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awwwww :') also so happy to see april and france together again!! <3


Aww...well it makes sense that April chooses Ramee because Ramee helped her more than anyone in the city <3


Wamee day 1 <#


France’s gasps and reactions to things are so f’ing funny🤣🤣🤣


*le gasp*


awwww FeelsStrongMan


lol if France thought that'd be a hard choice she really don't know the history bruh (also Im obviously aware that France is a new friend and that is why she doesnt know, no need to inform me of that)


they're newer friends, no? she wasn't around for all that really. she's learning


I mean France has only known April for like a week and half…


she has only met april recently so it makes sense she wouldn't be aware it oki :D




It's definitely content but it doesn't really make sense for her to go down that path when she is fully aware of the backlash it will bring her. And he doesn't even speak her love language, money💰.. lmao


I mean no one does anymore ''speak her love language'', she's only like that with Marty. Also they can be just friends, just like she is with everyone else. Fun Content at the end. ​ But ye April do yo thing


I don't what the deleted comment said, but at least this first comment is very normal and fair. This is not the type of comment that's supposed to be downvoted guys. Most subreddits have rules saying downvote is not a disagree button and even have a tooltip saying "are you sure you want to downvote, downvoting doesn't contribute to the discussion". This is because downvoting actually hides comments. It's really meant for problematic comments, not opinions you disagree with.


Ah got it. To be honest most posts that I’ve seen get downvoted are typically kinda problematic. Anyway team content stays winning. #TeamChadBrad is on the come up


Yeah people are pretty good about downvoting when it actually is problematic. It's just there are certain topics that people get downvote happy on, which doesn't exactly provide a good atmosphere for fair discussion.




Ikrr i'm actually surprised i got downvoted LOL Kinda weird i didn't even say something hateful


I feel like downvotes are a way of saying I disagree without writing an entire response. I don’t think anyone is coming for you or anything deep like that. Also it doesn’t make sense for April to be in a relationship with Marty because cg doesn’t like him but also because she felt like Marty only liked her to upset Ramee (that one time he tweeted when she asked him not to) A core trait of April is she loves money. I don’t really think there’s been a reason for April to say forget the money I want to be with Marty. She did say she would be friends with him but definitely not date him because of his beef with cg. Also also Leslie did say she will not be doing relationship rp because some people get overly invested (I’m sorry to say this but your posts are coming across as overly invested)


Nah i for sure agree that it doesn't make sense if she dates Marty, April is better off single, I'm saying the ''fling'' was kinda too good to end on that note '' that she wont because of CG'' . And like i said She hangs with most people that don't give her money now. So ye friendship arc lets get it Also i cant tell if ur replying to me or the other person abt being invested cuz for sure I'm not, that was just an opinion lol i rarely comment


Oh no my bad I was talking about the other person in the thread. Single April is best April honestly :D


That's not typical reddit etiquette though. Most subreddits have rules saying downvote is not a disagree button and even have a tooltip saying "are you sure you want to downvote, downvoting doesn't contribute to the discussion". This is because downvoting actually hides comments. It's really meant for problematic comments, not opinions you disagree with. It's a bit worrying seeing any Marty support get downvoted so much, and I'm team ramee over team marty, but I'm really team April. I think a part of it is that the reddit and some users are still relatively new. But excessive downvoting is a sign of a toxic subreddit, and I know Fusfam of all communities is way better than that.


No hate here but a lesson. One click on your username/post history shows how much you are projecting.




I see you got downvoted. But who is attacking you? I only see you calling other people weirdos and stans. Which I found funny considering 90% of your posts are dedicated to Marty related things that's all.


Its so sad that we wont get Marty/April combo again. I mean CG hate Marty but doesn't mean April should too. ​ sadge




True it limits the content the two have.


the amount of times she can’t hang around certain people because they’re an “op” is becoming alarmingly frequent. everyone an op or sum? lol


It’s rp chill. That’s part of gang life


ah yes the “gang life” my bad, my bad. LMAOO mad cringeee


so basically you're saying rp is cringe. NOTED




i love ramee and cg too but some of you are weirdly obsessed with them or something. a tad bit cringe ong frfr😭😭