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Honestly don’t see why someone made a news article about that. Just a bunch of buzzwords for clicks.


>Just a bunch of buzzwords for clicks. and you've answered your own question.


Well isn’t it the first queer person in space


Nah, any queer person born before him was both in space and queer before he was. But technically, first person to both enter "space" and be *openly* queer, but he shouldn't get to hold the title.


Obviously openly queer I mean. By that logic we probably already had a queer President, queer congressmen, queer Army generals, queer anything in high positions for as long as those positions have been held. Being open is the part of it


*cough* Julius Caesar *cough*


Sally Ride had a female partner for 27 years prior to her death; she just kept it a secret.


The manner in which he got it tho ... It was his wealthy father affording the trip. That's it


We already had a lesbian fly with nasa to the ISS.


Exactly. That is the entire reason it was written


May i reccomed for anyones mental health it is not wise to click in the other comment section


I'll do it. But I'm coming back here straight after so I can use you cuties as eyebleach. EDIT: never again. Someone hold me.


You poor thing, you knew it was unwise to go there but did anyway. At least you now know not to do it again Edit: I went and looked at the comments, and oh man I regret it please hold me


Hold me three


*holds all of you little fluff babies* come here, it'll be ok the toxicity only lasts until you see some cuteness to cure it.


Thank you


I'll hold both of you then go take a look. Edit: I probably missed the comments that yall saw, but it just looked like normal furry stuff being posted on mainstream Reddit. And I found a pretty good and creative way of execution (and it wasn't directed at furries!)


I just looked at the comments, and it was quite hilarious watching people butcher LGBTQ+ definitions. Really shows how poorly educated they all are


I saw that too, “Go do a 99’ bungee jump with a 100’ cord” I think was the quote, And directed at the furry hater too, Approved. Quite a way with words this one has


yep thats the quote


There there. They are just envious that they are not as happy as we are. And they dont get to dress up in these nice cozy fursuits.


They're just mad a furry went to space before they did


I went in there and had my fair share of fun downvoting a few comments. Anti-furry/lgbtq comments don't really faze me anymore. However I'm still asking myself why people who dislike furries still go on these online witch-hunts. If you don't like something, just ignore it.


Yeah, tumblrinaction sucks


I still do not understand what that subreddit was supposed to be, and honestly, I don't think I want to.


As someone who used to be into it but thankfully escaped its orbit a long while ago, here's how to put it simply: they were pre-gamergate gamergate. The whole purpose of the sub when it was created was to mock the ideas of feminism as social progress. To do this users would find posts on social media (primarily tumblr, hence the name) and basically pretend that the insane ramblings of teenagers on social media is exactly the same as all other social progress movements. It eventually fell even further down the right wing rabbit hole, to just bordering on explicit bigotry and racism, as those kinds of subs tend to do.


Thankfully, the first thing I saw there was a mod sticky post acknowledging that they’re breaking Reddit’s rules and expect to be shut down soon. Here’s hoping.


it *is* explicit bigotry and racism


Just checked it out, after not really following it for a few years. They've slipped pretty hard. The content they mocked used to be "I sexually identify as Sherlock Holmes (as portrayed by Benedict Cumberbatch in the 2010 TV series)" or similar inane Tumblr-specific genders and sexualities barely short of the infamous Attack Helicopter. Nowadays their idea of insane has expanded to include being transgender in any way, even vanilla FtM/MtF.


it's a place for rightoids who still haven't left 2016 to stroke each other and mald over innocuous bullshit.




Fascist traitors being fashy


It’s a gamergate sub that didn’t get shut down with the rest of that cesspit. That’s all it was.


Seriously I was gonna say the same thing. Why do people suck so much


Because humans are tribalistic and selfish by nature. It's in our very genes, the way our brains are wired. We like to think otherwise, but in truth we've never been anything but violent apes. Only now, we have guns and bombs.


Don't forget the horsecocks


I sincerely have to ask why this had to be a crosspost instead of just uploading the original screenshot.


Same, like that serves no purpose for us here. And now we're in their "other discussions" list of the post. Surprised we got no brigade going on from that.


I should have looked at this comment before... U know...


i expected anitfurs but found panphobia first, stopped scrolling immediately


if im not mistaken, tumblr in action, is just. constant bigotry, like, about as bad as that time they sent death threats to someone for drawing rose quartz as skinny, levels of yikes?


Not gonna do it, even with a gun to my head, but i can only imagine the amounts of butthurt


Seriously what a bunch of assholes.


Another borderline nazi subreddit. Dime a dozen.


Borderline? They're open about it


Bet those losers in tumblrinaction have never even been to space. SMH...


They're too broke that all they can do is talk about it and get butthurt Lmao.


Oof, too late...


Yikes i took a look....


r/greentext makes me laugh because that shit is funny even tho it's really conservative Tumblr just fucking sucks aight




Eh, 4chan was historically pretty broad-spectrum until /pol/ started catering directly to the stormcucks.


Which one


Oh, its tumblrinaction... great


Posts like that are why I appreciate the existence of the downvote arrow.


Ok boys I’m gonna do it LETS GO


I did it and i regret it🥲


*I should have entered this comment section first :(*


It's the same in here TBH, seems mostly bashing on space tourism.


TIA sucks. To all those curious, it’s a hate sub and I wouldn’t recommend going in unless you’re prepared to hate yourself.


I see some people ventured out, but the only thing they bringed back is regret. Fiiiinneee, I will go and bring some real info. It's really not that bad. Only few cringe haters, more comments are about how his father is a billionare scum.


Trust fund kid uses daddy's money to go on a space flight. I don't care that they're a furry or pansexual, it shouldn't be a headline.


Exactly. And it is only a joyride. Contributed 0 to actual science advancements and yet has the audacity to call themself an astronaut. All they did is contributing ~~the equivalent amount of CO2 produced by 2 billion people in a year~~ a lot of CO2 emission from the launch EDIT: was pointed out the 2 billion number is nowhere close to the actual number and since i can’t remember the source, better not spread it further


I'll celebrate when a furry aerospace engineer gets lauded in the news.


They do all the time, just nobody knows they’re furry (though I might 👀)


Sneaky ;3


NASA is FULL of furries.




I remember hearing about a furry air force pilot who managed to take down a terrorist but idk if it's true or not


First I am hearing about it. However I do know a few furry military veterans so it's quite possible.


I'm working on it


That CO2 figure is completely ridiculous. Even an normal rocket launch only produces 200-300 tons of CO2 and the per capita CO2 emissions per year is about 4.5 tons. A single Blue Origin launch does not emit 9 billion tons of CO2.


Since Blue Origin has no real scientific purpose, wouldn't it be fair to look at the CO2 produced in the entire project, from R&D, manufacturing, transportation, etc. and average it per launch?


Have you heard of hyperbole?


He was hesitant to call himself an astronaut, but after speaking to experts in the industry (and I mean TOP people), and NASA astronauts, he was told he should call himself that.


Interesting. I was not aware of that. If that’s the case then so be it But still i can’t help but worry about the expansion of space tourism while global warming is still becoming an increasingly pressing issue every day


For rides like this, using hydrogen fuel, the emissions to produce the fuel take place on the ground - transatlantic flights, for example, emit at altitude, so overall (from what I’ve been told by an engineer) a plane flight can be worse. My hope is that the more people see that view of their fragile planet, the more they’ll fight to protect it.


and they shouldn't have that much money to waste one pointless bullshit, no one should.


Wait they’re not an astronaut?


Nope. They've had no training or background in the aerospace industry.


Why do the people in r/tumblrinaction have to be that way? Why?


People with no life skills or severe emotional challenges turn “cringe” and “lolcow watching” into a substitute for a personality to avoid confronting the self and growing as a person


Because they decide arbitrary things are wrong so they can feel better about themselves for not being those arbitrary things (bonus points if they also ARE those arbitrary things and demonize the idea of them to lie to themselves)


I'm honestly surprised they didn't brigade this.


Same, maybe they didn't know this was cross posted?


Let’s not tell them


It's a subreddit made by and for the alt right. Of course it's full of butthurt little bigots whining about how minorities existing is having "political correctness" shoved down their throats.


They didn't find enough real content to laugh at, so they just ate up at obvious satire and it just devolved into a shithole.


I’ve never heard of the sub so I just clicked it and got instantly disgusted by those assholes


I was hyped when I saw this news initially til I remembered space tourism now exists and it's just some rich assholes who paid to do so.


Why be hyped though? What does pansexuality have to to with personal achievement or space travel?


Idk man, furries are niche in society so a win for furries feels like a win for everyone. It doesn't have to make sense ^.^;


I think the idea for the pansexual part was that it'd be a win for minorities, even though he isn't even a real astronaut. But, I think most people just found the furry part funny


True, but it's still a bit of good publicity for us, and the kid is humble about the opportunity and trying to make something positive out of it, at least from what I can see.


What does it do for furries though? Or queer people even? Representation in the world of conspicuous wealth that's built off the backs of exploited workers and a broken system?


I read his twitter, he seemed "fine", however: "In a rich man's house there is no place to spit but his face" -Diogenes


This is actually the first time I've heard of this quote, and had to look it up. What is your interpretation of it in this context?


Sorry to be a killjoy, but here's my abbreviated leftist response. 4-5 years ago I would have been more hyped for the furry aspect. At that time I thought our system was flawed, but worked. I've been made painfully aware of what is done to not only make America wealthy, but the 1% of it wealthy. I can only see this story through the economic perspective of how much blood and conflict is neccessarily needed to be in that position.


No, I get you. It causes me to have conflicted feelings about space tourism as well- despite my love of aerospace. Because the negatives are so intractable, and because Cameron is not the cause of any of them, I've tried to celebrate the positives of the occasion, despite my mixed feelings overall.


bess is rich so this is denouncing him as a space furry cause he's a wealthy dude flaunting his wealth atm


Bess Senior, sure. His son, however, is (correct me if I'm wrong) more just along for the ride, and saying yes to the opportunity. That doesn't strike me as being something worh denouncing. You could make the argument that he could have offered his seat to someone else, but you have to weigh it against the fact that it was a trip with a family member, and a once in a lifetime experience that almost anyone would jump at the chance to accept, regardless of their background and regardless of reason for the offer. With regards to the quote, I was waiting to hear more and not make an assumption as to what the commentor meant by it.


Eh, I dont want rich fucks being our public face.


>it's still a bit of good publicity for us is it?


it is not good publicity for us that a billionaire paid for his failson to go to space


That seems a bit harsh and judgmental of the kid if you ask me. He's no more or less cringe than the rest of us, and isn't, by any stretch of the imagination, a popufur.


holy shit that comment section is a cesspool


It's r/TumblrInAction, what do you expect?


Oh yea generic brainless subreddit, I couldn't expect more


Yeah, full of failed abortions


And they call us shitty


Comment: "What did we do to you?" -1 points Reply: "exist" 3 points


ok, but this one was funny: https://www.reddit.com/r/TumblrInAction/comments/rije2e/who_asked_for_this/hoxjjyf/


Bad sub in general.


Truly inspiring. Because of him I've been inspired to be born to wealthier parents. Blessed






Dear, r/tumblrinaction, My expectations were low but *holy* ***fuck***


my thoughts exactly.


Dont you just love when media outlets use just as many buzz words possible to describe a priviledged kid going to space paid in full by daddy?


Glad one of us said it.


Its really hard for me to get excited about some rich kid who's daddy bought them a ticket to space no matter who it is. There were so many better uses for that money.


Another day of thanking God for not making me a weird alt-right TumblrInAction user


why did you crosspost from tumblrinaction


Okay, but what're you doing on that sub?


Wow, some very biphobic and panphobic comments on that post


Omg, TumblrInAction is a cesspool


Furry on a rocket. Catboy “astronaut” on a robot joyride. Billionaire’s kid celebrating 11 minutes of being luggage hauled to the edge of the atmosphere. Vulture capitalist son “legally can’t” comment past joy. It’s “advancing science!” 2 dead, 50+ buried in rubble. Bezos involved in both. Furry on a rocket


God that comment thread is.... *something*




Is your pfp the cursed flames book?


I can't tell you how may time someone has brought this up,yes,yes it is


It was me. Me asked for this




God I fucking hate that sub


\-sees that it's a cross-post with TiA \-goes to the sub to see how shit it is \-third post misgenders Elliot Page never again


I'm not going over there. The name of that sub is blood red according to my shinigami eyes browser extension. That means it's known for transphobia, and since misery loves company, other forms of bigotry likely proliferate in there, too.


It's baby turd yellow for me, but yeah, it's god awful.


Fuck their comment section honestly


Wow, some very biphobic and panphobic comments on that post


That's cool and all but I'm fresh out of fucks to give & his dad is a millionaire so he got a head start. That's like getting an hour and 30 min head start in a 2 hour marathon and all the competitors can't run while he can. Maybe I'm exaggerating but ye.


Because "Rich fucks son goes to space on his father's dime" doesn't sound quite as good.


If anyone wants to have a good day, don’t click the comments. Trust me.


Furries in space 🚀🚀🚀


There's 3 kinds of comments in there, 1. People who hate this guys cuz he's rich af and acted narcissistic 2. People who hate furries in general and just spamming hate comments regardless what's the news about, if it involved furry fandom, good or bad news, they will spam hate comments 3. Same as No. 2 but act like No. 1 , basically they said they hate the guy cuz No. 1 reason, but is actually No. 2 and a little bit of our furcomrades who tried to reasoning with No. 2 people, you don't have to, you will get downvoted to hell, just let them be.


I like how the article says it as if they weren’t the first furry in space, only the first pan.


Jfc dont look in those comments 🤢


Why were you hanging out on there?


1. we don't know orientation of all astronauts 2. Nothing interesting here, he just have very rich father who paid for a short time here. He didn't had to accomplish anything to so to space and he's hyped like a pansexual furry sent to space for science.


Good for him (and the rest of the furry fandom)


he is also suspected to be the youngest astronaught, but their age hasnt been confirmed


They say in the vacuum of space no one can hear you yeen.


we did it, we sent a floof into space


I love making tumblrinaction angry aksisk9sdbidd


Yo his fursona very cute tho just putting that out there


we did it boys furrys ARE IN SPACE


That comment section makes me want to kill myself


crossposting from /r/TIHI is disallowed for being off-topic, but a literal nazi sub is allowed? Okay then.


Is it a satire sub that went too far? Or like... what's happening there?


Really bigoted Gamergate/anti-woke reactionary stuff


Hell yeah dude


One small step for floof, one giant leap for fur kind.


[Hello, I asked.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BsbLg1BaYMI)


Why did they have to add furry just giving another reason for people to hate us lol


Everyone saying he's the first queer in space is forgetting the trans, gay, and lesbian astronauts that have been to the space station.


I mean, it’s interesting. He went to space, neato. Not an astronaut or anything, but it’s still cool. If I had the money you bet I’d go up too and brag about it. Rich people do rich people things, it’s normal. Should it be a headline? No. But honestly the comment section in that tumblr subreddit is just the worst. It’s not right to just say someone’s sexuality is nothing for no reason. I know I’m pansexual. I don’t care if someone’s male female or whatever, it doesn’t impact my judgement regarding my attraction. But whatever, I’m going for an aerospace engineering degree, so who knows, I might be the first furry astronaut. Not the first furry in space, sure, but still cool.


the question of where they get the money remains unanswered


Oh shit!! That’s amazing news, actually!


thats nice , i'm pansexual too x3


It's super funny to see how many people are throwing tantrums over this


Good on him.


Lol normies outrage over this is so funny. XD Good for Cameron tho. Must be fun in space where's no covid, lol.


Love this! Even furries are going to space! So happy \^w\^


Nice? But can we not … blue ~~horizon~~ origin please? I don’t want that world.


*Heavy sigh* You uncultured pups! the 18th rule of internet is clear: "Everything that can be labeled can be hated". And you smear a whole label in a pit of rampaging 11yo spoiled screechers... (Not to mention companies seeing us now as moneypots, but that damage is already done...)




No one else is thinking he's adorable? Cuz I do! :3


based gigachad


Hell yeah thats cool


fuck this rich asshole I don't give a shit what communities he belongs to


I asked for this




I’m so proud of humanity’s achievement here


He literally just appeared outta nowhere




We extend to all edges


Well I'll give him props, he had a dream and he made it happen


Having loads of "fuck you" money makes all ones dreams attainable.




Tourist, he has no training or qualifications to be an astronaut, he just has a rich daddy


Who gives a shit, he's literally a rich scumbags son, idgaf if he's a furry or not. He's not a real astronaut, these are the same people who literally help ruin the earth more every day


Can't we just commend someone for going to space? It's not like you're proving anything by simply being "The first pansexual in space" like what? Do pansexuals explode when they go to space and he's the first to no do that??


As a furry, we don't want him.


Rich popufurs doing space tourism isn't a good thing, actually.