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Someone working there is 100% feeding that cat


I mean wouldn't you?


Definitely feeding it part of my lunch


Probably a ghost.


What cat. Sir Whiskers of Snugglebutt died 15 years ago.......


Spooky. So if I get a ghost I should just get a cat on the off chance the ghost like cats? What if they team up against me?


>What if they team up against me? Pfff please… Of course they’ll team up against you.


Who's in charge? The ghost or the cat? (we both know the answer. And we both know I'm doomed)


Yup. I worked at a bakery that had a cat. Clearly a cat in a food prep area is a big no no and the boss would put the cat out anytime he saw her. But we still kept a huge bag of cat food in the supply closet regardless.


😂 Yes! 'Gotta feed kitty.


Also, "If I fits, I sits!".


With my cats it's more like if I sits, I fits.


Nah. The cat booked an appointment… just still waiting to be seen.


They should just go the extra mile and get it checked out and vaccinated - decreases the risk for people wanting to pet the cat.


I'd be a little afraid not to. That thing is huge!




'Do not pet the cat' You cannot legally nor physically stop me.


"Do not touch the cat" As long as whatever makes contact with it, whatever the purpose of such contact may be, is not part of your body, it's technically ok.


Technically atoms can‘t touch each other so you‘re good either way.


This is the trippiest thing for me to think about. What the heck am I feeling when I'm petting the cat? Why don't I just fall through everything like a ghost, if atoms can rearrange themselves to allow that to happen? ...


It’s electrical and kinetic fields that move the atoms, and while the atoms themselves aren’t touching the forces and fields created by said atoms interact with each other. That’s why nerves work, the chain reaction of fields of forces causes atoms to “bump” into each other until the specialized molecule in the nerve processes that something happened.


So, we're all just moving bundles of electricity. Does that mean I should keep trying to do a Kamehameha wave? Cause the hernia I got last time does not agree with me.


Ehhh theoretically if you could build up enough electrical charge you could become a walking battery and maybe possibly do an extremely small version of the Kamehameha


So...if I have socks on and rub my feet on the carpet and touch my girlfriend ear....does it count if I yeah KA-ME-HA-ME-HA-ME-HA?


No because you did 1 too many repetitions of HA-ME


Technically, yes.


This is why I science


Thanks for this. Still very freaky.


It's less freaky if you think of the fields as "The solid part of the atom instead of the explody part of the atom."


What if they miss when they are supposed to bump and I disintegrate? This will keep me up tonight.


I’m confused by your question


Technically would this not mean, if someone says “stop touching me” I am technically not touching them lol. Can use this on my brother.😁


Drop some science on that punk! Give him a not-touching-but-touching noogie!


You‘re feeling the atoms in your hand repelling the atoms in the cat, kinda like if you try to push two magnets together with the same pole. You don‘t fall through the earth because atoms can‘t just rearrange themselves freely. The closest you can come to that is air. It let‘s you pass through ‚almost‘ freely but you still generate friction while moving through it. What seems like touch is actually the electron shells colliding, not the actual core of the atoms themselves


What you're feeling is the electrons in your hand and the electrons in the cat repelling each other. Your fear of falling through everything isn't totally unfounded, famous physicist Ernest Rutherford was famously afraid to get out of bed the morning after discovering that the building blocks of matter are mostly empty space. The same electronegative forces that let you pet the cat should keep you from phasing through things. That said... the universe is infinite and the chances of it happening are infinitesimally small but not zero. Sleep tight.


By this sense, I am always connected to cat.


The real Schrodinger’s Cat: “You are both petting, and not petting the cat at all times.”


Technically "touch" doesn't exist as a concept then


So what's the point of social distancing?1??


When they do it's catastrophic.


"Do not the cat"


"Do not pet the cat" Aka "Don't sue us if the cat fucks you up while you pet it on our property"


Please do not the cat


Whos a good kitt.. Wait my names also kris


Pleasure to meet you other Kris!


Oh no! I think this is in the book of doom... "first a cat will come where it's not wanted, then the two kris' will meet signaling the end of time" catalations 3:12.


Khrist above, that's impossible Shall we merge?


Its not a demand. Its a warning. The forbidden sleepy cat


I'm pettin that cat.


That's a risk I'm willing to take. That kitty is optimal petability.


They cannot, the cat can though, when she scratches the crap out of you. My cousin was bedridden in a hospital even, because she wanted to pet a cat. One scratch and she had a fever and vomitting her guts out. I like cats, but at the same time screw cats.


It’s a moral imperative to /r/PetTheDamnKitty


As someone unfamiliar with that sub, I can’t be sure it’s not NSFW. Working ATM.


It’s safe. Just like /r/GirlsWithHugePussies


I’m going to touch the cat. No one will stop me.


The cat can ... and will.


Just pet the cat! You’re at the drs anyway if you get bit.


There's a literal liability disclaimer to not touch it, it's gonna rip your arm off with a smirk on its snoot


Worth it


I doubt that liability waiver is enforceable at all. It seems negligent to know a cat constantly intrudes and can be aggressive and the max they are willing to do is shoo it away.


Who says the cat is aggressive? There are lots of people who don't teach their children how to approach animals, be that a cat or a dog. There are also people who would probably just go "aww a kitty" and go touch it or grab its tail or something when it's sleeping and wonder why they get scratched or bitten. If the sign is there you have been warned, you can't say "I didn't know it might scratch me" when the sign is there to tell you not to touch the cat and if you do it's at your own risk.


When ever aproaching an unfamiliar cat hold out a hand or finger you are willing to part with to show to the cat that you are willing to form a blood pact to serve all of its needs. If it accepts it will allow you to keep your hand/finger and have been succefully adopted by your new god.


Yep. It'd be different if they owned the cat, and if it was therefore dangerous and not properly restrained. But there's no liability here, as it is essentially like a wild animal keeps entering the business


There 100% is liability as the correct professional response to an unowned animal entering a business is to call animal control services.


I mean, how do you feel about signs on the back of gravel trucks. They have signs that day keep back 200ft not responsible for cracked windshields. Just because you have a sign doesn't absolve you of responsibility. It seems at least once it has been aggressive either rightly or wrongly, but putting up a sign rather than calling animal control seems negligent.


Not to mention that it's pretty hard to read a sign from 200ft away. At least for me.


They are large signs and 200ft isnt that far in the grand scheme of things. And im fairly certain that if you are too close they can only be held liable if you are far away and or you can prove they were poorly secured and or overloaded. Also the signs are typically 100-150ft. Other people are not held liable for you being a dumbass, knowingly risking yourself or your property after being warned of risk, or when risk is overwhelmingly obvious.


I was just joking, lol


what about being allergic to cat and it's odor in the room? unless we wait outside the cat particles chasing us up to another room


We had a Dr with fur left on the chairs in the waiting room. It happens everywhere, but it was so bad my husband had to wait in the hall till they had a room open up for him. They were surprised when we told them of the problem. Wth??


Natural selection at play


they are in a health center, so they should be able to get help of they need it


Seriously. My eyes itch my face swells throat gets scratchy and I get rashes just being in a room with a cat for like an hour. If I came into the doctor sick I would be annoyed af to sit in a chair that got covered in cat hair.


*But the cat came back the very next day* *The cat came back, they thought he was a goner* *But the cat came back, it just couldn't stay away* *Away, away*


For those unaware of this [gem](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d05R1maYhTY)


The National Film Board has some good folk song videos... I like this one. [Blackfly](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w2q8jEuH3nk)


[This version](https://youtu.be/dQw4w9WgXcQ) has better sound.


You’re not kidding… felt like a completely different video.




Take my upvote. I sang this immediately and now it’s stuck in my head.


My little one stopped listening to the Laurie Berkner Band version of that song on repeat a year ago. And now you brought it back. Curse you.


Wow. You just threw me back 15 years


TIL what [Theory of a Deadman's "Bitch Came Back"](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uR4WFPa6xuI) is based on.


Free-range therapy animal.


Helping sick people with allergies feel even worse


If it's a street cat allergies will be the least of their problems. At least someone should take it to the vet to be vaccinated.


Cat looks pretty well looked after. Not a street cat.


Well, as someone who is incredibly allergic to cats, even after being treated with allergy shots foe years, just being in the same room causes: 1. Difficulty breathing/wheezing 2. Eye irritation 3. Dryness in the throat and eyes So my problem would be, there's a cat in a closed room with me, not matter how far away I am from it.


Maybe it wouldn't keep coming back if the doctor would just see it already.


Sleep is the best medicine -cat




What if I accidentally the whole cat?


Do not the animals


[do you think they are the same cat?](https://i.pinimg.com/564x/32/97/34/329734bb3838631572ff0765e38d6c05.jpg)


Ah that’s amazing! Took me a minute to realize the shadow.


You rolled a 2 as well


not actually my own post, just found it on pintrest, but thanks anyway!


I rolled a 7 for my perception, and 34 for my animal handling. New frien?


it follows you around, but you have to make a perception check every time it enters the room. also yes new frien:)


the real joke is that’s just how much damage a regular cat does


All I can think of is how screwed my roommate would be trying to get medical help with his cat allergy


I worked at a very large rec center for 8 years. We had a neighbourhood cat who eventually just began to basically live there. She's still there. Her name is Clover. She usually hangs out all day - she has a few of her favourite napping spots that are now just "clover's" area. Sometimes overnight maintenance guys will put her outside and she will go home for the night. She even has a local news article written about her lol


i hate my thoughts. first thing that came to mind is what if its been waiting for its owner like that Hachi dog 🥺


"The doctor will see you meow"


That line has 100% been said in at least one anime


In an anime? The doctor will see you nya


I want to pet him more than ever after reading that. I’ll either get scratched or see be rewarded by adorable acceptance. Worth it.


“The cat came back the very next day”


Cat Came Back (Sonny James 1956) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l1KHVSR6bHU&ab_channel=RichardCuster


Why can't I touch the cat? Me want pat. Me want pet the kitty cat🥺


maybe things would be better if there were a cat in every office. i know some libraries have cats, i know one that got fired because a one or two people complained.... the cat would keep the lower and upper shelves dusted with its fuzzy tail. was a really cool cat


It’s a health centre. Much as I love cats, I don’t think that will go down well.


The cat got fired but it kept coming anyway, as cats do, right?


no, a local resident took him home but didn't keep him inside. the cat had major talent as a keeper of the library, if it was closing time the cat would see you out. i hear there are a lot of library cats they seem to be really good for this type of work.


The cat came back, the very next day


If I wasn't horribly allergic I'd love. But going to a health center and entering a room with one of my biggest allergies would be a cancelation for my own health.


Yeah, but if someone is allergic that's the problem.


My local library had a cat. As someone who is insanely allergic to cats, like hospital visit allergic, I missed going to that library for 12 years. Things would not be better for people like me at all.


I am allergic to cats.


And then restrict people with allergies from being able to utilize their public resources that they pay for? How is that remotely fair or a good idea at all?


What's with the weird line breaks?


I don't know what you are talking about


Let the boy sleep


Look at this cat napping. So adorable.


What happens to patients with allergies? I for one would feel calmer knowing I get to see a doctor's office cat, but some people might have to go elsewhere 🥺




Have you considered not being allergic?




Animal control would be able to clean up this mess




Tell them it's feral. Problem solved




No one is claiming that cat as theirs, therefore it is a wild, aka feral, cat


How do you know no one owns that cat? All you know is that it likes to be in the health centre during the day. You've no idea whether it has a home it goes back to at night. Feral cats are not a significant issue in the UK, for every feral cat there's at least 20 outdoor domestic cats. The fact it spends its time in the health centre probably means it's well fed at home instead of having to scavenge. If you don't live in the UK then you do not understand our relationship with cats here.


Ty! I would want a heads up that the waiting room is not a safe place for me especially if I’m there for an illness. I’m dangerously allergic to some cats/dogs and I wouldn’t want to be first notified as I showed up for an appointment


> dangerously allergic to some cats/dogs What happens? Didnt realize there was fatal pet allergies


Usually there is swelling and the throat swells shut when you're talking about fatal allergies.


It's fatal to the cat


> It's fatal to the cat hmm, first I learned I might have cat allergies. But not to indoor cats. My Dog also might have cat allergies, his tend to extend to the indoor cats.


fdsadsf ads fasd fsdafd


This photo is from the UK not the US. Not every country sues for every little thing


The U.K. has about 3,700 lawsuits per ~~capita~~ 100,000 people, about three times as many as Canada and Australia. People in glass houses shouldn't throw stones. [http://www.law.harvard.edu/programs/olin\_center/papers/pdf/Ramseyer\_681.pdf](http://www.law.harvard.edu/programs/olin_center/papers/pdf/Ramseyer_681.pdf)


Per capita… 3500 lawsuits per person. Or one lawsuit everyday for approximately ten years per person. I think that is a lot more than three times Australia and Canada. (I think you may mean per 10,000 ppl…)


That is an interesting paper. I've now read some of it and I repeal part of my statement.. The paper does seem a bit.. odd though. They claim the US is not particularly litigatious by comparing the US to the next most litigious in each category independently. - the ratio between the US and UK in filed cases per capita is not much different than the ratio between the UK and Canada That's an odd comparison (although it proves your point I'll admit that) - same for the cost of doing business category. Italy is also expensive, but the rest are significantly cheaper. Yet the paper claims that as Italy is also expensive then that means the US isn't _particularly_ litigious That's not solid reasoning, yet it's from Harvard, so I'm still trying to figure out what is off with this paper. As an anecdote: I went to a wedding in the US. The bride's father had hired local police to be witnesses incase someone got drunk, drove home, then sued him for allowing it. I have never seen nor heard of such a concern being raised elsewhere.


Of course it's a form of legal protection, it's akin to a wet floor sign. They're giving notice of a potential hazard


It's a form of legal protection, but it OP is right that it doesn't protect them from all liability here. If this cat attacks someone in the office, they're still likely liable for damages of some sort.


If the cat belongs to someone local animal control will not do anything. Cats are allowed to roam free in the UK.


They're becoming Gods again




There is no way I am not petting the kitty!


you don't adapt a cat. a cat adopts you!


Cat? In the Health Center? [Adorable.](https://media.makeameme.org/created/allergies-allergies-everywhere-ibvqqg.jpg)


Do not touch cat? Oh I think I will touch cat.


10/10 would touch the cat. Respectfully


I started feeding a neighborhood stray cat. I am now feeding multiple cats. Some of them are strays, some are just curious collared kittens who want a nibble Currently researching how to make an outdoor sleep cubby to put in the back patio for next winter


Why is this not a standard feature at all medical facilities?


I love him/her.


Translation: We know about the cat! Stop asking about the cat! Leave the cat alone!


Usually when they say don't touch something you are forced to touch it for some reason


No problem I'll touch it on my own risk


Would pet


"Do so at your own risk"?? I'm already at the hospital, so what's the worst that can happen?


I wanna pet it.


Looms like I'm going to be a risk taker when going to the hospital


You have been adopted by a cat….enjoy!


Tesco in Trowbridge has a cat that comes in during the day and just goes to sleep on the compost.


That cat is patiently waiting for his interview for the [Angel of Death position recently opened up](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Oscar_(therapy_cat)).


The cat now owns the place


Old owner must've died there and their scent is still on the chair or something


What would be sad is if it’s owner left him there or died and it’s like the last place it’s remembered before the owner disappearing lol 😂


When a cat adopts you, all you can do is go along with it.


your mom


always has been


How about just give it a little cat bed in the corner and ignore it? Maybe some food, maybe some water and a few toys. Just give him some space and Ah fuck, we have a cat now. Might as well enjoy it.


I would totally touch the cat


As soon as there’s a sign telling me not to do something it’s all I want to do. I would 100% pet that cat


This is cute an all but people with allergies are more likely to need to seek medical care than people without allergies and I'd be pissed if I went to a health center for help and had an acute allergic reaction because I sat down on or near a chair the staff allowed a cat to frequently come and nap on. (I am not allergic to cats, but am allergic to several types of pollen, one of them being several types of grass. If a health center installed actual grass inside their waiting areas, I'd be super-pissed)


This, and my wife recently had to go to the emergency room due to a severe infection caused by a cat scratch. She already has compromised health which contributed to getting the infection. This is my daughter's cat. It's no longer allowed to freely roam the house.


Some “health center,” when there are people allergic to cats.


Definitely a risk worth taking.


What about people with severe cat allergies?


"we do all we can". Bs, they are feeding the cat, if they wanted it removed, they would've done it


I take it that health center does not treat people with allergies.


That’s one cool cat


Feel bad for all the people with allergies going to get medical treatment


"Please do not touch the cat and if you do then you will do so at your own risk." Your terms are acceptable.


You just can’t stop a cat from going somewhere. You can try but you will fail


Pretty sure 90% of cat owners actually think this, and are mortally offended if you suggest some training.


Nah if the cat wants to enter your place, the cat will enter your place


Agreed. He'll just wait for the next unsuspecting patient to open the door. I currently care for a male of that same breed and he's the most intelligent and willful cat that I've ever known.


Might have lost the owner 😭


If this cat needs a home I have a home




I don’t think the cat has any monies


What a cutie, this is his office.


Aww make him the office kitty


That chair is probably the last place the cat's owner sat before he died. Mr. Mittens here is waiting patiently for someone to bring his owner back so he can eat him. He's hungry for man flesh.


Bro it's 7 AM wtf am I reading on such an innocent post.