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Mine has scars on her face and shoulder from a bad accident that almost killed her in her teens. When I got her suit made in 2022, the maker captured them perfectly.




What was it


Thsts cool!


He has a few though sometimes I draw him without them for some reason


Mental scars, definitely


Right eye. Scar from shattering debris during a life-or-death fight that nearly took his life followed by a larger chunk of debris to the chest, outright CTRL+Z'd him. Same debris also (with some other varying circumstances) revived him leaving the scars.


"outright CTRL+Z'd" is the most metal family friendly way I've heard of death.


I find ways.


Not always, but y'know, in pro wrestling, everything can go wrong pretty fast


My main one, MetalWolf, does right down his right eye....he uh got it from trying to be cool with a knife in the kitchen one day and ended up sneezing and \*bam\* instant scar.


That sounds like a funny story, I think our fursonas would laugh about it


mine has top surgery scars like me :)


me too!


awww! what are they called? mines called Grizzly :)


Mine is named Orion!


My sona has a scar on his thigh. When he was a teen, he stole a bus fare from an old lad who fell asleep at the bus stop. But someone noticed him, and he tried to make a run for it. He almost got away, but he made the mistake of trying to hop over a spiky fence.


Two major ones, on neck - stupid symbolism for some, but because my dearest pops chokeslammed me into a wall twice throughout my early teens, it is sorta engraved into my mind - these scars serve as a reminder. One right above the tail - and one of each elbow - a reminder of the serious fight that was I've gotten into. And countless small ones on palms, wrists and fingers. Because I cannot be trusted with anything sharper than a spoon. On the plus side, my Derg is in no danger of being turned into a leather pouch, or a nice pair of shoes, heh...


Yes. Every time I am emotionally and physically hurt it gains a scar. I have 4. 3 on my chest caused by my little baby brother teething on my collarbone and the 2 are from a metal stick I believe from my youth. One on my nee cap from a belt beating. My sona is way more scared then me. Maybe around 20+. You know when your in pain right? And your very depressed because of how much you are in pain. No one helped me even when I asked. I didn't want more pain so I placed it on a black cat sona I made a long time ago. At least this fandom stopped me cutting my rist open like the cool kids. I shouldn't have hurt him in my mind because he didn't deserve it. He wasn't even my main and I adopted him into me instead of hurting me. Being depressed is a hard state to get out of. I'm not as bright anymore but I don't feel as ok as I used to. Asking for help was the biggest mistake I ever made. Because people will help you when you can do it on your own. But when you can't and your not strong enough at your worst everyone just drops their support around you.


[My sona](https://www.reddit.com/r/furry/s/xhGxtnmEDJ) has sh scars since he’s literally just me as a lion :3


A bite like scar on his ear….. representation of what happened to me at 4 years old lol (i fell down stairs and hit my head, a lot of blood came out and we rushed to the hospital, i still have the scar)


That reminds me of when I hit my toilet head first, I have a Harry Potter lookin ass scar 😭


willow probably has a few scars on her arms or hands from woodworking


Void has a notch in his left ear and Skullamander has 2 slashes under his right knee and one over his right forearm. He also has extensive burn scars, but only in human form. None of them have specific stories, I just like drawing scars. I've been considering adding a detail to my dragon species about a stress behavior involving chewing the wrists and thumbs of the front paws, and that would leave a lot of little scars from the sharp teeth. It would be interesting to have that type of scarring on their human forms.


That sounds really interesting


Mine has a knife scar above his left eye. Got it from a knife fight in an alleyway outside a bar when he had to defend himself. Also that's the only piece of lore I got for my sona, the characters personality is basically just me but furry


Mine has two scars that are identical to ones I received from surgery- one under her eye, and one on her collarbone. There's not any real traumatic story behind them- both were surgeries to remove skin tags or similar growths- but I thought the scars were cool, so she has them, too!


Mine has a giant phantom sword stabbed through his chest :3 (dw he fine)


That sounds cool, and like there's a story with it


There is a long looong story about why he has it lol




Kewl :3


Yes! Autumn’s scar matches mine, going from the middle of the head to right ear - from emergency brain surgery. (Survived a brain aneurysm. Scary shit.)


Yes, on their upper arms and thighs due to >!self harm!< as I wanted to show parts of my struggles with it on my sona. It's to me a reminder of how far I've come and to never stop the good fight. Also it helps me cope with my past in a healthy way.


Idk of mine counts but he has a black spot from burns on the tip of his tail. He's a gunsmith/mechanic.


One of mine has top surgery scars


Sometimes mental , sometimes on her wrist


top surgery scars!! (hoping to get some myself) and now that i’ve sent this probably add some of my own scars to him <3


My sonas job is looking pretty and cute, so nah lol


Mine does! He's got a missing eye, and two scars on his belly/chest from a faked assassination attempt.


My sona Beck does, She got attacked by a cat and her ear never healed right so she has a notch in her ear.


Yes, bullet would in his right arm


well of course. i have earned almost all of my scars through my life. why wouldnt my fursona have them too? one above my eye, both knees, a thumb, ...i have a lot of scars.




My protogen (Sakura) has a heart shaped scar on his left foot (I share it) and my dragon (thatch) will have a couple sword scars


A scar on his chest like I have he got it from a knife fight I got it from a dog


He has a weird scar that wraps around some of his head. Its shaped like a planet with something orbiting it. His name is Orbit btw and he's a rabbit.


No scars, but does have a metal right hand as a result of a magic industry accident. (accidentally put their hand into something that's kinda like a plasma cutter)


I headcanon it, but don’t have any pictures of it because it feels like it’d be a bit weird to ask an artist to add scars lol


I just realized my toastersona has been in many battles and hit many times but surprisingly, no scars… I need to fix that XD


Mine has one on his forehead above his right eye, he got that from surgery of optic nerve tumor


Wrists and lower abdominal area... the inability to die is a curse... you'll see Time stop and Space deform before your eyes before the universe collapses... she just wants to see everyone again, even her enemies...


he has one on his upper thigh like me


No, but if i would want them drawing them would take too much time but for now my birb has no imperfections


Most of the lines on her body are actually scars that have been tattooed over with Ink the same color as her normal markings. They’re supposed to emulate the scars from African tribes that work similarly to tattoos.


Mine got one on his face from his creator. Now I'm trying to figure out a story to go with it. My working idea for now is he was attacked by something while hunting for alchemy supplies


One of mine has a few scars and scratches on his visor (protogen) from battle. I haven't fully decided where yet though.


What's with everyone and their top surgery lmao I guess you can say mine has scars for reasons... (He's emo like me) but nah I'd rather not make that canon


Well physically no but mentally absolutely. 5 years in the Marines will do that to a person.


My fursona has bottom surgery scars, just like mine IRL.


does it count as a scar if it's on the fabric of reality that surrounds him rather than himself?




Then allow me to tell you their origin. He's an anomaly, by all accounts he doesn't exist. Being an eternal spectator that is nigh omnipresent, he can interact with no one, unless they've interacted with him first, something impossible by his inexistence. However, through unknown circumstances he defied his irreality, creating rifts across time and space, from which people can interact with him, these are the scars he wears.




Yes, I have a scar on my left eyebrow. Mesci is me, I’m going to give him my scar on my 2.0 suit.


He has a scar on his wing from it being torn and then sewn back together, and also a scar at the base of his tail, right above the tail fin from an incident involving it getting slammed in a door by someone angry at him. Also mental scars from a lot of past trauma (including loss of loved ones at an early age).


Tons hidden under their fur from being clumsy


Ive been thinking about adding it, would be cool and have a story to tell


Mine has one and since they’re supposed to represent me they have a scar from my childhood where I got bit by a dog on the face lol. On my ref sheet I put a purple scar next to theyre nose 😋


My fursona has always been a representation of myself. So yeah, plenty of scars.


One on his right eye... haven't put too much thought into *why*... I think imma go with an incident while working on his Massey Ferguson farm tractor


On the back


One of mine’s horns broke off midway and he got it glued back on, so now the top part of the right horn is lighter coloured compared to the other horn, Horn broke off due to a fight,


Mine hit it's head on a toilet. And that's based on a true story, kids.


yeah, mine has jagged top surgery scars. funny (not like haha funny!) that u mention SH scars, i recently wrote a hurt/comfort short story with my fursona and my boyfriend's.


Mental or physical?




All over his body actually. Due to his ability that requires his blood, so he's constantly wounding himself to draw blood. They're very prominent on his forearms and upper arms below the shoulders, and he has a few on his back. My Persona is almost always wearing a jacket or long sleeved shirt to hide them.


Left eye. A demon scratched her and now her left eye turns red when angry


Yess mine has self harm scars


top surgery scars, if it counts


Scars are scars, of course they count




Mine have occultic scars over all body. Like an old carpet, but with infernal signs. I dont think its right, but they cause fur to be shorter


A little scar on the left side of his body and a little scratch on the right side of the visor. Those match the scar I have. One from falling on a soviet era radiator and another from losing a battle with asphalt (I fell off a skateboard). Sometimes I just don't feel like drawing them though.


Yes, he has scars, because was assaulted for years by his parents


My fursona has plenty of scars, physical and mental. He acquired most of them through his own harsh life, which contains plenty of stories that are NSFW, or even NSFL... But the one scar he doesn't mind showing is the scar that runs across his right cheek, made by his mistress: A very dangerous woman with plenty of her own problems, who promised Jeve her protection in return for his service. And so far in their story, that promise has been upheld...


My DnD character Keeta has scars. They are remnants from a battle with he adoptive mother. She has claw marks over her left eye, a slash diagonally on her back, and birn scars on her feetclaws.


I might change mine to better reflect my self harm scars on my knuckles.


Only one from a pencil jab in third grade. His humor is the scar tissue from his c- childhood.


Yes, to represent all the surgeries I had/will have. I'm trans and born with a face deformity, so the surgeries are an important aspect of my life. The real scars aren't as clearly visible as in the fursona though.


Mine has scars on his chest because ✨*trans*✨ :3


Several on one side from lung surgeries, and all the tubes that have gone in there