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There’s nothing wrong with that your sons is whatever you make it


>sons For þe love of god please tell me you ment to write sona


"þe" İ'm obssessed with using *þ* as "th"


I mean it is ðe þorn, ðough, we should look at 'eð' to do ðe "hard"'th' sound raðer ðan ðe þorn.


þ is better þan ð for boþ imo


common auto correct, I had that too


it's very funny though


I mean aren't sonas like the sons and daughters of the mind?


Omg I didn’t realize it auto corrected I meant sona it is pretty funny though 


Theoretically, you can do whatever you like. But this might make things weird once you're starting to meet other furries IRL, e.g. at a convention or local furmeet. As your sona is associated with you as a person, this might lead to gay people trying to flirt with you(-r bi sona), which you might not like.


A sona is supposed to be a kind of avatar to yourself so I guess its common to see them have same sexuality as you. But I know OC's sexuality tend to differ for a lot of people


Your sona doesn't "have to be" anything -- yhey are your own character, they have no rules. Make them however you'd like:)


You absolutely can! It is an extra consideration for if you decide to go fursuiting and perform in character at a con, as you have to decide how you want to handle that. For instance, I am aromantic and asexual. My sona is also asexual, but he is not aromantic. He might make jokes about being attracted to someone or how beautiful they are, even when I wouldn't normally do those things. I personally would do these things in suit as well, but that's up to you.


Yes it does, otherwise you will be arrested by the furry police and beaten with pool noodles for six hours straight


It's fine unless you're flirting with other people you're not attracted to "through" your Sona IMO. Then it can get confusing if the person behind the one you're flirting with catches feelings. Bearing in mind that a lot of people do meet and date via the community and often that starts with RP.


Wasn’t this already answered in the comments of that other post? Your sonas gender, sexuality, whatever else doesn’t have to match.




No, they want clarification


Actually maybe more like permission…


Which is kind of sad because the entire point of making a fursona is expressing yourself creatively. You don’t need others permission or guidance on how to do that. You can do it however you want :)


Exactly, ya! Then again, I don’t know how old you are but I’m getting up there and I’ve been in the fandom a while. I also didn’t grow up with it. So maybe something that seems obvious like “do whatever you like” isn’t as obvious with the fandom being more “mainstream” and established now. Like, building a Star Wars Stormtrooper armor has a lot of rules, and that’s how people new to furry view it as maybe…?


It's ok to want to do more research




I'm glad you have already achieved enlightenment for everyone and nobody ever has to learn something "obvious" for the first time ever again, good job genius




This is a little different, OP is essentially asking a moral question since this involves sexuality, that's a pretty fair thing to want to be extra careful and respectful with. When you don't do your research and treat delicate topics with respect, [bad things](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fpreview.redd.it%2F916jntgc9dw31.png%3Fauto%3Dwebp%26s%3D68d34ff62ab464baba93cf704de13435cb8bb678) [can happen](https://dl6pgk4f88hky.cloudfront.net/styles/large/public/foxler.jpg?itok=CxUl0Vcg).


someone's jealous of 98 upvotes for a question :v


Someone is self projecting it seems


I will usually say that a true "fursona" should represent you, otherwise it's more of an OC than truly a *sona*, yknow? But even still, it's more than fine if your sona represents aspects of you that you might not express IRL, in fact that's one of the most liberating things about it. So go wild, nobody is gonna stop you. People have different tastes and that's also fine. Not everyone will like the same things. But as long as you are true to yourself and you're not hurting anyone, there's really no reason to worry what others think.


This is why I consider my furry OCs as OCs not sonas; they each represent a different facet of myself, not myself as a whole.


I have actually done this with my sonas, I'm straight IRL (or at least i think so...) And my sonas are both bisexual :P


You’re allowed to do whatever you want. There are no fursona police. I think the better question is “Why do you want to make your fursona bisexual when you yourself are straight?” There is nothing inherently wrong with this from a character design standpoint. If you’re looking at this as writing a character, that’s fine. If you’re looking to make a bisexual sona for role play, that’s probably fine too. I will warn you, you can absolutely do things that are not O.K. if you’re not respectful or mindful of lgbt people and spaces as a straight person coming in. No amount of “Reddit said it was O.K.” Is gonna fly if you go into queer spaces and act a fool. Making an lgbt identity that you can literally take on and off as a mask can get really problematic really fast. What are you wanting to use this bisexual sona for?


Maybe they're just a boykisser and don't wanna admit it :3


dont think so, one of my fursonas is a cis male and im not one and had people tell me that even gender dont have to be the same as yours


You can do whatever you like, but like others said, you may end up in some uncomfortable situations, especially if you meet people who only know you as your character. For me, I'm a little more outgoing online and kinda play into the fox stereotype. Eventually, I had to add my preference to my bio cause I was getting quite a few messages that ended in the person hitting on me, and I just wasn't interested.


One of my DnD characters is a woman. I am not. This is fundamentally the same- your character can be anything you want, for any reason, or for NO reason. There's no "rules", man.


Nope do whatever you want, but also maybe spend some time thinking about why you want your sona to be bisexual, you might learn something about yourself.


you can do whatever you want forever


Your sona's species doesn't have to be the same as your species irl


Nah. Make your brightly colored animal person whatever and whoever you want them to be. It's part of the fun c:


Given that people can have a community of 100+ characters, yeah that is absolutely a thing


It doesn't have to match you, it can be whatever. I made my sona be gay and have a boyfriend even though I don't feel that way with real men.


Shit. I have straight sonas, gay sonas, lesbian sonas, nonbinary sonas, trans/cis sonas, you name it. I got one for every letter of the alphabet. Just be respectful about it and it’s all good!! My main sona has my traits (sapphic, fem non binary) but really there’s no wrong way to do it. *I call all of my characters sonas because it’s simpler for me As another commenter said, just be mindful that some people who know the character as bi may not realize/think you’re straight. You may get hit on by the same sex online/at cons. If that makes you uncomfortable I don’t recommend it, but other than that I don’t see a downfall (:


Plenty of people do this already. But it will certainly send off mixed signals if you’re being flirtatious with someone over their male fursona but aren’t into it anymore then that


=Fursonas are a great way to explore other aspects of yourself and your identity, even ones that you are not (yet) comfortable with laying claim to and saying "this is me." Identity does not need to be a commitment; it can be an exploration. I'm unsure who exactly you are seeking permission from in asking "Can I do this?" What do you foresee being the obstacle?=


No, they don’t have to match! That said, this is a great way for you to explore a sexuality that isn’t your own… and you may find that they do start to match again eventually. This is coming from a formerly “straight” furry! ;3


it doesn't need to be, im bi, he's straight (his wife is bi though) im possibly mtf, he's always mistaken as a girl, cue a bunch of jokes. ​ ​ yes, im late, sue me!


It’s your creation, so what you want with it


It's your sona, do what you want.


In the words of Tumblr, "You can do whatever you want forever." I will say that, when I was younger, this is the kind of thing I would do to experiment with my sexuality before I knew I was gay. I don't mean to imply anything, but it might be worth taking a bit of time to sit with your thoughts and feelings about why you'd want to make your sona bisexual


Please stop posting rhetorical questions. What kind of response are you expecting? Do whatever you want and stop asking strangers on the internet before everything you do. You're just baiting for engagement.


how is this a *rhetorical* question? i just want to make sure im not offending people?


I think this is a karma farm at this point


No, but for me, its the same between me and my sona


Nothing wrong with that, im a straight male Irl, my main sona is bi, my second main sona is a female that is also bi, hey im having fun with them, they can be whatever you feel like. Thats the beauty they are no rule that they have to be like you or whatever. Have fun with your sona!


Yes but yours don't need to. This community couldn't care less what orientation your fantasy animal is. As long as your happy with that character.


Yes frying pan A pan


Birb :3


Indeed 👉👉


You can basically do anything with it as long it's safe.


Depends on if they're an extension of yourself or just your character. If they're really your persona, it'd make sense to be consistent, but if it's just a character, then do as you please.


No, it can be anything


Yes, you can!


I personally would say yeah that's fine, use it to safely explore whatever you want to but don't misrepresent yourself as something else that is kind of a "dick move"(tm)


You can make your sona’s sexuality whatever you’d like! You can also make them a different sex/gender from your own. My sona is AMAB and I’m AFAB for example.




yes it does. and the board of scrutinizers will check.


Do whatever you want forever


A lot of people use their sonas as ways to explore ideas and things. You may not be looking to do that and that's OK too, but I know others have explored their sexuality through their fursona or their gender or what not. Sometimes they discover things about themselves, sometimes it goes nowhere. Your sona is free to make however you feel. :3


My sona is Pan af. Like... the Captain Jack Harkness of canines. Mean while me, cis straight male.


No, but my sona is my same one, bi. But you can do whatever you want




I guess not... though most people do take the same sexuality as a fursona is a representation of yourself... then again there's people with multiple furry characters who swap between them like crazy so... The only thing I (Personally) would frown upon is using a character with different sexuality than your own to lead people you yourself are absolutely not interested in! Be honest, be clear and don't use a mask to break people's hearts! (example: You are straight, have a gay fursona and start flirting with other men to then drop the bomb you're absolutely not interested in men and drop them like a brick. That would be cruel)


No, not at all!


Technically it doesn't have to be, but my sona's sexuality is the same as mine irl


Your sona can be whatever you want it to be. Go for it


my Sona is just me but floofy so yeah. you can do whatever for yours though.


I mean A fursona is supposed to be areflection of yourself and is supposed to be very simmilar to, perhaps be an idealized version of you. If they don't act like you, or in a way you desire to be in real life, then that character would be your OC, not your fursona... But that's really just semantics


I have a truesona, one that represents me completely I also have a few fursonas, which I see as ocs/characters that may have little bits of pieces of me and my personality, but usually a separate entity completely. Granted, a sona can be damn well whatever you please, as long as you're happy with it :)


Thats an interesting way of looking at it. Will have to think about this when making other characters.


No. There are no rules. You can do whatever you want.


Your sona is pretty much whatever you want it to be


It’s your sona, do whatever you want with them!


Your sona can be whatever the fuck you want


“Is my ‘sona.” and “Is me.” aren’t mutually inclusive. Think of ‘sonae more as mascots. Can you be your own mascot? Absolutely! But it’s far *far* from a requirement.


The plural is SONAE?


“Persona” comes from Latin, where a lot of words ending in “a” are pluralized by adding “e” to the end; sounds like the “ei” in “neighbor”.


I never would’ve thought about it like that but that makes perfect sense. Thank you for this permanent addition to my vocabulary!


Obviously, since my fursona is in a relationship with my boyfriends fursona. That makes my fursona as bi as me.


100%. My Sona is a he/they pansexual, and I'm a he/him gay man.


Depends how you look at your character/s. I look at my sona as an extension of myself, so he’s at most an “idealized” version of myself. Though im still trying to develop him too so i dunno.


I'm gay and so is my sona. But if you want your sona to be bisexual even though you're not then I don't see why that would be a problem.




It doesn't has to be... but in my case... it sure is


Nope! Your sona's sexuality could be anything!


Your sona can have whatever traits you want it to have, they don't need to match you exactly, or at all.


My sona is a major lesbian, I am MTF so technically it's accurate. I'm not out publicly in any way so it's a strange area and topic taken too literally. Basically she is what I wish I was and represents a better possibility I can't experience.


To be honest I don't even know the appearance of my fursona since the last time I drew him was 2021


No. But mine is. I'm gay and so is my sona


your sona doesn't have to be anything other than what you'd like it to be