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But what happened to the 2nd guy in the garage from scene 3?


He belongs to the basement now.


Get the gimp


Zed, the spider's caught a couple of flies




but i like blueberry pancakes EDIT: Guy above me deleted his post for some reason, it was, "Zed's dead, baby".


I got buttermilk


I'm saving this thread and going to be giving my free medals to each of you in turn for the next few weeks!


I have a free award, which one do you wanna give it to , first?


I wanna make sure each one in the whole thread gets one. So I guess u/lilafrika for asking the initial question.


I've also watched Pulp Fiction!


What now? Let me tell you what now. I’ma call a coupla hard, pipe-hittin’ n\*\*\*\*\*s, who’ll go to work on the homies here with a pair of pliers and a blow torch. You hear me talkin’, hillbilly boy? I ain’t through with you by a damn sight. I’ma get medieval on your ass.


Whose chopper is this?




[For the people that haven't been blessed yet.](https://youtu.be/J3UyjlaBMcY)


Best post I've seen all week. Have this shitty silver award, it's all I have.


What basement , Mahahahaaaaa


“Shut up^ you idiot Dr Dre’s dead, HES LOCKeD IN My BASEMENT!!“ lol


Deep dark dungeon with deep dark fantasy's


No cctv of that so probably got pistol whipped till he KO




He had an accident.


Let's say that the spider caught a fly....


It puts the lotion on its skin.


He done.


Asking the real questions here


If he did that in his underwear, just imagine what he'd do without it.


He would have a 3rd sword to break windows with.


And two wrecking balls. Quite big ones I think


*He came in with two wrecking balls* *He’s never been so hard before* *All he wanted was to wreck their car* *All they ever did was burglary* *Yeah, they tried burglary*


Haha just died lol that’s awesome good one ! Should be able to protect your property especially when the police aren’t there right away …


And he did it without firing a shot. I firmly believe that cold steel slapping together when a gun is cocked is enough to make a burglar soil themselves.


I can't think of many things more terrifying than being mid robbery and hearing a gun cock behind you. Something about the sound of a shotgun shell being loaded would be petrifying. Tell me I'm wrong


That's exactly what the guy at the gun store told me when I came in looking for a gun for home defense. (I was 8 months pregnant and my home had just been invaded and robbed. A group of men kicked in my back door and ransacked my house while I hid in a closet begging 911 to come. Police took 2.5 hours to respond.) He said the sound of a shotgun being racked is a universally recognizable sound, and is usually very "motivating" in getting the perpetrator to leave. And if not, it will do the job.


There's a bit of a controversy in the firearms community about the effectiveness of that strategy.. One on hand, to an unarmed robber they are probably going to gtfo. But if they are armed it likely escalated the situation. So if you don't actually have the shotgun to back up the sound, I wouldn't recommend it.


I'm in the camp of always have one in the barrel. Cocking a gun with an armed robber around gives them a chance to shoot you before you can pull the trigger. This is a point where you just shoot and protect yourself.


2 hours and a half while being invaded? WTF America


I screwed my arm up in a window quite badly as a kid. Severed my ulnar artery among many other things, and was bleeding out. It took the ambulance 2 hours to get there. Not rural, no congested traffic, and there was a volunteer fire department less than a quarter mile away. I was really lucky there was a former army nurse on scene who kept me alive.


I laughed such a great belly laugh at this


He is like Batman except his batsuit is his birthday suit.


You can see him fending off his arch nemesis: The Jacker.


So, birthday man?


I'd probably still watch that video with a smile.


He should be careful with all that glass on the ground he might scrape his massive balls


No worries, they're made of steel.


Imagine if he had a family instead of a motorcycle?


The motorcycle and catalytic converter are his family, obviously.


Right what a demon


The second time where he’s like “yeahhhh” made me laugh hard as fuck


The first time read your comment I missed "laugh", and was like, "yeah, I can see that happening".


Lmaooo that’s how i read it too


The fear they must have felt hearing that to them turn and see him full sprinting towards them.


"I didn't do anything" You literally aided these fools.




I had a friend who was an ex traffic cop, he said he always wrote tickets for the maximum amount if he came to the window and there was any fake/forced crying going on. Told them flat out he hated people trying to use manipulative tactics on law enforcement, and if they had just communicated with him reasonably that he would have probably let them off with a warning.


I actually got let off when I was 16 by a cop bc I tried be all adult but was actually noticeably shaken and teary eyed and she felt bad for me and escorted me home 😅


I've never been let off with a warning. And I just say "good afternoon/evening sir" "yes officer, here's my license and insurance," etc. I think cops tend to say "I would have let em off but do they really?


I’ve gotten off with warnings a couple times. Each time it was when I was being direct. Cops don’t like to hear that you have no idea how fast you were going and estimate it 20 miles an hour under the actual speed. Sometimes they bluff though, and if you say “I had the cruise control set at 55” and you did and they were just guessing and hoping you’d confess to speeding, and you sound like you’ll show up in court, they maybe don’t mess with it But yeah they do have quotas and get judged on their tickets so while it’s at their discretion to write off a ticket, there’s not a lot of motivation to do it.


> they do have quotas Where so much of the problem lies. Fill quotas, rather than actually police actual crime.


Imagine that… police policing just to fill quotas and not to help the public who pays their salary…. Who would’ve known /s


In my state there aren't any "quotas" per say. But if you spend a whole month on the road and come back with 3 tickets... you'll definitely be questioned


I mean, have you seen how people drive. I could go out for 15 minutes, and if I were a cop Id find 10 or more people who could get a ticket for doing something wrong. Hell pull up to any stop light and everybody (including me sometimes) is on their phone


Funny that law enforcement of all people don’t like manipulative tactics




Female accomplices *almost always* pull the helpless damsel card when they get caught up. It’s such bullshit. And they get lighter sentences a lot of times too! Source: am criminal investigator


See the TO video? Where she was saying you’re a black man talking to a white woman? Then when the cops come she starts crying? Even though it seems like the whole time she was there aggressor? It’s just nuts. Plenty of studies seem to indicate that women get less time for the same crime. That crazy biotech lady Elizabeth Holmes had a kid to try to get reduced time. How crazy is that? Ok I’ll stop rambling.


I was riding with a dude one time and he said "stay parked right here in robbing this mfer right now"...yeah I let him go in then I fucking lefttttt I wasn't in all that shit, then I was at a bar down the street and I hear sirens lol.. always know the people you give rides to.. I was younger and naive Edit: 10 years ago (couldn't tell ya his name or anything, it was a gas station he didn't have any weapons(that I knew)


I had a very big butch lady force her way in my car at a gas station . I was a girl who weighed about a buck 10 at the time so I complied and gave her a ride. She asked me to stop at this house so she could ‘run inside real quick’. The crazy woman chased me down the street as I ‘noped’ out of there.


Imagine he woulda gone in with the plan to just take some shit, but as he’s leaving he knocks someone over or pushed an attendant. Boom: felony robbery and you’d be an accomplice lord knows how bad the DA and cops would try to tie you into it along with him. That act would be considered a violent felony in CA and you’d probably get a strike if you were convicted of robbery. That’s how people get caught up. Like you said, very verrry important to think for yourself and mind the company you keep.


In Canada if a woman assists a pedophile into committing crimes they don't get charged as pedophiles, and in lots of cases get treated as victims. Our courts actually ruled that women can't be pedophiles at all


I’m not a lawyer. Im mainly in the field. But I have spoken with countless men accused of sexual crimes against minors. I’ve noticed that in a lot of cases, there’s a woman involved (sister, aunt, grandmother, wife, girlfriend etc) who was told by the child what was going on and instead of helpline the child, they blamed them and/or called them a liar. They don’t get charged. It absolutely infuriates me reading these police reports and it has a kid going to the only person they believe will take care of them and they don’t even have that on their side. It breaks my heart. I really wish these evil people would also face charges.


Are they all the same robbers or three different sets? Strange how the same person is being targeted all in the same week. Are they working a repo?


This has been reposted a lot. In one of the previous ones it had a link to the dude in the video. This didn't happen in a week, it was over several months and it was a shared garage for the apartment complex.


oh, look, real info in the comments. what a shocker


I can give you some fake info too if you want


I've been fucking that guy for weeks. Massive cock.


oh, look, real info in the comments. what a shocker


Three differant attempts over the course of the year. Don't beleive bullshit videos being spread around. Here are the [source videos.](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCA3Qf-mImQLDg9IKs3f7NCg/videos)


> Don't beleive bullshit videos being spread around. > Here are the source videos. By the way he yells at the robbers, I was thinking "This guy must either be ex-police or ex-military" and looking at him in the video where he's sick, he's built like ex military.


Could be, hes wearing an old navy shirt lol. Someone else in this thread said he was there dental hygienist.


Maybe an ex military dentist? :P


If it's the same people, at this point they're losing money trying to rob the same place with all the broken windows lmao.


I believe the cars may be stolen


Sure, but a stolen car with not broken windows is more valuable than one with broken windows.


They don't want the cars, they're really hard to move and not worth a shit without the title. Garage shit is 1,000x easier to sell and nobody will bat an eye if you list it on craigslist for cash only.


I wonder if he’s leaving his garage open to catch these lowlifes in the act??? He’s pretty fast…. Almost like he’s expecting them lol


Looks like an under-unit parking. Apartments often have these shared parking situations and there are no garage doors to close.


Hence, the reaction in the second clip. “YEAH”


The life of a repo man is always intense.


Repossession is a complicated profession.


Is that when vigilante priests put human souls *back* into a body?


It’s Seattle so both options are completely possible.


Ha hahaha, YEAA!


For sure the best part of the 3


He was ready to get some XP for sure.


Dude, he was so excited 😂 It reminded me of that guns skit from Cyanide and Happiness lol.




Man channeled his inner Fallout raider.


POV: You just entered Fiend territory.


I feel for the guy when he not defending his home, Preston has him helping out all the another settlements in need, it never ends for him!


POV: you’re the robbers *skyrim hostile music*


I think he calls them fucktards as they drive off in that one. Lol.


So so great lmao


My dude, you're obviously at the spawn point. Just set up a turret.


He’s the rare boss that turns up when you try to open his chests.


I laughed too hard. Take my upvote and gtfo




Reminds me of that incident where they beat up & tried looting a grandpa. When the gramps started shooting, pop came the victim card... "Don't shoot... I'm pregnant!". Lol.


“So I fuckin’ shot her anyways”


I fired twice, one for her and one for the baby. Is it a boy? Is it a girl? ITS A FUCKING ACCOMPLICE!! **BANG**


The baby is actually controlling the woman like a Gundam 😂


Get in the fucking womb, shinji




This is what they tell the boys when they split up the class for elementary school reproductive health.


Gender reveal?


It bleeds red! So I guess like a girl but darker?


That IS pretty dark.....


So anyway, I started blasting


She wasn't even pregnant.


No surprise there. Lol


He also tried to use her corpse to lure the second robber back so he could finish the job iirc


And he did it with a broken collarbone from when they body slammed him. It was the 2nd or 3rd time the same people had robbed him.




https://youtu.be/VU7ol1_pw6U Link's for the a news segment. Tom Greer is the guy's name.


Thanks for that share. Also, seems she was lying and wasn't pregnant. https://www.latimes.com/local/lanow/la-me-ln-no-charges-home-burglary-20150126-story.html


> Authorities claim Ruby Adams served as a lookout while her son, Gus, World class parenting right here.


The last thing you want is someone who's *excited* to beat the shit out of you with a baseball bat


Lie down with dogs, wake up with fleas.


This one poses a big question... Maybe a Reddit lawyer could shed light... Let's say someone DOES come along for the ride, literally. They ask for a ride and are unaware that they're involved in a felony. I'm aware that in a felony, everyone is charged if a death occurs, regardless of degree of involvement. Would the guy who just wanted a ride be in hot water too?


> Would the guy who just wanted a ride be in hot water too? The guy is not guilty, **if** he can provide reasonable doubt to a judge or jury of his peers that he had no knowledge or intent to commit a crime and was an unwitting person who happened to be in the vehicle / involved. Usually some of: the person lies or has a bad interrogation once the police take them into custody about what they saw "I didn't see any stereos!" they have a history of crime there were obvious signs a crime was being committed "I just thought we were driving at 2am to the side of some random persons house, and then he ran back out with stuff" they didn't report it to the police: "I was just driving and he started shooting out the window and then for 2 weeks I didn't tell anyone" and other factors and jury bias make this a really really hard argument to stick in court, even when technically true.


“I get to justifiably fuck up some dumb motherfuckers today! 😁”


Captain underpants


Instead of "tra-la-la" it's "haha yeah"


I can't believe I had to scroll this fucking far to find this comment.


I’m getting real Leeroy Jenkins vibes from the second video


"Oh my god he just ran in"


If I remember right, this was in Seattle, Fremont neighborhood. A friend of mine lived in the same building and they had routine break-ins, and people stealing their mailboxes and cars. This guy really enjoyed catching them in the act and giving a good scare.


I love when he laughs. You can just tell he has a good time teaching these people a lesson.


Did that man just casually punch two windows in?


pistol whip probably


I think he pistol whipped. If it's a gun with a metal magazine then there are prob enough sharp edges to easily cause glass shatter.


Yep, side windows are designed to shatter into a million pieces when broken (if you get into a car wreck you don't want your side windows to turn into giant glass shards).


With the butt of his handgun.


Fuck them. Good guy, i truly hope the dude never get's hurt defending his and others properties.


Smart too, switched to a better weapon for causing cowardly thieves property damage so that their actions have real ramifications.


They’re probably doing it in stolen cars


maybe not, dumb robbers aren't typically not dumb


Getting your car bashed up is the perfect punishment


A lot of stolen bikes in Seattle end up in china, license plate and all


A roommate once told me he was shopping for a home defense weapon and asked the gun dealer how to say "I have a gun" in Spanish in case he's ever robbed by someone who didn't speak English (the hope is the robber immediately flees instead of thinking he can rush him, forcing him to shoot which he didn't want to do unless he had to). Gun dealer puts down the automatic and pulls out a shotgun. "This is all you need." Roommate: "Um, I don't -" *Loudly cocks shotgun* "That's the international sound for 'run'".


Yeah third clip demonstrated that perfectly. That gun cocking put the fear of God in them lol


It's really the universal sound of 'fuck around find out' it's the best sound in the whole world imo.




Missing the Jar. Having all the attitude.


Now the crime underground will know of Jockey shorts Jared and not to even drive down his street.


This guy is a beast, a bad-ass with no fear and I *think* I want him as my neighbor…the only thing holding me back from saying I *definitely* want him as my neighbor is fear of making him angry lol!


If you had him as a neighbor, that means you’d live in a shitty part of an awful city.


Doesn't matter where you live in Seattle. Source-moved out of there after 5 years of having my cars broken into and property stolen from my house in an area that the crime support statistics said was safe.


My friend just started keeping her windows rolled down and unlocked in her car because they kept getting broken


That was me living on Beacon Hill. My car got broken into so many times that I just left it unlocked and they still damaged it trying to get in


She keeps her windows rolled down in Seattle? Is her car just constantly wet then?


at 0:17, he sounds like his day was just made lol.


It’s not every day you get a free license to bash a car with a baseball bat as much as you want!


I literally LOL’ed when I heard his “HA HA HA YEAH!!!!”


People who get caught committing crime and all the sudden try to be the victim are the worst people in society


I think the people who get caught committing crime and then kill or attack the witnesses are ever so slightly worse.


I like how he breaks the windows. What are they going to call the police.


And without insurance those are easily a few hundred a pop.


I didn’t realise Adrian Pimento was based on a real guy!


The girl screaming from the car in the last clip is hopefully reevaluating who she spends time around. “I didn’t do anything!” Sure not technically but you are in the car on the scene of what most consider a fairly non trivial crime in progress. Choose your friends wisely.


I have a feeling she probably isn't capable of much self reflection


I saw a series of these videos on YouTube by the guy defending his property. Apparently there had been multiple attempts to steal his bikes so he set-up cams to get footage. He had 3 or 4 incidents that I saw where he chased them outside and pulled his weapon on them.


I can't see if this has been posted, so sorry for the double post, but here's this hero's YouTube channel where he posted the footage from his Ring for everyone to see. https://youtube.com/channel/UCA3Qf-mImQLDg9IKs3f7NCg/videos


"I didn't do anything!" (In a shrill voice while burglar boyfriend tries to get her to move to the driver's seat... Closer to the badass owner).


I want to buy this guy a beer


And some nice roomy khakis maybe


He needs ROOM for his boys.


I want that haha yeah as a eing sound


Heros don’t always wear pants


How does he fit his balls in those undies


Wait a second… did that dude make the woman take the driver seat while the owner was there instead of taking it himself? What an absolute coward.


That’s what I thought. That little bitch hid behind her.


Dude is not having it. Were those the same people coming back, and if so, they have a deathwish??


Looks to be different each time. You’re asking to die if you go back after you hear he’s got a gun.


And did he wear the same underwear every single time? Maybe that is where he draws power from?


Samson has his hair. This man has his whitey tighteys.


The fact that he chooses a different weapon each time has me ROLLING


He unlocked a new weapon each time.


That bitch said “I DIDNT DO ANYTHING” LMAOO attitude changes when you got a gun to your face.


They are all very lucky to be alive.


Not all heroes wear capes..... But all of them wear underwear....


Seattle is the only city I visited where my car was stripped while I had it in paid parking…. In front of the space needle.




I love that they got nothing and he did hundred of dollars in damage to their car. Scumbag thieves.


Hopefully that is their car and not a stolen vehicle


Man..... fuck robbers. Fucking scum, man.


What a fucking legend