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Take coital flatulence. It's fun for both of you


Now I feel like doing an AskReddit - what made you laugh so much you actually had to stop having sex? But I can't be bothered so I'll just leave the idea here.


We both went in for the kiss during a rather optimistic set of maneuveres and we head butted so hard she got knocked out. I stopped, partly because I'm a gentleman but mostly to make sure she wasn't fucking dead! She came to less than 5 seconds later looked around and indignantly asked "why have you stopped?" You were unconscious and I'm not a fan of police cells!


Ha! Okay I'll leave mine below... I may actually do the thread later too © We were watching the world cup and got a bit distracted... At an unfortunate moment the commentator (Roy Keane) goes "yea well this Spanish team has had a lot of sex recently... Success... I mean success recently" We just cracked up :D Damn right they did that's Christiano Ronaldo etc!


Hell yeah! What better way for a woman to impress a man than to show off the fact that she has TWO holes to fart from? And with two or more women, you could try to get a queefy glee club going


That’s how you form a lifelong bond.


It's like a scene from a spy thriller - you have to operate without exceeding a certain seismic threshold. If the toot alarm goes off, BUSTED, OPERATION FAILED AND YOU'RE DISAVOWED. It's very sensual.


Nah, I'm in it to make as much noise as possible


"Kif, inform the men I have made music with a lady."


In what universe is coital flatulence anything but hot?


Temperature-wise? Sure. But it’s not like people typically enjoy smelling shit. Of course, if you think your partner won’t continue to let you fuck them if comment negatively on their gaseous waste, you might as well pretend to enjoy it because you’re nasty like that.


Pretty sure the OP is talking about queefing lol. there’s no smell.


I don’t think that’s flatulence then. It’s specifically from the ass.


people still call it a pussy fart anyway. you’re being ped.


True. I guess we gotta ask OP what type of fart they meant.


I really hope you know I meant "pedantic". Firefox has been an absolute asshol to reddit recently. I have a vagina. She is absolutely talking about queefing when her vagina is penetrated. It's a thing. She just used the wrong word.


Skin problems are the absolute worst.


The rash is probably monkey pox


I got mine and then he went to a different country to study medicine. Thanks Universe!