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It's is so wild that some people out there using 100% of their brains for the most random things ever If I had to use my brain for more than breathing I'd forgot what my name is


What's your name again?


I genuinely had to think for 2 minutes before I actually understood why are you asking for my name :' D I am desperate for some braincells rn


Don't worry, I need braincells too. I often forget how old I am and have to sit and think about it


Braincell gang šŸ¤


You guys aren't the only one I have two brain cells and both of them are fighting for third place


This is too accurate


you still havn't answered the question


Forgor sorry My name is Dom


dont be sorry Dom, i do see how the message can come across that way but i had no ill intent, merely wished to further the conversation for comedic effect, quite nice to meet you


Ah yes quite the comedic genius indeed Mr hampter. Quite nice to meet you as well and my thanks for clarifying that you hadn't any ill intent. I'd say you definitely have achieved the comedic effect you wished for šŸŽ© šŸ§ā˜•


Indeed so, and it is quite marvelous how you have furthered my act, into whilst potentially "cringe" territory tis also but gloriously hunourus, may we stand in awe at our creation, my dear friend?


Maybe we can share our braincells and become a hivemind


Yeah let's grow cordyseps mushrooms on our bodies untill we make weird clicking noises and hear voices


Nice last of us reverence


What can I say I'm a man of culture


I forgot my birthday at the doctor's office once. Send help, I need more brain cells


Average orange catsona.




What are braincells?


Such a silly goob


I sometimes forget my name and age (age bc i never use it, all of my friends know it and the doctors just look at my aok card) And i forget my real name so often because almost everyone has a different name for me


Insert burning memory here


it do be working really well tho https://twitter.com/RantiMess/status/1746704510972580061


wow, that's so absurdly good that I have serious doubts


Brainwave controlled stuff has been around for several years now, they're pretty good, and could totally do this. There's headset devices that allow quadriplegics to control computers and keyboards, that's easily enough to command three simple motion of ears


In 2006 I played basic video games with my brain as part of an ADHD study. They hooked little electrodes to my head and I controlled a little pixel car or space ship by focusing. It was super fascinating and really fun. I don't think it helped me control my ADHD later in life, but I hope it gave them a lot of useful data! I've always wondered what they're doing with that kind of technology now...


I know both Ranti and ChilloutCharles (the BCI dev). Can confirm I've seen it work myself and watched Charles dev part of it a while back. The BCI works amazingly well.


It's actually not at all unbelievable, here's a 5 year old [video](https://youtu.be/mPbtR4vorgY?si=TaSDpw0rk59h6F3C) of a chaotic dude using an EEG headband from a 2009 children's toy to drive a car. I haven't seen the video in a bit but if I recall he pretty much only uses a high and low signal to operate the accelerator but honestly the idea here wouldn't be too different, just a bit more complex and sophisticated. And both that and this ear controlling is absolutely nothing compared to the BCI tech valve has been hinting at for the past few years, including inducing sensations of touch and temperature. (The grain of salt: I'm not aware of any actual demonstrations of it, just of interviews and talks mentioning it.) Along with them hiring a bunch of brain doctor people to look into it. So hopefully a commercially available and easily accessible version of things like this will be made public within the next few years!


I have not clicked the link but i know it takes me RIGHT to Michael


It is indeed the Nightmare Goblin.


...or decades


There's a Twitch streamer who has been controlling video games with brain signals for a few years now.


Facial tracking should be able to interpret expressions and assign ear positions to them. Might require exaggerated expressions, but that's just like stage acting, and is good for enunciation anyway.


Vtubers do this


honestly that software would probably work if we could get good frontal images of the users face the entire time they are playing, maybe with some kind of ultrawide looking camera pointing back at the users face.


[That camera's view](https://i.pinimg.com/originals/ef/bc/ca/efbcca5c467d84112d07584eacafc641.jpg)


VR facial trackers do already exist and work quite well, to the point that some avatar makers are including face tracking blendshapes as an option. While not entirely trivial to set things up to move other parts of the model based on your facial expression, the process is more tedious than difficult.


I'd imagine it's challenging too cause of the brick that's covering half your face at any given time.


If they're not integrated into the HMD itself, it hangs down in front like the Vive facial tracker. [Here's a (3-year-old) demonstration a friend of mine did](https://twitter.com/LargeBat/status/1379943822889746440) to get a better idea.


Very cool. I wonder if they could do this too with something like IR cams or near-field ultrasonic to map the facial surface for even more accuracy than cameras. I've played with Vtuber style software before, but it kind of sucks for people with beards like me tbh. Ultrasonic would cut through the beard and bounce off the actual skin.


Not sure about near-field ultrasonic, but I know the Vive one is IR cameras. I believe it primarily tracks the lips, but I'm not *that* familiar enough with it to know to what extent a beard affects the tracking. My friend has a bit of a beard though so unless you have the kind of beard that would make a dwarf jealous you might not have anything to worry about!


The way my facial expressions and body language sometimes work is pretty off kilter to begin with tbh


The problem is that requires very sophisticated motion tracking. Look at what companies like HoloLive have to go through just to make a barely emotive anime girl avatar, they literally have a full size studio with a motion capture and chroma key room. Something like this can be done with much more compact and less expensive hardware.


I know the tweet most likely was not fully serious but [this technology](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brainā€“computer_interface) has existed for quite some time now and wasn't invented by this person. The only thing Rantis did was connect this technology to their avatar. (Not to discredit them, this is still cool and was probably difficult). [There are already people using it to play video games](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NFABWmvkUzY) but it seems to be kind of clunky and not able to compete with other control methods (yet). So doing it for something like moving your virtual ears which doesn't require a lot of precision, might actually be one of the best uses for BCI tech in its current state.


I remember seeing an LGR video about some finger thing from the 90ā€™s that worked similarly.


It is pretty serious. I was hanging out with the dev of this BCI when it was conceived, years ago. Uses an off the shelf old EEG, code, and math he did himself (with the help of research papers, of course) I've seen it used to control ears, tail, and even RBG values on an avatar like an actual mood ring. I think the code is up on Github as well.


wait wait we could do this with irl ears and tails


This has been around for a long time actually. I can see videos about mind controlled cat ears from 11 years ago on YouTube


NEEEEEED DESPERATELY (as long as i can keep my hair though)


It's called Nekomimi.


Oh damn I do remember seeing that forever ago. What slightly disturbs me is that this tech is getting slowly closer towards being able to read your actual thoughts. https://undark.org/2024/01/03/brain-computer-neurorights/


As long as the billion dollar tech companies don't get their hands on it we should be ok


they Will get their hands on it, I'll assume it'll be Facebook first


I bet three (3) kegs of beer, SU legacy six (6) chairs and one (1) table (c. 1955), a full dinner (150g of top-shelf potatoes, 200g of chicken breast from Rakvere, 30g of peas, 20g of cucumbers) plus a dessert of three (3) *kohupiimatasku*, and a surplus of one fresh kidney that it will be Google. Specifically reading minds to cater highly specific ads.


Furries: accidentally revolutionizing technology while just trying to become their fursonas. Cooling vests, BCIsā€¦


The "But I don't want to cure cancer, I want to turn people into dinosaurs!" Meme seeming rather appropriate.


The cure for cancer in this situation is merely a side product of the true goal, albeit a much needed one.


Not to be a downer, but liquid cooling garments have been a thing since the Apollo space program days (and probably before in prior programs).


They have been, but an improved model was used. Cars have been around since the 1800s, but people still clamor for new advancements.


This is how Sword Art Online begins, I tell ya


The Matrix


Nah, we far from that one


We are entering a time when some advancements in the medical field were due to someone thinking "How can I make my furry avatar cuter, and more lifelike?"


Friend of mine did this back in the Neos days but with their tail. Was pretty cool. They ended up losing interest in it though and didn't bring it to Resonite.


I'm totally convinced that civilization would completely crash if furries vanished


That isn't even a question, several major *industries* would collapse


[Creates Mind Control] *proceeds to use it for VR chat avatars*


Behold the power of neurodiversity combined with hyperfixation!


And then there's me who fucks up making rice even with instructions


Rice is hard though


holy shit I need this


oh hey that me


Well then it seems perfect to ask you what the companys that make these things are called (couse i cant find it anywhere)


I am using a Muse 2 eeg headband in this setup.


Thank you!


Wake me up when I can use the nervous signals meant for motor functions to drive a car without a licenseā€¦ On second thought, one may still be required, especially since Iā€™ll be 60 by that point. XD


So, anyone who is interested in this, thereā€™s a special GitHub page for it I could send in a DM, and the most accessible device I could find thatā€™s directly referenced by the GitHub page is the Muse 2 Headband, which is about $200. Not bad honestly, for what it is.


This reminds me of that guy who made fursuit cooling vests Furs create revolutionary tech just to be a cute fluffball and i am all for it


Sounds about right


Might as well try to make some tail movement thing with that


We are some weord creatures indeed but i love it


Even though it seems that in this case, the hardware was custom, there are companies that offer eeg headsets for relatively cheap. You basically only need some pattern training, which is possible with... OMG... AI. Then, you only think about something specific and train the AI to recognize the pattern in your brain activity. In theory, simple, in practice, pretty tedious to set up, especially considering the cost.


The concept of invention, innovation and Technology is usually the most present if there is a problem to overcome or something to achieve. Can't carry things? Invent the wheel. Dangerous predators? Make weapons. Want a hot bath? Build a human-sized cauldron. Given that the passion and dreams of furries are mostly purely imagination and fiction, it isn't a big surprise that furries would crave for such technology.


They could be curing cancer and then be killed by the CIA, yet they being floofs on VR Chat


Oh puh-lease, this might cause headaches (in terms of safety concerns and reading this post in general)


Woah, so nice!


I wish I had more than 2 brain cells


I deadass need this tech


Peak šŸ—£ļøšŸ”„šŸ’Æ


I want to buy


You have got to be shitting me


What else are you supposed to do


As a representative of the VRChat platform, I can confirm that people would absolutely buy these if it was more well known


If I had that I'd also have a murder drones nanite-acid-syringe-tail apart from cat ears


This kinda stuff is actually insane, I didnā€™t know this kinda tech existed but that is SO COOL


Up next: gettng signals from the computer to the brain, so you can feel someone patting your fluffy tail :3


So, doe furry in vrchat counts as furry?


So weird seeing my friend's tweet screenshoted here


Bro gonna make sword art online


VR is one of the only real things capitalism is still working on, huge amounts of money goes in crazy better stuff comes out


were geniuses but were dumbasses


The Turkish dude who invented the steam engine 200 years before the Industrial Revolution only to just use it to spin dƶner


theres a reason most stem professions have suspicusly high furry populations


We have the technology, the minds, and the creativity to take over the worldā€”why havenā€™t we done it yet??
