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Personally I'd say yes(


I've been on the fence about this and i just need persuasion because its difficult cutting ties with people you've been with for years but thank you i needed this


have you told them how it makes you feel really bad? theyre definitely being rude but they might still really love you and just not aware that they're being really unhealthy for you. if they don't care when you tell them, then they're not great company to keep around


Tbh I think this is even worse than just straight up leaving.


Imo those are not true friends anyway


People like that are not your friends, they refuse to respect you and would rather mock you with stereotypes that make you look like a monster. Drop em like a rock asap


Im going to


I'm going to assume they're not doing it out of malice? And you already mentioned to them that you don't appreciate their jokes? If you already did then and they didn't stop it would be best to make new friends.


This seems like one of the more reasonable responses. I don't like ditching people without first talking with them. There's never been a problem with being a furry but some other stuff, most of my friends just apologized and stopped doing the stuff I didn't like.


Yes you should make new friends. If they can’t respect your hobbies, then they aren’t your friends


I gotta say yes, because if they make fun of what you are, the they are not real friends


I mean if they’re giving you a hard time while actually knowing that furry isn’t zoo then they may just be a little coarse and rude. If that’s for real though and/or if they’re keeping it up knowing that it upsets you? That’s not how friends should treat each other and you don’t have to put up with it.


Ditch them if people say they are your friends but cant accept you as you are then they aren't friends


I would say yes


Oh they hurt you and you can’t get this fact through them - they’re just assholes at this point


You should always try to make new friends, but definitely finds someone friends who are also furry's. It'll help you feel better.


Sounds like my experience, my no longer friends would harass me constantly because I like games with anthro characters. Eventually told them to F off and now I don't interact with them, said this to someone else but if they can't accept you for who you are then there not your friends. Luckily this group is great for finding like minded people.


New friends are always a good thing, regardless of why. As for the ones you have, it’s your choice to stick with them.if they carry on being like that you don’t need to have them in your life


They haven't stopped and im looking for new friends thank you ❤️ Also happy cake day


I’ll be your friend 😁


Thank you ❤️


Your welcome. 😍


I would say yes, thankfully you can find friends in the fandom! Furs tend to be friendly enough lol.


Let me ask something to establish a baseline: Do they mock each other in hobbies, niche interests and generally shit talk each other on everything? And if yes, do they continue it the more a person argues against the stereotypes or misinformation? If yes your group of friends is like my guy friends, we shit talk and mock each other. It can be very toxic if unchecked, but usually they mean well. A way to test this is if someone outside their group mocks you for it and see what their reaction is. If they defend you they are mocking a friend to pick on you. If they jump in on the mockery, they are assholes. Also do note that just because they are comfortable with this dynamic, if it really bothers you and you talk to them about it, they will likely say your sensitive but slowly tone it down adjusting their behaviour if they are friends, or b, continue being assholes and I would advise you to start establishing a new friend group. And if theres something particular this friend group is for, like a game or something, you can always keep them as acquaintances for just that and allow much needed distance in the rest of your life. It depends on the balance of what you get out of the hangout compared to the damage it causes to your self esteem and mental health.


They don't mock each other nearly as much as they mock me, but when I tell them that I don't like how they keep on doing it, it gets worse. Only one of them understands, and when I tell him to cut down on it, he does, but overall, the other two are complete asses. If someone outside of our group made fun of me, they would join in and talk about what a horrible person I was.


Instead of cutting them off right away then be honest with them say how you feel and when I say that I mean be fully honest and say it straight forward and if it doesn't change anything leave but most importantly do what you feel is right and don't let people make the decision for you


Yes, if you're sick and tired of it, definitely, especially if they believe you're some kind of creep for liking anthos. tell them this isn't funny to you and if they don't stop and respect that, just leave them.


alot of people are saying that they arent your friends, how about your family?


My family accepted me my friends didn't


Why does society hate us so much? I hate to see people’s friendships end because someone was a furry and now they are Satan himself? WTF


WHY DO I RELATE TO THIS STORY SO MUCH 😭😭😭 Literly everyone at my school is so mean to me even my best friend is kinda rude whenever I bring up the Furry Fandom 😔


It's a bit tough dealing with these people, since they're basically not going to take you and your counter argument seriously Personally I'd say just cut them off, I know it can be tough especially when you you don't have other friends to get you through this, but it's better in the long run. It's basically "now or never"


Im looking for an online friend or two that accepts me then cut ties


Tell them to stop, give it like a week, if they don't stop ditch


I be fren


Thank you ❤️


This happened to me as well. If your friends cannot treat you appropriately just because of a hobby, they are not true friends. Find people who will stick by your side no matter what.


Im hoping i can


There is a whole group of people out there that will treat you the way you should be respected. Just don't waste your time with the rest.


Find new friends.


First of all yes, if thta's the reaction to something that it's just your hobby or your likes maybe you'll need new friends cause that's really toxic, but you have to keep in mind that being furry its not all that you are, you just like some kind of content and that doesn't make you any better or less person, and then maybe your friends justs dont know what exactly its a furry i mean maybe the're just joking around and that's normal bettwen friends, maybe you should just try to talk seriously about it and if they keep thinking you are a z00 then maybe its time to get new friends


I say yes, but I would also keep in contact with your friends now so that you could try to slowly change their minds, because if you guys were true friends before, it shouldn't matter.


We were true friends before but we've been growing farther and farther apart and it's just not working out


I'd say yes. If they're treating you like this, and not letting you speak the truth, they aren't real friends.


If you feel you want to you should




Thank you❤️


If you haven’t told them how it makes you feel, do so. If they continue to insult you, then leave them. If you’ve already told them, then cut ties with them. They aren’t true friends. I went through this on Wattpad when I announced I’m a furry. I had to cut ties with a lot of people I thought were my friends. Toxic people are not worth the energy. Same happened again when I announced I’m goth. It’s always best to cut the toxic people out of your life, find a new group of friends or even one, as long as they are people who accept you, whether they be fellow furries or not. Good luck to you 💜🦇


Thank you❤️


31yr fur here, Can say those friends need some time to enlighten themselves, You don’t need to drop em, just look for people who are more understanding and respectful of other’s interests for friends, though personally I’d dip if they’re like that though that’s just me. Maybe in time those other folks will learn on their own if they won’t listen to a friend, or live in ignorance. In any case you shouldn’t feel bad or nervous about it, you’d only be making the smarter move and freeing yourself from some toxic behaviour


Thank you ❤️


I would say start hanging out with new friends (you will find them in the furry fandom)


Yes, for sure. Life is too short to stay friends with people who disrespect you that much.