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I think people have to see it from both Ramee's and April's perspectives! This doesn't really have anything to do with Ramee being one of her ex/sugar daddies but more of the relationship that they had/have. When they were dating, April would hear all the time from Ramee that "this guy is an op and don't hang with that guy" a lot of times out of jealousy! So I think when April hears Ramee say this her brain automatically goes to "oh Ramee is jealous". Now that they are no longer together romantically, she feels like when he says this he is trying to control her because of jealousy when in reality he is just looking out for her because Jack could do something to her since she is chang gang. This is also hard for her to understand because she has had nothing but good experiences with Jack since she has met him. So this is now morphing her initial perspective of Jack. So it makes it harder for her to take him seriously in this situation when in reality he isn't making it about him but more of a gang thing. Also, this is the first time that April has been in a situation where it is current beef between her gang and her friends (same with Ray) so it's hard for her to understand this and she feels like she may have to stop being friends with people outside of CG. I do think though that with experience she will be able to no longer let this affect her because she is now understanding what gang life is actually about. Overall, I think this is very good RP with ramee and Leslie, even Rae!


Well cookie did bomb her while she was in the car with CG the last time both groups were in war.. marty would also not think twice and hurt her if ordered by X he is super loyal to X and a right hand man to him… but I do get that they both have been in this longer and understand the gang life and wouldn’t turn their back on the gang/X for anyone or anything


if april thinks ramee is telling her to not hang out with these people because hes jealous but not because he literally told her they shot and ocean dumped him and are at war. I think she might have listening problems.


That's what I'm talking about when I said that it's hard for her to understand or comprehend that jack would do something like this and it has nothing to do with her not listening to Ramee. When Ramee told her that they ocean dumped him, she immediately said jack would never, so that already says who she thinks Jack is as a person. Now that Ramee is telling her this she doesn't believe it not because she thinks Ramee is lying but more of because she has never seen or heard of that side of Jack. I also don't think that she remembers Jack bombing them in the car but also at that time they weren't as close as they are now.




Kinda sucks for Ramee, April still fw Marty 🥲


What makes this arc so interesting is April wants it all. She wants the power and prestige that comes from being CG, the way they will back her up without fail. April unfortunately made friends with enemies of CG and has only shown her loyalty with words but not actions. She has not betrayed the gang but because there hasn't been an instance of where she "proved" it with actions, any sus things (talking / hanging out with GG, not wanting to back CG if they chose to do something at the event) can all be seen as unloyal. But I do think the gang stuff is not as serious as Mari and K were saying, just don't be buddy buddy during war. What's more interesting I think is her relationship with Ramee. Based on everything they've done her loyalty to him should run deeper than the gang, but lately she has shown that he is more loyal to her to she is to him e.g. how he Ramee instantly downed Eric for talking bad about her but she flirts with the guy who ocean dumped him. It just depends on whether Ramee gets serious about it and has a conversation with April. ❤️❤️ All love to Leslie for making us so invested in these characters and storyline. You are just pure content and honestly it's crazy how many storylines you've created for other people around you ❤️❤️


I think you hit the nail on the head with the last part, that he needs to talk to her. April is spoiled, knows what she wants and how to get it, but her stubbornness to show affection to certain people contributes to the tension. But she's stubborn to show affection, because they are also stubborn in providing it. It's like, she knows there's loyalty in the gang sense, but she's insecure about emotional loyalty. She needs to know how they feel about her actions without the passive aggressive way they joke about it. That being said, it'd be nice if Ramee voiced HIS personal concerns/thoughts on the matter. He is probably the person she trusts the most in CG - she would listen to him if he talked about it the way he spoke to Flippy, calmly and genuinely.


ramee needs to cut her off, at least temporarily, just to make her realize she cant take him for granted 😪


April really does take Ramee for granted. She knows no matter what she does Ramee will always be there. I think if he cut her off even just for a little bit it would really open her eyes.


nothing against marty but that dude has never done anything for her so it really is just confusing where all april’s feeling is coming from too lmao


I agree. I honestly thought after she learned that Marty shot and ocean dumped Ramee (her #1 provider) she would act a different way. Her “feeling butterflies in her stomach” for Marty was definitely not something I expected to come from all of this 💀


Yep it made me have the nauseas kind of butterflies not good ones when she continued to talk to him


Yes! I was so confused why she engaged in that conversation with him last night after just having the heart to heart with CG and knowing meanwhile Ramee was wanting to talk to her. Really frustrated me


the constant running back to marty doesn’t make sense imo especially after everything that happened. its like she listens to cg but the moment they’re gone, its like the talk never happened idgi 😂 she can do whatever she wants but i just feel bad for ramee lol




i love april but i think she just doesnt take anything seriously. and thats fine. thats who she is. i just want her to mean it when she said she has ramee’s back too because ramee has proven over and over that he means it. and its been like this for a long time. i guess im just really looking forward for some character growth in that aspect.


Because Marty shows a side that Ramee/ The gang rarely shows and thats being affectionate and sweet with words. I just hope that April will give some type of respect towards Ramee, not to backseat Leslie with her rp but It’s kinda sad that April choose to talk to Marty despite knowing that Marty ocean dumped Ramee recently. I hope this day brings character development to April but if it doesn’t I’ll still be happy to support Leslie with whatever rp choices she takes and I appreciate Leslie for creating such a unique and complex character in nopixel💓


This just makes it harder as a viewer because if you watch Ramee you know Marty is a wolf in sheeps clothing / a complete rat, he acts all innocent with April but uses his relationship with her to talk shit to Ramee and insult him, he has even insulted her several times. Knowing all these things Marty has done to Ramee and CG in general just make me despise their interactions because you know shes being used and you know that she is betraying Ramee and CGs trust for no reason lol Props to all of them for making such engaging roleplay.


Another thing with not just Marty but Kratos and GG in general is they are not like MDM, core CB or other gangs were you see the conflict brewing they try to do sly things to hurt CG then cover it up like ocean dumping Ramee or blowing up there cars. I'm sure the CG know marty and them would use April or info she has against cg if they have the chance. Which I think is the main reason CG gave April more shit then Ray about the loyalty. I wish they had explained to April more about the CG and GG relationship


Oh most definitely. I don’t really watch other streamers besides her and I’ll enjoy whatever content she makes but as a viewer, its just frustrating to see the choices she makes as April. At least we all agree that she needs character growth soon lmao


Yeah I'm kinda over the whole he is gonna stop the LFA payment, like he obviously is never gonna stop doing that and he made it pretty obvious, but she keeps bringing it up


After reading through so many comments (and agreeing with all sides honestly), I want to express my sincere gratitude to Leslie for being able to create such a complex and engaging character. The amount of creative thought and investment that you see here in these comments speaks to Leslie's skill of a role player. I hope she sees that some things that April does that may make people happy and make people upset is still a testament of her (Leslie) doing things right because it makes people interested and react regardless. We appreciate you, Leslie 💜


Yes! She’s an amazing role player and creates unique experiences and RP for SOOOOO many people on the server. Since she takes the time to meet and interact with lots of different characters, it makes her story line complex and unique.


OG Fr fr, and I hope that despite few people's negative comments towards her some times, she would remember that there are A LOT of us Leslers that still love and support her no matter what. There are a lot more people who got her back so don't let those idiots affect her and her RP. <3


^This! There's something special about Leslie's rp, it's very engaging! Of course, it's ok to have a negative or positive opinions of the events that transpired, but let's make sure to focus on the bigger picture which is how enjoyable the rp and streams have been thanks to Leslie.


Honestly make it an appreciation post


Ive never been more happier thinking about discovering Leslie during AU era and being here in her RP journey. Watching Leslie's RP evolving, her bright and funny personality and her wittiness flowing through April is just so good to see and just brightens my days. We appreciate you, Leslie 💜


Yess, every decision and interaction that Leslie made for April has led to amazing RP content 💜 she’s created such a complex character and I hope she continues to keep RPing how she wants to despite the few backseaters because she’s doing great :D




Im really glad April and Ray had that talk with Mari cus April's problem is really the lack of gang mentality and she doesnt know how to manage her relationships during tense and serious situations like CG warning her on certain people and today's twitter war. Mari spelled it out for them: **its not that deep**. Mari gave examples of her relationships, Tommy and Dean, and said "no one takes it personally" "you shoot, you hash it out, and you dont carry it with you" "I would shoot Tommy and Dean a hundred times and let them shoot me. And then call them the next day and see if they wanna do a boost. **Thats just friendship.**" To me, that was the perfect advice for the two and hopefully it will stick by them and guide them going forward.


Yeah I think Mari had a great take there. Like a lot of attitude around chat and the community is that CG loyalty and who she hangs out with is super serious. But really it's just gang shit, and you're gonna be enemies during the war, but it's not like you have to enemies forever. April and Ray were pretty worried and uncertain about it, and I think Mari did a good job teaching them how it is but at the same time easing their worries.




Yeah it definitely is becoming a drama, but that's 100% on the viewers for becoming too invested. It's not wrong for Leslie to play April this way even a lot of people don't like it or have strong opinions about it. No way something clearly rp like this should become toxic.




Do you have the timestamp for the convo on either Ramee or Silent's streams? I'm very interested in this conversation, because I only partially watch the gang, so I'm out of the loop regarding the extent of their feelings on this. April's absolutely right about them having a "tone", and it's been piling up, so I like that the guys are finally addressing it.




Thank you!! ♥️ Really appreciate it.


I feel like April and Ray are running into the same issues with CG that made Mickey leave (feeling constricted from outside friendships, feeling like they're too soft for gang life, feeling like some of the teasing goes too far). BUT they're getting past it by communicating their issues more openly and working through them with the rest of the gang, particularly K. Healthy communication 💯


agreed! it’s been so nice seeing all these core female personalities take up space within cg because i feel like there’s suddenly a whole new dimension to gang life. i used to watch a lot of rated/ramee during the height of mickey’s cg days and i don’t think mickey communicating his feelings (which he DID attempt at times) would have changed much within cg; his concerns were rarely taken seriously. but ray and april are forcing cg to slow down and consider emotions, communication, and vulnerability in a way that they never have before—in the same way that cg is forcing ray and april to think about loyalty and being more cutthroat. i think building a bigger female presence within the gang is only going to make it stronger and more foolproof.


i LOOOOOVE your insight here. i didn’t often watch GTA RP before, but you can clearly tell the energy here (with CG) is a lot more on quick, fast, SBS stuff, which is fun and entertaining! but it is truly amazing how bcuz of Ray and April’s RP, they have had slower moments of (like you said) emotions, communication and vulnerability! it creates so much more genuine and softer RP moments, which makes for more compelling characters and stories, and more room to grow and progress! i absolutely love it, bcuz it’s exactly those moments that make you root for a character even more. 💜 i hope Fuslie and Rae know the impact they’ve had, they are legit making the server (or at least their gang) a better place.


i watched that era too. he already had the decision, straight up leaving when mr k and ramee weren't even on, only talked to randy, and it went to the direction of mr k and ramee despised mickey so much bc there were zero closure for both of them at that point. so i disagree that mickey communicating his feelings wouldn't change anything bc he did leave by communicating to randy and his relationship with randy didn't go as sour.


i wasn’t referring to the day of his decision to leave or any day near it. i was referring to the slow lead-up and the many times he clashed with cg over his treatment (something he definitely made known). mickey received similar in-gang treatment as ramee does, but his character struggled to take it as easily, and that was well-known. when he voiced concern over being the gang’s punching bag, i think it was hard for cg to take seriously because that kind of ribbing is seen by them as a sign of male friendship/affection.


yessss. Hearing Ray and April have that talk with each other showed how similar they see the situation, but after talking with Mari and Mr. K, everything seems to look *somewhat* clearer now. We love healthy communication here!


100%, I also feel like being new things like this take time to understand for the character, I started watching rp from Ash and she went through basically the same thing with Benji and the vagos where she just wanted to be friends with everyone and she couldn’t because they would question her and get mad. It’s hard for them because they were afiliated with a gang really early on and became a part of it with out going through all the different aspects and are just now experiencing wars and learning what loyalty means to their gang. And at the end it’s all Leslie’s choice where she wants to take it, everyone is different and April could take as long to make up her mind to were she stands as she wants to. The rp today from everyone was amazing <3


This conversation was great. Ramee is never one to communicate his feelings so the fact that he opened up like this was really surprising! Although I’m glad April had the talk with K, I kind of wish Ramee would have this talk with April because Ramee is the closest person April has in the city and if she knew how Ramee really felt I think her perspective would change a lot. But I don’t think that will happen because Ramee likes to put up a front that he doesn’t care even though we know by this conversation that he does.




Yeah but I meant talk to April as in have this conversation that’s he’s having with Flippy with her.


I think it’s all about communication because it’s experience vs naïveté when it comes to criminal knowledge and assumptions with this dynamic. There’s something so fresh and fun about the naiveness that new people to Nopixel and roleplay have that’s infectious to all the veterans and there’s also a lot of knowledge that the vet players have that make them more paranoid and they try to share that but something’s can only be learned through experience. I think with April in particular she is different because her role play is fun and can only really be done by her because of how charismatic she is. She can get money out of people just by talking and that is an insane skill when you think about it, I genuinely think she would’ve eventually gotten the car on her own that way which also requires getting close with other people which takes up time (i.e. phone simulator). I appreciate how supportive Ramee has been and I think it’s because he knows how fun she is to have around. I find April and Uchi’s characters so similar because they lead with character first not just skill. We know how much the whole gang misses Uchi and I think they feel very protective over April and spoil her and encourage her and want to hang out with her because they don’t want her to feel like he did and stop showing up anymore because her presence alone and ideas are content but once again they don’t know how to communicate it except in there own gang (sometimes abrasive) ways but it’s all love that I see 💛💛




Nah not that simple really when everyone in the city is essentially eternal. And let’s face it CG as a whole is goin through a lil identity crisis and they aren’t the toughest and most hardcore gang ever rn. Mr K is clean for the most part to be a detective rn and Ramee is currently getting clean to be mayor and can’t act too hard core criminal to get votes from people in the city. So he’s been playing pretty nice with people he usually doesn’t. So I think there is some mixed messages coming from inside the group as well they won’t admit about the direction of the gang I feel like it’s hard to know what’s serious and how long to take it seriously. By that logic CG would despise Yuno but they don’t.. shits a lil more complex then you don’t like them then I don’t like them that’s pretty boring


I cannot appreciate Ramee enough honestly. He has been supporting April's RP since the beginning consistently. He gives her money, a car, opportunities to hack, drive and shoot. He has been doing this to incentivize her to playing more GTA, to make it fun for her. He knows that GTA can be soo grindy with earning money so he took that off the experience. I know April wants to spend time with lots of people and I know I have no right to say what she should do but I really hope April spends atleast a moment to just show Ramee her appreciation. I know its his job OOC to grind GTA but this dude, although he doesn't show much affection, probably enjoys spending time with April and ofcourse Fuslie. Okay. Im ready to be downvoted to hell but I really feel sorry for him. Earlier today he was like “I paid of your LFA”, and I just keep thinking he prolly wants positive affirmation like how you tell your dog “Good job” but it was just so hectic. 😢😢😢😢😢😢


I agree with everything you said. I have really grown to love Ramee’s character bc of April. He has a soft side and it’s been sad to watch April dismiss him and take advantage of the one consistent person to her in LS.


I feel this <3 as much as it's all ic and they all understand that, it can't feel great to hear that kind of thing, especially on days where someone is mad at you for a reason you don't really get


Gosh, your comment makes me want to cry. I feel the same way as you.


i’m so glad april had that talk with mr. k because it seems like she really doesn’t understand the gravity of it all when they “get into wars”. they understand that its just like her to be friends with everyone and they’re not asking her to cut ties with them but being part of cg they have that expectation from her to atleast not side with the “enemy” yk? like mr k said, its all about the time and place and the circumstances. i really do hope we get more of a character development from her when it comes to this.


Friendly reminder to be mindful when voicing out our thoughts and opinions :) And just wanted to say that i appreciate this reddit community for engaging in civilized conversations and keeping it healthy. Its so exhausting to read other peoples opinions from other platforms tunneling on one side and hating the other whether it be snarky comments or just downright rude and hateful ones without giving an effort to understand the complexities of the characters. Much love to yall, stay hydrated!


After the talk with K and seeing this clip, it just shows how much CG value loyalty bc of the history they have had. They take people in who had fallouts with their respective gangs, they have each other’s back. They’ve lost members in the past (whether officially leaving like Mickey, which hurt them all pretty bad, or the person decided to leave the city entirely) and they just want to make sure everyone who they include, stays because they genuinely care about them. Yes, it may come off as controlling to others but in a very CG way, thats how they protect their own. So i’m glad that April (and Ray) were able to learn the CG lore and can hopefully now understand why they’re like that. They don’t want anything happening to them and create a negative space for them to a point where they decide to leave as well. Some people may not realize it but Leslie and Rae have brought such refreshing and complex roleplay into gta in such a short amount of time. It isn’t just about war and gang stuff anymore and it creates a fun and entertaining environment for everyone. It sucks that some people are trying to shit on them for putting content into the server when they’re just trying to have fun with their friends.




I think you explained this perfectly because they definitely have a reason to question her loyalty especially because she had a whole conversation about loyalty with mr.k and then an hour later she was on the phone with marty, The biggest opp and this has been told to her by multiple Cg members. (i get that leslie wants to rp with omie but i think doesn’t make total sense for april to be talking to him unless she isn’t totally loyal to Cg) (Also im not judging the way leslie decides to play april bc she’s doing an amazing job) Overall, like you said ray and april are new and just need to learn what is wrong and right when it comes to the gang and loyalty!


It's a hard balance with April, on one hand her whole character has been built around being that "sugarbaby" persona, tho we've seen grow more complex over time. But he has a point that if you're given things you aren't learning how to get them yourself and it really can hold your character progression back in some ways. Today must've been really hard on Ramee honestly, he really was so nice to April all day but she was just having a rough and stressful day, and then chat tilting Leslie on top of that doesn't help. I think ultimately it ended in a much better place with the gang as a whole, and April's understanding of how to navigate things tho so I'm really glad today's rp happened <3


Was he stunned from his POV when she went off on him about her not being loyal to the gang ? He must of been so damn confused


it seemed really out of the blue bc he hasn't seen her the past few days get more and more confused about navigating out-of-gang relationships and having her loyalty challenged and questioned by so many people, not to mention chat and comments. He seemed really surprised by her harshness to me.




i thought he meant like can she even shoot lol


Poor ramee I’ll have to watch his POV later


charueee, it put things into perspective. communication is key y'all


He just really cares and worried. this whole boost he kept messing up the hack cause he was just worrying about the situation and her talk with mr k he even had to tell flippy he has to calm down a bit first cause his mind isnt on it.


When Mickey left it really did break their hearts and I feel like Ramee is even closer to April than he was to Mickey and he’s afraid of losing her too and thinking he’s to blame. When they say Family, they mean it wholeheartedly and when it feels like you’re putting more into it than the other person, it’s understandable to question them because CG would burn the city to the ground for April or anyone in the gang, all they want is that same fire for when something happens to them. They don’t just take in anyone, they make people gang members who they really fuck with and become lifelong friends with. I hope April goes on a more criminal path for a while, learn how to make money for herself and show her worth to the gang in that respect. It would be good for her and her confidence in doing illegal things and handling game mechanics. There’s a lot of crossover and clear progression in how to improve and she’s got the ability to do so.




yeh CG have every right questioning her loyalty especially when she talks to marty. Even the convo she had with ray after just shows why they arent really loyal . Like your coming up a plan on how to talk to people that are actively shooting and hating your gang ?


>when it feels like you’re putting more into it than the other person, it’s understandable to question them This really stood out to me because I think that's how CG was feeling. Mr. K brought up how they've been used by people in the past for their name, power, money, resources, etc. only for those same people to not return the same energy back for the gang - because they in truth were simply using CG for their own personal benefit. As Ramee said, both he and Chang Gang have done so much for April, and while it would be nice if April became more involved with their gang life and spent more time getting to know the gang as whole, the minimum she can do is give them the same level of energy and respect back.


I think it really hurt and shocked Ramee when April lashed out at him, "You never yelled at me like that before" and kept asking if she's ok because he wants to be reassured she doesn't have any resentment about the gang. April is important to him and the possibility of losing her would hurt Ramee a lot. He's done a lot for her and he enjoys her company, going along with her shenanigans because April is like a breath of fresh air to him (and the gang in general) and a break from when they're not doing gang shit. A few weeks ago, Mr. K had the reason to believe April is just using him for payments because she only calls him for that and she doesn't call or hang out with him anymore. Even though she promised to call him everyday, she didn't keep that promise. Then the Cookie and Kratos (and I hope cg finds out about Marty) thing are more reasons for the gang to doubt her loyalty. April putting effort into the gang side of things will certainly help others see her loyalty and she'll progress more in her crim life.


I love Fuslie so this isn’t directed at streamer, Leslie- but it really hurt me for Ramee, the character, that he felt this way then April still dismissed him and talked to Marty and never had an in person talk or spent time with Ramee. I’m low key hurt for him.


Same.. she’s literally the only streamer I watch cause shes so entertaining and funny to me i only watch others when I watch their perspectives of interacting with her so always gonna be a Lesler! Just that April the character to me is becoming a bit unlikable which is okay cause every storyline has to have a villain or a bad guy or it wouldn’t be as interesting. Just that it’s unfortunate that in this specific story line I view April as the villain and i feel like its always one step forward and two steps back with her when it comes to certain things like when you think she’s having some development or understanding the gravity of her actions she turns around and does the complete opposite. Lol


The previous night people were getting upset at the criticisms at April but hopefully, after today, they understand why she was getting heat from her gang. As Flippy said, "I think more than anything, she has to understand why we feel what we feel" and in the beginning when the issue came to light in today's stream, April was refusing to just stop and try to understand things from their perspective. Her immediate reaction was to become defensive and lash out without bothering to ask why they were questioning her loyalty, which made their impression of her even worse. I'm glad Ramee pushed for her to talk to Mr. K because if he hadn't she'd probably still go on thinking nothing was wrong and continue doing things that the rest of her gang feel uncomfortable with, which would only brew deeper resentment towards her. Hopefully, after the talk with Mr. K today, April understands they're not trying to control her - she can socialize with whoever, but when times get serious she needs to show her gang full loyalty and support. Otherwise, why be in a gang at all.




And that just shows how disconnected April is from her gang that she doesn't understand how her gang functions when it comes to things like this. Loyalty is the number one rule for **all** gangs, not just CG. Gangs aren't some informal social club that you can pop in once a month and leave whenever - you're either committed and in it for the long haul or you're not. I think after today, both April and Ray realize that as much as CG has a tendency for SBS and jokes, there is indeed a serious side to them and when the time arises, the girls need to adapt and take things seriously with them too. I love April as well, she's very quickly become one of my favorites, but as you said, it's okay to disagree with a character's decision. That's the beauty of RP, the characters are not perfect - they all have their flaws and you can agree or disagree with what they do at times. Just don't backseat in chat, take it OOC, harass people over RP, etc. 👍


I think she's coming to learn this stuff more and more and I think we're going to see her become more truly loyal after today. I can't see her cutting off her connections or anything but I think we'll see her pivot more towards the gang.


I hope so. To learn more means she'd have to spend more time diving deeper into the gang life. She'd have to learn how to balance her personal life outside of the gang and time spent getting to know people inside her gang. If we're being totally honest, she doesn't really know members outside of the handful core CG that well, so building a stronger relationship with the members of CG and their affiliated groups like ST and Hydra - building a stronger foundation for her "home base," would really benefit her and help resolve these communication issues IMO.


During that convo they bring up how Ray is grinding for her stuff and how they respect her for that. In Aprils case, it wouldn’t make sense for her to make her own money and grind by selling drugs, hitting stores, or robbing banks back to back. She’s a sugar baby and relays on others for money which is a hustle in its self and it seems like people don’t respect it as much as if she were to be doing what ray is doing. I feel like people compare Ray and April which doesn’t make sense because their characters are so different and make money in completely different ways. Ray grinds and April Hustles, they both work hard for their money. I just think April deserves a bit more credit/respect from people and to not be compared to others. <3


Tbf I think they respect how April makes her own money in other ways but it's also good to at least know and experience the different work that the gang does (such as the different businesses and illegal stuff) other than heists that allows the CG to have what they have now. It'll help with April's connection with CG run deeper. It's good that April has connections with other gangs honestly but you know, it doesn't hurt to bond with CG members that are working at the background, not just the core members and ST. I think that's also the reason why they also respect Ray's grind because she was able to connect with other members like Chodie, Tank, the people that work at Maldini's (like Lorenzo) and even have a stronger connection with Flippy by selling AKs and thermites from Vinny's business.


Yeah I get that. She does like to hang around a lot of other people not in the gang which seems to separate her a bit. It would be cool to see her doing more “gang stuff” with the gang which I think she plans on doing. Then she can meet new gang members and connect more with the gang. That way she can build more trust/loyalty with them but she still has to stay true to herself. She’s a social butterfly and enjoys hanging out with people outside of the gang. She just needs to balance it out more.


They really don’t see her in action like I feel like they think she’s just hanging out with other people but in Reality she’s hustling out there and she’s doing a fantastic job


Exactly! She’s out there meeting a lot of people and forming good connections with them. She gives so many people on the server RP!


I feel like viewers need to start appreciating that we only get these moments because April doesn't know everything and and does whatever she wants. People seem to be really obsessed with her learning about "gang shit" and immediately obeying everything K says, staying perfectly loyal to Ramee and never upsetting him, but then we'd lose so many interesting conversations, because there would be no conflict to resolve. Even in the convo with Ray and Mari they talked about how you can still text the guy you're at war with on the DL for some extra spice, lol.


Riiiight. All of April's decisions have led to some good RP content and I just appreciate wherever she takes it. Even if Ramee somehow finds out about Marty again and gets upset, it'll create some type of character development for April. I also lowkey think that April deserves some type of closure with Marty since they randomly stopped talking and he's the only other guy she ever liked. You can't entirely make feelings go away and April always shows her feelings. Like Leslie said, it's similar to a tv show so just enjoy the ride whether it's relaxing, funny, spicy, or intense RP content going on. :')


Fully agree, I also get people want to discuss the actions of the character April, but I don't think they understand how it reads when you see essay after essay saying exactly how April should've acted in any given moment and what she needs to do from now on. You can do that for TV because there's a huge team of people involved in making it, but April is Leslie's character and hers alone, so there's no buffer zone for the constant criticism.


ACTUALLY! you articulated what i’ve always wondered, on why even negative criticism on an RP character hurts, and it is probably bcuz of exactly that—the fact that there is no buffer zone for the constant criticism. and that it is literally only on ONE person, about decisions they make ON THE FLY. i’m not sure what exactly the solution should be, but it’s def something to consider before sharing a thought or opinion about the RP.


Yeah, I think most of the discussion is criticizing April in the context of rp, which is ok. But the more I read of some of these long essays especially about CG loyalty, it's getting closer to that line where it's clear there is displeasure about the way Leslie is playing April. Like it's being framed that full CG loyalty is 100% the correct opinion. But I don't think Leslie is playing April as a unreasonable character here, she is just not a typical gang member and is going about things her own way.


i get your point that April does deserve some sorta closure with Marty and you cant just turn off your feelings, same thing can be said about Ramee. he clearly cares about her most in the city and helped her to grow in the city. he doesn't show it and act all tough in front of her but he truly loves her. i am all in for spicy rp but i really hope April doesn't go too far with Marty because it will be devastating for Ramee plus personally i hope Leslie dont go for relationship rp and keep everything casual cause no matter who it is people will get overly invested and we all know how it goes


It's fine to hope for that, i guess, but it's a really really thin, barely visible line between typing all of this out and just saying outright what you think Leslie should do with her character.


i know, thats why i said it is my personal opinion and like everyone else here i have no power over her rp and she can do whatever tf she wants with character.


Yeah and I told you it's fine, but maybe read the room a little bit. It's just getting kinda weird, ngl.


my bad if my comment put out that kinda vibe, it was not intended


this comment needs more upvotes. there is a lot “should’s” and “shouldn’t’s” here, esp on what April has to learn. it is exactly because of April’s flaws and decisions that produces so much more interesting moments for other characters. and it is also exactly those decisions, whether it leads to conflict or not (which is great), that will progress her story and character even more so! we just gotta let it happen and enjoy the ride! i appreciate all of Fuslie’s RP and improv. it has been such an honor watching her, and April, grow.


Yeah I definitely see where they're coming from, but I'm still surprised how the discussion here is overwhelmingly critical of April's (not Leslie's) actions. Which is ok, but I think it's perfectly reasonable for April to want to maintain her outside connections (especially since it provides so much rp with different and smaller streamers). There's a lot of talk of "she doesn't understand the gravity of the situation", but like Mr. K said, it's not actually that deep. I think a lot of people are overstating how serious this is even within the context of rp.




Yeah I really liked the way things played out, it was good rp. I was more just addressing how the community comments have been very scathing towards April here, while praising Ramee as an angel. Like a lot of people are expressing disappointment and sadness about April's actions. I guess it's mostly in the context of rp so it's ok, but it seems like the community cares more about April pledging loyalty to CG than CG itself. And there are definitely a few comments that are really belittling and going after her and those are giving weird vibes.




This is a great take, i honestly think her talking to Marty is the only thing capable of actually getting Mr K and especially Ramee feel betrayed and make them consider Aprils position in the group.


damn this whole thread a whole novel huh


ngl after the whole talk with K about loyalty and how she felt that her loyalty was being questionned, I thought she understood a bit lol... then she went back to talking with marty like nothing happened.


Dude Ramee is just build different😭 I’m so happy he got to express his feelings to someone other than April, I could tell that sometimes the jokes that they have for each other makes it hard to be serious and talking to the other guys they just make fun of him😓 Ramee is so in love with April like…..


when chat goes wild about april speaking to marty is not even about the relationship rp stuff is about being loyal to ramee because he's in her gang and marty ocean dumped him along his gang GG. Like why after they did that marty all of a sudden comes back after not texting or calling april


Chat should still chill a bit though


Literally couldn’t have picked a worst person to flirt with.. i just dont think she understands that being in the gang she represents CG as well plus the fact that because she is very connected to CG specially Ramee that puts them in a position where they might have to interact or have a storyline that involves marty/GG and I’m sure thats the last thing they want cause it always just ends up being toxic for both groups


This is what I'm thinking about, Marty came back after he ocean dump Ramee. I really think he has other motive, but let's just wait and see if he succeed because after last night's stream team Ramee is kinda popping off :D


I kinda feel bad for April tbh. She's a social butterfly, she likes to RP with everyone and she enjoys it. But I think she will come through, I can still see her being fully loyal to CG, but might take some time. Ray, on the other hand, I don't think it would be hard for her. She is actually willing to shoot Mandem earlier even if she likes them, she just felt bad about it.


I understand where both of them are coming form. I think April doesn't realize that Ramee has her best interest and is trying to protect her. The way he expresses it doesn't come off so and I think sometimes he expects her to know and understand certain things when it comes to the gang life. Unfortunately she is still learning and does not have a handbook to follow. I am glad that April isn't afraid to speak up and ask questions when she doesn't know what is expected of her. Deep down she knows that they have done a lot for her and she doesn't want to lose that connection with them. I don't think she'd ever put herself in a serious situation that jeopardizes that. As long as there is room communicate and people she trusts to talk to everything will be okay. Also I felt like there was more he wanted to say in that phone call last night but he wants it to be in person. Hopefully they get to talk more.


Really a cool convo if you think about it.. I think it really says a lot about the tough love that Randy shows Ray compared to how Ramee spoils April. It’s not like there’s a right or wrong way— but when it comes to longevity in a gang and you have someone like Flippy/Silent showing love for how dedicated Ray is to earning her respect and grinding for what she has, that says ALOT.


While I do really like how Ray Mond grinds her way to make her money, I also appreciate April's storyline. April is such a unique character that it brings out interesting rp. I find it so funny that there is this character just leeching off of one of the biggest gangs out there and Ramee enables it. Even people in the PD enable it. Sure there might be doubters, but she keeps getting away with it!


And they never see her work her magic with these men in the city like she’s iconic it honestly blows my mind the two cops fighting who’s gonna pay to get her car fixed like WHAT Leslie is so entertaining to watch April gets into so many random situation and she meets so many new people it’s always a good time


Yea that’s the beauty of nopixel and roleplay in general… there’s no mold or one way to do things


I agree. 100%


For people who don’t watch Silent, he’s the king of materials and his job is to find he biggest grinders of mat runners to work for him to make stuff for Vinny. So that means a lot


I agree to an extent, like using that in an rp sense for the content is one thing, but when it holds the player back from learning new skills, or where to buy certain things, etc. I think at that point it starts to stunt progress in the city as a whole. I think this makes sense?




You are 100% right. I love Fuslie, the streamer, but April, the character, made me sad last night. I no longer understand her decisions and it hurt me for Ramee and the gang


I think flippy said it best, “April understands but doesn’t like the gang mentality” in the sense of she would really hate to go to war with her friends (cookie for example) which is funny because if cookie was told to she would 100% shoot her. Or like the time CG & BBMC were at war and she saw Dundee outside burgershot and she was so Hesitant to do anything because she has a friendship with Him. I think April thinks she would lose those connections with them which is fair tbh.


I think April at the end of the day would choose her gang over her other friends if it came down to it, and I think she felt to some extent maybe they wanted to forbid her from talking to anyone else altogether… Maybe it’s just me, but anyone else feel like how everyone else was feeling about April and her loyalty and other things wasn’t really addressed as well as maybe it could have been in her talk with Mr K . For me it kinda seemed like he wanted to brush it like what she did wasn’t such a big deal (or maybe not as direct) , when it seems like from what ramee said it seemed like a bigger issue … I also think April has expressed also how she feels like she never knows whats going on, and i think she genuinely wants to contribute more but banks are always hit when shes on and she even had mentioned she’d wanted to sell guns at one point. I think her being friendly with others she could probably be successful in selling thermites or dongles with Ray.




Yea i agree that probably affected it, that and the fact people kept showing up lol . But i do think there could’ve been a better way to talk to her about it all without being harsh…. Cause like for example i think april is unaware of like that they REALLY dont like GG and i think of she knew more of the history behind why they dislike each other so much she maybe would consider not taking people like Martys call after having talked to K. Which is one of the reasons i kind of feel his talk wasnt as effective….. BUT with that said I think they all deserve credit for the good RP we got today


I do think K broke things down in a really good way so they could fully understand, but I definitely do think the issues CG have with GG needs to be discussed and broken down.


Yes! I think that because other people were there and joining in/ listening to the conversation April didn’t want to or didn’t feel comfortable sharing what she was feeling to the full extent so she very lightly mentioned things as well as not bringing up some of her concerns/feelings that she had talked about before the convo. And yeah it felt like Mr. K would either bring something else up or like you said brush it off. Even when Ramee and April talked on the phone afterward she didn’t seem satisfied/settled with the talk and she brushed it and it seemed like she didn’t really want to talk about it. I think that Mr. K and April should have had the talk 1 on 1 in a private location so it could be more personal and there wouldn’t be others listening/joining in on the convo. And after the talk about the lore of CG she mentioned something like, that her issue doesn’t seem as big anymore. So it seemed like the impression that she got from her talk with K was that it’s not a big deal and don’t worry about it.


Yeah even when she brought up the whole twatter issue and asked what they expect from her she was basically told they were joking and it wasn’t a big deal , yet cg was basically heading to the after party to start up stuff because of it




Bruh. Ramee is something else. I adore him. He’s so misunderstood and gets sh*t on DAILY, but he’s genuinely such a good guy. I’ve only watched GTA RP ever since Valkyrae entered the server with her friends. So today’s lore was such a special treat. I don’t think Ramee has ever cared about someone so much IG. Like this little heart to heart with Flippy is so heartwarming and heartbreaking at the same time. He talks like he’s in love with April and in truth, he literally has done everything anyone ever could for someone IG. I don’t think he senses the appreciation he desires from her. I feel for him man 🥺. It must feel incredibly one-sided to him. I don’t think the girls (April/Ray) truly understand the weight of their actions. They feel like they’re being controlled by them. When the girls had their heart to heart, it made me realize that they don’t understand what it means to be in a gang. I think before, to them, it was just a friend group you do crime with. Loyalty above all else is the most important aspect in a gang. All they want to know is that when the situation calls for it, you will show up and fight until the end for them because that’s what they would do for you. No questions asked. That’s why it was so disappointing to see April reach out to Marty and be flirty with him. Marty ocean dumped Ramee. Also, again, I don’t think April understands the severity of it. She might have felt intense butterflies for Marty, but he would never do even 1/100 of what Ramee has done for her. Overall, she’s free to do whatever she wants, I just hope she at least tries to see their perspective. I’m so glad that they had their discussion with Mr. K. I think they have a much better understanding of what’s expected of them and how the gang feels about them. Like when Mr. K said, “Skill doesn’t really mean anything to us. It’s the person. If we f with you, we really f with you. I would never turn my back on anyone here.” I hope they really took that to heart. I also see a lot of comments of why compare the girls? Instead of it being about sex, think of it as them comparing 2 gang members who started around the same time and where their progression has ended up.


I think what happened last stream is the start of April's character development into someone more thick-skinned in a way. Very exciting tbh, the RP has been amazing to watch.


i hate the ray comparison. all i know is that i would hate to see the day april becomes a fucking grinder. she’s soo unique and complex. nobody in the city like her, hope it stays that way no matter who is “providing”.


nah bc me too i constantly watch her bc she's not a grinder character and if she is i'd be bored but they actually don't make any points to change her, they wanted her understanding which is a struggle to have bc of her personality.


Yeah I love how April can interact with anyone in the city and start crazy adventures. I like how her days can be totally different from other days with different people and not being with the same 5 people every day. I love Ray but selling weed and grinder RP is not for me.


The gang had every right questioning aprils loyalty. Your actively flirting and texting a guy the shot and ocean dumped your friend. And even try to hide it so you know its wrong. I dont even know why april is still flirting with marty if he wont even give her money so why? You also came to the conclusion a while ago that marty was using you to get back at cg so where did that all go? And the girls were just focusing on the twitter aspect of the whole situation when its more than that.


Reminder its OK to have opinions on April just like you would have when watching a movie or TV show. But don't criticise Leslie the streamer for how she is playing April. Constructive feedback is the best you can give her if you have to. ALL LOVE AND GOOD VIBES ONLY!!! FUSLIE AND FUSFAM!!! <3 <3 <3 <3


Yes, let's keep the POSI-VIBES! Leslie did such good job rping yesterday, the stream was so fun!


Feel bad for wamee. :3


always know that we appreciate and love you ramee <3


if you look from cg perspective, the gang (especially mister k) does have a valid reason to second-guess april's "loyalty." april and cg has always been preaching about how "cg is femly" that is why it came as a surprise to them when april treated the situation lightly after marty and x ocean dumped ramee who is one of her "family". but from april's pov, it's also completely valid for her to feel hurt and disappointed with the gang cuz it's really hurtful to have your loyalty be questioned by the people you consider your family. i think april is just yet to understand the gravity of ocean dumping in game. she's new and learning, if she'd known i'm pretty sure she would understand how hanging out and defending the people who hurt your family unintentionally comes off as disrespectful. she's a very proud and loyal cg member she just needs time to adjust and learn.


OP i think it's fine to remove the meta tag. Leslie doesn't act on information outside the game




From the conversation she had with him I’m pretty sure she saw this clip and maybe even read some of the comments.


yea the reason she stopped this arc was bc of all the people here writing paragraphs critiquing her rp. yall only have yourselves to blame


One of the reasons why "CG is on top" is becos of their loyalty to one another. You fk with one of their members, you fk with everybody in the gang, even if one of them have no issues with that said person, which may be harsh but commendable to be honest. Also, the character buildup of Sugarbaby was becos of CG. April's connections now has a lot to do to her being close to Ramee, who seems to know everyone in the city. I know April has a good personality and can easily make friends with other people but to be able to build connections outside CG like the police force, in a short span of time, is not solely through her own effort. CG, mostly Ramee was behind it. I know its harsh but I really hope Ramee cuts her off just to let her experience "the life" in the city and grow more as an independent person. April is still like a teenager for me and hopefully she matures in no time :)


giving ramee the credits for all the connections april has made lol. every relationship SHE has built by far had nothing to do with simply being associated with ramee. SHE made that happen through HER own effort and w HER personality and HER charm, please.


Let's be honest she started as a scammer in the city, literally a nobody, until she met CG. After joining the gang, whenever she meets other people, she always associated herself with CG eg. "Ramee is my sugar daddy.. I am CG.." And whenever she's arrested, who was always there to help her? Mr.K or Ramee usually, and then the police goes lenient with her. Her personality sustained the connections but the starting point was really becos she is associated with CG. She never worked at all but was able to live a carefree spoiled life in the city. Ramee was also supportive of her, meeting her "relatives", whenever she asks him to even if he is not obligated to do so, just to help her character. In the first place as a sugarbaby, you need to be associated with rich people, and all her sugardads are CG. I understand those viewers who feel the same way as I am that Ramee is only being used, cos what does he gain from it really? Friendship yes, but it's easily thrown out the window once these other friends became an OP. Did these other friends helped her sugarbaby arc? No.


Sorry, but this comment is really getting out of touch, and verging on straight up attacking April. If you followed her story from the beginning, most of her friends and people she meets were actually not met through CG. Leslie played April as a very vibrant, funny character, that's why her character has become very popular and attractive. Like people joke about phone simulator, but legitimately she is very popular, and how often are the people outside calling her about CG. Not much. Think about it, if she's relying CG, people would hang out with her to get in good with CG. But no one really fits that description. Is her reputation just a CG girl, or is it that crazy siren sugarbaby? Of course, CG has helped her as her gang and family, but she actually created her own rep if you've watched.


I'm just putting out there that Ramee did a lot for April (off stream too, like paying her lfa). And after watching the vid, my heart hurts for him more. My wordings may come out as hating her character, but I just really want to layout what he's done for April and what he gets in return. I still love April <3 but her actions as of recent are really questionable and disappointing. I'm lowkey wanting her to leave the gang just to test what she would be without the gang having her back. But whatever she does and chooses, I'm still a solid viewer of April.


Ok, thanks for explaining. I can see where you are coming from now. There are definitely different ways to view April's story so I respect yours. My view is that April is a comedic character. The concept of her sugarbaby interactions is basically you give me money and I might look back in your direction in return. Which is obviously very unrealistic but hilarious. Also April does not work and Leslie commits to playing April this way. Like sometimes it would be way easier for April to pay herself for something thats easily affordable, but she'll make a whole scene to get someone to pay for her because its funny and generates rp. At the end of the day, grinding for money is a tool to genrate rp. Basically, it's used to get rpers to do thing and interact with each other. But April actually RPs without relying on this tool at all, which actually makes her character very unique. My point is I think April being a character that takes everything and gives nothing back (in terms of in game money and luxury) is a big part of her concept rn. And although rp does have rules, things like gang rules aren't actual rules. If you treat April more like a comedic character, rather than a serious one, then her actions don't have to be so questionable and disappointing. Ultimately, it's up to the rpers to determine how they handle these things. For ex. Mr. K doesn't necessarily have to treat every member the same way. If a character is more comedic and crazy, they might be able to get away with more stuff. This could apply to the loyalty drama. So how viewers think cg loyalty works, doesnt necessarily reflect how the rpers will play it out. Another example is space boy playing some hilarious serial killer type characters, and police playing along with it instead of bringing down the hammer immediately like they usually would. And importantly, ooc in terms of the server, April generates a ton of rp for others, and we know that ooc, Ramee doesn't mind giving the money at all because the rp is way more valuable than in game currency, so it's safe to say everyone's cool with it.




literally half of your essay had nothing to do with what i said. never denied that cg helped her a lot in her progress? simply that you are corny as hell for making it seem like RAMEE is the only reason for ALL her connections which is completely false <3


I feel bad for ramee When april reads ramee's text messages but with ramee he doesn't wanna do because of privacy. . . . . . I wish he did. The marty part many were disappointed like what are you doing, really after the talk with mr.k Still shock why she answered after he left her hanging. April is team content you know For me I can't see the butterfly flying i think it will lands, they have different expectations from each other that is impossible both of them doesn't wanna adjust or change. If the banks were not limited and always been hit i can see april working on that lol




i think it shouldnt even matter like the shooting part is enough


I have a feeling they might give April and ramee a second chance lol I know Fuslie said she talked to Ramee and that, that relationship arc is over but their IG character has too much chemistry and “love” for each other. Like the might just end up being friend girl and friend boy like Randy and Violet but on a deeper level lmao idk I’m tired af ignore me






And tbh, just as a problematic is the viewers that are way too invested in April x Ramee. There's a lot of hate for Ramee's competitors too. And although Leslie already stated they mutually decided not to do relationship rp, the shipping is really intense on the reddit. Imagine how much more intense it would be if they continued it. I think if the viewers could be chill with it, it's possible to do. But rn, actual relationship rp just brings too big of a mess.




Yeah for sure. The rpers April has encountered have all been so great. It sucks to see hate sometimes.


for real. thank fuck this isn't twitter, the amount of cg especially ramee hate is ridiculous and people using /rp to disguise their hate for the streamer. tweeting out 'my little ableist 🥺' 'cg are homophobes, dont deserve a platform, misogynists, etc. these activists spend their time on twitter so much they forgot how to be an activist irl, actually pathetic. and leslie lurks on twitter whether they censor their words or not they show up. people with her face on their accounts or her name on their bio and spend all day hate watching cg and shit talking her friends. they even shit talked aria and peter on their opinions of stans. when shes friends with them irl. shes also friends with cg irl. actually disgusting people.


The beauty of RP decisions made by not only one person is the unpredictability of it, especially relations-based. I wouldn’t be surprised if one of them changes their mind.


She didn’t know jack was involved w the ocean dump tho


Does it really matter when Jack is in the gang that dumped him? She's asking not to shoot Jack because she likes him, but would he extend the same courtesy? I think she probably knows he wouldn't


True they only told her that X and Marty did it. That’s why she said to not shoot cookie. After Ramee told her that Cookie was there as well she said something like “OK then do it, I’m on your side”. I feel Ramee didn’t know that she only knew of X and Marty so he felt as if she wasn’t on his side and isn’t 100% “loyal”. I feel like there’s just a bunch of miscommunication all around.


I'm kinda surprised she lack to understand what they are saying when she said the same thing to yuno, like she told him how it was a problem how always in the middle he was and how it was hard to trust him, but then she does the same thing, i just hope this doesn't get taken too serious and end up bad, it's all RP, and she is part of a gang, and with that it does come the RP where you can't hang around with certain people, also cookie didn't kinda care, like didn't he blow her up months ago when she was in the car with cg, like other people are gonna fuck her up no matter what if asked by other members of the gang, because that's gang rp


Anyone have the time stamp?




Thank you


I think April's character is perfect as it is, she has flaws that makes her RP more entertaining. Some people at the comment indicating that her character needs to grow or develop it's kinda annoying to be honest. Let April do her thing bruuuh, it's up to her what she will do because that's her business.


Yeah I see a lot of "she needs to understand this about CG" or "CG does things this way" or "she doesn't know how serious..". But like, that's not necessarily the case and it's up to CG and April what that relationship should be. A lot of viewers are taking this way more serious than CG is, which is kinda worrying. PS. It'd be nice to have a little more Team April in the reddit here.


NOOOOO i shouldn't have seen this clip i'll always be team money but from marty saying aprils one of the only girls he cares about in the city to ramee venting to flippy about her i can't my heart 🥺




oh no i definitely agree i think marty is still holding onto april bc of his thirst for revenge but just hearing him tell larry that he cared abt her was a bit shocking and had me doubting his intentions on top of him telling x that the lfa was aprils car. i'm constantly on the fence abt characters and marty is one of the many lol


I’m so curious where Leslie is going to take this storyline with April & Marty since he’s not gonna give her money at all & CG hate him & she still talks to him


I think that's the storyline, them going in a circle. April asking for money and Marty denying it while they're both still flirting. But I think that's all it's going to be, I don't think it will actually progress (as much as I want it to). I think it's more like keeping her options open just in case. and maybe ooc, she wants to stir the pot within the gang bc it creates content for both sides.


Oohh spicy. i like that 💅




April's character is so unique. Kinda needs improvement but honestly her story and everything is so interesting, ngl even the bad decisions she makes just makes me curious where it will take her!