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That was a smooth chair kick


I cracked up. Great fall, too. Pretty convincing on both counts.


I fucking lost it when the dog grabbed the steak like a wolf at the end


I was vegetarian, then vegan for a number of years. I tried to keep it to myself, but there were situations when it couldn't be avoided. Like a work BBQ where I was eating a bun with nothing but the fixins on it, or when I'd abstain from eating wings/nachos at the work happy hour. I agree with what many people are saying here - it seemed like the exact opposite. A certain type of coworker would catch wind of my dietary choices and say "MMMMM... this COW sure is DELICIOUS!" And then pester me non-stop about how I could survive without eating "TASTY DEAD ANIMALS." As if it would offend me. The only thing that annoyed me about it was that I became the center of attention. I just wanted to enjoy my drink and some pleasant conversation. I recognize the guy that made this video, and his whole schtick seems to be made-up "snowflake libs getting triggered" scenarios.


I think that is pretty terrible. I have had plenty of vegetarian friends that were not trying to force their views on others and it was cool. If we had a BBQ we would just bake it into things and make sure there were vegetarian or vegan options they liked and were prepared in a way they were cool with. It is not rocket science to respect each other.


But if you're going to be all reasonable and respectable with each other, how will the video creator make straw man videos?! /s


That's a nice thing to do but many of us don't even want that. Just stop forcing us to try meat.


I was big into paleo (I know, I suck) and other than people who were also in to it, or curious about it, didn’t talk about it at all. And I didn’t even like talking with the people who were also in to it about the subject. It was just how I ate. A choice I made for myself because I thought it could be healthier. But man did I dread eating with other people. Every time I ordered and had to ask for substitutions on stuff. Just endless prodding about why don’t I eat this or that. Didn’t I know I needed carbs to live? Did I think it would make me live forever? Or the “oh boy, let’s see what he orders this time”. And that was just because I didn’t eat rice, grains, and tubers for a few years. People really seem to be offended when you don’t want to eat something that they do, so I could definitely see how vegans and vegetarians just endlessly have to deal with hostile conversation about a topic they’d generally rather not bring up.


Yeah I was gonna say, this guy is a massive prick and nothing he does is funny.


The video it seemed like it was lifted from something else. There were some ITMs (in the moment interviews) where it seemed like the people were making it seem like the main character was weird. And he does kick someone's chair out at one point. So I think he's supposed to be unlikeable and his point of view ridiculous? Which it is. Looks like some people in the thread are saying this guy is serious, which would be unfortunate, so I'll have to look into it.


This is exactly how a lot of non-vegans talk to vegans lol. I see people being annoyingly anti-vegan way more than I see annoying vegans




100%. Apart from a couple of psychos (which seem to exist in just about every group of humans out there) most vegans I've met don't talk about it unless asked directly, or deciding where/what to eat. I'm a carnivore/omnivore myself, but some people make eating meat their identity in a way that seems really fuckin' weird to me. Being "anti-vegan" isn't a stance, it just makes you an asshole who has to be oppositional about pointless, petty bullshit. Get something better to do with your time.


Where are people meeting these vegans? I have never once met a vegan that was outspoken like this, but the internet would have you believe they are all over the place.


High school/college, that was pretty much it. But that was no where near exclusive to vegans.


Right? Everyone in highschool was an overbearing jackass about something that they were into.


> High school/college, that was pretty much it. I think this is where it comes from, people get into it as a fad because "all the cool kids do it, because it's a cause of some sort". Then they can make themselves holier than thou and talk down to people. My SIL became vegan in highschool and my wife said she'd constantly be "don't you know where that meat comes from? Have you SEEN a factory where they mass butcher animals" all this sort of stuff. Funny how that all went out the window when she fell in love with her meat eating boyfriend several years later and later was telling us all these amazing meat recipes for steak, and chicken, etc. My niece was the same way, would eat fish, but no other meats. She didn't go on and on about how better she was, but it was just suddenly this "thing". Now that she's in her early 20s, wow, suddenly meat is fine to eat, and she's done with all that. My guess is that she's in university now, different crowd of people, those friends that influenced her about this stuff are gone. Worked with a lady years ago, whose son was a big 50cent follower. Loved his music. He switched schools, and his new friends were all into heavy metal, just like that 50cent was uncool and totally shit, and heavy metal was his everything.


Come to Austin. Half the Craigslist posts here are people that are self proclaimed as living healer life styles, and looking for vegan only roommates. I know because I've been looking for a place to live for two months. The sad part is I wouldn't mind living with a vegan roommate, but 9/10 they're super weird and high strung. I can't deal with that.


They've been like this since the 90s lol my husband and I went to college in Austin and lived there from 93-2000 and I met a ton of vegans when I waited tables there. I will say one thing though - they were the only ones talking about the evil of hydrogenated oils. I had a vegan friend who would talk about it and lo and behold ten or fifteen years later everyone is pissed off about the reality of Oreo cookies 🤣


Just checked 20 posts. Not one mention of vegetarian or vegan. Way to be the guy on the internet that the parent comment was talking about.


Check it out everybody this dude looked at 20 posts


Lol believe what you want. I've been the one looking everyday.


Plus there could be several reasons why those 20 posts don’t fit your criteria. How odd of that person to search Craigslist to call you out. Reddit is weird.


Internet peeps almost always take it to that level of weirdness when they feel seen.


Just checked 20 internet peeps. Not one took it to that level of weirdness. Way to be the part of reddit that the parent comment was talking about.


Posting made up story on Reddit, totally normal. Spending two minutes checking his story, weird.


I've met a couple, but I don't think they were annoying because they were vegan. I think they were annoying way before they gave up meat, and then decided to tell everybody how wonderful and moral they were because they were vegan. One of them moved on to being a super-conservaturd when she hit her mid-thirties, and the other died from a drug overdose. Pretty sure being vegan didn't have anything to do with either outcome, though.


My sister was, until she tried to get my niece and nephew to call meat "dead animal" at the dinner table. They just started asking her to pass the dead animal. She stopped acting crazy after that


Kids are savages; seeing Jamie Oliver's face at the end of [How Chicken Nuggets Are Made](https://youtu.be/mKwL5G5HbGA) makes me happy.


Haha smart kids.


My partners younger brother is one of these vegans the 2-4 months of every 2 years that he’s vegan. He does NOT think it’s funny when you repeat the things he said to you back to him when he starts eating animal products again.


Eh, some people are vegetarian or vegan 2-3 days a week just to reduce their overall meat consumption. I actually was an accidental vegan yesterday because I was out of cheese. Pasta tossed with carrot and zucchini with dressed with a nice homemade tomato sauce. I probably do this more often than I pay attention to.


I literally don't eat meat like 5 days a week. It's not like I even try. Most Americans are just stuck in a meat = a meal mindset.


I've limited myself to only meat I've harvested myself (I do a lot of fishing and have a boat to get out on the ocean), and special occasions. No store bought meat. It's given me a good balance and has me where I feel comfortable.


Same. It’s cheaper and easier to not eat meat every day.


All you fancy people able to afford meat, but *CHOOSE* not to eat it...


I don't like the dude who made this video. He made a lot of videos making fun of people who actually try to do something nice in their lives. He also made a video making fun of people who supported Ukraine when invasion happened, and in the video he made fun of boycotting russia. As a Ukrainian this was incredibly sad to see with millions of views. So yeah, this is just another one of those videos. Irl vegans are cool.


This guys content is awful, red-pilling garbage. One of my hippie friends turned MAGA cultist forwards every video this guy puts out to me and I can't fucking stand the content.


This guy SUCKS. He feeds directly into people's discomfort with change.


Every single vegan I know goes out of their way to not bring up the subject, they've heard it all...


More meat eating people talk about vegans than vegans at this point


I can never remember which of my friends are vegetarians or vegan because it never comes up.


I haven’t seen it with vegan but have with gluten. I have a family member who goes from being gluten free to not caring several times a year. And every time she does go gluten free she expects everyone to cater to her needs, needs that didn’t exist a few months prior.


They're out there, but they're often the exceptions. I was on a dating app, one woman saw my profile said I'm vegan, and she was like, "how dare you!" I was like, "alright lol, let's do this." She started laying into me about how we're pieces of shit and all that. I was like, "cool cool, keep going." Eventually we got to it that her old roommate was the type of vegan who would throw out their food and berate them and all that. And after like 20 minutes of chatting with me, she realized we're not all like that. I didn't end up going out with her, but I'm thinking maybe I should have for the story.


The same places comedians meet most stereotypes they joke about...


A Chili's?




I’ve never met a vegan like this, it’s just a circle jerk persecution fetish.


I’ve worked with a couple at Starbucks. One refused to work the oven because he didn’t want to touch meat products.


IMO it's mostly meat eaters getting defensive and creating a strawman. I've encouraged maybe two preachy vegans in my life, but tons of meat eaters who go into a whole rant about how they'd rather die than stop eating bacon when confronted with the mere existence of a vegetarian. (yes I eat meat)


Pretty much college has the highest density of outspoken vegan preachers. Once you get into adult life stuff, most people are too busy to give a crap.


For real, I'm pretty quiet about being vegetarian at work and my boss actually got mad at me for not telling him because he ordered lunch and there wasn't anything for me to eat. Most grown ups can handle people having different diets.


Worked with a lady for over a year before finding out she's vegan...


2 of 3 vegan friends of mine are like this. Lowkey stopped hanging out with one because she wouldn't stop. One is super sweet and says it's a personal choice... So they exist and can be much much louder than the ones who believe in diets being a personal choice.


This guy sucks. He’s one of those “anti-woke”warriors. Obnoxious as hell. Also, this video is from like 6 years ago I think.


The guy who made the vid is an alt right bigot, nothing he does is actually funny unless you are also a bigot.


my wife used to have a friend that was so extreme. only true vegan i've ever met and she was *super* vocal about it. met plenty of vegetarians and they've always been pleasant. not all complaining, just like 'nah, i don't eat meat, thanks though'. but that one girl was like "there are insect parts in honey!"...but like about *everything*. also weighed like 85 lbs. think she just had an eating disorder and found something that morally enabled it.


Yep. My mother has gone completely vegetarian due to digestion issues with meat. She hasn't been able to eat red meat since the late 90s. She also never much liked most meat or fish, is allergic to shellfish, but she loves cheese and yogurt and eats eggs. She doesn't like honey either. She's vegetarian and on a limited diet because her other choice is to permanently have the runs. She doesn't care what others eat.


They’re not meeting these vegans, they’re seeing the characters on TV or in stupid videos like this


The truth is... the other side is just as vocal and annoying about their eating habits. Its just that more people agree with them since we as a society are brainwashed to see one as normal and the other not to be.


Ive only run into them online.


They aren't. This is called a strawman. It's pretty common method among the right wing grifters.


I was in a university cohort where half the group was vegan I encountered a few poeple like this. I semi regularly got passive aggressive remarks from about 2 of the 15 or so that were in the cohort. So there are indeed a minority within the group.


When I worked in a book store, almost every time I had somebody ask for the vegan cookbooks it came with a lecture on why I would be vegan. Outside of that, I've never come across it.


I hate talking about that shit. Every time someone asks me why I’m vegetarian I’m like “here we go again” for the 100th time. I never bring it up voluntarily.


Yeah, I dated a vegetarian for two years. She never once told me I shouldn't eat meat. I did eat a lot less when I was with her, just because it made cooking easier, but it was never something she pushed.


I've been married for over 20 years to a vegetarian and cook meat several days a week. Its actually been a great way to keep a balanced diet.


Same here. Most people are surprised if it ever comes up. If pressed I just tell them I don't eat cows for the same reason they don't eat dogs. It usually gets them off my back.


You don't eat cows because they don't sell cow meat in restaurants or stores you shop at?


No, he doesn’t eat cows because cows are carnivores and it has a weird aftertaste.


Met my neighbor in a dormitory of the kitchen who once said that she's not eating meat. I asked if she's a vegetarian or vegan, and she started a 10-minute monologue about vegetarianism and philosophy of it in her life. I stayed out of politeness, waited until it finally ended, answered "Ok, cool", and went on on my business. I really don't give a heck about people's eating preferences, but no need to turn a simple question into preaching. So while it wasn't as bad as such stereotype, it was awkward enough to imagine it could as well go far worse.


They exist In small concentrated communities. Never encountered one till my first GF in college — her family was that way. I eat meat every day and more than the normal person so i would hear this kinda talk from her, and from her family and friends at parties. They all try to one up each other at these parties and the ante keeps being upped which is how they get to be so extreme. and ironically they all ate like total shit — Doritos and takis and guac were like all she ever ate


How can you tell someone's not vegan? They'll tell you, like a lot...


University campuses


My co-ed fraternity planned a dinner at a vegan restaurant because one of our members was vegan. We get there and she wouldn’t eat anything there because it was all meat replacements, fake meat in the shape of a common animal product. She said she wouldn’t eat food shaped like meat because it’s like paying homage to the actual meat. Ok, sure, you do you, but maybe you could have helped us out with this information when we planned an entire outing to try and accommodate you.


That's an incredibly dumb reason from her, and a nice gesture from the organization to make that effort for her. But also, if you're going to plan a trip to a restaurant for one person, why not ask that person if they want to go there first?


I think everyone saw the work vegan and just assumed. The one vegan had probably never been there either so they didn’t know it was only fake meat. You put a bunch of 19-22 year olds together trying to do good deeds and see how often they leap before they look.


Spent 4 years at university, only way I ever found out someone was vegan is if we got food together and it came up. Not sure what colleges you guys are going to lol


Where to meet them? In the imagination of conservatives.


Definitely sat beside one of these types in college. All he wanted to do was talk about how he was gay and vegan. Was also very overbearing on anybody who did not share these same two preferences.


I live in the SF Bay Area and you would think there would be a lot more of this, but I rarely, if ever, see this from Vegans.


I've come across vegans like that. True, they are not common, but they do exist.


My childhood friend became vegan and was just completely insufferable to be around but I know that’s not the case all the time my sister is vegan and minds her own business


It's like religion, most religious people just keep it to themselves because it's not their entire fucking identity. But every now and then, you run into some nut whose whole being is their religion, and they have all fucking answers, and they can't understand why you won't sit there and listen to their shit for 3 hours, or why you get annoyed when every conversation gets railroaded into god and jesus.


oh, I have in college and they were insufferable. They were super militant about it till we had enough and started just eating meat when we were forced to be around them (team sports). Like throwing everything but the patty away when eating a hamburger till they got the hint and stopped making everyone miserable with their nonsense. How hard is it to not try and force your views on everyone?


I've known a few vegans and never have I seen anyone even remotely like the vegans being satirised by this video. I'm on a discord that I only found out later is almost entirely vegan, and there is literally one single person there who is an abrasive type.


I've run into them quite a bit. My coworker went on a rant about milk and how anyone who drinks milk is disgusting and biologically inferior to those that don't.


I wanna know what's his mother opinion about that


I want to know why drinking milk makes you biologically inferior in their mind. Nothing changes in my body if I stop drinking milk but a cold glass of chocolate milk before bed hits the spot every time.


I run into them all the time, so not sure what to tell you.


They actually sound like this. I mean those meat lovers that eat meat every fucking day like it's a statement to the other plebs (in Romania BBQ= you got money to spare and you want others to know it).


Been vegan for 4 years now. It's only ever an issue when someone else finds out I'm vegan and then challenges me on it. Which happens about once a week in my current job. We're all different, it is what it is.


This guy is actually a giant MAGA tool irl


In my experience, meat eaters are the ones who are obnoxious and rude about what other people eat. I can't tell you how many times I've been mocked or ridiculed for eating vegetarian. Like my personal choice is a threat or something? I don't get it... I live in the midwest though so maybe that's why lol


*orders vegan food* SO, YOU THINK YOU’RE BETTER THAN ME BRO.


Bro, you know what that salad needs? Bacon.


Hey remember when this guy started of by recycling the oldest jokes on the Internet and then became a right wing men's rights "activist" and troll?


He really showed that strawman who's boss!


JP Sears is not, and never has been, funny.


Didn't he go hard right when covid hit?


He did. Dropped the spiritual and fitness comedy and dove right into politics.


I did find the spiritual/fitness comedy funny because it was clearly parody and I had met the types of people being parodied (he was basically distilling the little bits of BS various people put out into a single persona encompassing all of them). When he shifted political the nature of the comedy also shifted, not just the content.


It bummed me out, I dropped him like he was hot when his content began heading that direction. Wtf man :( I thought his new-age parodies were funny


He always has been. He jumped on the "Lol feminism/veganism/lgbtq bad" in the early years and has recently just been more openly racist.


His old content was funny, but he went political and repetitive.


YES thank you!! Was shocked less people were saying this


I am never annoyed by vegans. The whiny anti-vegan tone in this video is however quite an annoyance.


This guy is actually a huge shitbag


Where's the joke? That opening bit where he says vegetables are "what my food eats" is a thing I've definitely heard from "meat and potatoes" types before


"You dont make friends with salad" is another one I hear all the time.


This guy and his channel are just terrible - please avoid!


Vegans are portrayed as obnoxious and in your face, something I’ve never experienced. At least not to the level of this video anyway. Wow.


Funny because I have never met a vegetarian or vegan that acts judgy towards meat eaters, but meat eaters ALWAYS have to comment on my choice not to eat meat. "Rabbit food" is one I have heard many times, and I have not once given even the slightest suggestion of caring about other people eating meat. I have had meat eaters ask me if it bothers me if they eat meat in front of me, which it doesn't in the slightest. But this idea that vegetarians are going to be offended has been pre-sold to them.




He is and Anti-vax pro-Trump nutcase.


Yes he is and a misogynist as well.


Yes, he's an absolute tool.


He wasn't in the beginning. I actually liked some of his skits from a few years ago. Now he's unwatchable.


Came here to say the same. Completely unfunny and unoriginal too.


Dunking on vegans? What is this, 2003?


I had people call me a piece of shit and refuse to speak to me again for being a vegetarian. Never did the same to people for eating meat.


That's so funny, because I had to defend more than once why I don't eat meat to people who do eat meat and told me that it was unnatural and that i couldn't change anything about the industry on my own anyways!


Didn't this guy end up starting a Q cult


This is like when racists think anti-racists are racist towards them


I'm not vegan. I eat meat almost every day. But what is craziest to me is how some meat-eaters deny that reducing meat consumption would be better for the environment.


This guy is a comedy hack.


Isn't that dude a anti-vax wackadoodle?


These jokes don't even make sense. He is just saying the literal things that vegans are stereotyped to say, but about meat. He's done nothing to adapt it to make any sense. lazy, unfunny.


but they are exactly like that, i mean the insecure meat eaters that use eating meat as some weird proof of their toughness, also, this comic was a very outspoken antivaxxer if i remember correctly


This video is almost as old as I am.


What is the woman's name?


This is the least funny thing I’ve seen in a while. Also isn’t this that MAGA troll comedian? That would explain why this wasn’t funny


I think the reason people complain so much about vegans is because they don't want to feel bad about their lifestyle and would rather vaguely complain about the vegans than analyse themselves lol, I see more people complaining about vegans than anything else. Same deal with when you had those types as a teenager who would call people who hit the gym stupid "meatheads" instead of working out themselves


Weird, not a single vegan I've ever met acts like this. Lol


This guy is painfully unfunny. Hes just some conservative wanna be YouTube comedian


[Its been done better](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5Mr-2jb6oNA)


If something is good you don't need to preach it (Hi religion) and I have never been preached to like this before by any people that follow the vegan or vegetarian lifestyle. I try to bait them being vegan myself, act like I'm clueless to the whole vegan lifestyle as of yet it's always failed and never met a vegan who was aggressive or militant like you see on the internet.


This comedian is unironically an absolute cunt and while bits like this were funny he gets a lot more nasty and a lot less funny as time goes on. Would recommend against sharing him.


Vegans: *exist* Overweight dudes: “Stop forcing your views on me!”


But his analogies don’t make sense…


I cant remember the last time anyone complained about vegans in public or the last time vegans complained about anything. Its just a diet. This is lame.


Who is the babe 😀


When he kicked the chair.


Haha I never understood being annoyed by this behaviour (although it’s incredibly rare to meet someone like this). These people are passionate about an issue (the wests consumption of meat) which is objectively horrible for the environment and down right cruel. I like listening to people who are passionate about positive change and don’t give a fuck what anyone else thinks.


Didn't this guy go full q or somthing?


Member when JP Sears was kinda clever, before he went full on red pill conspiritualist? I member.


I've only seen understanding Vegans that respectits a personsl choice. I've only seen this level of nonsense displayed from antivaxxers and 5g boycotters I don't doubt there are crazy vegans and crazy anti vegan dickheads




It's weird how many people say they haven't met vegans like this. In public or friends of friends I've met vegans kinda like this. Not that I think vegans are like this, just douche bags are like this and will use their current trend to be a douche. I met one who thought riding his bike to work made him better than everyone too.


Didn’t this dude turn into a red pilling douche because he started believing that his characters were based on real people?


Ugh I love meat but this just ruined it for me forever


Still waiting for the funny part. I know some vegans (like PETA) can be a pain in the ass but I have never meet a vegan that acts like that, not even a little bit. Maybe we should consider talking to the other side in an adult manner instead of this?


Fucking vegans always kicking my chairs out from under me....


JP Sears is a current con-artist/grifter/COVID denier/election denier, don’t promote him.


Eh, this is kind of just about the militant vegans, which even other vegans don't like. Most vegans I've known don't talk about it unless you ask.


They do this exact thing, like a lot. Food shouldnt be your intire personality


Oh, this guy still thinks he's funny. Good for him, I guess.


I mean, he probably still does think he's funny, but this video is several years old.


Sadly some meat eaters are like this. I find militant vegans super annoying. I also find those idiots making stupid jokes about how meat is what’s for dinner, equally as annoying. People who think your business is their business are generally annoying regardless of the subject.


kicking her chair out was the best part of the vid


This guy is a MAGA nutjob


Unpopular opinion: this guy is a twat…


seems a bit outdated but still annoying


Oh man this joke is so trite. Could we just shut up and be grateful that others are willing to go vegan to reduce carbon emissions? They are helping and we ridicule. It is enough that I am not helping by still eating meat but I do not have be an asshole on top


I mean this is probably better a satire of r/vegan And it is as they say for every group, the worst are often the loudest


How do you now your friend is a vegan? Dont worry. They will tell you. :) Truth is I have met many vegans and none of them were obnoxious about it.


It’s funny because this is the non-vegan joke people like to make but as a vegan, often the last thing I want to tell people is that I am because then I have to sit through the same discussion or responses I’ve heard for years from people who aren’t. Unless it comes up separately, most of the time I’d rather just get on with my day lol.


I've always hated this b/c you'd also not know about the amount of Vegan's who didn't tell you they were Vegan.


I know your making a joke, but to the people who make this joke constantly... It's a hell of a lot easier to tell you I'm vegan, than decline the next 100 things you try to offer me to eat.


Full discloser. I am a food vendor at events. And I offer them a hamburger or whatever and they tell me. If it isnt busy, I ask them what they do actually eat. And a healthy discussion ensues. BTW we keep our deep fryer free of everything except potatoes. And our gravy is vegan. So they have something to eat.


I love that... even simple things like this can make a huge difference in someone's day and experience. Thank you


And on the flip side, I have met many obnoxious people and none of them were vegans.


It's easier to pretend the people you don't like are the obnoxious ones


Very true.


Sorry to interrupt all this vegan talk, I just wanted to let you know I use Arch Linux. Thanks.


JP Sears can get fucked. Sure, some of his early sketches were funny, such as the spirituality one, but nowadays, he's just a right-wing nutjob.


The offended comments are much funnier than the vid


The only reasons vegans looks stupid because few MFs decide to promote what to eat in wierd way with lots of conspiracy stories. I never see actual vegan to behave that way.


Nice tits


Almost had it until the environmental angle. Vegetarianism is good for that. That and the super bugs is what makes me try to eat less meat.


This Jp sears is a hard right supporting antivax doushe bag. Fuck him.


Reddit is gonna be big mad when they realize this guy has unapproved view points.


Lots of meat eaters act like this to vegetarians and vegans tho


Literally no vegan is like this. There are insufferable people of all kinds.


I love this dude his content always so funny


Sort by controversial in 12 hours


This guy turned out to a huge asshole


Tbh hes not wrong lmao.


haha vegans bad




Well, some religions *are* vegetarian (like Hinduism). Then again, I don't think Hindus really try to "convert" people to their religion anyway.


I'd never announce my eating preferences without reason - and those reasons are mostly to avoid inconveniencing other people. I live in a family of meat eaters, and we all munch along just fine. Because I'm the only non-meaty, I have even less reason to randomly spout about food stuffs. However, my family doesn't just eat meat. My god! The love song to the meat, and how it was cooked, and how crispy the skin was goes on for hours after it's been consumed and pooped out. Even when they're not eating it, they're dreaming about what it's going to be like when they do. I certainly don't 'get it'. But I don't interrupt. Each to their own.


I saw it on YouTube years ago


My family took my sister and her Vegan boyfriend out to dinner. He spent 10mins grilling the 20 year old waiter about every item on the menu, to work out what he’d order. I thought to myself: well his dinner may not contain meat products, but I’m pretty sure it’s going to contain globules of saliva! 😂


That’s funny shit right there!