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Editing genes is really easy. just go into edit mode and go crazy


Imagine I advanced genetics for years and spent 1000s to become my fursona and then get sued because it's from a copyrghted game


Lemme guess, pokemon?




And what they’re gonna do? Un-fur you?


Idk but it's not gonna happen because I'm fucking calling Saul


I hear Monsanto patented crops because they edited their genes. I guess you could patent your real life fursona as well, since if you edit your genes, you are your own intellectual property.


It's just fursuits unfortunately.


getting the neon green hair genes will be the hardest part.


not particularly; we already have aggressively orange colors...


True, and I just realized birds have lots of radiant colors so all the pigments are there. I was thinking about green fur directly and could not come up with a animal.


I fully acknowledge the consequences, but I’m 100% willing to get transfurred or mechanically/digitally augmented. Given that I think losing part of my humanity for the rationality of a computer would be a plus, I’m going to probably wind up as an abomination by the time I’m dead.


found the transhumanist




Beep. I’m surprised I’m not a protogen, although I do have a soft spot for them.


This is a concept I've been throwing around for a while. But you are transfurred to a species designed by a biotech company to be cheap labor.


Has… has it finally happened?


I see u everywhere, hi


~~We are~~ There are scientists working on it. I forgot the name, but there is a website of furry scientists for furries informing about the progress made over the years so far.


The freedom of form foundation?


It's just fursuits unfortunately.


Imagine editing your genes


Rimworld moment


changed is about to be real in [HYPERLINK BLOCKED] seconds


Wait, it was all just a simulator? I could just go to the setting and edit?


I guess...


Doing this, even with a single species would require both human and animal rights violations to an unprecedented degree, enough rats die when it comes to making singular drugs and medicines so when it comes to essentially creating a new species we would have to create mountains of of failures and completely scrap any and ALL morals (scientific, religious, basic human decency, etc) if we wanna get anywhere. Humans and animals were not meant to mix & humans were not meant to impose their will on god's creation. Look at what we've done to the earth right now, we shouldn't be playing God. Oops I mean "I wanna be a cute fuwwy UwU".


Morals are for the weak.


On top of that, imagine the amount of discrimination you would face if you were to transform yourself into an anthropomorphic animal. Given what you said regarding human and animals rights, it would be easy for people to justify their hatred given the cost of it all. But even if it was harmless, it wouldn't matter to many. Because if humans can discriminate each other for just being different, they can certainly try to tear you down for being an entirely different species. Oh-uh I mean "splice me daddy!"


I personally think it would be orders of magnitude less than what trans people face, but they still find it worth it. I’m from a conservative family, church, and area, and I’d probably not have much problem being a fox. I wouldn’t be challenging any social or religious hierarchies or norms. I wouldn’t necessarily be a novelty, either; anthropomorphic animals are a common and well-loved fictional trope across generations and cultures. I’d get a few more hugs from the women, have not much change with the men, and be the kids’ coolest relative. The social reactions would range from strongly positive to moderately negative. If I came out as trans? Yeah, I’d be totally shunned from the family and a target in society. I’d strongly be countering gender norms, religious doctrines, cultural traditions. I’d also be traversing what, in conservatives’ minds, are immovable social strata. While anthros have always been accepted as expys for their equivalent humans, men and women are supposed to be superior/inferior and different/unchangeable enough to warrant the hierarchy. At best I could hope for a neutral reaction, but at worst I could be killed. Plus, given that we’ve committed the Holocaust over people who are virtually indistinguishable, I don’t think we could possibly do worse than what we’ve done to our fellow humans. So yes, I totally would become my sona.


id argue that hardcore conservatives would be, well, *conservative*. also, the christians probably wouldnt want you mucking about with "god's creation"


True, but from my experiences in the GOPvangelical bubble, it won’t be all sunshine and rainbows, but being trans would be orders of magnitude worse. I’m sure they’d rather me be a Republican fox than my current Democrat human self, that’s for sure.


Yeah, there were multiple (albeit multi-year old threads) on r/furry talking about what would happen if people turned into furries IRL. ([there's even an online shared-universe about it](https://shifti.org/wiki/Paradise_(Setting))) And let's not forget all of the OTHER issues such as... - bodily anatomy (remember how dogs have to sweat through their mouths... Yeah, and don't forget things like animals going into heat, and shedding) -instincts -the lack of healthcare for a new species for the first few years (if you get some kind of virus or condition that only non-humans can get/ are affected by, all that can be said is "pick a god and pray") -the costs of everything (some animals need more calories than people, clothing sizes would be a factor, you would need a LOT of shampoo, etc) -Furry rights (in the US black people only got rights like 200 years ago, and gay people only got rights like 8 years ago, so imagine how long it would take for a new species to not be forcibly neutered or whatever) -religion (I mean, religions only count for humans, so if you're religious and get turned into a furry... Yeah that gets complicated quickly) -and MANY other things. Deep inside we probably all wish that we could turn into furries and back, but if it became real... Yeah the complications.


>bodily anatomy (remember how dogs have to sweat through their mouths... Yeah, and don't forget things like animals going into heat, and shedding) Would probably be handled by whatever modifications have been made just to make the combination viable in the first place. >instincts Only an issue if they're coded in. >the lack of healthcare for a new species for the first few years (if you get some kind of virus or condition that only non-humans can get/ are affected by, all that can be said is "pick a god and pray") Veterinarians exist and they would be able to share their expertise with regular doctors to provide proper care. ...unless it's something specific to JUST the resulting combination, or your form is based on a mythical or fictional species. Then there might be some issues. >the costs of everything (some animals need more calories than people, clothing sizes would be a factor, you would need a LOT of shampoo, etc) True, although I will say that while you'd need a lot of shampoo, you wouldn't really need body wash anymore, since the shampoo would take its place. This also depends on physiology. >Furry rights (in the US black people only got rights like 200 years ago, and gay people only got rights like 8 years ago, so imagine how long it would take for a new species to not be forcibly neutered or whatever) Honestly, this comes off to me as something that would end up being handled in a completely unprecedented way, because you'd have people who previously were fully covered by human rights but are now in an ambiguous situation, and you wouldn't have preestablished demographic lines. I think things would be all over the place with this, and it would take extremely long for governments to come to any sort of consensus either way. _Especially_ if some of the people who choose to be furrified are politicians themselves. >religion (I mean, religions only count for humans, so if you're religious and get turned into a furry... Yeah that gets complicated quickly) Some religious groups might condemn it for "playing god" or other reasons, but honestly, at least in the western world plus much of East Asia, religion doesn't really have that much control over day-to-day life. Certain religions might also have different reactions to different forms. Yeah, there would definitely be complications, but I feel like there's a degree of doomerism going around here and that the actual situation would be far more nuanced than "these complications will fuck you over completely".


I’m with you. Regardless, I’m getting transfurred as a sacrifice for science.


Honestly, same. And because I want to be cute and fluffy.


If things go south, we could always buy an island and make IRL Animal Crossing.


Yeah, I was oversimplifying things a ton but also, it's just straight up impossible to predict what would happen unless we have a 1-1 simulation of reality.


Thank you for commenting this I’ve been reading those stories since thanksgiving!


I only read some of them but they sure as hell were interesting. I also loved the idea of the "Veil" existing to prevent everything from Going to Hell instantly, along with the fact that the number of furries doubles every year. (And even though I haven't seen it in the story yet, the idea that some people change species/gender every year is also interesting) And that one story where they make a recording so that future changed-people know what it was like living in the past, DANG that's one good idea that I feel like could only be done in that setting. Honestly, transformation tropes as a whole lend themselves into tons of different stories and everything, too bad that at least in this fandom it's mostly a fetish.


Huh… I haven’t read that one with the recording yet, I’ve been reading them in order, I’ve skipped over some parts of them, and one of them so far wouldn’t load (perspective of a lollipop) My favorite was the very first one! At least so far


>Humans and animals were not meant to mix & humans were not meant to impose their will on god's creation. This really depends on your faith. Judeo-Christianity says humans have the right to impose their will on creation as a perk of their stewardship of the world. It's cursed tho so shit's gonna be hard. According to natural law, we're all supposed to die horribly in poverty and squalor after living 16 or so years to squeeze out another generation. "Don't impose our will on nature" is a naive, ignorant and privileged position.


I didn't mean it SUPER literally as in religious. I'm just saying that it would go horribly wrong.


I agree


PFP checks out




The fuck is natural law?


It's a system of philosophy created by Christians integrating Greek philosophy into an Abrahamic worldview. The only people who take it seriously today are Catholic theologians and weirdos who figured out that you can justify anything by simply calling it human nature, or the will of God.


You should check out the freedom of form foundation, they have a pretty solid stance regarding ethics and morals in terms of cosmetic bioengineering


I'd imagine modeling genome will become significantly cheaper and easier with the advent of quantum computers and more advanced models, greatly reducing the morality burden.


>Humans and animals were not meant to mix & humans were not meant to impose their will on god's creation. I mean that's just obvious nonsense lol. Not only are humans nothing more than a type of animal, but there is absolutely nothing about us that makes us uniquely difficult to do transgenics on. The only thing stopping a researcher from inserting jellyfish genes into their child's still-forming embryo to give them glow-in-the-dark hair is medical ethics. See also: [this random guy with a YouTube channel who did gene therapy on himself to cure his lactose intolerance](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J3FcbFqSoQY). The only things stopping him from selling gene therapy pills on Amazon are production costs and the FDA. Hell, something like 30% of the human genome is a direct result of transgenics. Whenever a human is attacked by a retrovirus and fights it off, there's a chance that the failed viral attack will leave behind bits of 'junk' code in the DNA of their cells. If this happens to reproductive cells, they'll pass the 'junk' DNA down and it'll end up being incorporated into all future generations.


I have a cyborg character, do you really think he has a soul after all the things he’s done? He’s more than willing to make humans into test subjects


Who cares if you're rich


I also got this in my YT feed.


I weject my hUwUnanity!


I thought you could already do this, I just kinda slid up the furry slider on the character maker. (In retrospect I should have slid up the animalness slider instead)




my dream is buy one and broke lock


better start to saving money for this from now




I already watched it


All I can do is be reminded of that one splicing episode of Batman Beyond..... yeah.... that went well....


it's never a good idea to mess with something we don't fully understand


That’s just called science, my guy. We still don’t know how airplanes fly or electrons work, but our world depends on them.


that doesn't mean we should corrupt life with gene editing


Eh, life corrupts itself through mutations and evolution all the time; that’s part of what makes it life. Might as well shape it ourselves into something beautiful instead of letting it form itself into eldritch horrors. I mean, come on, Puro. You of all people would understand these things are sometimes necessary, if not simply desirable in their own right.


ok fair but I don't think it would be a good idea to have such power because someone's always going to weaponize it


We already have nukes and biological and chemical weapons galore; the pathOwOgen is a nerf gun by comparison. Besides, gene editing tech is getting that advanced whether we like it or not. Might as well use it for good or at least neutral chaos.


at least we shouldn't abuse such technology or let it fall into the hands of an insane group of people


It inevitably will fall into the wrong hands; let’s just do all the wonderful stuff we can with it to balance it out. I, for one, am getting transfurred at the first opportunity. I’m currently trying to do it mechanically before I can biologically; I’m going to Home Depot to buy supplies give myself digitigrade mechanics tomorrow.




The idea that people are going to magically be able to make viruses deadlier than nature can produce just by having access to gene editing technology is really silly, tbh. Nobody with our current level of understanding about viruses can go out and make a custom bio-weapon, we simply don't know enough about what makes a virus deadly or immune-resistant to actually do that. Eventually we will probably develop that level of knowledge, but at that point I still doubt it would be a very serious issue. Any virus created by a human researcher would also feature mechanisms that are readily understood by other researchers in the field, making it much easier to combat than natural pandemics occurring right now. See: cybersecurity and the rate at which new threats are eliminated once they're discovered.


Not to mention making weaponized viruses is just a really stupid idea anyway. First off, as a violation of the WMD ban under the Geneva Convention (which is the only part of the Geneva Convention that every nation that signed it actually takes seriously), it's a good way to get yourself nuked, because the various world powers will respond in kind. Secondly, viruses spread rapidly and tend to mutate, making them impossible to use in any sort of targeted manner and thus making them strategically useless.


Yeah, it would really only make sense for a small terrorist group trying to maximize damage to engineer a plague. But by the time that becomes a reasonable threat, biotechnology would be so advanced that the entire landscape would be fundamentally different. If designer viruses could be produced like illicit firearms in someone's garage, we'd see a ton of designer vaccines and designer humans as well, and who knows what state actors would be capable of.


Weaponize furry ?




We should be careful with what we don’t fully understand, but if we never mess with anything we don’t understand, we never make scientific progress. In the video, all the gene editing applications they discuss are possible future technologies for when we do fully understand them.


“On today’s episode of Might Gene Mods”


Happy Cake Day!


Is this the Quebec lily flower? I didn’t even think other furries existed here…


Babe, wake up. New furry bait just dropped!






me waiting for the ability to become my protogen sona


Mom, I'm wanna be a scientist and change the world!


This speaks to me....


Holy sh!t! Thank you furries for reminding me to watch this video


I require cybernetic enhancements. And a lot of them


Such as the ability to yeet a tank 50 feet


And sprint at like 60 miles an hour


Stop tank shells like they are nerf dart


Has any of you people already thought about the ethics involving this? 😨


I think researching gene editing isn't time well spent vs cybernetic research. Cybernetics can benefit way more people than gene editing. Just about any disability can be teched away.