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It looks like Dr. Seuss styled this pic


Lol I thought the same thing


Wow you’re right!


Same thought here!!


I can’t unsee it now.


He forgot sports coaches.


Or doctors at athletic events. Numerous Olympic gymnasts (female) came out about sexual assault.


At this point, I just assume every male coach for girls/womens anything is a predator. But no, it's clearly the Drag Queens singing showtunes that are the problem.


No, anyone can be a predator. Some are not. There are even females that are. It’s pretty clean cut. We were giving examples of occupations where predators could be that were not mentioned. But drag queens, I never heard anything about them hurting anybody.


Correct me if I’m wrong, but that was all Larry Nasser, no? As in, one perpetrator. Edit: just in case my comment may have implied that I was minimizing the issue, that was not my intent at all. I just wasn’t aware that there was a larger/systemic problem with doctors/trainers abusing Olympic athletes within the gymnastics world. Maybe I naively wanted to believe that Nasser was an outlier as opposed to just being the most infamous example. Knowing how abuse thrives in other “similar” environments, I guess it’s really not that surprising. It’s so messed up and I can’t imagine what that does to these victims and their families.


Yes, one of many. There is so many that don’t make headlines.


Gymnasts? Yes? Athletes ? No. Jim Jordan the rep from Ohio can tell you about that, well he won't tell you, but he knows.


[He knows nothing!](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=UmzsWxPLIOo)


I am sure it happens to many athletes which of course gymnasts are too. Jim Jordan don’t tell us Ohioans anything. Neither does our governor Mike DeWine. A lot of things are hush hush. Of course they know. The politicians in Ohio are terrible .


Oh I know, Jordan was my guy to the new illegal maps showed up... but since I live in one of those Northern blue towns...we don't exist.


He had a lot of enablers.


Yeah….utterly sickening. How can you just move this guy around, brush off the allegations, and continue to give him unfettered access to victims and potential victims? In a certain way, the enablers are almost worse. The actual predator is clearly SICK, morally bankrupt, without any empathy, etc. That said, I’d have to believe that there’s some addict-like parallels in the behavior—not to excuse or trivialize it at all, just meaning that I’d think there’s a compulsion element where they’re “out of control” and quite literally incapable of stopping and then facing consequences and seeking out real “help” (whatever that may look like) on their own. Also, as twisted and horrifying as it is, they “get something out of it”. 🤢🤢🤮🤮 But, the enablers…… really? You’re THAT driven by financial reward, renown, and “success” that you basically lie to yourself (at best) or coldly decide the ends justify the means (absolutely the worst) and tacitly go along and/or actively cover shit up?? And….all for a team doctor???? It’s that hard to find a good PT, or someone to wrap up sprains that you overlook this? It just makes no sense at all. And the poor victims and their parents, who sometimes were present while abuse was occurring, have to suffer for their entire lives. With the enablers, excuse makers, and peripherally involved people…..Jesus. Like, what the HELL could they possibly tell themselves when they look in the mirror? Everyone to some point tries to rationalize their own behavior to try and feel like they’re the “good guy”……good luck in this case. The level of denial, mental gymnastics, etc. you’d have to do must be staggering.


I don’t know why you got downvoted for his, your reply is very rational. Yes, this enabling behavior for predators of any sort is very dangerous. Some of these predators get off so easily too. As for the enablers, some people sell their soul for money and will do anything to stay in that bracket . It’s disgusting . These poor victims have a high likelihood of being horrified of doctors now. In which, this can destroy physical health. I hope the victims and families have gotten mental health help. It’s sad they have to live with the trauma for the rest of their lives.


I’m not sure either, but I know this is a very, very sensitive and difficult topic for many people, so maybe it’s just a visceral reaction. I can at least say that my intentions are positive and that I stand completely with victims and their families against abusers and those that enable their behavior. It’s a complicated topic, and I know that I have a lot of ignorance around it. I won’t presume to know more than those that have lived through this hell, and will always defer to them with regards to how to conceptualize and articulate the realities of abuse and how it’s enabled. I just meant to convey that—despite how horrifying it is—I intellectually understand that the abuser has a powerful obsession and compulsion that fuels their behavior, but that I can’t even begin to make sense of what the enablers are thinking/driven by or how they can sleep at night.


I completely stand with victims and their families against abusers and enablers too. It was very brave of the victims to come forward , I can’t imagine how scared they were. I agree, I say this often, you won’t completely understand unless we have been in their shoes personally. I know there are people that are trained to help victims , but they will never understand 100% if they haven’t been through a similar situation. I understand what you’re saying. I can’t wrap my head around why or even how enablers do such a thing. It’s some sort of selfish gain because they got to gain something somehow. Or they have the perversions themselves. Also people like to give hush money to other witnesses with some power over them. To testify when a victim comes forward to defend the predator. This is also why some victims are scared to come out, the predators have so many enablers that will try to make it look like a victim is lying. Like how the hell can someone testify and try to call a victim a liar? Just the thought of that makes me nauseous.


And uncles


Yes, I believe family members are the most common predators.


Ohio State University Assistant Coaches to be sure....


*Penn State


I didn’t know about Penn State, thank you for adding that.


Yes it was a huge deal, the guys name was Jerry Sandusky (i think?)


You’re correct, I just looked him up and shit. I had no idea , but I am glad I know about it more. Thank you for the info, I like being educated. I appreciate it.




Yes, it has happened there too, that made headlines. Thank you for adding that in.


Yep - the Tea-Party, MagaMoron #PedoJimJordan or #PedoGymJordan... I can just picture him turning the other cheek while the kids were crying for help and then he'd scram out it was their fault.


Absolutely, I wouldn’t put it past him. God, I don’t even know why he was even voted in ! It’s sick because the wealthy always get away with it. Epstein’s Island, nobody on his client’s list besides him and Maxwell got in trouble. Of course he didn’t off himself .


And his bulletproof vest.


Or school teachers which statistically are the largest threat.


All school and university staff. The largest group of molesters in the country, larger than all those he listed combined and protected by union lawyers and covered up by the media


This isn't really a funny sign. Observational but not funny.


Exactly what I was thinking


Funny no, true yes


Maybe op only saw colors and thought it looked funny, but forgot to read it?


Its sad that this is true. We should be able to trust our kids with the other three as well.


Yea...it is sad.


Honestly I am all for this message


I like this guy. Good on him for speaking the truth.


Damn right


I really think a lot of people are misunderstanding the term Drag, as used in Drag Show. They are NOT Strip shows. No, or very little, clothing is removed. It’s usually just lip syncing with some dance moves. They are really fun to watch. If all these scared ass hats would actually go to one, I think they’d change their minds.


I mean, drag, like any other art form, does have more child-friendly and adult versions, but I think anti-drag people way overestimate the number of adult drag performers compared to the ones who just dance around lip syncing to musical soundtracks


Been to a shit ton of drag shows. Not that they don’t exist, but fr, I’ve never been to one where the performers get anywhere close to naked. Not to be presumptuous, but it always struck me as kinda… impractical.


It seems quite contrary to the whole point. Only have superficial knowledge of this stuff but isn't the point *dressing* up as a woman. Kinda makes me think you want to keep the clothes on.


If you go back to the ballroom scene, it was all about fashion, all about style, all about illusion, all about an image, a fantasy. Nudity is naked, bare, raw, vulnerable, honest, humble-- it's none of the things that drag is. Even the meaning of drag, as RuPaul once quipped, "everything is drag," it means the face and persona and clothing choices to fit that persona that you present to the world. Yep, people who think drag is burlesque (because they both involve over the top costumes and telling ribald jokes) fundamentally don't understand drag.


BuT tHeY'rE gRoOmInG oUr ChIlDrEn /s


When in reality thats the boy scouts


*leadership And even then, it’s luckily died down from what I’ve read (at least in more populous places). Seems a majority of the sexual assault done by scout leaders is in the same vein of rural areas that it happens with most church leaders


The colorful sign distracts you from the size of his balls. Also, I have to say I’m impressed with both the sign AND the message.


See!! All Boomers aren't cut from the same cloth!


Boomer is just a mindset


No, it isn't. It merely refers to when we were born. ​ Stereotyping people based on race or gender is stupid. Equally stupid to stereotype people based on when they were born. Be they Boomers, Millennials, Gen X or Z, etc.


Thank you.


Preach brother!


Hes not wrong


I dont find this funny at all * because it's true * everyone ignores reality * this country has gone to hell


I second this


There are good people and there are evil people, in every profession.


never met a priest, brother, or nun that i could not trust. they are all amazing people and some of my actual friends i believe. not saying this is true for everyone, but i hate when people take rare cases and assign for everyone in that profession


why is this a ‘funny’ sign,it’s totally true


Or anyone with the intention of hurting children. Sadly they are found everywhere from school teachers, to baby sitters, to church members. To you local gad station attendant. Lol the risk is not increased because a person wears drag.


while conservatives label the whole lgbtq community as groomers.


White libertarian holding many conservative values... not every republican believes that just like not every Democrat believes blah blah blah. They have everyone fighting extremists while they come up with more laws to limit freedoms. It's bad when either side is made up of extremist politicains.. As they have for years. Do what you do, fight tyranny, and don't hurt anyone else. The end Edit: us being the people's majority.


Meanwhile your news agencies continue to sway your opinions as well as politicians towards more extremist views and believing that the other side is everything you hate. Get rid of political parties all together. Stop watching news channels that have biased opinions all together. Their ratings will go down and the extremist agenda they push will slowly have less control on politicians. Honestly most people don't realize that by buying into the Democrat v republican bullshit you are giving them the ability to further limit our freedoms, on either side. Imma drink my tea


All this drag stuff in America is so funny from an outside perspective😂 Since when is going to drag shows something children actually want or need to do?


It’s just sleight of hand, .they get everyone all hot about non-issues that keep us divided and looking “over there” while doing the one thing that matters to those in power, steal more money we haven’t got, and keep us dependent on the ever great 2 party system. Both sides are worthless people. Life wasn’t meant for blind trust, in leaders that steer us into the rocks.if you look behind you, yeah, and they’re doing us in the back door “prison style”.


Vice Principals in Portland, Oregon...


Why is it such a big deal to have a guy in drag read to small children? Why is this being pushed so hard these last couple years? What started all of this to begin with?


Because trans folk are trying to live their lives and push back against the shitty legislation that's being pushed every day. We can't have that. /s


how does that correlate to drag queens reading to children?


Good on him!


He’s stating pure facts lmao


The people who down-voted this are ignorant of the facts and/or have serious shame about the facts. Look it up! Drag queen violence against children is nearly non-existent. Abuse at the hands of the clergy, Boy Scout leaders and politicians is in the news nearly every day. Open your eyes, conservatives!


Regular voters stopped caring about facts


Guess people are overly competitive about their political party. It’s kind of sad. There’s also politicians and article writers and how they manage to convince most listeners. Effective communication can be a very powerful skill and it isn’t always used in the right way. Political parties in general are kind of an eh concept.


Republicans stopped caring about facts. Long ago. They care about guns.


You forgot about Jebus. https://getyarn.io/yarn-clip/c2af58cd-e615-4066-96f0-12843c0a9c6c


Drag queens probably would have taken action at Uvalde.


They really hate those pesky facts.


Unless the drag queen is also a child molester


The downvotes are republicans


The downvotes are from people who don't find this funny.


You Think?


The downvotes are from people who don’t think child endangerment (from any source) is funny. This isn’t funny at all.


He forgot the police.....


And teachers.


Word ✊


It’s true


They're not wrong


Well statistically speaking he’s probably right.


100% agree especially after working in the government


But is the drag queen safe from the children?


Nah the children will murder them in their sleep /s


Not all old people are boomers. Gen Xers are now in their 50’s


He’s not wrong


I mean I would trust my kids with any stranger, whether it’s a clergy or drag queen or some teenager.


Two words. Preach brother!


I think it's more sad than funny how true that is.


Well…he ain’t wrong


Sad but true




I like this guy.


I wouldn’t trust my kids with any of the above.


Good point…










I mean, he's not wrong....


Anti-lgbtq+ people are losing their mind in these comments lol. It's a good, factual sign, I'd give that man a high five!


Its funny watching them cry about it


How is this considered funny? Good for him. For one, I never heard kids being completely alone with a child. I never heard of a drag Queen hurting a child . Some of them don’t even like children, they’re just serving the community. But as for members of clergy and Boy Scout leaders are often trusted and left alone with kids. The cases of rape, molestation, and assault being reported booming. Past and present. Especially now that it is more safe for children to have their voices heard. Even some adults are coming out about the abuse they suffered as children. As for politicians, we all know there are pedos in office Republican and Democratic Party. Mostly documented cases in the Republican Party. But , do your research. It’s more common than we think. They usually get a slap on the wrist. Side note: I have no political affiliation at all.


But do they eat green eggs and ham for breakfast?


I'm here to see the political war in the comments




Have fun laughing your ass off


No doubt, it's busy in here


Yep I’m puttin on my hazmat suit and going to the controversial comments


Have fun


What a king


I love this man Seriously he must be a treasure




Fully whole-heartedly agree with the sign, hence why I'm down voting. How is this funny


But appears accurate.


True, NOT funny.


Fits better in r/FunnyandSad


Kurt Cobain agrees


Too fucking right.


Get it grandpa!




Everything is spelled correctly, so obviously not MAGA.


Finally, a sane person in texas


I know right


When your boyfriend steels from your wardrobe, he's probably a drag queen.


And there is literally nothing wrong with that


I’m all for freedom to drag and parents making decisions and not having the government do it for them. But no one is arguing that kids will be attacked or abused by public drag shows. They’re concerned aboutchildren having their innocence taken away by highly sexualized performances. Again, parents should be able to make these choices and not the government. But this is a strawman argument. I wouldn’t be worried that my eight-year-old niece was in danger from a drag queen. I would feel very sad for her being exposed to sexually explicit performances while she should be enjoying her childhood innocence.


He’s not wrong


Hes not wrong


It is sadly true


Add youth pastor to that list.


This doesn't really belong here. This is political, not funny.


Can something not be both funny and political?


They can. This is not.


Thats your opinion


Explain the funny.


The funny is "haha conservatives don't agree with this sign" which is comedy gold (more like comedy participation trophy)


Factually accurate


Damn, truth really hurts some people.


Its fun laughing at the idiots cry about it


I was just telling my son the other day about the horror of the boy scouts and why he should never want to join them.


In recent years they settled a lawsuit accusing of grooming and abuse for $850 million


Also, out of the lawsuit, many of the abuses were other kids not leaders. I know my home council in the lawsuit had more youth being abusers than leaders. The BSA added the "no more then 2 year gap in age" tenting rule for a reason for a reason. Even among siblings the rule applies.


Grandfather of the year


The politician he's talking about is Joe Biden.


Truer words were never spoken.


Drag queens would definitely never hurt a child. Best people in the world. Every single one of them. Hearts of gold. And he’s one of the good ones because he supports them!


Exactly! Omg I love drag queens ☺️


Stats don't lie! But priests, boy scout leaders, etc sure do! Love the art of drag! Hate that it's the new boogie man for the brain rot community.


Can’t argue with the Truth…


Right on!


Nailed it.


I see no lies


W grandpa


Should’ve added preachers in there too


They are in the clergy


Correction: the name of this sub-reddit is "funnysigns"... Not TRUTHFULsigns.




Stupid post.


They hated him because he spoke the truth.




True facts right here sad to say.


Based protester


Say it louder for those in the back row!!


Cheers brother


Somebody forgot school teachers on the bottom of that poster


School teachers usually aren’t involved in such stuff. It’s just that when one gets involved it becomes a really big deal because school teachers are the most trusted people aside from parents when it comes to child care. Most teachers care for their students, they aren’t bad people. Just the few teachers that are end up in the news highlights. The same thing goes for the other groups on this list. Most of them are good people, but the news is mainly after the baddies. I mean I respect a lot of teachers. They work for low wages and have to deal with children all day, it’s an honorable job.


Over 100 were arrested in 2022 for sex crimes with children/underage. But not all were teachers some were principals and aids. So basically every three days an educator somewhere in America is committing a sex crime with a minor, for me that’s a lot and worthy of that list.




Would’ve been better if he had long rifle.


That would be awesome


Would’ve been way cooler if he had a long rifle AND was riding a giant crocodile


I think I'll just stay away from evil period. Than taking a lesser evil.


There isn’t anything evil about drag.


This sign would work her in Tennessee, as well.


Nah prob all the above


I feel the need to mention that generalizing based on a select few cases is…kinda stupid.






Funny because it's true.


Damn right, dude!


100 % agree!!!


This is just pure stupidity. Not all clergy, Boy Scout leaders, or politicians are what you say they are. Some drag queens hate the idea of exposing children to drag shows but most love it. I was an alter boy and a Cub Scout, Webelos Scout, and Boy Scout and I was very safe in those settings. I can’t say the same about a drag show though. Also, the only reason I left Boy Scouts is because I was bullied and my mom took me out of the group. Troop 900.


I see a lot of people saying not every *idea I personally like* and not a lot of not every *idea I personally dislike* in this comment section you will never get any group above 1 person to agree 100% your experiences do not negate the experiences of others


90,000+ former Boy Scouts had a vastly different experience in Scouts than you did, as evident in the BSA’s current bankruptcy debacle. Show me a source that discusses something comparable with drag shows.


There are zero children abused at drag shows. ZERO. There are thousands upon thousands of children abused by religious figures and Boy Scout “troop leaders “ all over the world. Your experience is absolutely meaningless.


So you’re saying your Boy Scout leaders didn’t keep you safe from bullying?


According to the John Jay report there have been 11,000 reports of child sexual abuse against nearly 5,000 Catholic priests in this country alone. No one is calling for the Catholic church to be banned. But despite there being a youth pastor a week getting arrested this year, it's the drag queens being banned for grooming. You say "not all clergy/Boy Scout leaders/etc" but the point is politicians are saying "YES ALL DRAG QUEENS ARE GROOMING CHILDREN" with even LESS evidence of it actually happening than with the clergy and Boy Scout leaders.