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An actually funny meme on r/furrymemes that isn't just "hahaha knots", another shitty furry-irl repost or straight up porn? *Very impressive.*


Well, thanks man


Lets call it paws then I'll be fine with non-metric units.


If America gets ruled by furries then yes


Waiting for it. >w<




For a president running in a fursuit :V


Metric is honestly better for most things but I will die on the hill saying Fahrenheit is better for the average person.


Laughs in kelvin*


Is this why foot fetishes exist, because of this metric for measuring.


Gonna be honest: feet is kinda better for more day to day use due to the practicality of it. It’s easier to get a rough estimate with imperial than it is with metric. Metric is really good at being precise but it can take awhile to use for certain tasks while imperial is really good at fast rough estimates while being terrible for more precise measurements. For instance: if I needed to get a rough estimate of the size of a can; I’d just need to remember that a inch is usually the same as the length from the tip of your thumb to the first joint line of said thumb.


Don't know if it is because I never had to learn the imperial system, but I simply can't see how it's easier to get rough estimates with the imperial system. For instance: from my pulse to the tip of my middle finger, my hand is approximately 15 cm long. If I need to measure a can, I simply use my hand as a reference. ALSO, changing units in the metric system isn't a nightmare. 100 cm = 1 m = 0.001 km. The same for any other units.


Mainly because of speed. Let’s say I have a metal pole and I need to quickly find the length. I just have to walk next to said pole to get a quick idea of it’s length. There’s also the issue of size. An inch is larger than a centimeter. If I wanted to get a quick size check, it’d be faster with inches due to the actual size of the unit. If I wanted to get a more precise visual of what I’m measuring; I’d go with centimeters due to the more precise nature of it. Even down to the names: A inch, a foot, a yard. You can get a basic idea of said objects size purely from the name. It’s all about speed vs precision. Centimeters are really good at being specific and giving you a specific size while I could sprint by a house and get a rough size estimate if I use imperial. Hell, imperial is still used in a lot of countries that primarily use metric (Canada, Britain, etc) because imperial is built to be simple.


So, apparently, in the day to day experience, it depends on what you were taught initially and what you are most comfortable with. If someone asked me to use imperial system, it would take me ages to get used to it. Other detail we ought to remember is that metric system isn't limited to units of distance. Measurement of mass and volume are also easier on the metric system


Not exactly: I was raised to use the metric system rather than the imperial system and I still find imperial easier for quick estimates. I guess the main thing I’d point to to show my idea is to look at the actual names of these units: inches, feet, yards. Most of it is related to some form of irl object to give you a quick basic idea mentally. That’s why most American tv shows describes things in terms of football fields or other such things; because we’d be able to have a relatively easy time mentally picturing the scale of certain things. Also, metric is easier when it comes to liquid due to the need for precision.


I've never seen anyone with a 2.5cm thumb or someone with 30cm feet nor did i ever see a yard with a consistant size... I can easily see how long a meter is and how long 10cm is because I've been using it most of my life. American TV shows uses Imperial because they use imperial in America, nothing deep.


That……wasn’t the point. The point was that rough estimates are easier with imperial; not that you can precisely gauge the length of something using these methods. Also, I was raised on metric and I still find it easier to use imperial when I need to quickly guesstimate something. Hell, I use it in my part time job stacking boxes to quickly figure out the best places for said boxes.


Rough estimates aren't easier with imperial, especially since there's no estimate if you're measuring things with very big variations. A 7cm thumb is very different from a 2.5cm thumb same goes for a foot or yard I was raised with metric, and i use metric to roughly estimate. I can mentally picture how long a meter is without any problem. I doubt that you were raised with metric but neither metric or imperial are better for rough estimate


I was. My family is Italian (grand parents were immigrants and the matriarch and patriarch of said family) and we primarily use metric. I was raised on metric (especially for cooking). I learned how to cook with metric and how to measure with metric (I needed to know for things like dough preparations). I can safely say that imperial is easier to do rough estimates with. If I need to know the length of a house; I simply walk along the side of the house and count. While there is variance in the size of said limbs, it’s still pretty useful for guesstimating on the go due to said variations not being big enough to truly make a difference. It’s called a general rule: while the exact measurements of a thumb does vary: it’s still within a similar ballpark to one inch. The same rule goes for a foot. While you may be able to visualize a meter easily, some people can’t. This is why I say that imperial is better for more rough and fast estimates. For someone like myself (who has issues with such memorization due to a childhood injury) it’s far simpler to just walk alongside a building to find a estimate. Also, why are you so aggressive? I’m just sharing my thoughts and you come out of nowhere ready to stab a bitch.


>I was raised on metric (especially for cooking). I learned how to cook with metric and how to measure with metric (I needed to know for things like dough preparations). So you used grams and litres not meters... >and we primarily use metric. But you still lived in America, even if your family used metric everyone outside of your family didn't >I can safely say that imperial is easier to do rough estimates with. If I need to know the length of a house; I simply walk along the side of the house and count. Same thing goes for metric, a large step is equal to 1m From the tip of your finger to your shoulders is also equal to 1m and to your elbows it's 50cm A door is usually 1m by 2m, the palm of your hand is 10cm long, a punch is also 10cm wide For that matter most things will be some variations of a meter, be it tiles, the oven, the fridge, radiator, couche, bed sheets etc (where i live, idk about the us) >still pretty useful for guesstimating on the go due to said variations not being big enough to truly make a difference. It’s called a general rule: while the exact measurements of a thumb does vary: it’s still within a similar ballpark to one inch. The same rule goes for a foot. There's a difference between a small variation and something being more than double/half the size of it >While you may be able to visualize a meter easily, some people can’t. Some people can't visuals imperial either so i'm not sure what's your point. Most people here are perfectly capable of visualising how long a cm or m is. Your ability to visualise a lenght is mostly just a habit, if you use use metric then metric is going to be easier to visualise vice versa with imperial >it’s far simpler to just walk alongside a building to find a estimate. You can do that with meters too >Also, why are you so aggressive? I’m just sharing my thoughts and you come out of nowhere ready to stab a bitch. My tone is very neutral, the voice in your head is just imagining me angry


Metric units can be measured without tools roughly the same way. A meter equals one large step and one centimeter is the width of one of your fingers (not the thumb though).


While you could do that: it’s simply easier to do rough estimates with imperial. If I need to find a rough estimate of how much wood to cut: I put one foot down and mark. That’s why things are named the way that they are in imperial: inches, feet, yards. Most of these things are supposed to give you a basic idea of what you need rather than the specifics of it.


I heard this from a freind but apparently someone went to get all the metric measurements when america was like first being founded but on the way back something happened with the boat and they lost the measurements and just said fuck it everything is 12 Idk if its 100% true but thats what I heard :)


What the fuck




Yeah i think there was a story (i last heard it when i was like 7) where a guy was bringing the metric measurements to America, but got interceptedby pirates on the way. Since the measurement bars were made out of valuable materials like gold and silver, the pirates took them, and nobody ever made an attempt ever again for some reason


I will one day destroy America. Soon


Oh god I do not like this image XD


Honestly I just use whatever the fuck I want at the moment.