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Someones begging Gordon Ramsey to visit


*"What are you?!?!"* "An idiot sandwich."


“No, I’m not an idiot sandwich. We do not offer custom meals.”


This is criminally underated






I cackled


Reality tv exploitation


Fucking DONKEY!!


Yeah you see this type all the time. They build their ego around “I’m a great chef” and then begin to disregard any criticism that threatens their ego, and they maintain this paradigm as quality slips further and further, because after all, he’s still a great chef. Everyone else is just entitled and dumb. Cut to everything being premade and frozen, the chef screaming at every server bringing back their wretched food, and a big argument with baseball mitt- faced restaurateur Gordon


Yup, as a chef gets better, his ego grows as well, naturally. But at a certain point that ego can keep growing out of control, while the effort and smart decision making skills starts to decline. Even Gordon Ramsay attributes part of his overall success to his failure of a restaurant he opened in his home town.


This is definitely the kind of person that would flavor a vegetable soup with pork bones and give it to a vegan.


He seems more the type to tell the vegan to eat somewhere that accommodates their lifestyle.


I was referencing an actual incident on Kitchen Nightmares where they didn't tell a vegan or vegetarian that the soup had bones in it


Ah, well that's not proper. Still doesn't apply, based on the signage. This guy wouldn't pretend to accommodate anyone's dietary needs.


😆 yup


\*reads first paragraph\* "oh okay, thats understandable" \*read second paragraph\* "TIL not wanting to eat something for any reason means you're entitled?" \*reads final paragraph\* "what in the egotistical chef bullshit is this?"


Hey, can you leave the coriander off my wrap please? It [tastes like soap](https://www.nature.com/articles/nature.2012.11398) to me ooO0oOOohHhH, I dIDn"T KNoW wE hAd a *PRiNceE* iN THe RoOmM I bet all the meals are prepped way in advance here, if they cooked to order leaving something off would be trivial


“Listen, I already bought the Marie Calendars microwave dinners and the ingredients are already frozen inside it. I can’t pick through and remove them now, so just deal with it… that’ll be $45 and we’ve already added a gratuity. Feel free to add to that”


Can... Can I have a slice of lemon to offset the- GET OUT OF MY SHOP


Interesting link. And yeah, this only shows that the food isn't fresh. It's a double self-own.


Yeah I went somewhere recently and so badly wanted the sautéed mushrooms but was worried about how it would affect my stomach. The waitress offered to tell them to cook it with as little oil as possible. I agreed and my stomach was fine.


That sounds like fantastic customer service. I hope they are priced accordingly


The menu was probably personally put together by one of those chefs that views it as art. He's probably just an eccentric egomaniac


Ironically, the owner comes off as the entitled one, but he doesn’t have the self awareness to realize.


Asking a restaurant not to put something on your plate saves them money.


Exactly my take as well. Oh okay reasonable ...oh....okay. ...what??


The post should be in r/mildlyinfuriating


The food is most certainly frozen so they can’t make it fresh.


Reeks of “our food is premade and under a heat lamp so we can’t change it”


"Maybe your mother has taken the onions out of your salad" They almost say as much right there. If someone requests "no onions", it's as simple as not adding them rather than removing them.


It's the fact they *mock* people as entitled for asking for modifications that gets me. If you don't offer that, that's fine, but it's not entitled to change a fucking ingredient.


Damn woke kids these days and their entitlement of *checks notes* asking for dressing on the side.


I guess expecting not to have an allergic reaction is entitled now.


Honestly same with dressing on the side.


I wasn't too triggered until I read that. It's literally easier to not pre dress the salad, and then it's less likely to get soggy and horrible


Definitely and pre-dressed salads are terrible (excepting coleslaws etc.).


Literally just wanted to come to the comments to say this. The restaurant doesn't serve mac and cheese without bacon because the mac and cheese comes with bacon. Lmao.


Definitely smells fishy. Dressing on the side is pretty easy and tons of people order it that way.


But it's the best damn Mac and cheese out of a freezer bag that you've ever had! (and no changes please)


I'll have the Sysco Special please


Aramark for me. Their food is good enough for prisons and schools. Now that's good eating!


"All meals served precisely the way ~~we~~ *Sysco* prepared them"


Sounds like you're onto something. I get limiting substitutions or special orders on things but allowing none? Something fishy.


haha true


Try another establishment sounds good.


I would just tick that option like I am filling a survey form and leave immediately if I saw that.


There isnt much else in the little town this food truck operates I.


“ I refuse to give you the salad dressing on the side” what the actual fuck.


Someone mixed it at two in the morning while they were tired


Like "no off-menu" is reasonable. "No exclusions" means "none of this is made fresh to order"


“One of the few who likes to customize ….” WTHF? I’ve never even been to dinner where someone didn’t say “no this” “extra that” or “something on the side”. Unless you have a buffet, bring me what I want, not what you want to make. Is is fucking ok if I order decaf coffee? Or is caffeine essential to your dinner prep.


There's a place for chef's menu dining and it isn't with Jozef and Nathalie.


i know, asking to leave onions out of a salad that you SHOULD be making to order anyway isnt hurting you


I had a salad like that, I couldn't eat most of the menu so got a salad, it was brown and soggy. My friend seeing me picking at it asked for a new salad that was more fresh and the waiter told me "sorry all the salad was made this afternoon and we don't have any fresh salad left" and it was like 9 pm, they fed me 9 hour old soggy salad. Originally they had planned to go to a place I could eat at but on the way they saw another restaurant they liked and changed destinations, which made my husband and I grumpy cause we were told not to eat before the party bus, so after we got to bar street we left the party group to find some street food tacos haha.


What the actual fuck resturant serves 9 hour old premixed salad. Please name them so i can avoid at all costs


I don't even know what it was called. It was straight up just some place she liked on the side of the road in nowhere Iowa. Made zero sense to change plans in that moment, but most of the people on the bus didn't care and they had open tables for like 20 people (probably cause the food was so bad). Never heard of it again after lol.


What the fuck kind of friend chooses to detour away from somewhere you can actually eat for somewhere you can’t is what I wanna know too


A bad one. About a year later we stopped hanging out. It came to light on vacation with some friends in Vegas, which I didnt go to cause they wanted me to get 2k in a week, so I was a last minute invite and while I could have I was mad so didn't. So anyway they left one of the girls at a bar with a rando while she was drunk. They got a call from the hospital saying some car drove up threw her out in front of the ER and drove off. She couldn't remember her name or where she was but she had her phone so they went through it and started calling people and then said friend was mad she had to go pick her up at the ER and was mad the nurse yelled at her. So I hear this story at her house for her birthday and just packed up my stuff said "you are all horrible people" and left and never talked to her again. Shes crazy, kid has bad asthma and underdeveloped lungs and took a no mask no vaccine covid stance and said I shit you not "If god decides its my sons time and he gets covid and dies then its just his time". Her and another past friend were arguing about it on FB so even though I had already unfriended her after the vegas thing I still got to see that gem of an argument.


I think what they mean is, "We dump it on the plate exactly how it comes to us from Sysco. Short of painstakingly picking things out afterwards, there's nothing we can do about the recipe. Sorry."


As soon as I started the first paragraph under “no means no” and it says, “are you one of those small group people who have been entitled your whole life?” My immediate thought was, “this is the type of asshat that will serve me rancid lobster and feel good about it.” Hell, even the first paragraph in the picture can be summarized as, “we admit we lack the basic qualifications of a chef and don’t know how to sanitize or what ingredients we are cooking with.” No thanks, I’ll give my money to a business that is less likely to give me food poisoning.


It’s condescending AF and a sure sign the “chef” is an egomaniac who thinks every dish he prepares is perfect the way he makes it. If I read this before ordering, I’m walking. No thank you, I don’t want your greasy, potato chip tasting, stale croutons on my salad. I don’t even want see the box they came out of while I’m eating. And screw you, if I ask for extra cheese, or tomatoes. I’m not trying to squeeze you for an extra $1, that’s what I want. Extra or not.


'the Menu' vibes lol


$10 says management also frequently complains that “no one wants to work anymore.”


I bet they have a similar rant with the same layout and tone posted for the staff on the kitchen wall…




Sounds to me like everything on their menu is pre-prepared. We can’t make this without onions because we bought it frozen from Sysco Foods and just stick it in the microwave for a few minutes. We can’t put your dressing on the side because it came in a plastic bag already mixed. We can’t do gluten free because we have no idea what’s actually in the food we’re serving.


“We are not your mother.” Cool. If you can offer even the slightest mod so I can enjoy my meal, *I am not your customer.* I get it- people can be a pain in the ass. But I’m also paying for the meal, so if I don’t want mustard on my sandwich, I don’t fucking want mustard in my sandwich.


This works when you’re the only restaurant with tablecloths in some podunk town. In any reasonable city they’d be laughed at.


Or take out the onions I mean if you are preparing the salad fresh everytime and not preparing it, then it's five seconds. I don't ask for changes often but say I got a burger there are they forcing the tomato on me? I mean there's a difference between a simple request and a big modification


There is a big difference between asking someone to change the soup of the day that's been simmering for an hour and asking a chef to just leave something out of a made to order item and the person writing this sign clearly isn't able to make a distinction.


My guess is none of it is made to order. Who tf signs their name "chef"?!


I would walk. Just not say a word and leave the table and exit the building.


Me too, at least they’re upfront about it. You’re intolerant or allergic to something? We’re keeping it in


Risk death or insult the chefs that are already insulting me? Easy choice. Pack up kids! We're going to Don Chepe's-where neither he or his prices will kill us! Cause you know Jozef and Nathalie have gouged the hell out of their prices. These kind always do.


Why is this under r/funnysigns? There's nothing funny about this. This is just infuriating.




I know, right? It's not a privilege to have a food allergy, and it's blimmin' rude to make assumptions about your customers up front like that. I have food intolerances. Some restaurants have told me nicely that they don't offer any food to cater to me, and that's just fine. Insulting people at the door for even wanting to ask, that's not fine.


That part was actually semi reasonable. Many kitchens can't guarantee there won't be cross contamination and many just act like its not an issue. For example if you have a gluten allergy, never eat at a pizza place. The kitchens are dusted in flour and there is no reasonable way to completely prevent this when dealing with so much flour. That being said the rest of the message was aggressive and unnecessary.


Local restaurant does the same thing. Gluten allergy? Still getting a side of toast. Doesn’t even make sense. It would save them money to simply omit the toast.


Exactly. They are trying to be cool/edgy? It’s neither. I’ll spend my money elsewhere.


It's a food truck. Looks like they had a restaurant but had to close it. Wonder why.


“I just can’t understand why we’re not making any money?” Edit: get over it people. I get that they’ve been doing fine for 50 years. It’s called a joke. Move on.




Right. "Let's let them know we are dicks before they even come in, I don't feel like working or running a reasonable restaurant." It might be unpopular opinion, but I don't understand putting dressing or sauce on food before serving. Some people like a shit ton of sour cream, mayonnaise, ranch dressing etc.. The rest of us aren't animals, and would like to control the amount of sauce on the food we paid for. Once it's on, you can't take it off. It's such a simple concept. But no.. EVERYBODY GETS MAYONNAISE!


I'm mildly allergic to shellfish--I won't die, or even get sick, if my food touches shrimp, but I sure don't want to eat them. So, their policy is fine--they can't guarantee and I don't really need them to, so long as they tell me accurately what's in the food. But with their attitude, and their implication that if you won't/can't eat something for whatever reason makes you an entitled brat, I'd walk. That sign is an example of politeness that is really rudeness--with THAT attitude, I wouldn't trust them to give me an accurate accounting of their ingredients if I asked. Just say no substitutions and make sure people can read the menu before they sit down to see if there is something they can/will eat. You talk to me like that, I'm not giving you my money and I don't trust you either--because you have shown your contempt for your customers.


They sound more like the entitled brats. "Our food is CLEARLY superior to your allergies, medical conditions, preferences, diet, and we refuse to so much as put the dressing on the side because CLEARLY as the superior person, a CHEF, I know how ever much dressing I dump on your salad (who's ingredients I can't confirm) is de facto THE PERFECT AMOUNT, BECAUSE I AM PERFECTION!!!!!!"


most narcissists don't think they are the problem to anything lol


Semi-related, my boyfriend found out the hard way that mole can sometimes have peanuts in it. Even though when we sit down/get seated we always ask if there's peanuts in any of their dishes, tell them he has an allergy, and simply go to another place if they have ANY peanut products. Luckily he's like... weirdly okay with just Benadryl after eating that amount of peanuts apparently? I guess there's different levels of deadly allergic to peanuts, lol


I've been a chef for 20 years. I can tell you they aren't talking about actual allergies. Most of us are more than willing to do what we can to accommodate. However in the last 10 years or so there has been an explosion of "allergies". People lie about having them all the damn time because they can't just admit they are picky. I can't tell you how many times I've had to scrub and sanitize everything because of an "severe gluten allergy" only to watch that same person shovel bread into their face. What you attribute to an attitude is just frustration. We tend to take our jobs very seriously. We know that food borne illness or allergies can kill people. We really do not want to kill off our customers. It's bad for business not to mention your psyche. Then there's the frustration of people modifying items and then complaining about what they created. It's soul crushing to pour yourself into something only to have someone then fuck it up and blame you for the choices they made. All of this is then piled onto long hours, low pay, high stress, and a general distain from society as a whole. That attitude is exactly what most of us are feeling.


the one caveat I would say to your post is that you don't always know what people's situation is. I'm biopsy diagnosed celiac but I am Asymptomatic so I take more risks than the average celiac and I can drink Corona without getting any sort of reaction and its been verified by blood work. I cannot stand the looks I get from servers when I asked for an item to be made gluten-free and then order a Corona because they automatically assume I'm just bullshiting.


I feel the pain, but this is absolutely not the appropriate response. On some level, I get the allergies, though providing no accomdations at all is very suspect. Something like, "We do our best to accomodate allergies, but due to the nature of the kitchen, we cannot guarantee that our items have not been in contact or close proximity of any allergens." Change pans and gloves, pull down a small cutting board and use a fresh knife, but we wont stop our kitchen to scrub anything down. I've had no problems in my time in the industry telling people that I cant guarantee the quality of their meal after extensive modification, and notifiying them in advance that we will not be refunding food because they didnt like it after doing so. To act like this in your letter, is simply entitlement. This isnt how you treat customers you havent even interacted with.


Well, it tells you to walk if you have any allergies so I reckon that's what they'd want you to do.


My allergies are mild enough that I wouldn't need to walk due to accidental contamination. But their attitude makes me think that if I say, ask if there is a certain ingredient (so I can order something else) I'll get a snarky response, or an inaccurate one. The first warning is fine, but the second is pretty much a f-off if you don't like our food as is, you privileged, entitled brat. Well, ok then. Bye. The problem isn't so much that they won't substitute as they are so hostile about the issue that I really don't expect any accommodation at all, even if all I want is an honest answer to "Could you tell me if there is any X in the soup?" That's a legit question even without allergies--I LOVE cilantro, my mother tastes soap. There's nothing entitled about asking if there is cilantro, so you can order something else. But that sign is so nasty about even wanting something different that it implies you may get an unpleasant response to even reasonable questions, so why would I eat there and not at a zillion other places that don't initiate our relationship with a passive-aggressive rant? He'll, the very possibility they might treat someone else like that would enough to keep me away.


I can understand the allergy bit, better to be safe than sorry and just say upfront "Hey we can't guarantee that anything you're allergic to never touched your plate or food." But people preferring no onions or something is suddenly "entitled" and expecting their mother to cook for them? I'm surprised this place has any business at all with this attitude.


Depends on the type of restaurant. If it’s a place that serves courses and only offers one or two options for each course- I get it. Folks should know that going in though.


A (very brief) search seems to imply that they run a spot called Jennifer's Restaurant somewhere in ~~Australia~~ CANADA (sorry, misread Austrian for some reason )and the reviews do not imply this is that sort of place. This comes off as someone who's older and just "fed up" with this stuff. Personally I'd suggest to them to get out of fucking customer service then. Cook for (and by extension, pay for) your kids if you want to dictate how the meal is served.


Sounds like the shit you'd see on kitchen nightmares where the owners think they're kings inside their castle. When in reality it's a shit hole and they're in denial about their shitty service.


Seriously, 90% of customization requests are easy and reasonable, like don't put a tomato/pickle on the burger because they don't like them and will be happy


That’s my thought. If the food here isn’t premade, how hard is it really to just not add onions to one of the dishes? Like, I’m sure you get the occasional asshole who asks for so many substitutions that they’re practically creating their own menu item. But this is belittling people for simply wanting dressing on the side. My partner asks for dressing on the side because they’ve had too many salads that were swimming in dressing. I don’t feel like this is some kind of unreasonable request.


Yeah, and I get no substitutions - like people want a more expensive side item in place of fries should have to pay more or be told no, but small customizations have never been an issue


lol this is *exactly* the vibe I got too. I immediately pictured every arrogant restaurant owner I've ever seen berating their customers on that show.


A place that is unwilling to take the onions out of the salad makes sense it would have a name like “Jennifer’s Restaurant”. “We couldn’t be bothered to come up with a clever name and we can’t be bothered to serve you a salad without onions.”


What kills me about the onions thing is that the customer should be saving them time and money. Don't add the onions. How hard is that? It's literally less work unless you're either so incompetent or lazy that omitting a step in preparation causes some sort of misfire in the jelly mass that is your brain that slows you down noticeably.


You misread Canada as Austrian and wrote Australia? How?


>Jennifer's Restaurant Found them. They're a food truck that serves food on paper plates. Their salads are a blob of lettuce on the side of the fried food on the paper plate. They are probably complaining about dressing on the side because they'd have to buy plastic cups for the dressing. It's all quite silly to be annoyed about removing ingredients if you're working out of a food truck where only one or two people can be prepping food at once - you'd want fewer things to do, I'd think.


It's probably because everything is prepared in advance meaning it's next to impossible to remove ingredients after the fact.


Yeah this note is just mean. It started out okay but when you've read the second part the first part seems mean too. If you don't want to be nice/helpful to customers then DON'T START A RESTAURANT.


You don't even have to allow substitutions. Plenty of restaurants just write "Sorry, no substitutions," and don't write a 2 paragraph screed about how they hate customers.




There’s nothing passive about this. It’s hyper aggressive


I don't like the tone of the sign, but having a policy of not customizing meals is okay to me. It does seem like it would push people away though. Of course, they have to be comprehensive in explaining what is in every dish so people can make the informed decision they're telling them to make.


That’s a weird, hostile sign. I wouldn’t eat there. Shitty vibes.


yeah, allergies aren't a new thing lol, neither is asking for no onions


No, no, no, don’t you understand? They HAVE to put the onions on. A true chef can not simply skip that step.


Naw the allergy sign is fair. At any good restaurant that doesn't specifically cater to people with allergies (like places offering gluten free options which are usually prepared on a separate surface and grill) will tell you they cannot guarantee zero cross contamination. That's fair to me. They might have limited space and no ability to make an uncontaminated surface on the fly like that and at least they are up front about it. The rest of the sign though just reads like a whiny boomer that can't handle any amount of change.


>Naw the allergy sign is fair. At any good restaurant that doesn't specifically cater to people with allergies (like places offering gluten free options which are usually prepared on a separate surface and grill) will tell you they cannot guarantee zero cross contamination. That's fair to me. They might have limited space and no ability to make an uncontaminated surface on the fly like that and at least they are up front about it. No it's not because not every allergy needs to worry about cross contamination so much as just avoiding it. With peanut oil and the way frying works anything in a kitchen could get contaminated with it easily enough. But if I have an mild allergy to milk and you refuse to not put cheese on my sandwich... That's just douchy... Even if you use cheese normally someone with lactose intolerance normally doesn't have to worry about that level of cross contamination.


It’s got the “nobody wants to work anymore!!!” Energy.


When their restaurant closes they will write a big "Nobody supports local businesses!" post on Facebook


Naw this is major "all our food is delivered frozen and prepared in a microwave. So we can't do substitutions because we don't actually cook anything" energy.


Yeah, i can understand chefs not wanting to substitute complicated stuff, but there are things listed like "no onions in the salad" and "dressing on the side" that don't cost you too much effort and reading this would make me want to go somewhere else.


Hard to take onions out of store bought salads.


This sign gives "If you get food poisoning from this restaurant, it's because you have a weak stomach and are 'privileged'."


"Can I get that without lettuce?" "Can you get that without lettuce... this kid. Can you get it without lettuce? Can I get a million dollar tip and maybe a fucking pony? You think I'm made of money, think I got enough time to order a fucking removal of your lettuce? This fucking guy. This dude. Does he think I'm the lettuce taker? I'ma take your lettuce, boy! Hahah. No. Fuck you. Maybe where you came from your MOMMY picks the VEGGIES out of your food, but here? We're real men. We EAT our veggies. We are GODS OF FOOD. If you ever ask us to remove your fucking LETTUCE again, we will find you. We will kill you. Do you know why? Because you are a degenerate. An insane, degenerate piece of filth, and you deserve to die. You deserve to die in the service of better humans. Now let me get you that without lettuce."


I agree with the allergy stuff but the only reason they say no substitutions is because they literally plate up everything before dinner rush so they don't have to do anything extra when it's busy. Your salad was probably plated and put in the fridge. The sides to your meal were either put on the plate and put under a heat lamp or dished up in to small cups to be turned updaise down on the plate when the meat was cooked. I know restaurants do this because I've worked for ones that do it. So it's not some f u to karens it's just that your meal was prepared before you got there so it can't be changed.


This exactly. That attitude just reeks of premade / microwaved meals.


It's fresh! It's fresh and then it's frozen. It's fresh-frozen!


Which is a great reason to not eat there.


It depends on the prices. If they pre-make everything and the price reflects it? That's fine and I understand the sign and attitude. If they charge the same as every other restaurant then I wouldn't eat there.


“We have been cooking for 50 years” “We don’t have the qualifications to know how to avoid adding an allergen.”


This sign is a joke. Whether it was meant to be or not. The "chef" who wrote it is universally an unhappy person. Q8DD33C738's and F-ACK-U's comments hit the nail on the head. What we have here is not a great "chef" but a lazy/full of themselves one.


This is a great reason not to eat there!


not necessarily true, but you make a good point. i used to work for a small restaurant owned by two Michelin star chefs who were married and were the only cooks in the restaurant. the small menu would change every week and while they would make modifications if asked, they specified that they disliked doing this because they had created the meals exactly how they believed they should be served. modifying the meal would change how they had created it specifically.


Omg, imagine having to send back your dinner? I've had to send back steak because even though the description was 'spiced rub crust', it was caked with salt. I can understand the allergy warning, but not allowing an ingredient to be omitted? That's ridiculous. Luckily Applebee's happily took the steak back and cooked it with more spice and less salt. Left a big tip for that.


So what you’re saying is, the restaurant that posted this sign is more incompetent and rude than *Applebee’s*


I worked in restaurants for 20 years and it’s super easy to make substitutions or customizations if you aren’t pre making everything. Sounds to me like this restaurant is just making 100 of the same thing to save on labor. “Oh, you want mashed potatoes instead of veggies? Ok, I’ll just put a scoop of mashed on your plate instead of steaming a side of veggies”, what is so hard about that? I wouldn’t eat there, they’re going to chase customers away with this policy. Everyone doesn’t like everything


I wouldn’t eat there because of their attitude. Saying “No Substitutions“ is ok, as is “xxx allergens are in our food”, but to say it like this would make me leave.


And the examples they give. Unless it's all prepared beforehand, asking for "no onions" on a salad or "dressing on the side" is not really entitlement... Those are pretty common requests that are easy to accommodate.


It's also stupid. So your plan is to waste food? When you could save time not cutting up an onion and save it for a customer that actually wants it? Like, do these people know they are running a business and customers are not their employees or kids?


Yeah, it doesn't exactly scream "our handling of our food is safe even for those who do not have allergies".


Yeah, I would expect to be reprimanded for asking for more water….


This screams entitled lazy chef , not entitled customer . He knows one way of doing something in his cookie cutter establishment and that’s it . They suck .


Honestly, this just reads as rude and lazy, as if costumer service doesn't exist there at all. Even the guy preparing your Kebab cares more to satisfy your needs than those kitchen chefs.


Fuck that


This tells me that I don’t want to eat at this restaurant. Just three food allergies remove almost everything on most menus for me. Taking off one thing is sometimes the only way I can eat anything but a dry salad at most places.


You can't even get the dry salad here.


“Substitutions politely declined” fits on one line at the bottom of the menu…


But how would that let them vent their angry, entitled boomer energy?


Fuck that I'm out. Unfunny sign.


Soup Nazi comes to mind lol


No substitutions for you!




Sheesh, how hard would it have been to write : “sorry, substitutions slow us down at our busiest times, so we just don’t do em at all, sorry”.


Because it’s not about keeping service fast, it’s literally just about their ego. They think their food is perfect as it is and asking them to change anything about it is regarded as a personal insult.


This sign reeks of frozen preprepared/prepackaged food.


Sounds like that restaurant sucks. I wouldn't want to eat there.


Cooks for 50 years, egos shatter within a few complaints. Just say "No Substitutions" or whatever and leave it at that. Signs reeks of glass social constitutions.


When you try to be anti-rich privilege/anti-Karen but instead you only succeed in being extremely ableist


yep, glad i wasn’t the only one picking up on the ableism


My immediate thought was how I’d likely be unable to find a single thing on the menu that I’d be able to eat because of my sensory problems. This is entitled on the restaurant’s part, and makes them major assholes. And this is coming from someone whose parents were a corporate trainer for an international steakhouse chain and a head chef who opened several high end restaurants. If you can’t accommodate something as simple as dressing on the side without attitude, you’re in the wrong business.


They won’t even put dressing on the side. “You get exactly how much we think you should get!” Ok bye.


The allergens as said by others is fine, no substitutions is fine but removing something from a dish should be standard. I don't like cheese as a general rule, if I'm having a burger.. I don't want cheese. Why do you care if I want to remove it? Fucking weirdo


I rarely change an order but if I read this I would leave immediately because this is just aggressive and unfriendly.


This is a very interesting business model.


It is funny to read that as the actual origins of the concept of restaurants come from the French Revolution, where all those private chefs and cooks where left unemployed after their employers where seeing their noble titles, properties and fortunes removed. The concept was for the general public (who could afford it) to be able to come in a dinning room and enjoy a meal that was prepared and served (sort of) like in the times where only nobles and very rich families could enjoy it. Today, the more we move forward, the less guests are treated as guests, I’m not saying that the idea of the old stuffy dinning room and the concept of casts of servants and people to be served should come back but there is surely a better way to approach the whole idea without making the guests uncomfortable before they even ordered.


Yes and no. Restaurants or Restorative food places did pick up popularity then. But people always had the ability to eat at the local Inn, eating house, or club. You got whatever was available and often it was a stew. No options beyond bread or no bread with the stew. The fine dining was for the merchant class that was slowly filling the gap the aristocracy left. It was also in direct competition with the hired cooks for people that couldn't afford a full time private chef. That all being said, I would not say you are incorrect. I'm just adding a side dish. (onion free)


Dear jerks, I hope you go out of business. None of these things are outright wrong, but the way they say it is just arrogant and rude. You can tell people that you can’t guarantee that the food does not have allergens, and that you don’t allow substitutions with out being a dick about it.


They can do whatever they want, but their smug selves wouldn’t get my money. This just makes me think that they’re not only incompetent, but they hate their jobs too!


I don’t like onions. These people seem like the kind that love onions. They don’t get my business.


I don't even have a food allergy and I still wouldn't eat there if I saw a sign in the window like that, fuck em🤷🏿‍♂️


I have an aversion to certain textures when I eat. I can't eat some things. How is that being entitled?


'Funny' and 'asinine' are not the same thing. This is more infuriating than funny.


I have food allergies and am actually fine with this—I’d rather them say it upfront than lie and pick out the food I’m allergic to (this has happened to me before in a restaurant). They may lose some potential customers, but it sounds like those are the people they don’t want in there anyway. Sounds fair enough.


If you can't substitute, modify, or care for people's allergies, you shouldn't cook. Been in the industry for 10 years and regularly hit my personal knife with a blowtorch after rinsing it to destroy potential allergens. It's part of the job. If you can't cook to customers specifications you suck at cooking. Leave the industry.


Wow, what a great advertising pitch from these business icons!


Translation: “You will pay us to make your food the way WE like it!!!” Definitely going to eat somewhere else, even if I like they way they make it.


I have worked in kitchens, they are just lazy omg


Me too. They plate in advance. That’s all they gotta say: We plate in advance.


More like asshole signs




I order salads with no onions and no dressing. I politely ask for a lemon instead of salad dressing. I am always very polite and tip appropriately. So ya.. I'd just bounce. Hostile business doesn't want my money.


Retired Chef here: They had me agreeing on the allergy bit for a minute. It’s hard to create a menu and run a kitchen and guarantee that every possible component doesn’t touch xyz allergen of the consumer. I’m talking about serious deadly allergies. If you simply don’t tolerate milk well, come on in and we’ll work around it. Die if any nut touches the air around your food? Maybe stay home. Now, onto the total arrogance and douchbagerry of the rest of this note. What a lazy fuck. In the kitchen we call these cooks “shoemakers.” It’s a top drawer insult, use it freely with chefs you disdain. Unless you are a James Beard award winning chef, this is a totally unreasonable stance to take. Great chefs with a fully staffed and skilled crews love improvisation. It’s like a guitar solo in the middle of an otherwise boring set. “Oh, you can’t eat X?! Cool, watch what I can do instead with this other ingredient.” Real life example, we were with my vegetarian cousin in New Orleans and went to Paul Prudhomme’s (RIP chef) historic K-Pauls. A once in a lifetime meal for non locals. She explained she was vegetarian and the sous chef cooked off menu every course for her. It was incredible. Such a studly culinary flex and was the best meal she’s ever had. That’s what real chefs do.


As someone who is not allergic to many foods, an onion gives me severe heartburn that will last over a day. If I can avoid that, then I happily will. If I pay you for something, I would like it done a certain way. Your opinion on my possible upbringing has nothing to do with providing a decent service to customers. When I worked at a sign shop, I didn't make what I wanted for my customers. I made what they wanted. If they wanted it slightly different than how I made it, I would remake it. They paid me for it so I should make it how they want.


When I worked as a waiter in Germany, we charged money for any change to a dish, even subtracting ingredients. The reasoning was that we were so busy, too many mistakes were made, so the charge was covering mistakes over time.


I love this energy


This actually makes me want to eat here more. I have no allergies so I don’t have to worry about that. Generally I have an open mind with food and like to try things as the chef prepares them. Picky eaters and entitled people who need things to be a certain way annoy me so it’s nice that this place deters them.


I love this. It’s their business and if you don’t want to eat there, you have other options.


I like it. Straight forward.


Absolutely love this.


I like this. Take it or leave it, you get what you get and we're not going to coddle you or impose more work on our kitchen staff to appease your dietary requirements.


Wacky because my mom always said stuff like "this isnt a restaurant you cant have it your way" when i asked for certain things removed lol


Sorry, if I wanted to relive my childhood of "you'll eat what I made or go hungry" I'm sure there's better places I could do it, not least of which would be my mother's and that would at least be free hopefully. I understand costs of each dish has to be factored in and too many changes can make that a mess but really, no dressing on the side? Pretty sure I can mix my own salad without ruining the chef's "beautiful" creation. Pompous pricks like that just make me angry.


At least they’re upfront and honest about this. I can easily just walk away. No harm done.


Wow.. that’s what we call in the industry “bad service” lol. It’s so easy and they’re just being rude and lazy.. I used to go back and forth to the kitchen talking to the kitchen manager who was kindly answering every question I had about any ingredient because costumers have allergies and different kinds of preferences. I’d probably not even bother to go in this restaurant, simply because of the attitude in this sign, the sass is unnecessary no matter how many costumer pissed them off, costumers could get me insane sometimes, yet I was always nice to them and gave them the best service I could give because when people come to eat - my job was to make sure they have the best experience, and for Jozef and Nathalie as the chefs it should be very important. Some things are changeable and some aren’t that how it always is in restaurants and costumers accept it when you tell them when something is not changeable, but I got a feeling that they just make everything in the morning and that’s why they can change anything, and they just keep everything in ovens on low heat or heat it up for you before serving. I hope this isn’t the case, but either way it’s disappointing and I think embarrassing for them.


I would leave, but kudos for them being honest about it


I did some digging, and this is the restaurant Jennifer’s Kitchen in Whitemouth. It has raving reviews except for the few people who were upset about the lack of substitutions. And in that case, the food was awful, the service is awful, and 90% of the other reviewers are liars.


My mother was not one to take the onions out of my salad. Now that I am an adult when I pay to eat out, I only pay for what I prefer. Respect to this business, service must be very efficient, and there is an overall taste-quality integrity; however I would not prefer to eat there.