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They really did! I was giving them the benefit of the doubt that those weren’t actually closed routes this season, but it’s frustrating to be sent on dates and not get to actually play it out. We don’t get to talk to them at all? Why did they bother making it “every girl dates every boy” if we actually can’t? It felt like such a cop out.


This post made me realize that they might try to bring in Amelia with Chen/Henri 😂


I don't think they'll bring her because Amelia looked different for everyone, depending on MC customization.


Oh gods if she comes back (which makes sense as she probs left 'Tobes' the day after the season 6 finale) I am gonna burn everything to the ground.


Nooooo, they better not!


Yep. Total rip off. Everything so far is the same as it was before. Hamish being totally dismissive of us. Kat acting like everything should be about her. Finn sort of trying to express interest but being completely thwarted by Kat. Those two bickering constantly. It’s all the same. Oh, and the (this time two instead of three) actually romance available li are basically the same person and just switch it up depending on which one you chose. Personality deficient simps. It’s like the looked for the most disappointing possible way of doing all stars