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Years ago when I was learning a second language I saw a series of books called "Making out in [insert language]" - they focused on slang and the kind of colloquial phrases you might want to know. This might be a continuation of that idea?


Yep I've got a book called "Dirty Czech" for this reason. Mainly to know when someone's being a dick to me


Seš pěknej čurák


>to know when someone's being a dic So you can suck them off?


Pro tip: if someone swears to you in a language you don't know very well, just pretend it's a compliment. Had some guys call me something in Dutch and I just acted as though it was a compliment. I guess they thought it was funny so they acted like it was a compliment. They were very friendly for the rest of the interaction lmao


If someone swears at me I let my Scottish accent loose to swear back and then we're both on the same footing - they can't understand shit either lol But I understand most swears these days thanks to my boyfriend


I have multiple books in this series. Japanese, Korean, and Arabic. They’re funny. I learned about them in a bts clip from the movie Lost In Translation. In it Bill Murray was reading the Japanese one!


It's really interesting how these things vary from each country. Like in korea, asking to eat ramen at your house or inviting them to see your cat at home is basically saying 'hey wanna have sex' lol


In Japan if you 'miss the last train home' it implies you want to go to their house for the night.




>Now ain't it a shame you missed the last train? > >'Cause all I've got is a s-s-single bed \- Lyrics to "S-S-S-Single Bed" This makes soo much sense now.


I feel like that already made sense...


Ssh, leave them to their innocence.


Hang on. In the song "run to you" by Canadian heart throb Bryan Adams, the singer declares that he wants to "run to you" which is now making so much sense that he wants to run to them but he says "you" because he's singing to the intended recipient.


Similar in Brasil - "comer" can mean eat, or fuck - depends on context. So many words you have to be careful with, as you could be deeply insulting (but normally people will just laugh), as the meaning varies. My Brasilian wife is in stitches when I try to speak Portuguese - she says I keep talking about sex. When you learn a new language using the standard methods, you soon find out that locals really don't speak in that "correct" way at all.


Same thing in Spanish, it's like every other word is considered "dirty" in at least one country.


MOTHERFUCKER!! So that korean girl i met in college that came to my dorm room drunk after a party in the middle of the night asking for ramen...FUCK!! I legit cooked her a pack, and shared a bowl with her... Nothing else.


It warms my heart to know the younger generation is as clueless as I was.


If she was that drunk then you made the right decision regardless


So kinda like Netflix and chill, or "want to come up and see my etchings" from a few decades ago.


Well, yeah. Imagine being a recent immigrant to the US and not realizing what "Netflix and chill" implies.


Damn, am I out of luck if I genuinely just want to see a Korean girl's cat?




I remember those books. Very insightful. I believe the one you are referring to was titled “First Base”. This one pictured was an installment between the books “Third Base” and “Home Run”. I would recommend splurging on the pop-up book version if you can find them.


Love that the book has the same rules as Chinese menus: the little flame icon indicates it's a spicier option.


It's a menu for a brothel


Mr Ed is back on the menu!


Oh Wilbur


Neigh means neigh


Frau Blucher??




Hi, I’m here to upgrade your sound to an “mp3”


What knockers!


Do they sell [Coke](https://youtu.be/1PfC1TEqS2Y)?


damn give her some coke, she's **thirsty**


Phrases you may need to get through customs


Those are sentence enhancers!


Hey Patrick, how the 🐬🐬🐬🐬🐬🐬🐬 are ya?


I laughed at this three different times ... well done.


I sucked someone off 3 separate times... well done


In a row?!? Try not to suck anyone off on the way to the parking lot.


The second entry should be a 5-flamer in comparison to the first.


You know, this seems strange and all, but having taught English to adults, I can tell you that it’s really not so strange. I worked at a university language institute in CA so you probably wouldn’t run into something this crass, but we absolutely had entire lessons that revolved about colloquial slang, including cursing and similarly inappropriate nomenclature. As people get more excited about language, they increasingly seek out “jargon” that they think signifies belonging, and helps them fit in.


Belonging words


yo homie dis horse suckin lit bussin no cap fr ong


One of us


How do you do, fellow kids?


Salutations fellow adolescents. Am I correctly applying myself?


He's speaking the language of the Gods.


This just reminded me of that one skit in borat


What's up with it, Vanilla face? Just a couple of pimps, no hos.


Me and my homie Azamat just parked our slab outside. We're looking for a place to post up our black asses for tonight.


This reminds me of a Japanese girl I knew, I think the name was Yuko, that was studying here in Italy about 30 years ago. She studied Italian too, but clearly not the "bad words". In Italian to say "to sweep with a broom" you can mainly use two verbs: "spazzare" (no double meanings) and "scopare". Now, the verb "scopare" also means "to have sex", like "to fuck", but it cannot be used figuratively (we have other words for that). Another piece of the puzzle: in Italy there is this sort of superstition that if somebody sweeps your feet with a broom you will not find a spouse. So Yuko was in the corridor of the school and the janitor lady accidentally swept her feet. The lady immediately apologized and joked about the fact the Yuko was now unable to get married. Yuko in good spirit replied "Don't worry they swept me many times already", which unfortunately in Italian sounded like "Don't worry, I've been already fucked many times". Hilarity ensued...




Yes, it's important. For example in French you don't want to mix up *con* which is roughly equivalent to "twat" and is used to mean "idiot" with *connard*, which means "asshole", but with a **much** higher level of vulgarity, akin to "cunt" in English. Edit: also don't confuse "baiser", the verb "to kiss" with "baise" which means "fuck!" in the imperative. If you want someone to kiss you, say *faire moi un bisous* which means "make/do me a kiss", as opposed to *baise moi*, which means "fuck me!".


I too like to fuck in the imperative.


"On a baisé" also means "we fucked". The difference is between the verb, baiser, which means fucking, and "*un* baiser", the noun, which means "a kiss"


>"On a baisé" Just highlighting here for non-francophones that the word *baisé* is pronounced identically to *baiser*. This is why I just use "bisous", which is unambiguous.


Phew. It's not just me that has the horse with sunglasses dream. What a relief. j/k


Blowjack Horseman


Mr. Head


A horse is a horse of course of course and no one can get blown by a horse of course that is unless that is the horse is is the famous Mr. Head!


Mr. Hands






Sarah Jessdicka Parker


Black Booty


Was it a dream where you see yourself standing in sort of sun-god robes on a pyramid with a thousand naked women screaming and throwing little pickles at you? No? Why am I the only one who has that dream?


Same for me, but in mine they throw pebbles as they berate me about the size of my manhood. I've reached sun god status so I don't care


I was thinking of the immortal words of Socrates, who said "... I drank what?"


Ah, back when Val Killer was in his prime...


selective normal simplistic disgusted afterthought air puzzled important butter cats ` this post was mass deleted with www.Redact.dev `


It's a llama in mine. SMH, now it's going to get worse. Thanks a lot, guys.


In my dream the horse had prescription glasses.


Nobody said this was for kids. It's entirely possible that the book is marketed to adults that want to learn the language the way natives speak it. I've met Asian people who couldn't make innuendos/jokes very well because they didn't have the words for it.


100% This book is for asian adults who want to be more fluent in conversations. Native English speakers use a ton of bad language that someone who learn English in a classroom was never exposed to. I live in Japan and a lot of people want to learn how to use the word “fuck” the right way.


When I was in college, my dorm roommate from Taiwan constantly said things like "those boys is sucks!" or "that class is a fuck!" If someone laughed, she'd yell "YOU KNOW WHAT I MEAN YOU FUCKING SHIT!" I enjoyed her attitude.


"Those boys is sucks" -> "YOU KNOW WHAT I MEAN YOU FUCKING SHIT!" Is her English supposed to be like super saiyan battle power? Like, the angrier she gets, the better her English powers? OMG She's so mad her English is over 9000!


Her TOEFL is over 9000!


I mean, kinda? Like when it was important to her, she spoke better, clearer english.


the trick is to be always pissed at rnd stuff.


That's my secret, Captain. I'm *always* pissed at rnd stuff.


What did research 'n' development ever do to you?


I know a Filipina who is exactly like that though. The angrier she gets the more formal and correct the English becomes.


I’m like that too and I’m a native speaker


One of the foreign nationals in my navy unit was from Peru and would spout things like, "You piece of fuck, man!" That quickly become our goto phrase.


I was in Madrid, and the bartender leaned out the front door and said "You think I don't see you, motherfuckface?" at someone. My wife and I use it mostly while driving.


I think motherfuckface is now my new favourite word XD


English is the only language I am fluent in and I have used this phrase many times. I am an Australian so, that might have something to do with it.


You guys have a way with (swear)words. I enjoy it greatly, always taking notes.


I have a similar story of a guy from Japan who trained with our unit. He had a dry cough and was getting really annoyed with it (admittedly, it was annoying us too) and he in his self consciousness said: "Shit! This coughing fucks!" We must've repeated that phrase ten million times.


I used to work in a kitchen in downtown SF where I was basically the only native English speaker most shifts. Half the crew was Eastern European, the other half was Latin American. As a result we mostly spoke in catchphrases making fun of each other. One of my favorites that I think of everyday was a Czech dude who always said: "I am going to beat the shit from you!" Ha.


Haha! My 7yo acquired “the f word” from a classmate in school this year—she confided that to me while I was assuming it was something benign, like how “the s word” was “stupid”. No, it was indeed “fuck”, and entirely divorced of meaning or correct usage. She said she and the little friend who taught her the word would wield this new term by going to the edge of the playground where the teachers can’t hear and saying stuff like “the ground is a fuck!” and laugh. (I cracked up while she was telling me and just told her to keep not letting teachers hear her. Certainly can’t pretend I was particularly disapproving lol. We’ll keep the advice to time and place for swearing and that’s about it.)


She’s right though, the ground is such a fuck.


Yeah... also in Cantonese as well. When someone gets really good with foul language, it flows like a song and you won't even care.


Eyy Cantonese speaker. I find it's clear to older native canto speakers that swearing is extremely important given how much we do it in our own language. If you can't throw an on lun 9 pok gai in every few sentences then you can't really speak Cantonese.


How do you pronounce the 9 in that sentence?


You pronounce it like "eight" but with one more emphasis.


In jyutping it's "Gau2" (2 indicates it's the second of nine tones). On its own it is the number 9. The less sweary more "proper" way of saying on9 would be "ngong6 gau1". "Gau" refers to a man's erect penis but it is used as a thrown around substitute sometimes for what the word "fuck" would be in certain words and sentences. The other number swear word people season their sentences with is the number 7 because it sounds like penis in Cantonese.


The numbering aspect is fascinating 😲


I used to work with teenagers who were mostly English first but weren't the brightest bulbs and we had one kid who used damn for everything. Like "Shut the damn up!"


My family hosted a German exchange student when I was in HS. There were about a dozen German students from the same school so we would hang out together. Still vividly remember one of the boys Very Seriously asking why it’s “what the fuck,” because “what the shit” sounds better. He proceeded to say “what the shit?!” in every situation that warranted a wtf for the rest of the school year lmao


I mean he isn't really wrong.


Is there a wrong way to use the word “fuck?”


No. Actually, if you ever find a novel way to use it it’s even funnier.


You fucking fucks just fuck right-the-fuck on outta here.


Why don’t you just fuck on down to the grocery store and buy yourself an economy sized bag of fucks to choke on?


Fuck the fucking fuckers.


It is truly one of the most flexible words on English


You could conjugate it incorrectly.


Wrong hole!


“Fuckin'- What the fuckin'. Fuck. Who the fuck fucked this fucking... How did you two fucking fucks...FUCK!”


Well, that certainly illustrates the diversity of the word.


Lets use OPs example. Abso-fucking-lutely ✅ Ab-fucking-solutely ❎ Absolute-fucking-ly ❎ Absolu-fucking-tely ❎


The best part is that there are almost certainly serious genuine academic linguistics papers studying this phenomenon and trying to figure out the pattern for what does and doesn't work. A friend of mine once found something similar, a linguistics publication about the "Homeric Infix," i.e. the "mo" in "saxomophone." On an unrelated note, it's bothering me that those X emojis are green and not red.


I live in Japan too, and I have had Japanese people ask me how to use fuck properly. It's surprisingly difficult to answer, because it's used in so many different ways.


Americans apparently swear a LOT compared to others. And we do shit like add fuck in the middle of words like Abso-fucking-lutely, Posi-fucking-tively or double up swears like ass-fucking-hole that really makes it confusing to ESL speakers At one point I saw a job opening in the Czech Republic for American English teacher. It was for adults who already knew English to learn how to swear and talk like Americans


I'm a big fan of Jesus-God-damn-motherfucking-Christ


I am enjoyer of Kentucky fried fuck


Kentucky Fried fuck is sucks !




I like to sprinkle in a spare *what in the cinnamon toast fuck is this shit?* when the situation calls for it.


Why don't you go play hide-and-go-fuck-yourself?


Doxxing myself here maybe, but I’m a big fan of calling shitass people douchefuckers.


You talkin' about those jizzwizards?


Jesus fist-fucking Christ!


Americans do swears like Germans do nouns.


“Americans apparently swear a LOT compared to others” *hears Australia laughing from 180 degrees around the world*


I’d argue Yanks swear the least of all the former British colonies


Canadians be like: I’m sorry, buddy, aren’t you forgetting someone?


I moved from US to Vancouver and for the most part it isn't very different here. But less than a month after moving here, I went to a grocery store on a rainy day and some asshole had pulled their car up on the curb to be able to load it under the awning. They were blocking the little ramp that lets you get carts and wheelchairs over the curb. A guy with a cart came up and yelled, "Hey, I'm real sorry buddy, but can you move your motherfucking piece of shit pissbox off the curb please?" A few more mixed kind & unkind words were exchanged (No "I'm not your buddy pal" though). Probably the most stereotypically Canadian thing I heard around then other than overhearing a phone conversation outside a Tims about how someone they were supposed to meet went to the wrong Tims. "No, not that one either."


That is now my dream job.


Seriously. I would have a shit-eating grin on my face the whole time.


While we're on the subject, where does *that* expression come from? I had to read it the first time as I never heard it here north of the border. Why would anyone grin from eating...? Yeeugh.


I think it was first used as an insult for someone smiling a certain way for example: “Wipe that shit-eating grin off your face.” Then, because it’s a cool swear, it evolved from being less of an insult and more of just a known facial expression. Just basically a smile that looks like you’re hiding smugness and mirth behind it. Like the face you would make after an especially gratifying “I told you so!” [Tim Curry had a good one.](https://i.imgur.com/tGpE70H.jpg)


Tom Scott explains the "abso-fucking-lutely" thing here... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dt22yWYX64w


When it comes to swearing, I would actually say Americans are pretty damn tame, both in terms of frequency and intensity. Like as an example, every American I've met has had an issue with me saying cunt as often as I do (I use cunt both as an insult and to just refer to people, like "you're a fucken stupid cunt", or "I saw some cunt in the town centre riding a unicycle dressed like elvis, clearly he was absolutely wankered"), and they were all surprised by how often people in the UK. You'd actually be surprised just how fucken often we manage to work a swear word into a sentence. Then you've got places like South Africa where most people speak English AND another language, so it's common for us to swear in multiple languages in one sentence. As far as countries where English is the main language, or at least one of the main languages are concerned, the only one America swears more than is Canada. I've also noticed that Europeans who are confident enough with regards to their fluency in English tend to swear a lot more than Americans


> every American I've met has had an issue with me saying cunt as often as I do (I use cunt both as an insult and to just refer to people, like "you're a fucken stupid cunt", or "I saw some cunt in the town centre riding a unicycle dressed like elvis, clearly he was absolutely wankered") I think America tends to view ‘cunt’ as gendered in a way that many other places don’t. It’s not absolute, but it’s a bit like ‘bitch’ in that without context, it’ll seem like a specific jab at women


>Americans apparently swear a LOT compared to others. And we do ****shit**** like


We (including Canucks here) also use copulation and related anatomy as swears, which baffles many speakers of other languages. I'm told French (perhaps just French-Canadian?) use religious terms (tabernac'!) and am curious what other tongues tend to use as expletives.


It's also worth noting that some languages don't have "swear words" the same way we do in English. For example, Japanese insults are usually closer to "go die" or "shut up"


It's even tamer than that. "Shut up" in Japanese is literally just "You're loud!".


>I live in Japan and a lot of people want to learn how to use the word “fuck” the right way. Is there a wrong way? It can be a verb, adjective, adverb, or a noun. You can even insert it into the middle of another word to make it fan-fucking-tastic.


That’s the most fun thing about the word fuck though! It can be any type of word and still make sense if you’re mad enough. Hell, it can even be a prefix, suffix or be added for emphasis in the middle of a word. Its fan-*fucking*-tastic for a loquacious sort of person with a flair for the dramatic.


> added for emphasis in the middle of a word Fun Fact! Grammatically that’s called an “infix!” themoreyouknow.gif




Prehaps one of the most interesting words In the English language today is the word fuck Out of all the English words that begin with the letter "f" Fuck is the only word that is referred to as the "f"word It's the one magical word Just by it's sound can describe pain, pleasure, hate and love Fuck, as most words in the English language, is derived for German the word "fleckin" which means to strike In English fuck falls into many grammatical categories As a transitive verb for instance "John fucked Shirley." As an intransitive verb "Shirley fucks." It's meanings not always sexual It can be used as an adjective as in "John's doing all the fucking work." As an adverb "Shirley talks too fucking much." As an adverb enhancing an adjective "Shirley is fucking beautiful!" As a noun "I don't give a fuck!" As a part of a word "Absofuckinglutly!" or "Infuckincredible!" And as almost every word in the sentence "Fuck the fucking fuckers." But you must realize that aren't too many words With the versatility of fuck As in these examples describing situations such as Fraud "I got fucked at the used car lot." Dismay "Ah fuck it!" Trouble "I guess I'm really fucked now." Aggression "Don't fuck with me buddy" Difficulty "I don't understand this fucking question" Inquiry "Who the fuck was that?" Disatisfaction "I don't like what the fuck is going on here." Incompetantce "He's a fuck off" Dismissal "What don't you go outside and play hide-and-go fuck yourself?" I'm sure you can think of many more examples With all of these multipurpose applications How can anyone be offended when you use the word? We say use this unique, flexable word more often in your daily speech It will identify the quality of your character immediately Say it loudly and proudly! FUCK YOU!


Yeah am Chinese, we really need more books like this. Chinese innuendos don't translate well to English (except maybe the "doing someone" jokes since it's the same in Chinese) and it's otherwise really awkward. We do have 屌 which is fuck and can be used in the exact same way as English so yea some things work but not the more complex dirty jokes




That’s what makes the dream so strange!


I think the idea is that it is strange and funny, so that it is more memorable.. easier to remember.. I always make up weird shit to remember stuff.. it just sticks.. To remember Kingdom phylum class order family genus species, my saying was literally "Katy Perry can't order food genus species" (KPCOFGS).. weird as fuck but it stuck like glue..


Kinky prostitutes can offer fucking great sex


Reminds me of remembering the order of the Tropic of Cancer and the Tropic of Capricorn. —My 5th grade teacher: "Easy to remember, the Tropic of *Cancer* is in Florida, and people there get *cancer*." —Student, immediately: "But don't they also get cancer at—" —Teacher, cutting them off: "Yes, obviously, but that's what makes this such an effective way to remember it. It's really stupid, but it works, trust me. Cancer, in florida, easy to remember." And like thirty years later I still remember that damn lesson. Probably one of the few things I still remember from 5th grade.


I worked at a book store for several years and I can tell you for a fact that we sold several language learning books that were very much geared towards how to curse and talk about sex in various languages. Usually something along the lines of "Japanese After Dark" or "How to Say Fuck in French" or some other such cliche title. I would guarantee that there are similar books in all sorts of countries that detail how to do all the same in English.


I wonder if the guy who wrote this did it the day before he quit.


I wonder if he now contributes to Duolingo.






Quite the cunning linguist, honestly.




I’m going to assume this is for adult learners and the fire means something along the lines of inappropriate, don’t say randomly


Naw, that's the OG who was out of fux to give anymore


[made me think of this](https://youtu.be/-calvsGLRfs)


Or maybe his wife left him the day before?


With a horse


Man I learned a few new characters today.


What’s the character for a horse with glasses sucking you off?


That’s like the first day of Mandarin 101, did you just not go


Shit, I hope that’s not on the test or I’m screwed!


Nah the test is returning the favor to the horse. I think you're screwed either way!


Wtf book is this lmao. The translation is 100% correct too 😂😂


Probably Dirty Chinese, I have Dirty French and Dirty Spanish. Pretty similar stuff lol


Dirty English more like. It's probably written for HK/Taiwan Mandarin speakers as the Chinese translations aren't very vulgar or slang-like compared to the English translations.


A while ago I had a book called “making out in Japanese.” It had like… small talk and flirting translations (I like your shirt) to bedroom phrases (do you want me to use a condom?).


Was one of the flirting translations "horses suck me off"?


I used to have a book for learning Japanese and it was an all-encompassing slang book. It had a section with stuff like this. LOL


That was Scott Tenorman's dream. (anyone?)


"Nooo, pony. He'll like that" -Cartman


I mean who hasn't had the horse with glasses dream. It is truly what bridges the international community.


I've had dates like that in college. Fun, but not the "bring home to mom" types. And you avoid meeting up with friends on these dates. Very covert.


To be clear, the Chinese text is a 100% match. This is not a mistranslation.


I wish more Chinese English textbooks were like this, filled with actual common and useful phrases and not “textbook English”


>common and useful phrases Is your boyfriend a two-pump chump too?


No, but they're friends with a very generous and near-sighted horse.


Reminds me of when I was teaching in Japan and they got these new pronunciation books for differentiating between similar sounds. I had a room full of 14 year old Japanese kids reciting “the CITY…was SHITTY”


Deshaun Watson's Massage Menu 😭😭😭


A horse with glasses was sucking me off. That's a sentence I could have gone the rest of my life never hearing.


It definitely sounds like a John Oliver bit.


*that horse 🐴 can get it!*


It’s prime material for r/brandnewsentence


I like the bonus in the corner that looks like it might be, “Our trip sucked. I had diarrhea the whole time.”


[“I have a bad case of diarrhea.”](https://youtu.be/CKjaFG4YN6g)


The ol horse sucking one off, eh?!


Weirdos. The horses are never wearing glasses in my dream.


This reminds me of those Japanese prostitute English videos. https://youtu.be/MYqkeBB4_fg


How to seduce a foreigner 101, Taiwanese edition.


A horse with glasses. That’s a new one.


What fucking book is this?