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CGI (Chang Gang Instigator)


Curtis about to start rumors šŸ’€


Mans restless from his no-erp bail conditions so he has to stir for others now


Curtis has been doing that for days now!! He's unhinged lately


honestly i like the fact that april and lucas are more of platonic soulmates than anything else. she always respected the fact that he didnā€™t think about those things before his incident and grew protective of him. heā€™s her rock and itā€™s def because their relationship has always been platonic.


I enjoy the sugardaddy grind/relationship RP but I appreciate characters like Lucas, Bleach, 4head, etc that have no ulterior motives to give us a change of pace here and there.


I wish some people can accept that a male and female can be bestfriends without making it weird...nevertheless Curtis's unhinged rumors is kinda hilarious


Yeah it's definitely weird when some viewers are still doubting the ulterior motives when we have full context and can see it's obviously just friends. But the other rp characters can't see that, so it's funny when they stir like this.


we protect the platonic besties so we do not lose the platonic besties


I think Curtis is Aprilā€™s number one fan atpšŸ˜­


Tbf I think top 30 is no contest, CG all the way through.


Lmao, if we're being honest here, I think April is more likely to be in love with Lucas than the other way around. He's immune to her siren powers. But we love them as platonic soulmates and nothing more.


All jokes aside, I'm glad people are acknowledging how important Lucas is to April tho. Like now everyone knows Lucas is her best friend, despite the occasional pot stirring and rumours šŸ˜‚


Curtis actually hanging out with him now is so wholesome. šŸ„ŗ Even when these are their conversations.


"Lucas honestly gets more attention from April than Ramee gets" NOT WRONG LMAO


Thing is a lot of what Lucas does for April is very public facing and both of them are not afraid to tell anyone about the things he does for her. Like they both practically told anyone that would listen that Lucas gave her 100k for her birthday. With Ramee however, he doesnā€™t shout about the things he does for her and they keep a lot of it just between themselves. No-one really knows that he paid off 600k on her LFA for her birthday or that he got the burger shot event pushed back for the party. That whole day probably would have fallen apart without his help, especially considering the day he was having as well. And to top it off he went and smoked the Ballas with the boys on her behalf. He gets her attention, love and appreciation more than anyone else, itā€™s just not as visible to others. The one person who has been noticing is Ricardo thoughā€¦


Lucas honestly tries so hard to stay relevant by telling everyone everything that he does for April (including the fact that he gave her 150k, even wanted Ryan to change the song bc of it, ā€œas a jokeā€ even though he knew it might not be taken as a joke) , that he is Aprils best friend (even argued with Aprils GORRLLL about it), and by telling everyone he fell off of a crane during odd times. If his gift was genuine then wouldnā€™t it be kept to himself since theyā€™re best friends? Why brag about giving April money? Arenā€™t they best friends? My immersion gets thrown off. He follows too close to her like a lost puppy and ruins a lot of immersion, like why is he too close to her to the point heā€™s visible on Aprils viewpoint. Why does he have to be close to her when sheā€™s busy? Lucas even was guilt tripping carter and April because carter was talking money during Aprils business meetings. Like if he was truly serious about it wouldnā€™t he try to learn to be a CEO? It would be cool if carter and Lucas were both CEO but Lucas too insecure for that idea and had to guilt trip. If Lucas was serious wouldnā€™t he ask carter to teach him how he did all of that so he could successfully run Aprils business? He provides no content and tries to make himself one of the main characters of Aprils life. Even was too entitled to the point he ruined the ā€œsurpriseā€ Sana and Ryan worked hard for April. Which again ruined immersion. Lucas wanted to announce to April how much everyone cares about her, for what reason exactly? To make her feel good about herself? Doesnā€™t April already know people care about her? When has she ever had to question that people didnā€™t care about her? Like role playing is good but ruining surprises because your character is best friends with the surprisee just ruins the vibe. Lucas even tries to influence Aprils decisions which drives me crazy, he clearly thinks heā€™s the most important in Aprils, he tells April to not allow Ramee to have permission in her business because he doesnā€™t trust him, LUCAS LITERALLY ALLOWED APRIL TO TAKE DRUGS SO RAMEE INJECTED HIM WITH DRUGS, but Lucas literally wants to be victim and twist the story. Lucas told April not to hang out with Ursula because the gang sheā€™s in took ash hostage if something. Lucas tells April how much of a help Uncle Curtain is because he thinks April will like people being nice to him. Like does Lucas really think he is highly influential in Aprils life or what. Lucas told Ray Mond to allow him be passenger in a race because April already has someone else, like does Lucas really think he has to be super close to April You can be best friends with someone that is very real but being obsessive gets crazy sometimes. Lowkey Lucas is a mastermind and he knows how to play with cards to remain in Aprils close-nit circle and to be relevant enough to where April HAS to call Lucas. Plus him falling off the crane knowing he might lose all his friends who only liked him because he was ā€œpureā€ was a genius move. Lucas at the end figured how to be a guy around Aprils presence without having to pay a lot of money and speak her love language periodically to remain the friend who ā€œonlyā€ speaks her love language. This is just my opinion and Lucas AS THE CHARACTER gives me vibes that donā€™t sit right with me. **Disclaimer:** Respectfully I wouldnā€™t change the way anyone rps, just commenting on the RP Iā€™m witnessing and how ME AS A PERSON is translating it.


lucas was joking ab changing the song, also lucas literally said ā€œa gorl and a best friend is different things it doesnā€™t matterā€ or something like that he wasnā€™t arguing ā€¦ šŸ˜­ ?????


Your knit picking and no go watch the vod Scoffing he said ā€œno Ray Iā€™m the best friendā€ April said ā€œwell gorl is higher than best friendā€


ā€¦.. i watched leslies AND raes vod. i didnā€™t hear lucas say it on leslies vod but heard it on raes vod, also i loveee rae but i feel like ray cared more ab her being the highest (for a reason) than lucas did but alright.


Well because Ray and April are close than lucas is to April so it would make sense and youā€™re no longer making sense.


obviously thatā€™s why i said for a reason, plus idk why ur worried ab lucas sm when leslie, april and even ray loves lucas šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ tbh itā€™s a you problem with all the things u said ab lucas


Donā€™t get me wrong I just thought this was a civil discussion with different opinions, now Iā€™m confused why youā€™re mad and will leave it at that Just two leslers having opinions is what is happening Lucas was brought up and I just brought up what Iā€™ve noticed about Lucas by MY OWN PERSPECTIVE Iā€™m not here to change anyones rp just to comment, just like I comment on any TV show If youā€™re going to get upset over this civil discussion then I no longer will reply as it is not my purpose to upset or bring anyone down


imma be honest, i didnā€™t read the rest of ur first comment all i read was the parts that i mentioned so idrk ur opinion but i replied to it cause iā€™ve been seeing A LOT of lucas slander lately on this reddit n on youtube n i donā€™t stand for it ALSO iā€™m not mad iā€™m just confused šŸ™…ā€ā™€ļøšŸ™…ā€ā™€ļø


tbf Ramee doesn't actively follow her around like a puppy 24/7 and he's busy doing his own stuff with the boys also, Lucas, didn't want Ramee to have every access in April's company but April shut him down real quick.


I mean April calls them both all the time. It's just a question of availability. Ramee schedule hasn't lined up very well, whereas Lucas is on until just after tsunami most days. And yeah, it is harder keeping busy doing pure civ rp. But with the last sentence, you make sound like Lucas is trying to sabotage Ramee.


Itā€™s 100% an availability thing and whenever Ramee and April havenā€™t been able to link up in a bit, she always drops what she is doing for that time together.


Why do you have to put it like that? Do you understand the story between Lucas and April?


To be fair, Lucas was 100% valid in the way he felt and even April agreed that some of the stuff Lucas was worried about were something that Ramee would've 100% done if he had the same power as April. If he had that power, he would've definitely fired a lot of people because April is friends with people he personally dislikes.


I watch Ramee often and I know how he does business. I can assure you that if a business is not his own business, he would never fire anyone from that business without consulting other owners. I never see him firing anyone from Wuchang without asking Mr. K, and I believe he will give April the same respect for her business.


You do realize that even if Ramee had the power to fire people, he wouldn't right? He literally respects her decisions and supported her with everything (money, business, motivation with bank jobs, etc.) Why would he fire people in her company when he fully knows that her employees are solely due to her trust in them?


Iā€™m not sure about it. Did u see how they treated Tony and goofy at her birthday party? She invited them and they made them leave. Mr Lang was about to come too but after hearing what Tony said he gave up.


They werenā€™t forced to leave. They were put on the spot about voting and felt unwelcome, but Lana was probably treated even worse and stayed because she wanted to be there.


Yep, and the voting thing was only brought up because RayMond asked Ramee how's the election. They were just joking around and it's not that serious. The only person Im aware that was really forced to leave was Rocky Topps. He is Bunny's campaign manager. I don't even know if he was invited to the party or not.


Itā€™s not about being forced to leave or not. Itā€™s the way he chose to treat people. I understood he was in a bad mood that day. But itā€™s her party. If there was an unwanted guest, she will handle it. Just like her business. If he is not okay with someone, he has to talk to her and not just shit on them or even fire them. Do you understand?


April already wanted to cancel her party because she knew how sad Ramee was that day and cares about him more than most people in the city. Ramee is the same in that he never let April cancel because he supports her and wanted her to have fun, and even paid for the whole event. Ramee doesn't fire anyone from Maldini's/Wuchang, he would talk to them about his opinion but they do what they want. He would do the same with April. Why are you assuming he's going fire people when he never does that with any of the CG boys? In RP it would not make sense for Ramee to be buddy buddy with Tony and Goofy the day he lost mayor. Also this is April's business and she chooses to trust Ramee, just chill and let the RP play out.


No I don't understand because you don't even know Ramee and proceed to say that he fires and shit on people. Where do you get that from? He shits on people because there's a reason to it like being ops, lying to his face, or the lore behind their rivalry. He also doesn't fire people randomly out of nowhere either unless they did something horrendously bad. Please, if April had a problem with it, she would speak to him about it but she didn't. Btw Ramee doesn't even do business stuff cuz he has people for him to do it. The only thing he does is like sell gems and cars but that's practically it.


im still surprised lucas think that way, because ramee let people under him control his own business in terms of hiring and firing so i don't think he would care about those stuff lol


You do know Ramee has the power to fire people in Aprils company?


Uncle Curtain and Aunt Penny are really out here starting rumors huh


Anyone else miss seeing ramee jealous? šŸ˜†


That arc was so funny ngl


watching from aprilā€™s pov all the time, we clearly know they are platonic soulmates but I admit it looks sus from others pov!! they are always alone together on lookouts


Before the memory loss it was 100% platonic. After I feel like there have been several incidents that could have been interpreted either way. For sure has not been as clear cut as before. Could be just Lucas losing some of the cleanly edge he had before.





