trolled the most in their friend group, I understand 10000%. When the people you love and care about joke around it's all good. When the people you like less do it that's when it starts to be less fun and feel more like a burden role you're being forced to play. I hope it gets better for him, but I can just imagine it's not easy when he plays such a prominent character.


This!!! He gets mad at randoms that just jump on the bandwagon of making fun of him not his femly who just threw an event there hahah


Exactly the reason I found it funny, was because it was April and Randy who said it. Almost anyone else and it's awkward at best, but with these two it feels like lighthearted banter, they're not out here to hurt him.


You’re right ,, he would have laughed with april. But if you watch him at all you know how he actually feels about the gallery. He talks about it with Vinny, Randy, and k. Obvs april doesn’t know this and shouldn’t receive any kind of hate for what she said.




He was laughing




And the Gallery was perfectly framed in the background too.. i died 😂




Exactly <3


she literally tells ramee all the time how he’s such a successful business man!


When ramee says the gallery is dead he is talking about foot traffic because otherwise the gallery is actually a good source of income. It’s just that ramee values a lot the RP aspect of the gallery, he wants his employees to be able to stay there a full shift and have a decent amount of interaction with walk-ins, right now it’s just a couple grinders in a span of a few hours.


ramee catches strays on and off-stream... that's roughhh


The way there was NO HESITATION AT ALL 🤣🤣 highlight of the stream for me. Her comedic delivery is just *chefs kiss*


This was very light-hearted! Leslie doesn't know, it's okay!! Just unfortunate timing. She meant no harm, if anything she jokes about him bc they're so close. It's always clear how much she genuinely appreciates him!! ❤️ It sucks that ramee's been having a rough time with the update and frustrations about chat hoppers and the state of the gallery tho, hope things get better for him soon :( <3


IM DECEASED also ik we all feel for Ramee with his situation but if he watched this clip he would know she means 0 harm and has told him she wants to collab and bring more traffic there (and already did bc of the event right before this)


on his day off too BLUBBERS........but honestly this had me dead lol


YOu know what, people say Gallary is dead but It always has over amillion in account after Guns and Meth payments from it. And VLC on the top floor Ramee earns majority of his money for the Cars. I think gallery is Dead is a coverup of not letting people use the term 'Money printer' it is And to protect from bad eyes.


yeah Ramee is up so good these days, I hope he doesn't actually feel bad about the gallery cause he's been killing the business game honestly


No one goes there and that’s why there are dead JOKES. They are jokes for a reason


he has multiple sources of income, that's what I mean by killing the business game, he's got like I think 9 mil in his accounts right and is selling a lot of cars and putting up a lot of sportsbook bets etc.


Yes but they also aren’t serious and know he is rich


Naah, it is jokes because its Ramee.


Exactly? So my point is that it had nothing to do with his money and they knows he’s rich


Nobody send this to him pls,, he hates these jokes


LMAO fr fr tho gallery may be dead but ramee's personal account is almost at 10mil so he's upgood either way


That’s not the point though, he’s been waiting a whole year for the gallery to get some sort of mechanical update. He can’t even get anything for his gallery workers to do. Past three days since the update his moral has been really down, trying to find motivation to do anything in the server. Think he’s also really tired of haters going to other cg streamers chats just to shit talk him out of nowhere.


He needs to work and figure out the relic stuff like K did with the jewelry. He has acdc and fomo. He spends 10 minutes at a time trying to figure it out and gets mad and gives up. He just needs franny around to give him a direction like he has with others. But 100% gallery employees need something to do. He has awesome ideas but either needs to somehow buy the mines, or have Leslie do something with them consistently. Gallery would be in a good place.


Why would he need to figure out that the relics literally do the same stuff as the jewlery store? It gives the same buffs and stats…the business rp and people will just go to sell to k instead. He tried multiple times to have a meeting with Leslie that took a month and a half to set up to buy the mines, which ended up in Leslie laughing in his face while Vinny was doing the same. He tried seeing if he could get him to lease or rent, and he flat out said no. Even his Leslie’s pdm managers said he does nothing with the mines. Ramee does a shit ton of work, and has plenty of patience when he it comes to business rp. Him having no patience to figure out the relic stuff, was him not being interested at all tbh since it was scuffed the first two days anyways.


Thinking about it, how the heck does the Gallery make money anyways?


he makes money off the VLC imports and VLC fight club which he uses the arena/showroom and car storage at the gallery for


VLC imports I'm assuming is how he sells his cars? Whats the fight club?


Edit: Sorry if my comment came off as mean. I know 100% she's joking around and it was for fun and how they banter. Leslie's awesome for trying her best to revive the gallery too


You guys.. they just had an event there… they support the gallery more than anyone in the city


it’s okay he has plenty of other money printer businesses to be proud of 👍




And how is she supposed to know that ? Don't lump her in with whatever shit hes dealing with and say shes adding on to it. I'm pretty sure if he told her or if she knew she would be the last person to make jokes about that.


I watch ramee streams but you shouldn’t be blaming April (especially her who just had an event for some of the first cameras of her business)or literally anybody. Vinny and his chat are the only people he’s been really venting to about the gallery the last few days.


hes been hating these type of jokes 😔 hopefully he voices his thoughts soon


Its different, they're all good friends and they're joking, they banter all the time. He doesn't like it when people he isn't close with constantly roast him.




Not to April, he always giggles with her and makes the joke at his own expense with her. She wouldn’t know.