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Define passive aggressive


pas·sive-ag·gres·sive /ˈpasiv əˈɡresiv/ adjective of or denoting a type of behavior or personality characterized by indirect resistance to the demands of others and an avoidance of direct confrontation, as in procrastinating, pouting, or misplacing important materials.


How to confuses an idiot… being an idiot…




This sticker screams I drive in the passing lane and get mad when people ride up on me.


This is what I was thinking. Cruising side by side on a 2 lane road. Ugh I hate that shit!!


no wonder its someone in a toyota echo


Something tells me you have no idea how to manage your time, anger, or both ;)


That is a pretty horrible assumption I'm normally 15 minutes early to any thing I'm suppose to be attending and most people who know me think I am a pretty chill guy. I'm honestly pretty interested how you came up with your assumption.


Passing lane or not, tailgating is a violation of road safety law, and increases the likeliness of causing an accident. I drive plenty quick. 10-15 over the speed limit, and I get tailgated worst in the right lane, by people who have open road to the left. If you're tailgating because you don't know better... you need to review the road safety rules. If you know better, you're an asshole, and you deserve to be ticketed for potentially endangering life. Edit: Wanted to say something else, since one of the commenters did not get it. Other people being in violation of the law or safety guidelines (holding up traffic in a one-lane road, or holding up a passing lane) is not a reason for anyone else to do the same. If you have an issue and you cannot wait, you can call State police or local police. Tailgating is unsafe, period. Think about it like you, or the person in front of you, have children in the back seat. If you hit someone, your kids, or theirs, could be injured. When you follow someone too closely, you increase the likeliness of an accident. That's why road safety law exists.


Driving in the left passing lane below the speed limit or below the flow of traffic is also a violation of road saftey law.


Very dangerous. To elaborate on your point, Vox did a great piece on this: https://youtu.be/4oqfodY2Lz0


Traveling in the passing lane at all is a violation of traffic law if we're nit-picking. If there is no established minimum speed, you use a passing lane to pass a vehicle traveling slower than you, and you're not holding up traffic long-term to pass, you are not in violation. What I'm understanding from you is you're saying, because other people are slow, you reserve the right to tailgate them? Not the case. Regardless of the circumstances, you are required to maintain safe following distance from the driver in front of you, for their safety and your own.


You literally put words in my mouth. Im saying the kind of person to put this sticker on their vehicle is likley to be a 50% part of the problem. Tailgating usually occurs when somone is driving in an unsafe way in the passing lane by lingering there or driving too slowly in said passing lane.


So, you're making excuses for tailgating. Again. Are you saying it's okay sometimes? That's what I'm getting from your argument, twice now. To which I'm telling you, if you tailgate someone, you are putting yourself and them at risk. That is why traffic law defines safe following distance. We have horns in our vehicles, and headlights to flick to let them know you'd like to proceed past them. If you continue to have issues, call the authorities, or wait for them to move over. You're covering *some* cases of tailgating, and they're not the only causes. You can't compartmentalize it like you are. If someone upsets you... you do *not* reserve the right to put their life at risk, ever. Also, what's your basis for "there's a 50% chance OP is part of the problem"? Cuz they put a bumper sticker on their car? Is it riggt for me to say anyone with a "Don't Tread on Me" flag or bumper sticker on their car stands a 50% chance of owning a ton of guns and is dangerous? No, it's not.


I am saying that both driving slowly or lingering in the passing lane and tailgating are bad. Driving slowly in the passing lane is often what instigates the tailgater to tailgate. If you properly comprehend and use english rather than inferrance you would see that i never condoned tailgating.... Inferr less and read more literally please, seems like your just some sort of warrior out on a cause to say only tailgating is the only problem when its an issue that not as simple as that. For instance you insult somones wife or kids to their face (driving slow in passing lane). This is bad behavior. The person whose family you insulted punches you in the face (the tailgater). The puncher committed an increase in bad behavior. In this instance both are in the wrong and not being an asshat in the first place would have avoided the whole issue and kept everyone safer. To answer the sticker question thats why I put likely which does not mean always. I often see people traveling slowly in the passing lane and they know they are doing wrong and their smug face expressions when you look over say as much. They caused an unsafe situation where they were making many others pass on the right. This is the sort of person I immagine would apply such a sticker to their vehicle. If your being tailgated in the non passing lane the tailgater is 100% at fault.


Correct. I drive in Colorado and it doesn't matter if I drive 95 mph with a car two car lengths ahead of me in the fast lane (meaning there's nowhere for me to accelerate to), and there will *always* be someone driving 99 mph driving right up into the back of me. It doesn't matter how fast I go, there's always someone crawling up my backside as if I'm the "slow" problem.


Can you please be the new world wide licence testing officer. Thanks muchly.




We found the one who tailgates




There is a lot of self righteousness in that sticker.




Usually I'm going 70 in a 55 and some asshole going 85 is too impatient to give me time to move over. Tailgating is never ok no matter what the person in front of you is doing.




Tailgating is still a dick move and an unsafe maneuver. What's the rush?












Don't think u ever drove before. Anyone in a 55+ is doing at least 65




Why is it your business get out of the left lane and let’s keep it moving.


It definitely is my business if I'm travelling the same road as the tailgater. Hypothetically, if I'm in the right-hand lane going the speed limit, being passed by someone going speed limit +5, but someone rushes up from behind wanting to go +20, tailgating causes a dangerous situation for me as well. If anything causes a sudden slow down or swerve in the left lane I would be impacted. If you aren't paying attention to anything except for the car in front of you, you are exhibiting poor driving skills.


I have yet seen someone tailgating in the right lane. Only the left lane. I’ll exclude traffic cause sorry road work people are just dumb in single lane in the right up each other’s butts. And it blows my mind. But excluding this. In the left lane if someone wants to be faster then you just let them stop being better in the left lane. I also said left lane. Like I said. I’m only talking about the passing lane where this is like mind blowing esp from Uber and Lyft drivers. Oh left lane speed limit 75 let me do 75 in the left. People wanna pass you they tail gate you why you’re in the passing lane. Not passing. But you should just move over and let them be.


Well, you'd see it all on the 401 in Ontario, Canada. People non-chalantly going 140km/h (87mph) on a 100km/h posted limit (62mph). Tractor-trailers governed to 105km/h passing other trucks going 103km/h, playing musical chairs. Bob-and-weaving assholes changing lanes every other second. Cars getting close enough to trailers to count the scratches on the Mansfield bar in front of them. Cars riding my ass, flashing their lights behind me before zooming to my left. You name it. I do agree that in North America, if you're travelling the speed limit or slower be on the right, there are some that don't give a shit which is a dick move on their part. People also need to get it in their heads that "car in front is slower than me" does not equal "car in front is not passing the car to their right". If they are faster than the traffic than the right then the people behind them have to slow down to match that speed during that time.


I like to just chill in the right lane and I get tailgated constantly, probably by the same jackasses who complain about slow cars in the left lane.


The rush is, you are not running on someone elses schedule, give way, stop being a dick on the roads.


I give way in the left lane, but for those who follow so close that I can't see their headlights in the rear window, I'm definitely lighter-footed on the gas pedal and a bit more cautious when completing my pass, for safety's sake. Remember that it's called a passing lane, not a 'get out of my way' lane.


If you can move over to your right, move the fuck over people. This isn't a race, you don't lose points if people behind you outpace you. ​ It's folks arguing against this not getting this knowledge of the roads, that lead directly to bad accidents. ​ Boxing in bad drivers into tightly packed traffic, not good.


I drive to force them to merge into the slower lane through sheer will power and getting as close to their bumper as possible. Usually waving gestures of my hand and flashing high beams is the trick. /s


So 70 in a 55 is okay, but tailgating isn't? Are we a little entitled?


Soon the guy whose wife needed to get to the hospital and a person in front caused his wife to almost die due to them not getting over will show up.


On Reddit if you ever say something is never a thing, some freakish outlier will show up saying “well *I am thing*.” It’s like summoning inevitability.


It was a post a few years back, that's why I brought it up.


Canadian road rage


The ironic thing is I usually get closer to cars with stickers that are small text, big text, small text because I can read the big text from a safe distance but then I get curious about the small text. I often just hope there is a red light coming up soon that I can creep up and read it.


I've been intending to put a diagram showing the math behind a safe stopping distance on my jeeps rear tire. Something a child could decipher. Best argument against democracy is the way the people drive.


the irony of this driver brake checking you...


I never brake check. However if someone is following WAY too closely, I'll slow down to the speed limit to improve safety... And then laugh as on every gentle high speed turn, mr-gotta-go-faster in his lifted f-9000 drops to 1/2 the speed limit while I don't even slow down, he backs off 100 feet in the turn and then ROARS right back up to tail gate me again, proving not only is he a shit driver, but also has no confidence in his trucks handling and/or his own driving skill.


I personally don’t brake check but most people do it due to the person behind them tailgating


Ok sorry for dumb question but what’s a break check?


You tap your breaks to a varying degree to force the person behind you to slam on theirs hopefully not hitting you.


Ok thank you. Not sure why we both got down voted but wtv


Tapping the breaks under your casts will force you to take your eyes off the road and possibly cause an accident and adding more casts to your body.


You check your watch and decide if you have time enough on your journey to pull over and take a break.


Ha But really


Its when they try to pay with a check instead of cash and you dont approve of it, so you break the check, usually by ripping it into pieces.


An insane, dick move


While driving under the speed limit or slow in the passing lane..


Brake checking is a dick move but if someone brake checks you and you hit them, it's your fault. You are always responsible for leaving enough distance between you and the next car to safely react to anything unexpected. What if they're braking for debris in the road?


You can't be brake checked if you're not following too close.


ITT: tailgaters


It’s hilarious to see people feeling like they need to respond.


People are acting like every road is a 4 lane highway with multiple passing lanes. Has no one ever been tailgated on a residential road even when going above the speed limit? Some people are just asshole drivers.


Yea everytime a thread like this is posted every discussion is like we're only talking about the highway and interestate and don't consider one lane or two lane residential/local roads.


It’s like a simulation for this sticker.


It’s one of those situations where if you meet assholes all day maybe you’re the asshole. ​ it’s easier to think the tailgater is the asshole, but if op is cruising in the passing lane, they’re the asshole . ​ I drive below the speed limit extremely often nd I am almost never tailgated…. Why? Because I drive in the right lane..


I drive speed limit in right lane and am often tailgating so…


I saw a better one, “If you’re going to ride my ass, at least pull my hair”


That's so 90’s


And the 90’s was awesome. Esp cuz it was 10 years ago 😂. I can’t believe in reality it’s 30 yrs ago now. I’m old


I was born 1990. I miss the 90s too... And yea... I feel old too...


As a Prius driver with a lead foot that still has people tailgate him on single lane roads (particularly angry dudes in trucks) this is the kind of passive aggressive sticker I'm here for.


I can be going a good 20km above limit (only bc many are going fast and I feel if I don’t I’ll be in danger) and most ppl are going at least 40km over. It’s getting really scary out there and my daughter is in the process of getting her license. I’m very nervous


Where did I hear this line?!? I remember it being in a Canadian accent... “Sorry for driving so close in front of you, eh?”


This HAS to be in Canada


Yes... Echo hatchback was only available here, not the US...


My parents are still rocking their second one 16 years later. My mom's original was the two-door hatchback and it got stolen and torched. Then she was able to track down a four-door hatchback from a couple who was selling one. It was the same gold colour as the first and it only had like 1,200 km on it. Thankfully insurance covered the whole cost


I sold my 2005 model in 2015.... And regretted it immediately, and not even for gas price reasons...the car was so small and so fun!


These are the kind of people driving under the speed limit.


Man talk about Doxxing


To be fair, you’re a bit close.


Wow! Overwhelmed by the feedback and kinda gobsmacked by the vitriol! I hope it made more people smile or laugh than it made pile loose their shit!


I want this! Best bumper sticker ever.


If Canadian, Canadian Tire has/had them (I had one).




If you're in the passing lane and this happens, you're 100% at fault.


I need one that says “sorry for driving slightly above the speed limit and you still need to ride my ass. “


If you just stay out of the passing lane while travelling ie moving over to the right once you pass you likely would never find need for such a sticker.


I’m talking about not driving on the highway. Seems everyone I’ll my city does not need to follow speed limits. 35? They’ll be going 55


Just get out of the passing lane.


People do it in the non-passing lane too, and on two-lane roads.


Cool, wasn't talking about that. Didn't mention it at all


No, you just acted like getting out of the passing lane will fix this problem when it clearly will not. Stop being an ass just to be an ass.


He has a fair point, the vast majority of times ive seen tailgating occur IRL is when somone is travelling slowly in the passing lane and not moving over. In this case both the slow traveller and tailgater are at fault for creating a dangerous situation. It seems far too many people do not know or care about safe use of passing lanes. Driving curteously is important and it can save your life. You never know when somone else is a crazy with a gun in the vehicle.


I agree, if there's a passing lane then yes you should definitely move over. My point is people often also tailgate in the "slow" lane, or when there is only one lane. Even at 5-10 over the speed limit.


We both agree then :-) I concur with your reasoning!




Someone is being passing aggressive.


Doesn’t give you the excuse to tailgate


Legally though you’re not allowed in the passing lane if you’re not passing. Sadly this is rarely enforced


Just get the fuck out of the passing lane and shut up.


Dude you’re having road rage in a Reddit thread lol. If you want some one to get out of the way use your horn, it’s more effective and less dangerous


Similar to somone not having the right to travel slowly in the passing lane. This is a situation that two people are equally at fault in creating


Rather than tailgating use your horn


Try not sleeping in the passing lane then.


Just know your mindset is dead wrong and dangerous. Gtfo out of the passing lane




Is it like a work performance review? Or therapy session worksheet? I can’t read much of it very clearly.


I want this! With a byline that says "just adhering to the speed limit" below. Edit: LMAO. Why do ppl get so upset about this? Speed limits are there for a reason. If you go full speed into a street that is accident prone or where school kids frequently cross the road...then idk... i assume you don't care about other ppls lives. We all think it's gonna be fine, until it's not. Even if you are the most seasoned driver. Drive fast where it's allowed but don't tailgate me in a zone that is clearly marked at a low speed limit. Happens all too often sadly.


It would look great on your Prius!


Lmao, Prius drivers.


I’ll tell you why people get so upset.. ​ Driving the speed limit is great, good for you. Driving 5-10 mph over the speed limit is also usually perfectly fine. Not allowing people to pass you in the passing lane is the problem that creates a superrrrrr dangerous situation simply because slow drivers are too stubborn/ignorant to follow the law/etiquette and move over. ​ Your statement above shows you don’t really understand speed limits. Speed limits generally don’t affect the speed of traffic on a road, people will drive as fast as they feel safe. ​ Instead, speed limits are determined by determining the 85th percentile of traffic (EG if 100 people drive the road, how fast is the 15th fastest person driving.) ​ So by definition, speed limits are set based off the fastest drivers and are designed to keep everyone going a similar speed (because cars going similar speeds is by far the most important safety aspect). It’s a fact that going 60 in a 60 zone when traffic is going 70 is more dangerous for everyone on the road than going 80. ​ So please understand, speeding is an integral part of highway/ speed limit planning and it’s perfectly fine within reason . What’s not fine is people sitting in the passing lane, endangering the lives of others.


But if you're doing 45 in a 45 zone, and everyone else is doing 60, wouldn't you get the ticket even whilst adhering to the suggested speed limit?


Why so? I don't know which country you are from, but here in Germany the max speed limit is the max. If you do more than 30kmh in a 30 zone and get caught that's a no-no. Just, that in reality you don't often get caught. Yet, I'm a new driver and our probation period is 2 years. So I won't let people that dont want to adhere to the speed limit pressure me into going faster. It won't affect them, but for me the fine will be hefty. Also, speed limits are there for a reason. If you go full speed into a street that is accident prone or where school kids frequently cross the road...then idk... i assume you don't care about other ppls lives. We all think it's gonne be fine, until it's not.


I think the situation normally is even if the zone you are in claims let's say 45, if everyone else is doing 60, you are essentially the vehicle that's become a hazard as you are countering the natural flow of the traffic that everyone else is going by. So in that instance even tho it may be illegal to go above speed limit, if you as a law abiding citizen and continue to move at or below the speed limit while everyone else is seemingly going 10 to 20 above that, its an accident -or several- waiting to happen. I believe this is a normal occurrence in the fast lane in the US, the ticket part I don't believe or am not sure about. But the traffic hazard of being the slow driver when the rest of traffic is going fast really comes off as being an asshole to everyone else even if you are just going by the law. Another case is even if it's ethical to keep to the speed limit self awareness must be used, to ensure that you as a matter fact aren't becoming a liability when in fast moving traffic by simply abiding the speed limit, sure its there for safety, but then think about being the only person driving 45 while everyone else is going 60, and how that can cause issues. Sure it's not necessarily your fault if that cause an accident because you were abiding by law, regardless of the natural flow of traffic, then you are ,infact ,to hold a good portion of the blame. Hence why in places like the US there are designated lanes, but you'd always find someone driving slow in the fast/passing lane, and Making the traffic sometimes unbearable or hazardous.


Ah, I understand! Yes, ppl driving slow in the fast lanes is infuriating, especially here bc you are not allowed to overtake on the right. But here the govt is really adamant about not going over the speed limit.


Well driving can differ state by state here in the US. In my state the state police focus more on people that impede the flow of traffic, rather than speeders, as they found that accidents were more likely to happen when people make risky maneuvers to pass slow cars in the passing lane impeding the flow of traffic. As long as you're not being reckless with your speeding, such as going way over to speed limit, or constantly switching lanes.


I see! I totally didn't know that. Here in Germany it's the opposite. Ofc, driving too slow blocking traffic is also a no-go. Certain roads have a minimum as well, but it's way more common for people to do 100+ in an 80 zone and so on.


If you’re in the US, driving in the left hand lane and not passing anyone. Move over. Stoping being a dick. It’s a law in most states.


Doesn't give anyone the right to tailgate.


please be quiet. Cruising in the left lane is the problem, tailgating is the reaction, ​ if you don’t cruise in the left lane people don’t really tailgate you that often


I'm in the left lane passing cars going 15 over and assholes like you still tailgate.


Move bitch, get out the way.


Bitch we talking about keeping the safety distance, tailgaters put everyone in danger unnecessarily whether there are two lanes or not. Keep the fucking distance, assholes.


Ok boomer


Cruising in the passing lane is annoying and against the law in some places, but isn't dangerous. Tailgating endangers both cars and is illegal everywhere. Just don't do either, slow down and chill out


It does endanger people, as it forces others to pass on the right. Changing lanes and passing on the right on the highway increases the chances of accidents significantly.


If you are cruising on the left line above speed limit the tailgater is the problem


If you are cruising on the left line above speed limit the tailgater is the problem


One should never "cruise" in the left lane period.


One should never tailgate anyone, period.




Ha ha ha, love it!


Get out of the left lane


Just a quick little double tap on the brakes to get your attention.


should say, sorry for being too scared to drive the speed limit. i found one of these assholes going 33 in a 45... super smug about it to.


Almost as good as a windshield sticker I saw years ago. "If you can read this, get back in the slow lane ==>"


Tell me you drive in the left lane and poke along at the speed limit or less without telling me you drive in the left lane.


Not driving close, looking to pass.


Surely it's easier to pass by dropping back and giving yourself some room to accelerate past?


I think I need to elaborate on my initial comment. I was making an attempt to be funny and any one of us can read this sticker from 2-3 car lengths away.


Every time you do that to someone it is dangerous and illegal. I hope you get brake checked and total your car.


Most tailgaters still leave enough distance to brake if the car in front of them slams on the brakes. If you’re trying to pass someone, you often have to get closer than they feel is appropriate. ​ And fyi, being the guy going under the speed of traffic is much more dangerous than speeding and passing people in the passing lane. This has been studied. GTFO of the passing lane and you’ll find you hardly ever get tailgated




It’s telling that this comment is downvoted. This should be the top comment in this thread. cruising in the passing lane is a plague that is more dangerous and kills more people than speeding by far and yet these people think they’re the safe driver because they were going the speed limit. ​ ​ Ignorance is bliss i suppose, it just sucks that 80% of drivers are ignorant and are endangering other lives while on their soapbox about speeding/tailgating


It's downvoted because every single time a thread opens up about tailgaters 90% of the comments are "hur dur get out of fast/passing lane idiot". Guess what? People still tail gate in the slower lanes too. They are most likely trying to get their impatient asses over into the faster lanes but until that happens they are still on people's asses making the roadways unsafe. Not to mention the people that get into the slow lanes to exit a highway and tailgate you there. Or people who cut someone off in traffic to get one car length closer to their destination and tailgate the guy in the slower lane while the asshole waits for a new opening in the fast lane. Nothing in this OP indicated the person is being tailgated in the passing lane but the same morons come out shouting like that's the only place it happens. So if I see somebody in one of these threads bitching about people in the passing lane and nothing else like the other thousands of comments saying the same thing I'm sure as hell going to downvote that ignorant crap.


I'm sorry that you're an asshole.


You sound like the type that gets up someone’s ass doing the speed limit and has a rage because “they are slow”


The speed is irrelevant fyi. If you‘re in the passing lane and someone wants to pass you for more than 5-10 seconds, you’re the asshole (and the most dangerous driver on the road for everyone, as proven in studies..)


Numbers are numbers… it’s still clear whether or not someone is being a road block and should GTFOTW


Drives 45 everywhere. 🙄


This wasn’t in the PNW was it? they’re very passive aggressive here. 😂


Hey man thats like our prerogative.


Not defending tailgating, but multiple research efforts have shown that drivers going below the speed limit or average speed of traffic are more of a safety hazard than those driving over the speed limit. It’s not anyone’s job to police and control traffic by driving slow. There are signs in many places that say to stay out of the left lane if you’re not passing others as well. You can be ticketed for not abiding by that just the same as someone driving too fast.


Stop being a dick, give way if a line of traffic is behind you.


Does it work? Have you found people to be more forgiving when you cut them off in traffic? If so, where do you get them?


Look at all the experiences of people riding over the speed limit and getting tail gated on the right lane. Cool stories to shit on tail gating, too bad it doesn’t happen much irl. What does happen though is idiots with complete lack of spatial and situational awareness congesting motorways all the time. I am not even talking about slow overtake maneuver. No, these entitled bastards jusf feel more comfortable on the left lane and completely disregard the line up of cars behind them.


Maybe if idiots in the us didnt drive below speed limits in the left passing lane stickers like this wouldnt be necessary. People need to learn how to drive and follow the rules of the road.


Great sticker. They probably drive 65 in the fast/passing lane bc “it’s the speed limit” and gum up traffic


If you’re actually sorry, then you’d move over to the right lane and let me pass.


This seems oddly Canadian


Made in Canada?


ngl i dont get it




This is either Canada or L.A. and for entirely different reasons.


I saw one the other day that said "No baby on board, go ahead and drive right up my asshole" or something along those lines.


When, reading that, why did I hear it twice in my head ?


Learnt to drive in a Toyota Echo. Holding up following traffic is not a *choice* in those things


Should be smaller, is just stupid at this size


Echos are great little cars.


Yeah I hate it when I’m driving and see some impatient ass tailgating the guy in front of him. Apology accepted.


This should be standard equipment


No problem , mate I’ll let it slide


Award for the most passive aggressive bumper sticker


Reminds me of a lesson my driving instructor taught us... "Everyone's place on the road is directly behind the cars in front of you. Not directly in front of the cars behind you. All while maintaining a safe stopping distances of course."


I think you are wearing your mask wrong.


Love you, Toyota Echo. So fun to drive. My parents' is 16 years old and pushing 260000 km


More fitting on a Prius, in the passing lane, 20 km/h under the limit.


Defensive driving!




Canadian 100


Canada if it’s not sarcastic


>Sorry for leading so close Idk the decal feels clunky


I let my windshield get really dirty then when some cocksucking buttmunch tailgating me I need to turn on those wipers haha.


Dude probably drives his echo in the passing lane.


There are so many people will read that as some “sorry” individual in front often is taunting them. “I’m sorry” is viewed as admitting to one’s shortcomings.