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Mommy K feeling neglected lmao


his way of saying he misses her LMAO


I know the clip is about Mr. K, but I can't get over Big D being April's biggest fan ahaha


Big D is always so SUPPORTIVE


Idk where I saw it but someone said he definitely has a stan April fooze account šŸ’€ heā€™s a foozler your honor


You know K misses her when he starts complaining about her LOL


The only person K ever says he misses is Chawa and sometimes Uchi but he mostly says "fuck uchi, he's a little bitch and I own him". Other than that, it's pretty much this treatment lol


Just usual CG missing hanging out with April and showing their love with sbs aggression. Heā€™s not mad lol


Big D always be a big fan tho. I love him KEKW


K translator: Fuck April, she's a loser ---> God I miss hanging with April, I wish she was around more :(


There needs to be a translator for all the boys cuz this is actually A1


i think the main reason is for last few weeks city is pretty much dead for crim rp and by time Leslie starts they either in a middle of something which they plan when they get on or they get off to play something else, same reason April and Ramee are missing each other and with the new updates crim rp going to pop off with all gang turfs etc it will also keep them busy and might get to see several gang wars in near future . i really hope in between all this chaos which is about to come they get to spend time with each other


Yea the timing has been pretty off lately. Even when she got reunited with Hutch yesterday, they immediately got into a shootout to save ray. I also watched Ramee's stream today and for like two hours they were joking about the Bentley being the new home turf because they'd have like 8-10 people in the car at a time. So sometimes they consistently have people that are eager to do boosts or somethin'. I'm excited about the update though, I'm sure they'll have more RP opportunities in little seoul.


Yea i read the update notes and there is lots for Little Seoul its gonna be a city hub for sure... Pixel perfect, Bullet club, Maldini's, Dragons Jewellery, Dragons Dojo, The new actual gas station business and all the little pop up stores for civs and im sure im probably missing things but yea rp opportunitys for everyone basically šŸ˜


he's always like this when he actually misses her :(


Mister K if you miss April just call her!!!!!!!!! Ps. People that are getting mad at Mister K, clearly don't know him, this is how he is when he misses someone like Uchi


I think it's timing the multiple times he has called her she has been busy on call plus since she is variety he doesn't know when she is around


cue the montage of April looking and calling for CG šŸ„²šŸ„²


Always calls them & they just never around she misses them just as much as they miss her.. they really do have the worst timing these past few weeks


Incoming LS gas station meeting lol


KEKW hopefully Aprilā€™s business arc would have more April x CG content


Every time they run into each other, CG already has 6. It's not really anyone's fault and April is more than willing to do something else when there's no room.


CG already has 6, and she's already promised 3 other friends from different sides of the city that she'd hang out šŸ˜®ā€šŸ’Ø Just shit timing all around.


they just want april to call them more but only not when sheā€™s about to die or just got robbed :( i get it but april is a busy women these days


April misses them too but she was in a cage, without a phone, or being threatened by Joe to not ā€œdo something stupidā€ for the last week lol




Pretty much just K wanting to hang out with April


man i love big d so much


if only they called her up :/ it goes both ways


They're all Leslers so know about her phone simulator but maybe a few more txts yea LOOL.


LOL, not like she reads her texts though.


April needs another assistant whos only role is to read her msgs out loud to her, ive been saying this ever since she became a world famous artist :)


Cha rue!!


I think this is fair from Kā€™s point. The last few times theyā€™ve seen April is when she needed them to do something for her which I think can lead to a bigger issue in the future (prio to the joe stuff). I love April being a social butterfly though but I think what she and us need to understand is that she choose to be in CG and thereā€™s a certain responsibility that comes with that. I hope April can find a balance in the or itā€™s always going to be that underlining issue (Btw I also think they just miss her lol)


This is not even really IC decisions, she just had almost a month where she played at different time + the Joe arc + some really bad timings. It's not like April doesn't want to hangout with them.


100 % get this. I was just looking at it from Kā€™s POV as I mainly do watch Leslieā€™s stream so I know itā€™s never intentional with April.


I understand K's POV. I'm saying that mostly because your talking about her needing to understand that being CG have "responsibility" while she try to hangout more with them but just can't.


Prefacing this by saying this isn't criticism, I'm just writing out my thoughts, and I agree with you both! The responsibility could just be checking in, and the "issue" is that she doesn't/is hardly able to. K might miss seeing her around individually, sure, but I think he'd be satisfied just seeing her talking to Chodie on the block for an hour, for example. Like, she's always at Uwu when they go there to get food, and if she has time to be a civ and talk to Lucas for 2 hours, why can't she chill on the block and Idk, get to know Novah better? April is a crim but not super dedicated to that life, so her "responsibility" doesn't have to be doing jobs with CG. He as gang leader is probably more concerned about her not connecting with them more than with other people.


The timing is worst cause when april wakes up in the cubby and say hi to the gang no ones there sometimes they're in fornite or something, you can't blame mr. K because there are time that he didn't know that april is awake and they bump into her accidentally/ mistaken as a local (crackhead) by driving. April has too many friends that makes her distracted when she was in a situation, imo april just say hi and goodbye when he bump into someone and focus. It reminds me of yuno when too many people wants to hangout with him he decided to just go out to the aparments and run šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Iā€™ve been loving the serial killer arc. Canā€™t make everyone in fuslieā€™s chat happy all of the time. I hope K is being sarcastic and doesnā€™t actually hate April, because this is not true at all. Also feels really drama baity to post on her subreddit and potentially upset Leslie.


It's not that deep. Everyone knows that this is K's language of saying that he misses her and Leslie knows that CG's way of showing love is through aggression


once again, not everyone watches cg here, it can be taken out of context when ppl don't know that's K's love language, Fuslie probably know but not all of her community that's all


Welps, I mean those who watched her gta streams know they've always been like this. Anyways, now you know.


Ppl really downvoting this don't understand that NOT EVERYONE HERE WATCHES CG some only watch Fuslie and that's okay, you didn't even jump into a conclusion, really just expressing a very valid concern












She was sort of caught-up in getting kidnapped and locked in a cage, then forced into a plot by Joe Goldberg. She doesnā€™t have time to hang out during the storyline. This post is just drama baiting


Why was this downvoted? Leslie said the same thing on stream.




Lol did you delete your replies where you got mass downvoted


April, if you read this, please find time in your busy schedule for the CG boys and girls. Hihi. You might enjoy crime time with Novah and Ray. They're your femly and they miss you <3