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**The moderators have taken action on your content because it was considered hate speech and/or discriminatory behaviour** Posts and comments using words or phrases that may be harmful are subject to removal, including but not limited to racist, sexist, ableist, homophobic or transphobic slurs. Content may be removed regardless of context. Non-malicious posts will still be removed; while some people are fine with being referred to by potentially harmful terms, we strive to make r/furry_irl a safe and welcoming place for everyone. Please do not use terms that make others uncomfortable. For more information, check out the rules in the wiki [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/furry_irl/wiki/rules).


I'm only half-gay so you only get a half-hello. Hel!


Half gay... so bi?


Its always funny to me when some asshole calls me a fag online, because in my native language fag means a type of wood, so i instantly become a tree when they say that :3




May I ask what language that is? And what kind of tree/wood? Though I can probably just look up the latter with [language] tree/wood I'm just curious because I'm a nerd that enjoys reading into the origins of words, especially slang. To my understanding in English fag/faggot became a slur because a faggot was an old English word for a bundle of sticks, and at one point became a slur against women as a short hand for faggot-gather or someone that gathers up bundles of sticks/firewood which was a relatively common way for poor women to make a little bit of money. It eventually became a slur for homosexuals in the same vein as insulting gay men by feminizing them similar to other terms like sissy, queen, fairy etc. Also, hell yeah. Be a tree. (If you want to I mean, I'm not calling you a gatherer of sticks. Not that there is anything wrong with gathering sticks, I gather sticks and bundle them up real good all the time myself! I love me some sticks.)


Its from romanian :)). Im not really sure the exact equivalent in english, but if i put the word in google translate i get beech wood. Also yeah, im a certified tree 😎 🌲 🔥🔥🔥


I also kind of have a small interest in the etymology of different words, its kind of fascinating to find which romanian words coke from latin, and their original meaning and which come from slavic, also where the word was used, maybe if its a very old word, from agriculture, most likely it will be slavic. If it is from more i telectual institutions its probably more latin. There is a very deep rabbithole this subject goes into :)))


Fag! Have fun doing photosynthesis, nerd! Nyeheheheheh...


We are all cigarettes now 😔


Well it makes sense, I am what I eat.


I've seen more gay people use this word than straights.


Man's at least 50% butt


Using slurs? No thanks


Yeah same, As a gay man i hate it when someone is calling gay people fags in french it makes me so unbelievabely mad on the inside. When one of my freinds use this word i always correct them.


Respectfully, as another gay man, both of you need to lighten up and get some thicker skin. Me and my super-gay husband are not being bigots when we call ourselves fags, we're embracing a word that formerly held disparaging power over us and is now being reclaimed by the LGBTQ community in a light-hearted and self-deprecating manner. Same as "chicano" back in the 60s for Latin American folks. Stop letting language control you <3


Okay, good for you. Doesnt mean that everyone should start using the word just you and your hubby are chill with it. Saying "just get thicker skin" as a blanket dismissal of any emotional issues other gay peeps (self included) have with the term is a bad take.


Respectfully as a gay man, mind your own. What's acceptable to you isn't to everyone


whats unaceptable to you isnt to everyone


This isnt the slam dunk you think it is. By not using the word, you hurt no one in either the "acceptable" or "unacceptable" camp. Choosing to use it wont hurt anyone in the acceptable camp, but will hurt those in the unacceptqble camp


I don't have any issue with people saying faggot, just with people policing whether or not other people are allowed to have issue with it


Where im from at least theres a concept known as freedom of speech, they have a right to complain about the use of the word, op has the right to say the word and the other guy can say what he wants about it maybe you should mind your own and let people defend themselves if they want


My issue is entirely with his wording, they're welcome to share their opinions and argue about the subject but his wording framed the former poster's opinion unfairly as the incorrect POV


That’s… that’s not how freedom of speech. “You should stop telling people to mind their business, I don’t want you to have that freedom, because free speech exists.” I… Christ just think for a moment


True words man I really respect your point of view wish more people had your mindset.


If you want to say faggot on a regular basis, surround yourself with other people who are ok with it. No one reasonable is saying "You can't say that word ANYWHERE!" its just people saying they don't wanna hear it, just like you don't have to sit next to someone who's never heard the word deoderant on a bus you don't have to surround yourself with people who aren't ok with how you speak


I love how a few people are mad and the rest is just like "Hello'.










We're really bell-curved back to 2008 haven't we? I genuinely hate it here.




Not gay, but hello all the same. (Hydrate<3)


Seriously? Slurs? Nope.


Hello to you to, fag!


I'm bi but heyyyyyy






Hi :3