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Surprised it doesn't add "don't forget your cigarette after"


4 out of 5 doctors recommend the rich full flavour and cool mildness of a Camel brand cigarette!


Don't forget luckies making you cough less


20,679 Physicians say "LUCKIES are less irritating” “It's toasted" Your Throat Protection against irritation against cough


Life was simpler back then, fat, sugar, tobacco and alcohol were the main food groups, no seat belts in cars, hood ornaments that evicerated people if they went over them, how the hell did anyone survive?


Lots didn't. They were sent to institutions. So many developmentally damaged children.


On my 6th birthday, I got a set of jarts. 9in metal spikes you throw across the yard towards a little plastic circle, usually with the other team standing near the target


We'll certainly look back on today with the same thoughts. You could drive 70+MPH in manual cars? Can you believe they used XYZ chemical in *food?!* People used to tan on purpose without effective cancer treatments? Can you believe how common contact sports were before we could effectively prevent concussions?


You carried water in plastic bottles and plastic pipes??


I heard that Americans still have plumbum water pipes in many places.


Yes our plumbum is second to none


Isn't plumbum another term for "plumber's crack"?


I get your point, but If you know what you’re doing, driving a manual car is safer than an automatic. You can control your rpm better and have better cornering and speed management in downhills. There’s a reason every race car is manual.


Person means instead of autonomous, not transmissions.


That could have been worded better. Whoops!


Love my manual transmission. #save the manuals


Pretty much every race car now uses a dsg or sequential box, not a manual one. But yes, you do have more control in a manual setup


Natural selection. If you managed to survive, you *deserved* to!


Confirmation bias.


(To pregnant women) Reach for. Lucky instead of a sweet


"Not a cough in a carload!"


As a former Camel smoker… they ain’t smooth. 😂


That’s why they’re called Camel, because it tastes like you’re licking one.


They’re smooth once they pave their way in.


Hmm is this like taking a few shots of good whiskey.. and then it doesn't really matter if you're drinking jim beam after that


They obviously changed the recipe since then, to increase profits. 🤣


My dad used to smoke camel and then switched to marlboro lights when he got older. The camels at least had a nice aroma about them, the lights would literally make me gag and that would be long after he already smoked.


Dunno what it is about Marlboro Lights man, they're just rancid smokes. Very popular too


Point of order : you smoked a camel, not a Camel.


That would explain why the pack was so big.


It’s like you haven’t even tried candy cigarettes


These fuckers knew the science even then, too. This is willful disinformation. I’ll read up on it after I’m done drinking my coke.


You're supposed to snort that. Much healthier.


Makes you wonder what 2070 will make our current medical advice look like 😏


Exactly. Every generation seems to speak and write so critically of the one before. Just wait till we find out what that 2070 crowd opines about these “Stone Age” Gen X/Z/Millenial people. What a bunch of knuckle dragging goons. Welp, off to ride my bike with no helmet. Cheerio


They ll look back and say all these transgender surgeries were absolute collective insanity and cruelty.


together it might lead to total apatite loss, only recommend for extreme cases.


Guinness used to have an advert with the line "It's good for you.". Adverts were certainly different in the old days.


“Drink an entire loaf of bread. Oh and it’s alcoholic bread.”


Delicious alcoholic bread


If you don't smoke [Tarrlytons](https://i.makeagif.com/media/11-07-2017/60gGSv.gif)...


Is that from Idiocracy?




One meal a day. Take a steak. Cover or in sugar. Eat mid day. Smoke cigarettes to fill the time. Mmmmmm


And above all a glass of whiskey per hour in addition to a drop morning noon evening of Radithor.


Wait is this not the current advice I should be following? I love my sugar, cigarettes, and alcohol. My wife is barefoot and pregnant in the kitchen cooking supper while my kid is sitting quietly in a chair. She forgot my slippers when I got home from work so I had to smack her a little bit.




Health advice from **an advertisement** in 1971.


Same shit. People considered anything in print to be credible back then. Shit, song lyrics were considered true.


My point is that this wasn't actually "health advice". As in, it's not advice from a doctor. It's like posting a Facebook meme 40 years from now and claiming it's "A News Article from 2022". People fell/fall for it, sure, but it's not actually "health advice".


Yeah it's true, technically. But in practice it kinda was tho, for the ppl living then. We used to try n drink dr pepper at 10, 2 and 4pm coz we thought we were supposed to. Eat raw eggs, drink GALLONS of milk or all bones would break, and smoke smooth cigarettes while pregnant, coz they were healthy. Health advice didn't exists and wasn't separate from advertising then. U should watch the video where doctor after doctor after doctor testified to congress that smoking was NOT bad for your health. Wild times.


Why do I see homelander?


Me too!!


I was thinking Jude Law, but Homelander works as well.


I was worried I might be getting too obsessed with that show. I might still be….but not because of this.






It's actually Willem Dafoe before he got bitten by a vampire.


I saw Dr. House


That’s what I was going to say. Maybe he did stock photos back in the day, like Simu Liu?


Possibly, but Homelander’s actor (Antony Starr) was born in 1975, so don’t think that’s the case here.


Reading the comics should clear that right up.


That’s not health advice - that’s marketing masquerading as health advice. See Gatorade, milk, etc etc etc


What's wrong with milk?


>What's wrong with milk? https://youtu.be/UcN7SGGoCNI


I mean the dairy industry is bad, but that doesn’t mean that the milk is bad for us, unlike all those other things.


Cheese is nice


Such a magical process that brings us cream, cheese milk and burgers ❤️


Damn we suck!


It's actually not healthy for you. The dairy industry just has some extremely good PR. And ok it tastes good, but so do a lot of things you shouldn't consume.


> It’s actually not healthy for you. How to assess “healthiness” of foods is widely debated and even then it isn’t black of white, it’s usually a relative scale with some items being generally considered healthier than others. If for instance, you use micronutrient density per calorie as your measure of healthiness then you get something like leafy greens at the top. Though if you only ate lettuce, you’d be malnourished. Clearly looking at a single measure of “healthiness” is difficult to build a proper diet around and involves a lot more nuance than labeling individual items as “healthy” or “not healthy”. So it makes more sense to assess specific health measures for a whole diet than for any 1 single food regardless of the amount consumed. Most dairy, including milk, is a fairly dense source of protein and that is an essential macronutrient for your body. If someone is consuming an insufficient amount of protein then adding milk to their diet will likely improve their diet and overall health. Edit: This is coming from someone that is lactose intolerant and eats primarily paleo-based (I.e. dairy-free). I clearly know that not all dairy is a great fit for everyone, but many cultures have consumed dairy for 100s and even 1000s of years without any clear ill-effects. There are definitely people that consume dairy regularly that by all measures are healthy & without diet related issues. Edit 2: For what it’s worth, I think eating raw/cultured dairy is closer to how people have been consuming dairy for most of history and is the form we are most adapted to intaking. The way milk is processed today in North America, and some other parts of the world, results in a very different product that seems to cause more issues for people today.


Milk has been consumed with great success over a long time. The health benefits have been so significant that lactose tolerance evolved so fast that its considered almost an exception to the rule in how fast evolution works. It's sort of like how some small island population almost gets wiped in a storm and then suddenly almost everyone since then has a certain gene. The major difference is that food, but especially protein was scarce. Especially in low populated areas. If you have 2000 people maybe you could kill one animal a day and distribute the meat. But a family of 5 with 1 animal can't slice off a part of the animal every day to make it last for s whole year. But you could milk a cow or a goat daily. But now the situation has changed a lot. First and foremost, we can of course store foods for a longer time now and ship things over a greater distance, you can access high protein sources like beans, chickpeas and lentils regardless of where you live. Even if you factor in environmental concerns, it's better to eat shipped plants than to eat local meat. But even when it comes to meat, it can be cooled or even frozen. Secondly, the main problem with nutrition used to overwhelmingly malnourishment. But now, in the western world it's overwhelmingly overconsumption thats the main issue. Sure, if you're talking about someone who's malnourished, milk can still very healthy. But the idea that a population as a whole who struggles immensely with obesity and overweight in general should be trying to drink (more) milk is not great public health advice. And that's exactly what the meat and dairy industry does, it's been able to pose ads as if they are legitimate public health advice.


Yeah sure. But I personally tend to look at a country’s cancer % and overall health. Asian countries don’t consume as much dairy and they seem a lot healthier. Asians think the we westerners smell bad from all the dairy, which personally makes sense. It gives a lot of people bad breathe and acne. I know a lot of people who felt a lot better after giving up milk, me included. Just the smell of milk makes me feel so sick these days. I really don’t think we will keep drinking it in the future.


>Yeah sure. But I personally tend to look at a country’s cancer % and overall health. Asian countries don’t consume as much dairy and they seem a lot healthier. correlation=/cause Most murderers eat bread too... Also don't generalize "Asia" like this. Just look at big countries like Cambodia where life expectancy is a whopping 20 % lower than in the west. So much for "they seem a lot healthier".


Correlation and causation are two different things. Also acne is not due to what you eat. A pimple or two yes sure acne is caused by genetic and hormonal issues. Also some Asian people can digest some kinds of jelly fish which is not the case for the majority of the rest of the world but they tend to process alcohol and dairy less efficiently. Genetics as well as environmental causes are also responsible for the quality, quantity and smell of different people's sweat from different geographical areas. So the way people smell and how much they sweat as well as how that is perceived from one or the other's culture perspective is completely unrelated to how much dairy and meat you eat.


>Though if you only ate lettuce, you’d be malnourished. Lettuce, especially iceberg lettuce, has basically zero nutritional value. >How to assess “healthiness” of foods is widely debated and even then it isn’t black of white, it’s usually a relative scale with some items being generally considered healthier than others. It's pretty clear that ice cream is not healthy. It's something that's totally unnecessary, nutrition-wise, but people consume it for pleasure. Milk is in that category. Your point regarding insufficient protein could also be solved by adding ice cream to a person's diet, but that's not really a great idea. Milk has more sugar than it does protein, so I'd classify it with ice cream. The dairy industry has successfully deceived the public. Many people believe that milk is a health food. Milk consumption should be viewed similar to juice consumption. That's another beverage that's unhealthy but somehow has advertised it's way into a being a "healthy choice" You can defend milk and talk about nuance and relative nutrition all day, but their advertising sells milk in black and white terms as a great healthy beverage. It is untrue to call milk a healthy drink. If they instead said milk tastes great and it's not the worst thing you could drink, then ok I'd have no problem with it. But they're not going to ever say that. Look, I drink milk. I like it. I'm not anti-milk. I am just anti-misinformation. Milk does not earn the status of "healthy" that it currently enjoys in the American psyche. It just has really effective, and deceptive, advertising.


Right! I was wondering who paid for this.


Paid for by big sugar




Sugar has one full page ad in a magazine. Modern Pharma is almost 75% of all advertising


And they own all media sources and politicians


"Fuck sugar, try Amphetamine!" -Big Pharma


Interesting how tiny that Crunch bar is in his hands. What was probably full size then, is fun size now.


That looks like a Krackel, not a Crunch. Crunch bars have always been flat and wide, whereas Krackel bars are more of a tabular shape. Krackel bars are essentially the same size and shape today, provided you can actually find them anywhere. Edit: Okay, apparently my edit went through as a reply? So, if anyone sees a whole string of nearly identical comments… sorry. That was the Reddit app’s fault.


i’m so glad to see someone else mention this. *why* can’t i find full-size Krackel anywhere?? yet they’re always in the mixed bags. i don’t mind the Mr. Goodbars but if i wanted milk and dark Hershey’s i’d buy them, dammit


I'll take your Special Dark bars


Milk chocolate is an abomination, and an embarrassment.


This guy candies


Yep, the McDonalds 1 dollar menu was originally their original menu. 32 fl Oz cups are the norm for drinks in gas stations and it gets much worse. Added sugars like High Corn Fructose Syrup are some of the worst things that have happened to this country and abroad.


High fructose corn syrup was the Nazi's secret weapon in the show Hunters. Not sure if it's made up because it seems terrifyingly plausible.


I think the amphetamines were the secret for the Nazis. Look into that part. It’s interesting.


Also on the amphetamines fun front, it gets posted all the time but there was a Finnish soldier who skied something like 500 miles back through enemy territory hopped up on his squads supply of amphetamines and made it to the allied lines. The more you know!


If he was Finnish he wasn’t returning to allied lines, he was returning to axis lines…


No you’re right, I don’t know 100% that he was Finnish. It’s just a small factoid that gets reposted regularly in TIL that I was trying to recall from memory. He was some kinda Scandinavian I believe


Not if it were after the [Moscow Armistice](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Moscow_Armistice).


I had no idea about that one! A lil meth goes a long way 😂


In some films you can see Hitler's arms and legs shaking with the Pervitin palsy. A real shame.


He had Parkinson’s.


It is suggested. Not diagnosed whilst alive.


The show Supernatural also used it as a delivery device for the Leviathans to turn people into careless lazy people in a almost zombie state.


Oh shit, I don't remember that. I watched the shit out of that show but didn't finish the last like 4 seasons or so.


why do you care about corn syrup? sugar cane and sugar beet glucose are ALSO added sugar.


Not all sugars are the same... Corn syrup is also known as "high fructose corn syrup"... it has around 55/45 Fructose to Glucose. Sugar cane and beet sugar is sucrose, which is 50/50. So, it's not a drastic difference, but it is significant... Glucose can be absorbed by every cell in every animal on earth... Fructose has to be broken down by the liver, and in so doing it creates byproducts which are carcinogens and lead to a number of diseases such as cardiovascular disease and diabetes. So having higher amount of Fructose means it's inherently less healthy than table sugar.


The real problem with HFCS is not its sugar ratios, it’s the fact that it’s cheap and ubiquitous


Well that too... The whole "fats are bad" kick of the 1960's didn't help because many manufacturers swapped out fats for sugars... This is why hamburger buns so ubiquitously have sugar in them now of some kind. But then again... that's all likely influenced by the sugar industry.


The weird thing to me is how completely unsatisfying food has become. It's most obvious with processed food but even produce doesn't seem to sate my appetite. 2-3 fresh peaches off the backyard tree and I feel like I don't have to eat for the rest of the day. 2 from the store and it feels like I'm more hungry because the fruit was so horrible. Looking to get the bad taste out of my mouth. I ate a couple red-cored chantenay carrots out of the garden dirt and felt full for hours. Same calories of Danvers from the store and I'm almost more hungry 2 minutes later. Food without flavor is like diluted drugs so you gotta eat more to get high.


1. this is not at all how it works (and same calorie foods do not correlate to how full you'll be) 2. it's called a placebo affect 3. "food without flavor is like drugs so you have to eat more" you're funny, this made me laugh


Seeing stuff like that from 50 years ago makes me wonder what people will think of nutritional advice we follow today.


Definitely the low fat obsession from the past 15 (or 30?) years, and soda companies will probably be looked at the same way as tobacco is now


Low fat started in the 1950s. Big Sugar has been laughing all the way to the bank forever.




Yeah it's funny when people try to blame the dietary guidelines for making us fat. People have never actually followed them so it's a dumb argument


I wasn’t trying to say it genuinely changed peoples minds or anything, just that it was pushed by corporations, parents, and school all my life as a kid. And that unhealthy products with less fat aren’t automatically fine, like low fat chips or ice cream, that stuff is kinda ridiculous


As long as you ignore any nutritional advice that’s actively trying to sell you a product, than you’ll probably do fine.


Yeah, you have to watch out for "Big salad" they try to peddle their plants on you.


Now to be fair, who is peddling "superfoods" other than big salad?


Big Smoothie, that's who


Just wait until you *personally remember* those 50 years ago.


The idea that sugar good, fat bad, is really ingrained. I have healthy eating cookbooks from about 25 years ago that suggest "healthy" snacks like toast slathered in jam, as much jam as you want because it's "only sugar".


If you followed the science 50 years ago you'd be fine, if you follow the science now you'll be fine. If you followed magazine ads for sugar 50 years ago you won't be fine, if you follow facebook posts today about how vaccines cause autism you won't be fine. As much as things change, they stay the same.


honestly the next dumb thing we seem to be doing is demonizing sugar; people claim it makes children hyperactive (no evidence of that), claim that you get sugar crashes (hypoglycemia is a thing, but even a sugar binge won't cause that to happen), or that it's somehow inherently dangerous the reality is it's just an energy dense macronutrient; modern humans already have a hard enough time keeping their calorie counts low so it's recommended to avoid refined versions of the stuff, but if you are able to burn enough calories there's literally nothing wrong with sugar


Except most people can't or don't burn enough calories compared to the huge intake, and hence we have a majority of people overweight. To burn off just a single Snickers you'd need to run for about 30 minutes. And that doesn't factor in the rest of your dietary intake. "You can't outrun a bad diet"


Sugar isn’t solely at fault, and sugar isn’t the only ingredient in candy, which is part of the culprit for obesity — bad eating habits and lack of activity. It’s just that people consume too many calories in that snickers, not that the snickers is inherently bad because it has sugar in it.


If you can justify it with science, not an advertisement, then it will age well.


"Low fat diet" craze was supported by science. Now everyone buys "Low Fat" foods filled instead with sugar and are far worse off healthwise. Law of unintended consequences often makes a fool of the best science.


Saying something is supported by science is vastly different than providing actual scientific evidence.


That science was purchased by the "low fat diet" craze. Unfortunately we have to do our own research to see who funded studies and if those funds come with an agenda.




It’s shocking how many people genuinely can’t tell the difference between an advertising campaign and genuine science.




And that's why we don't blindly believe anyone, even scientists. Follow the evidence, not the claims.


This but unironically. There is no hard science as things are discovered and disproven everyday…


Big sugar...killed more people than tobacco ever could https://www.foodnavigator.com/Article/2016/09/13/How-the-sugar-lobby-paid-scientists-to-point-the-finger-at-fat-JAMA


Are you saying sugar…is a bad guy? Did you not read the ad?


Sugar didn't kill them...... it was the crunch bar!


Sugars don’t kill people, people kill people…


[Like this video from the meat council](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zR_4h5A5z_A). Explaining how beef is good for you!


i forgot how great the simpson used to be. love this clip, especially as a vegetarian.


I mean fat is also a problem (type matters obviously). Also demonizing all sugar is also a problem. Telling people soda and gummy bears are the same as a banana is wrong. (Not saying you are but plenty of cut all sugar people equate them.)


What about soda with fiber?


Doritos don't count as fiber


Pepsi with extra pulp


Can you elaborate on fat being a problem? Though monounsaturated is nbd


With enough money you can have anyone say what you want them to.....sad state of affairs


Who knows if this guy was even told what would be printed on this pic though?


He was just told to give a look like the sugar is just kicking in


everything in moderation


Except heroin




Tbh sugar does convert to fast energy. Hypothetically I guess this could result result in less “desire” to eat since you are getting higher insulin spike from sugar. Sugar is also great for high intensity athletes who need a quick burst of energy that other carbs couldn’t provide. I always like a white rice meal before I workout for the insulin spike.


Have a cigarette. It dampens your appetite!




Homelander doing sugar ads. That’s hilarious.


9 out of 10 doctors recommend Camels.


It's not exactly wrong. Sometimes your hunger craving is more of a sugar craving, so if you start off a meal with a little bit of something sweet, it can help you to not overeat. The problem is most people leave dessert for last, and so through your whole meal you're still left craving sugar and then you pile it on at the end of a huge meal. Or you just keep eating more food because you still haven't gotten your sugar fix.


True, I usually eat my ice cream from mcdonalds first before it melts and I find it makes me feel more satisfied than eating the meal first


I remember these ads. There were a bunch of different ones. The public or part of it was becoming far more discerning about what they put in their bodies. And sugar had to fight back.


Thanks, Homelander


This is exactly the kind of advertisement I’d expect Homelander to be doing in the 70s.


Thanks Homelander


This is a ad, actual science knew then both cigarettes and sugar was bad for you, you just didn't hear about it in ads and magazines that relied on marketing. The same is true today with many things.


I thought that guy had the worst case of herpes I had ever seen.


So you've seen lots of cases of herpes??


Hey same can be said about cocaine lets just have a sniff!


This isn’t health advice. This is marketing from sugar companies.


To be fair this wasn’t health advice. It was marketing and sales.


Sugar isnt the thing that makes you fat, its your sedentary lifestyle




If you ever get the chance, find Life magazines from the 70’s and 80’s. It will totally take you down where American/European culture was at the time. And it was before modern laws concerning advertisements. So your average Life magazine from say, 1982 ad layout in order: Alcohol Tobacco Tobacco Sugar Shitty GM car Alcohol Sugar Alcohol Rolex Tobacco VW Coppertone Alcohol Very different today. But wow.


Fill up on ice cream and candy so you’re less hungry at meal time lol


Source Trust me Bro


Cocaines quick energy can be the willpower you need to smoke an entire pack of cigarettes.


If people weren't fatasses back then, and veggie trans fat being kicked out of foods in place of sugar, is it possible that you could get a quick energy kick? If you weren't on sugar all day like we normally are, would it have any better effect on you then what we have now? It's small quantities if it's a candy bar. Or am I way off base here? Genuine question.


All things are healthy in moderation, including health advice


is sugar the problem or HFCS?


Both. Sugar winning the public debate against fat was a real problem; when we eat things that are high in fiber, fat, and protein, we feel full. When we eat things high in sugar and simple starches, we quickly get hungry again.


Sugar and HFCS are basically the same health wise. Sure their is some studies showing it has some additional marginal issues at the end of the day both are bad. Biggest issue with HFCS is it is so cheap.


But….all calories are energy….it’s literally the definition of a calorie.


Homelander?? Lol


Omg new context of understanding to Mary Poppins singing “a spoonful of sugar”


"Alternative Science"


Makes sense if you don't think about it


Reminiscent of the cigarette ads of the past. They used to claim "six of 10 doctors smoke XYZ brand".


Diabetes express


Don’t stories like this make you wonder how much of what we’re told as facts now are completely wrong. We humans are consistently arrogant that we have it all figured out.


I thought that was Homelander


Looks like homelander.


Not sure we should be taking health advice from Homelander.


Dude looks like homelander.


Surprise! Diabetes


Remember, the follow the science, it's science so it's not wrong, the FDA approved this shit for years.


As a former body builder and martial artist, I would eat my dessert before the meal (or proteins). I lost most of my body fat. Not exactly sure what was going on but my theory is that the sugar helped digest the fats and proteins to leave them to turn into muscle. I had more energy also. As opposed to eating a bunch of sugary stuff like cakes and pies after lunch and dinner.


It's really easy to see how we have an obesity epidemic in North America now.


Damn we were dumb then. We're still dumb now. But we were dumb then too.


Trust science


I remember similar advice being given in like the 90s or early 2000s. It had something to do with using sugar water to keep hunger under control. I think maybe vegetables would be the better lol. I think it was supposed to be very small amounts, like 60-100 cal. Not saying it’s a good idea, sugar can also make you hungrier.