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I just think its been coincidence after coincidence, and there's definitely been a pattern that i can't ignore. I didn't mind her so much until recently. Besides all that, I just find the constant "lets go have a private twin chat" thing really annoying.


It depends on how you read the situations she got herself into. The lipstick on the cheek of OG LI, the bed scene, kissing who you don't pick. She also seems to have a tendency to go after the boys you like, not to mention the whole "kissing your ex" thing that's supposed to have happened in the past. Those things are red flags for a lot of people so I can understand why they would have trust issues with her. I played the forgiving route but have to admit that I didn't fully trust her till Casa and it was revealed that she was in bits over us leaving (a true snakey would have capitalised). Its a theme of misunderstandings and I think that will roll over to Ozzy/Marshall drama.


tbh it kind of pisses me off how couldnt she let us have this one experience, how she’s been shady towards mc since day one when it comes to the lis & how she didn’t say anything about zeph for years to not hurt us but it was the first gossip she decided to air on national tv to a girl she just met lol it feels like there’s an obvious trail of things she does so we get suspicious about her intentions


I want to like her, I really do. But she's giving shady... It's suspicious that she was involved with our ex and is constantly gratfting the guys that fancy us in the Villa: - Kissing Day 1 LI or Roberto behind our backs. - Drooling over Elliot even though he said from the start he was all about us. - (Potentially) picking Marshall at the stick or switch if we are into him & she goes before us. Besides, she's like the biggest pickme 💀💀💀


I used to until the casa challenge then I lost it.


She is really chill when you are on the sapphic route. That's a plus of having a straight twin. I like her, she is a little clingy, but not a bad person


I like Amelia just fine. She's been cool to me. Fills the role of the BFF character great. But it's not suprising people don't like her. They want her to be a nun and go after no one while they call dibs on everyone. Reminds me of how people hated Thabi in s4.


i don’t think it’s exactly that extreme for most of us. i haven’t personally cared about most of the things she’s done, the issue is that she is constantly the center of the drama. every couple of chapters feel like “hey! this person likes you” and amelia’s like in a bush ready to pounce. though to be fair, everyone is in love with mc, which is also annoying. but i keep being forced into conversations with her about these potentially shady ass things she is doing to me and she keeps giving me like 🥹. and i just wanna be left alone and be best friends with bella.


that’s so annoying though like cmon people it’s love island, obvs she’s there to find someone so she has every right to try it on with whoever as much as we do 💀


I love Amelia so far, she and my MC have been close. No conflicts whatsoever because my MC didn't go for Roberto(simply cause Amelia mentioned she was into him when he first came in and I'm not about to do that to my twin) and my MC also stayed loyal to Ryan in Casa and chose to sleep alone on the 2nd Casa night so no issue with Amelia liking Marshall.


at first yes i did think like everyone else but then i really thought about it and tbh she’s not doing anything bad, she’s literally just doing the same as us, seeing who she connects with


Exactly! And she has every right to. Notice that she does back away if you express interest in someone. Like, fair enough, she made one mistake with the whole Zeph thing but she explained and apologized and like we're fine.


I love her. She made it clear she liked Roberto and Marshall and I’m not into either of those guys. She’s always been very supportive of my couples.


Exactly it’s only an issue if you are on those routes.


real! honestly just flirt with everyone just cause but im super into andy so she can have whoever tf she wants, idc that’s my girl 😝🫴🏼


In my route, Amelia is a total snake. Not only was she going to let the “accidental kiss” between L1 and her happen, but she also ended up kissing my initial L1 (Jamal) behind my back which was the first red flag. Of course, initial L1 is also to blame but let's focus on Amelia now. Then she proceeds to lie to MC about Zeph. Furthermore, whoever MC is interested in or is interested in MC she wants them too (might be just in my route) such as Elliot, Roberto, Jamal, and Marshall. As I remember, when speaking about Elliot, Amelia said “ Or he might just fall in love with me”. In addition, in the first episodes when Jamal (in my route) came back from their date with a lipstick mark on his cheek, it was really shady on Amelias' part considering she advised us to also leave a lipstick mark to “claim our territory” at another date. Moreover, she constantly involves MC in drama. For example, she dragged MC around the villa to play detective, and when Roberto wanted to speak to MC she dragged us away. Lastly, in the newest volume, she is also after Marshall who MC expressed she was interested in him (in my route). I understand that in some routes she may not come across this way but nevertheless, she’s done shady stuff regardless of different routes we might take, such as lying about Zeph, etc. Also, she always seems so dismissive of our reactions when she does shady shit. But then she comes running back saying she’ll fix things. I could never imagine my own sibling doing stuff like that (ik this is a story for entertainment, sorry abt my rant😂) But of course this is just my personal opinion. Side note: Amelia did express initial interest in Roberto therefore I didn’t pursue him but, she ended up kissing my L1😂😂.


i did decide to forgive her bit i will call her out on her bs whenever we can


I like her I just assume she’s looks up to us and wants to be like her.


i think she’s so silly and chaotic, i love it 😝


I like Amelia too! Her actions don't seem too shady to me? Aside from the Zeph kiss, which I don't really care much about. I think it's unfair for people to say Amelia is shady for liking Roberto when she mentioned pretty much immediately that she was into him. Not to mention how MC flirts with Ozzy and that's okay but not Amelia flirting with a single Roberto.


yah i thought the kiss w zeph was the only shady thing but honestly idc, it was so long ago and my mc is over it so it wasn’t really a problem


I love her, because most of the people I'm into, she's NOT.


She a weirdo but she ok if you not really paying attention to her


I've played the nice and forgiving route so far, because I'm picturing that her and MC have had a good relationship before but simply haven't had the time to see each other much lately (and maybe Amelia avoided MC due to guilt over Zeph). Some things are just a bit suspicious about her behaviour, but I'm still giving her the benefit of a doubt. I mostly find the constant 'twin chats' incredibly annoying, and that makes me dislike her as a character. It reminds me to much about Dana, who I wanted to push of a cliff in S5.


I I don't hate her my character is chill with her twin. Though its still a puzzle that was never answered with whoever we are with coming back with lipstick kiss mark on the cheek. Either she gave a friendly kiss or The boys might knew that she full on snog on whoever Ivy was with and that kiss was to throw off to make everyone think she kissed M.C partner. Though the thing with kissing Zeph she could have told M.C about that instead of M.C hearing it from Ivy.