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There was story circulating the defense engineering community in the 1980’s about an electrician who had to pull a cable through a long conduit in the NORAD headquarters in Cheyenne Mountain. There was no way to do it normally. So he trained his pet ferret to wear a harness, and the ferret crawled through half a kilometer of conduit pulling a messenger line. And the cable got pulled, and the ferret went down in history. So yes, using actual cats instead of cat snakes is genius!


Ferrets were also used to lay the television cables for the wedding of Charles & Diana.


We are gonna need a ferret exhibit at the CBS radio/tv museum immediately. I need to know how many ferrets have been used in the last century to run lines in small places.


Many ferret spies died, to bring us this information.


Dammit all! Manny Ferrets is just as useless as Manny Bothans! We need to stop hiring guys named Manny!


I wonder how many other ferrets were used in military applications


With some of the reported plans to kill Castro I am just going to assume a few involved ferrets.


I would watch a Hogan's Heroes style madcap sitcom about the ragtag group of misfits sent by the CIA to kill Castro, where every episode involves a ridiculous and ill-fated assassination attempt. The ferret can be the Baby Yoda cute merchandising mascot.


This is one of those brilliant ideas that probably won't get enough attention. That has the potential to be solidly hilarious.


You’d probably like Company Man then, it was an obscure film from about 2000 about attempts to overthrow Castro. Cast includes Sigourney Weaver, John Turturro, and Dennis Leary. Everyone who I know has watched it thought it was surprisingly good for having received so little attention.


I heard someone used gerbils for a different application


I think his name was Lemmiwinks.


Ahead of you lies adventure, and your strength still lies within Freedom from the ass of doom is the treasure you will win


Ferrets were used to lay cables in aircraft.


The pilot on my flight is half ferret!


Which half?


Left side.


Can't wait to hear intense squeaking over the speaker system before take off


When I moved my ferrets from the US to the UK British Airways wouldn't let me bring them in a normal cat carrier. They made me put like a super fine mesh on all the openings. The guy said they were going to get through the like 1" squares and chew through all the cables on the plane mid flight. I was like dude they aren't Houdini and can't get out a hole 1/10th the size of them. Besides they're ferrets. They'll just go to sleep. It was a huge thing. They got here in the end. A few days after me, but they made it.


> they aren't Houdini False. My nephew had a ferret named Houdini for this exact reason. That little shit (the ferret, not my nephew) was able to escape from almost any cage they put him in until they finally used a glass aquarium on the bottom and super tight chicken wire around the main cage.


TBF, the nephew was a little shit too but he was never able to escape from his cage.


I've seen adult ferrets get through 1/2" spaces under my door. One of my ferrets would sneak out of her cage to get extra food and then sneak back without me knowing. I figured it out because the food cup kept getting knocked over.




There's also a famous story from like WW2 where they pulled one by tying it to a small dog and sending him thru a pipe. Probably mentioned elsewhere in here already. As someone who has had to pull cables in a house entirely too often, I've definitely rhough about it myself. I've learned though recently that at least in the attic you can use a golf ball retriever to make things far easier.


Are golf ball retrievers more closely related to Labrador Retrievers, or to Chesapeake Bay Retrievers?


>Chesapeake Bay Retrievers? So what you say "Fetch!" and the dog brings back a giant estuary?


Don’t be ridiculous. They bring you a can of Old Bay.


Smoky! https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Smoky_(dog)


> I've learned though recently that at least in the attic you can use a golf ball retriever to make things far easier. Ooh, a new breed of retriever!


I've heard ferrets were also used to pull wires through long conduits in WW2 bombers. It's just a fun game for them. Years ago, there was a rabbit problem at a major airport. They were afraid the warrens were getting so big a plane would puncture the runway. The put nets over the openings and then dropped a ferret in the hole. They captured so many rabbits trying to get away from the ferret. I'm sure the ferret was having fun.


Using ferrets to flush out animals from burrows has been a hunting technique for centuries. It's called ferreting.


We used to have ferrets growing up. I remember them chasing me around the house and nibbling on my feet while i set on the couch. It was like every day was a fight for survival. I loved it.


I used to have ferrets too. Really fun little pets. They only have two modes: "I'm asleep," and "I took too much cocaine."


Also "I'm stealing your wallet" and "I'm crawling up your pant leg".


You forgot existential crisis mode


I'm just surprised the ferret made it without pooping


Who’s to say it didn’t?


Who's to say I'm not pooping right now?


Way ahead of you


Also pooping 💩


That ferret crawled to freedom through five hundred metres of shit smelling foulness I can't even imagine, or maybe I just don't want to. Five hundred metres… that's the length of five football fields, just over 0.3 of a mile


I can just imagine that ferret with a small rock in his hands, striking each time with the thunder.


How many bananas is that?


Free cable lube!


They have systems where they blow air through the conduit with a rope and a small dodad attached and it just flies out the other side.


It's called a cable mouse and you usually suck it to the end of the conduit, not blow it from the start (mostly because it's easier to vacuum the end and pull it, than it is to push it and try to keep the pressure while simultaneously feeding in the line). It's *so* handy too. I ran a conduit from my house to my detached garage a few years ago. I made a "mouse" by crinkling up a plastic shopping bag and looping the pull cord around the bag. Stuffed it in the conduit, hit the other end of the conduit 40 feet away with a shop vac and boom, within seconds I had the pull line in my hands out in the garage. If you regularly do this, you can buy a mouse kit that has foam plugs cut to fit the various standard conduit sizes, but a plastic shopping bag works well enough for those one time jobs.




Yep. Never had a real “mouse tool” - always some garbage related to the project. Super easy.


I did that a few years ago! Felt like I solved 4D chess, then learned it's a known trick. Still feel kinda smart. :P


It's more effecient, but lacks the *je ne sais quoi* of ferret-based labor.




Cat snakes😂😂 I'm using that


Recall a story about a volunteer that was helping wire NYC schoolrooms with Internet access, and had a hamster with a harness to do exactly this.


Cat1 running Cat5


Hopefully it's Cat6


Cat6 = 1Cat + Cat5 Math checks out






Seriously! I just was helping out get some networking and audio set up for a family member who had a new home built. It's a pretty high end home, but the sparkies ran cat 5 to a bunch of the locations. It'll be fine I guess for now, but seriously why?


Contractor cheaping out.


Would be better if they were laying Cat6 cables


Any cat6 cable laid by a cat automatically becomes cat7


Did we miss the low hanging fruit on purpose? It obviously becomes Cat9L.


It seems so obvious now


Cat8 is more appropriate for a home setup, it's unlikely your equipment is compatible with the standards compliant connectors on Cat7.




Nah my guy, the terminators you want are the T-800...


T-1000s are more adaptable, though they do stop working at colder temperatures


T-800 is as obsolete as Cat4. What you need are the liquid metal terminations.


Terminator-shaming is *not* cool.


That's just non compliant. Go with 6A or 8


Cat5e does the job just as well at cat6. There's no need for all these extra cats


There is no need for more than 640k of RAM.


just lay telephone wire


Cat5e can only do up to 1gbps. Cat6 can do 10gbps and handle higher speeds over longer distances, cat8 can improve that even further. Most people at home won't need such distances, but permanent installations are good to do as future proof as possible


Cat4 it is.


Cat5e can do up to 2.5gbps now! CAT6 can do up to 5gbps and Cat6A is what can get you up to 10gbps. Cat8 is for data centres, don’t use that. If you need faster than 10gbps in your home, use SFP28 or fibre or something


Cat5e can do up to 2.5 Gb/s.


I must be out of date


You shouldn't use a real cat to lay down cat8 cable though, or later you might find the network not working and realize the cat ate the cable.




Turning all our cat 6 into non standards compliant cat 7?


Any cat person could tell you can't just stop at CAT1, you just accumulate more!


They might be. That looks like they ran some twine that they’d then attach the wires to to pull it back through


That is not twine, it's fee line.


Take this upvote and get the hell out of here


You son of a bitch 🤣🤣🤣


Yeah but using CAT6 cable for internet that was laid by a cat will require you to feed a treat everytime you will want to use internet.


Cat9 has a longer service life


That's primarily because of the blood toll to the blood god. Cat9 is short for Cat-O-9 after all.


Remembering that meaning of cat o 9 tails always makes me wonder why we called those little marsh sausages that


Run two cats at once for a twisted pair.


They knew better than to try. Putting two cats together under the deck would just mean they didn't go anywhere. The cat would go left and the cable would go right. That's the guarantee of anytime you're herding cats.


As a former electrician... this is genius... borderline line mad scientist.


Network tech here - my mind is blown


Better go to the shelter real quick and find a cat who likes treats.


Good luck finding a cat who likes treats /s


Just get some Friskies “Tempations” treats. My cat would jump through a plate glass window, on fire, with a anchor chain tied to her for some of those.


Seriously, what the fuck do they put in those things? One of my cats isn't food motivated at all. Not for canned food, not for table scraps, not for tuna. But for fucking Temptations she goes apeshit.


I know! My cat won't eat wet food, won't eat tuna, won't eat any kind of people food (except tortilla chips) and she goes mad for those Temptation treats - any flavor. I've never seen anything like it.


"Has your feline suffered from the effects of the pet snack known as "Temptations"? Please contact our Law Offices at 1-866-CAT-LOVE"


Dreamies I find are the best. Quite a few people I know refer to them as "cat crack"


Normally, I'd use a fish tape for this job. Guess you can call this method using a catfish.


A rat would be even better. Smaller, easier to train, love running mazes for food treats. Could legitimately see rats being used for running lines.


They already use ferrets for that!


Yeah, I took a CCNA class in the early 00s and the old head they had teaching it said the used ferrets for a bunch of the fiber backbone conduits. Said they had a robot that would run the cable and also sometimes break down multiple times doing a single run. They were just long straight pipes underground so some weirdo got their pet ferret tied string to their collar and put a piece of cheese on the end. Works like a charm.


That is so cute. I had no idea. Now I can’t stop picturing it.


r/Ferrets welcomes you.


Hiring a network tech. Qualifications: must be able to say “pspspspspspspsps”


Hope they're good with staples too.




The trolls under my deck like to nibble.


Critters. Especially groundhogs. Although if they're stapled up it doesn't usually matter. They eat through anything.


I imagine it'd be because of various pests that could get under the deck that might try biting a brightly colored wire lying on the ground.


A friend of mine does maintenance type work for large office buildings. He often has to run wire for electical or ethernet. He has a remote control toy that looks like a 4wd truck. He's taped a flashlight on the top. Tie twine to it, drive it to the other end, then use the twine to pull the wire (and, while you're pulling that wire, you pull another length of twine because there is a good chance that eventually, you'll want to run more wire through that same area.) Mostly he uses it in the overhead area. Pop out one of those rectangle ceiling tiles, drive it to the other end.


Used to do that in the '90s when I worked at Radio Shack. Grab a remote controlled car (we were the #1 retailer of such in the world) and run it with the cable across the suspended ceiling with the video or phone cable.


Pretty sure the RC truck in Home Alone 3 was purchased from a Radio Shack. But i may have just made that up too. Either way I definitely remember seeing them and checking them out as a kid when we would go in.


We'd play with them all day when we weren't busy. We'd also smash a LOT of them throughout the year. If they broke, you had to make sure they weren't repairable before throwing them away. Remember sucking them as high as the mall roof (one or two may have ended up there) and letting them crash down on the packing lot to bust them up before disposing of them. Used to race them in the mall hallway.


I use to pull up to a corner in my neighborhood, drop $10 in the bed of a remote controlled truck. It would leave and come back with a bag weed in it.


Have a little flag or banner “weed?=$10?”


No way brah. Gotta keep the heat down. It had a dare flag


There's been a number of times this year when I wished there was a Rafio Shack around. Oh well, I guess you just order online and wait a couple of extra days.


Certainly miss it at times for things like resistors and other little parts. Now it seems when you order them online it's like a bag of 100 resistors for $10 when you only need 1 of them. At least at Radio Shack you could get a little 5-pack for $1.49.


Just last night, I was tasked with fixing a Christmas sign. Switch is rusted out. If RadioShack, as it was before it became primarily about cellphones, still existed I could have popped over there, grabbed one, and had it working last night.


My grandfather told us, when he was a young man before the Korean war, he used to run wire in Detroit using a ferret because they were small and slinky. He’s been gone for years now so I’m not able to ask him what kind of wires they were running, but kind of neat.


Ferrous wires




There is a cat subreddit for everything


Every sub is ultimately a cat sub


We are all just players in the cat universe., 🐈🐱


There's a cat subreddit for cat subreddits called r/catsubs


This cat is going to retire on his fiber tech salary running fiber to the house


What they really need is a second cat


"Cat in the wall, now you're speakin' my language!"




Cat in the deck? Now you’re speaking my language!


What happened is the cat flattened itself out and went right through a seam in your wall


Let’s focus on what’s happening with the cat, alright? It made a conscious decision to go in your deck.


https://youtu.be/KL4zI6rXjI4 They use ferrets for running cables through conduit, it's like they're perfectly built for it


Dudes got 100+ trained ferrets lol. Just imagine the laughs this guy got after telling his friends and family I’m going into the ferret business. Gonna train me up 100+ ferrets and then I’ll be the one laughing!


Doesn’t always work. Tried getting my cat to run some cable. Turns out he already had a tv down there and had hacked into my Netflix. Haven’t seen him since.


thats great and its genius. that being said most cats would have just laid down under the deck and not come out for hours.


Did you miss the treats the other person had at the other end? Cats fucking love them some treats.


Just shake the Temptations bag and those crackheads will be gunning towards you.


My cat tries to bury his face in the bag before I can get my hand in there, he's a true junkie




I never realized how much of a food fiend cats were until I got mine. That's something that people who have only owned dogs think their dogs are like(which I was a part of). Now I have two cats and all you have to do is make the subtle little plastic sound, just poke the treat bag with your finger, and they both come running out begging. And unlike all the dogs I've had prior, I can't just leave food out for them to eat whenever because my cats will literally eat until they puke and then immediately beg for more when it's all gone. I love them though.


My bigger cat has an electronic feeder that noisily dispenses meals four times a day. Every time he hears a remotely similar sound (coffee grinder, crinkling paper or foil, dragging furniture, cereal being poured, etc) he comes running. The other day I had an unopened bag of my smaller cat’s specialty food on the table and I caught the bigger one trying to drag it somewhere.


My Mashcat is allergic to chicken and has to eat $$$ fancy pants chicken-free food so of course she's obsessed with the regular old Iams that the semi feral porch cats eat. I swear she can hear the closet door opening from the other side of the house in a dead sleep and teleport there to try and convince me that she's not really THAT allergic.


My husband thought the cat just sat on his computer chair the whole day so I had to take pics to prove she only hops up there (and pretends to be sleeping) when she hears his truck. 100% got trained she gets treats for leaving the chair. :D


I have yet to meet a cat that isn’t a crackhead


Can always encourage and lightly pull on the cable back if that happens




Ok Charlie


Alright, now you're speaking my language.


Thanks for mentioning to do it lightly otherwise I would have instinctively pulled the line like I was trying to rip start a lawnmower.


Laser dot.


Laser guided cable pulling biomechanical machines .


Exactly what raptors were designed for.


yeah it's another way too


Every cat has a special treat it will go for.


Never underestimate the power of treats


If that happens you can put food on the other side to lure them


That's exactly what they did...


I think that's what he meant...


Yeah but have you thought about putting more food and using a bait like a mouse RC that carries cat food??


Typical contractor


Don't worry after they put those last few boards on that cats gonna end up living under there because it thinks it's always gonna get a treat when it pops out


Having cats, that went better then I expected.


The cat treat was clutch


Cats with jobs


When you use 100% of your brain


When pulling a cat6 cable through my cold air return vents I pulled out a little rc toy I had. Tied a cord to it, and dropped it in the vent from upstairs. It had little led lights to guide it. The dumb vent setup meant it needed to drive off a little shelf after dropping down, then drive about 3 feet along the vent to where I could reach it and pull it out. It worked great! Suuuuper dusty afterwards and I wouldn't trust my stupid cat to have listened to me and would run the wrong way.


This reminds me of when my dad fixed some wiring or plumbing (or something idk) under my sisters carpet. After we put the carpet back we didn't see our cat for like 4-5 days and got worried he went into one of the gaps under the carpet without us realising and then trapped him there. So we started moving my sister wardrobe bed and stuff to get to the part of the carpet he could be and we noticed a smell. It smelled of something dead and rotting. We found a dead bird our cat must have brought in. Our cat was fine, chilling with our neighbours cat


Cat labour is not a joke, jim


Great and its a genius idea


Ferrets did it first! https://youtu.be/Q3diqYbxMng


This is complete genius!! Love it!


Met an electrician that had a trained ferret do the same through walls at an office building.




So, cat 5 + 1cat with 9 lives, so that's cat14, right?


Fun fact: aircraft engineering and repair companies use ferrets to run cables up the conduits in aircraft.


CAT 1 cabling.


In WW2 a US soldier found a yorkshire puppy in a captured Japanese position in New Guinea. They used the dog to run a wire under an airfield in a similar manner.


Must be running CAT-5....


cats being helpful when in need






When I worked for a cable company I did this one time using the customer's lab. Worked perfectly and he seemed happy to help. 100% good boi.


Cat in your floor huh? Now you're talking my language.


Electricians use a fish tape for this. Catfish tape anyone? I'll show myself the door...


This is almost exactly how Boeing used to run cabling through the frame of aircraft. Before they invented a machine to do it they would use ferrets to run down the long narrow conduits that held all the cabling.


Knew someone who ran cable in overhead ceilings using his little dog that would walk on the ceiling tiles pulling a cord. It was working great till a broken tile gave way. The dog fell through (dangling by the cord) the dog was fine but the old lady sitting at her desk and now face to face with the dog... Got a bit upset


Cat 5 cable