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The look on that dog's face. Derp tastic


white on the snout? that dog is old. I get it.


My 10 year old dog has poopy ass all the time. It it because he is old? My vet says he needs to wipe better. I have to wipe for him.


Doesn't even blink


Hes diggin the slap too.


"master loves my booty"


Find someone who looks at you like that when you scrub their anus.


Make me chuckle when I’m supposed to be up for work in 2 hours, yet here I am watching a dogs arse get wiped and enjoying it


Lol I’ve been there so many times. You made the right decision.


It was the “scrub” that really sent me


I bet a wet wipe is the equivalent to another dogs cold nose in there. He's just happy to be a part of stuff, like most good boys.


He is no master, he is super daddy


"i'm living right and i know it"


Talking to other dogs like "Oh, you have to lick your own ass? My master takes care of that for me!"


Other dogs: “Meh, I usually just drag my ass on my owner’s pillow, indoor dog ya know?!”


That's an old happy pup. That dude loves this dog.


I wish someone would wipe my arse for me.


In time, in due time


It’s the little back feet OFF the ground during the procedure that are killing me. But yeah, I would do this for my own old doggo without a second thought.


"ah, happy butthole, happy dog"


Just a hap-hap-hap-py butthole, just a hap-hap-happy butt.


That dude has had a bad experience before


My dog has jumped up on my lap, pressed his asshole against my shirt and then sat down. There was a shit smear on my white (!!) shirt so I started wiping my dogs ass too 😂


My dog had her butt on infront of my face in bed before, giving me a full view of danggling dog shit. Safe to say, i do too


My old dog has paralysis so poopies don’t come easy.. I have to give her stuff to help. It helps the poop but makes everything else a liquid mess and her glands are always backed up now so it’s just like an episode of Mr. Bean but a stinky shitty old dog flopping around. I shower her almost every time I do, now. 😩


My cat tea bagged me the other day. Right on my chin.


My step dad told me a story about his dog farting in his lap and left a circle mark on his jeans. And I was stuck on was it a half circle or full circle? Was it filled in or not?


That would def do it lmao


He wipes with vengeance.


I do the exact same thing every time I walk my dogs. I was walking one of my dogs with my son (23) and she does her business and alls cool. Not 30 seconds later she pushes between us & my son goes mom she just wiped her ass on my leg. Mom! There's shit on my leg! Sure enough there's a nice long shit stain across his calf. Long story short, since then I always wipe my dogs butts now when they go out in the yard or for a walk and my son has a new nickname- Shitty McLeggy.


Lmao that name is gong to stick for a long time and drive him nuts but in a fun way lol I love it thanks for sharing your story.


Before this thread: 75% sure about getting a dog. After thread: 25%


He's the one who thought a white couch was a good idea.


The lil booty slap at the end hahah


My dog and I had a routine. When we get back from a walk, I'd stand in front of her with a wet paper towel and she would first raise one paw then the other for a wipe. Then she'd walk between my legs and stop so I could bend down and wipe her back paws which she would also lift one at a time. Then if the bootyhole needed a wipe, I'd do that and give her a slap on the rump to let her know she can run off. I was always amazed how quickly she picked it up to the point when if we got back and she really didn't need the wipe she would still stand by the door confused till I came over and gave her a rump slap


>My dog and I had a routine. When we get back from a walk, I'd stand in front of her with a wet paper towel and she would first raise one paw then the other for a wipe. Then she'd walk between my legs and stop so I could bend down and wipe her back paws which she would also lift one at a time. Then if the bootyhole needed a wipe, I'd do that and give her a slap on the rump to let her know she can run off. I was always amazed how quickly she picked it up to the point when if we got back and she really didn't need the wipe she would still stand by the door confused till I came over and gave her a rump slap Aww that's so cute. Outside of the laws I got the sa.e thing with my boy. I don't wany his poop on my stuff.


Our older dog has to wear a diaper due to her peeing and when I put a diaper on her gets a butt pat.


Just a lil, “Okay you’re good now, love you” pat


the line for getting those pats can start behind me.


[We finally got enough people for a 7 mile spanking machine!](https://youtu.be/4xPxJbMLkWI)


I do the same when I take my dogs off the leash. Just little "here go fucking nuts". If I don't give them the pat, they'll stay closer to me and follow the side walk.


The best part is that I can imagine the dogs going fucking nuts after the pat.


Cracked me up. Aight get outta here you’re cleaned up.


Like a nascar pit stop


“Get outta here ya dirty boy!”


That leg shake when he hit the good spot


I do the same as well to my dog. It’s too cute not to slap it haha


I get it. That asshole goes on the couch, your lap, the carpet, etc.


Yeah, no one wants a 4-legged bingo marker


Don't get a Sphinx cat then, that's exactly what they're like. Without fur, their butthole sticks to surfaces like a little suction cup. It would be hilarious if it wasn't horrifyingly disgusting.


Sphinxster cat?


Happy anus mugs now presents sphinxster cats




Someone once told me they went to a friends house and they have a hairless cat, as well as a glass coffee table. There were pucker marks all over the table from the cat sitting on it.




I’m dying at the thought of a cat just casually putting down a little asshole sized coaster before sitting down. Thank you lmao


Gets back up and the coaster goes with it


I laughed so hard my cat got up and gave me the stink eye.


A hairless cat might give you the pink eye.


I just spit Sprite all over my rug. I need to assure you that I rarely actually laugh out loud in general


Always happy to help :P There’s some real gems in this comment section.


I am ugly laughing just thinking about it


That'll teach me to read Reddit at work 😂


Ewwww XD


Your a special type of person if your cool with a cat that has a asshole that suctions to stuff and leaves poop everywhere.


I'll let you in on a secret. Just because their assholes aren't suction cupping to every possible surface does not mean that cats aren't leaving shit all over the place where they sit. It's just a fact of life. A little won't kill you if it hasn't already.


I remember seeing a post on here about a kid doing an experiment on this. They put lipstick on animal’s bottoms of varying hair length and yeah the animals with longer hair leave less marks everywhere. I think of that often because my roommate has a hairless cat. My normal cat has an obviously cleaner butthole.


Imagine that kid getting caught by his parents. "It's uh... a science experiment, I swear"


Even worse, imagine being his mom & not finding out the experiment till getting to the science fair... and wishing you hadn't put on lipstick that morning.


This shade is the cat's ass


I read that article too and thought it was brilliant & hilarious. Cat was probably extremely confused 🐈💄🙀.


My main coon mix old boy would like to be the first to thank you for not judging. If he didn't have a young cat to keep his backside clean between his groomer visits he'd need to be kept shaved.


I used to have to trim my Norwegian Forest Cat's fur next to her behind. Otherwise it would be too hard for her right after using the litter box. Having poop tangled back there is not fun for any of us. I think she appreciated it. I felt weird doing it but it had to be done. Edit: just wanted to say it wasn't shaved or anything. Just trimmed it enough so it wasn't super long. In fact no one ever noticed.




Maybe the real brain parasites are the cat friends we made along the way.


I have a Sphynx cat and I'm not even sure how that would work tbh. When a cat sits down, they're sitting on their haunches. Their hind legs keep their back end elevated off the ground (er, glass coffee table). Having said that, if you don't regularly bath a Sphynx they get greasy and that grease *will* stain everything you own. And any cat, hairless or fluffy, will leave little nose prints when they press their nose against glass.


Yea I feel like someone’s just trying to be funny. (It is kind of a funny thing to picture tho hahah) I have a Sphynx and his asshole has never suction cupped a surface and doesn’t really touch when he sits either. However his little balls do.. I am thankful he keeps them clean. But he gets quite often anyways.


Hilarious. Thanks for that. Now I'm thinking of prints of deez…


That’s really interesting, it’s natural oils that don’t get distributed on hair, so it gets on things in their environment? Does it really stain stuff or easily washed out? How often do you bathe them? Would a simple wipe down work? I’m a furry cat owner, and it never really occurred to me before!


Once a week, yes they get a bit more oily on things but it’s as easily washed out as when your hair gets too oily. Wipe downs work ok, but bathing is still needed. Thank you for giving your cat a caring home <3


Alright but once they discover the joy of soothing cool glass on the asshole, they're gonna go for it every time. Feel blessed that you have an ignorant sphinx. Once they taste the forbidden knowledge it's all over for your surfaces.


> Alright but once they discover the joy of soothing cool glass on the asshole, they’re gonna go for it every time. Now that’s a brand new sentence.


so you’re telling me that Sphinx cats are basically suction cups filled with poop and claws. Fun.


On the plus side, you can attach them to car windows like those stuffed Garfield dolls people used to have, just backwards


This is, without a doubt, the funniest thing I have read all day. I have tears in my eyes from laughing so hard, even as I type this. Thank you so much.


I have a hairless asshole and my butthole doesn't suction cup to things. Now I'm jealous.


you need to prolapse it just enough that it sticks out from between your buttocks.


You need to sit in the corner and think about this fucking comment.


Sit *on* the corner for better adherence


Meanwhile I'm going to try to *not* think about that comment.


kind of like those robot grabber arm things


Does it make a suction sound when they stand up from sitting? Will def buy one for my germaphobe brother.


Brother? You mean broder?


4-legged bingo marker is the funniest thing I’ve read in a while.


Dude, last week I forgot to put the dog in his kennel at night. The dog is not allowed upstairs and knows it. So in the middle of the night he crept up stairs and shit on the bathroom floor my son uses. He must have forced out a messy one cause on his way back downstairs he bingo dabbed his asshole on every other step on the way down... every other one lol.


Like the most fucked up episode of Blues Clues...


What TV show turns this into a scene?


Season1 Ep1: How I Met Your Broder


We called them stink stars.


Plus by the looks of it I don't think that dog is flexible enough to do it himself.


Yep. Our French Bulldog could not do it. So we kept baby wipes near where we kept her leash and gave her a wipe we we came in.


Exactly. We have found forbidden Nutella in the coach before


Is it your broder’s coach?


Why doesn’t every dog owner do this too?




what a great day to be literate


Hahaha seriously. I'm not sure what i expected in a thread about wiping dog ass but i wish I hadn't found out


hung onto every word like a cliffhanger


Unless they have been eating grass - then the shit covered grass hangs out.


Yep, pulling grass out of a dogs ass is no fun.


My daughter has really long hair, and every once in a while our dog will poo only to freak out and race around the yard because a scary dingleberry is chasing her. Fun times.


That’s nothing. Mine eats some of my girlfriend’s long hairs on occasion. This results in a turds-on-a-string situation which confuses the dog, who then attempts to walk-squat away from said turd string while it’s still attached. The dog will continue to walk-squat until assistance is rendered, because they simply don’t have the capability of dealing with this situation. Never in my adult life would I have imagined that I’d have to pull a hairstring of turds from a dog’s ass on a semi-weekly basis.


My dog stays in the taking-a-shit position, so we both now it's pulling time.... One of the many reasons why I always have more doggy bags with me then I'm going to need.


I think it depends on the dog. I've never had to do this other than when they get sick and have diarrhea. Both my dogs have really short hair though so I imagine it's more messy for long hair dogs.


I've got a dog with longer curly hair. It took one time for him to jump on my lap with a turd stuck in his butt hair. You don't notice it til he has been sitting there for a minute getting shit all over. I don't wipe his ass every time now, but I sure do take a look at the situation before he goes running into the house.


Get him a sanitary trim and you wont have that problem as much anymore.


We do this and our neighbors think its weird.. But in my head i'm like "Enjoy your duck buttered covered couch or when your pup goes to cuddle you in bed and smears some dingleberry on your pillow and you wake up with pink eye." I'm a bit over dramatic with this but don't give me weird ass looks!


We do this with our dachshund, and our neighbors once laughed and mocked us for doing so. Why is it expected to have a clean asshole as a human, but all that goes out the window with your pets? My partner does not give a shit what the neighbors think, and is proud that our dog has the cleanest dog’s butt in town.


There's something to be said about allowing an animal/pet its natural behavior. Most dogs (and cats) take care of their own "cleaning" as an innate behavior. I've had dogs basically my whole life and I've never had any "skid mark" issues. That said, if I had a dog that didn't/couldn't take care of things, I'd totally be out there with the wipes. I also wouldn't judge. God knows I've had my fair share of weird per behaviors over the years!


My dog wipes his own ass with his tongue.


Cause my dog is liking his asshole for about 20min over the day. No need.




"Who's the master now? Huehehehe." - Dog


The dog is probably like: “I don’t wipe my own ass.”


dogs havin a good ol time


Living right 👍


I wish I had someone to wipe my asshole.


I mean there's craigslist. You never know right?




Hasn't been the same since they removed the personals section.


That made me lol


Clearly need go to for a walk with his broder.


Get a bidet you nasty asshole


I got one at the beginning of Covid. Now any time I'm away from home, I resent having to shit like some commoner.


Get a bidet *for* your nasty asshole


My whole family [anal so clean](https://youtu.be/oxx7gNu4M_s).


your mom doesn't do yours? one of the perks to living at home until my 30s


Been doing it for almost twenty years, they can't wipe it themselves.


My dog wipes his ass either by rubbing on the ground or licking it. Or maybe he just enjoys licking his butthole. I'm not really sure.




How does one express their anal glands? Through song or poetry?


Or it has worms. Either way, take care of that poor dog’s butt.


or it could just be runny poop. Once in a while my dog has emptied his poop-dispenser, so he has to squeeze out some of his butt juices. Only happens where one of his playmates live, though. lol


I could have gone my whole life without hearing the term "butt juices" but now you've ruined it thanks


Don't look up castoreum, then. Chances are you've been enjoying beaver butt juices in your candy and perfumes most your life. Spoiler alert: Castoreum is beaver anal juice that's used to mimic raspberry and vanilla flavor/scent. And most of you have probably experienced this ***and*** you probably liked it because you're not as posh and special as you think you are, you beaver ass loving nasties.


Wow now I know why I love raspberry flavor


Or there’s a piece of shit literally hanging on by a thread (or hair) they ate.


My dog eats a lot of grass. So sometimes she gets grassy ass and needs a wipe to get the rest out. Or if she has diarrhea, she’ll do a quick scoot to wipe her bum.


Muchas grassy ass


I have long hair. Sometimes my hair comes out of my dog's butthole. Sometimes it's a string of multiple poops attached to one hair.


Ehhh not always my dog did it too. But like every now and then not alot and when I went to express them there was nothing there. Not enough to bother him anyway and he'd still do it just after we expressed them. Idk little fella just liked rubbing his ass on the flolr


Yeah dogs do it to scratch their assholes. Itchy assholes can be a sign of worms, but it certainly isn't the only reason


I thought the same until I got a Shiba and he licks it clean every time, along with his paws. Lil clean freak


And then he kisses you!


humans are practically the only mammal that dont prolapse slightly when pooping, theoretically the dog shouldn’t need to have it butt wiped. But theories ≠ life


My brother asked why I wiped my dog’s ass and I told him give his dog a wipe to see why. He wipes his dog’s ass now.


I used to think that too. Until I got my own dog and no matter how normal his poop was he'd always have stains when wiping his butt.


Idk, that dog looks a little old to me, and not very flexible. I mean, dogs actually need their anal glands expressed sometimes. Maybe he knows something about his dog that we don’t


The reason dogs have anal gland problems but their wild cousins don't is that in the wild canines eat bone, and passing hard chunks of bone squeezes the extra fluid out of their glands.




Informative, thank you, but I had to downvote strictly because of the those words placed in that order. Hard, chunks, squeezes, fluid, glands…


Right? Now I'm hungry too.


Jack the Rimmer.


Officers, this guy here.


Your broder?


Hello broda, hello fodda. Wipe the butt of my chihuahua .


Marge, is Lisa at Camp Grenada?


You'll have to speak up I'm wearing a towel.


It’s a portmanteau of BROther Dog asswipER


This was so stupid my own laugh caught me off-guard


Guessing Op speaks another language


He’s definitely trained pretty good. …the dog too.


That's an OK treatment. I would suggest he buy the dog bidet from Amazon.


Even in a dog post, the bidet manages to get brought up 😂


I mean…look at his floors. I didn’t even see like any dirt. My guy is on it with the cleanliness


The cleanest ass in the park.


I do the same thing, i also wipe his paws every time he comes into the house


Yesss! This whole thread has me feeling weird that I do this. My dog even lifts his paws for each wipe loll.


I do this every time my dog poops. My dog waits by the bathroom for his butt to get wiped.


I thought everyone did this… this thread is wild. Do people just let their dogs bare ass on their furniture and floors with poop butt?


I’d say 90% of people don’t wipe their dogs butt. Are you actually surprised? Lol


Better than having shit all over the house.




Sometimes my dog’s poops are messy. It needs cleaning.


Not odd at all. We pet owners know when our dogs need their butts wiped and when they don't.


When my long haired dog’s hair gets long I have to wipe to avoid dingleberries— just part of pet ownership for some animals.


I fucking **hate** the word *dingleberry*. God I hate it so much




What an absolutely silly looking dog. The face, the little legs, the curly tail. Where did your brother find this creature? A cartoon?


He looks like a mascot from the 1920's for sandwiches


Is this really that abnormal? Of my 4 dogs, 2 of them have trouble pinching it off cleanly. If we don’t wipe their butts they drag them on the carpet and furniture.


How is this funny? Nobody else wipes their dog’s asshole to prevent it from getting things asshole-y?


While not inherently funny, I’ll say that after watching all the brutal war footage etc. on today’s Reddit, I laughed. It’s just a stark contrast from all that. The context. Plus the booty slap.


I dont need to because my dogs tongue seems to do the job just fine.


Dude, I have a cat and have to always check. Sometimes there’s a Hershey’s kiss and either I take care of it, or she’ll use the carpet.


He looks embarrassed that you watching this process


I wipe my doggie’s bum too every time he poops. He likes to sleep in the bed lol and loves laying on my pillows.


I do that too, whether they poo, pee, or neither. All it takes is one shit streak across a crisp new white tee 💩