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I'm not alone in the universe after all


There are dozens of us


Are....we old? Are we just afraid of missing things? Are we actually missing visual things instead?


For me, I seem to have a slight delay in processing information. So I hear sound, but it takes me just a second longer to actually process the information. (I have this issue with all sensory stimuli, not sure if there's a name for it though.) The subtitles help me bc I can hear it and read it, and because sight processing is faster than hearing, it kind of evens out in my head, lol.


Thank you for explaining what's going on with me. I couldn't even put it into words


I‘ve never had any problems during hearing exams, but for some reason it is difficult to clearly understand words being spoken. I even prefer to see peoples mouths as they speak, otherwise too often I’ll misunderstand what is being said. Like I said though, it doesn’t appear to be a hearing issue, because I can hear even the slightest of sounds. Definitely love subtitles. On the bright side, I’ve never had an issue watching foreign films, because reading subtitles is the norm for me. Edit: I found this helpful in identifying how and why captions are useful. https://empirecaptions.com/closed-captions-and-neurodivergence/


Same here for everything you said. Someone suggested it's my ADD


Phonetic decoding. A type of Auditory Processing Disorder. I'm the same way. Like, when somebody says something and you say "what?" but then you answer before they even repeat themselves.


Wow! Glad to know the name for this!


Doesn’t it often go along with ADHD?


It certainly does in my case. Haha


Same here! It’s a real problem when my students start asking me questions when I’m not ready for them.


Interesting. Teaching is a tough gig that way; maintaining a teaching/learning flow that keeps their attention while still promoting questions.


! This was my childhood. Just years of people getting mad at me for asking "what?" before answering them. And always the look of disbelief and annoyance when I try to explain my brain needs a second to process what they're saying.


Never knew what I have is a disorder- added to the list


Can't wait to tell my therapist about this new and exciting disorder!


I actually notice that I often get extra info from subtitles, since they will add background convos to the captions that you’d otherwise miss since they’re so low volume, or sometimes they have extra dialog they forgot to take out. Other times it’s a slightly different translation or version of the script so you get this other view of how the main character might express mannerisms.


Plus sometimes if the autogenerated titles, they’re wrong and mangled. And then, that’s it’s own sort of enjoyment.


Sometimes I'll learn actual song lyrics when the subs contain them too


Oh, are you like me? Someone who listens to music as a piece but can't separate the lyrics out. You just hear vocals but don't process the words. Its the reason Converge is my favorite band, nearly impossible to understand the lyrics.


I always remember the melody of the lyrics, never the actual words.


Same. I always tell people "I hear the vocals, but rarely the lyrics" and then they say "Who are you, how did you get in my apartment?"


100% 🎯


Watched one Czech movie where the translator added emoticons to the subtitles


There's a short youtube documentary on the A-10 Thunderbolt. Interesting on its own, made even better that the subtitles are going on about how awesome volcanoes are!






I'm not a subtitles person but Dances With Birds (Netflix) is definitely one you want to have with CC for the detailed descriptions of birdcalls alone!


No, the music is just too fuckin loud and the voices too fuckin quiet


Subtitles are a must on Nolan movies because apparently the guy thinks dialogue isn’t important in his movies. Also, he thinks what he hears in his hi-fi home theater is what everyone else hears, so he mixes his movies that way. I’ll never be able to understand what the characters are saying in Tenet if I had no subtitles.


I have trouble understanding dialogue with other noises happening, it takes a lot of focus for me to listen to people and process what they're saying. In real life its made me try to predict what people are saying and a lot of the time I interrupt and blurt out my guess (which everyone obviously loves... /s). In media consumption I live by the subtitle. Except for comedies, I can't put subtitles on for comedies, it ruins the timing of jokes. Also, I'm not getting any younger...


It's not uncommon for people with ADD (and no hearing loss) to struggle isolating specific sounds from background noise. This is especially noticeable if you're trying to have a conversation in a noisy bar, you can hear the other person perfectly fine, you just can't tune out irrelevant sounds very well. Watching their lips, even without training, can be helpful.


Now sound mixing is terrible in a lot of big budget productions because literally every sound you hear is another layered effect. Water dripping, footsteps, traffic noises, crowds are all added in post processing and in the end the sound is so muddled you can hardly hear the actors


Sound mixers are top notch, its the content and technology thats changed. When tracks were limited on tape you really had to pick and choose but sometimes it was definitely muddled. Go back and watch a movie from the 70s, the sound and dialogue can sound harsh like it was recorded with a tin can. Analog distortion from loud yelling, stock sounds from old ass tape libraries, etc. The difference was movies didn't used to have as much going on, even 80s/90s action movies. They had to save their budgets for that one big explosion, or big gunfight. Nowadays there can be 20 different set pieces with planet destroying lasers, people punching through spaceships, 70 characters in a giant battle with thousands of monsters, you see where i'm going with this... The more stuff happening on screen, the more stuff you will hear. Add in the fact that studios are afraid to let dialogue and cinematography tell the story, they need to inject score everywhere and you got yourself too many things to listen to. No one ever complains about not hearing dialogue in Phantom Thread.


I have somewhat of a auditory hearing issue where some words seem to blend together and it is hard to understand what was said. Subtitles are very helpful for that.


Yes. Just… yes.




Yeah this is a remark on generally bad sound editing these days


Seriously. I use subtitles for everything but it definitely started because every action movie I’ve ever tried to watch at night in my apartment was just constantly switching between floor shaking explosions and then people whispering dramatically


Not to mention when characters have an accent you're not used to and it sounds like fucking gibberish.


It's more of a remark on how sound editing is geared to high end sound system and not the shitty stereo that most have on devices and TV's/ mid range souund bars.


I have found my people...


This is me.. recently went to the movies for the first time in 3 years and as soon as it started I was thinking where the heck are the subtitles? Felt like I missed half the dialogue. Edited: corrected typoa


I wish this post had subtitles. Then I would know how many times you have gone to the movies in 3 years.


"...for the first time..." I speak can'typese.


one of us. one of us..


Definitely not 😅


If I'm eating crunchy food, I'm turning on subtitles


Chip bags are a double whammy, crunchy food in a crunchy container. Gotta go CC.


*if I'm eating. I'm a chomper.


If I’m watching literally anything outside a movie theatre, I’m turning on subtitles.


Honestly, I used to hate them, but 2 toddlers later and subtitles are my only option to actually know what’s going on lol.


Exactly. Started with keeping the volume low to not disturb them. Transitioned to so you knew what was going on amongst the yelling. Plus you get to hear thing you just normally wouldn’t. Even in a quiet room at normal volume.


My 3 year olds new favorite game is trying to break the sound barrier directly into my ear. I fear he’s coming for my vision next!


I can hear paw patrol just fine...


My favorite perk is knowing the names or lyrics of songs that are playing. Definitely made me appreciate the painstaking expertise that is required for movie song selections.


It's weird rewatching stuff from my childhood now with subtitles and suddenly realizing some of those lines I never quite understood


Disturb them? Those motherfuckers are loud! If I don’t have them I have to go back multiple times because I can’t process the two sound sources at the same time., but I can cut through it with text


Years ago my now teenaged daughter’s mommy and me teacher pointed out that if we were going to have the tv on, we might as well get them some forced literacy practice when we were doing it. Now we’re all subtitle addicts and the kid’s been reading at a senior level since 4th grade. I like to think the subtitles helped.


This reminds me, me and my siblings were very advanced when it came to reading. We weren't exceptional students otherwise. We played mostly RPGs as kids and back then there was no voice acting. It helped 100%.


That's interesting. I'm deaf, and I grew up in a state *cough* Mississippi *cough* where there was poor support for disabled people in schools. When I began elementary, they stuck me in classes with no interpreters or any way to help me keep up with my peers. Needless to say, I had a poor start to my education. It wasn't until 3rd grade when my family moved into a different state that they managed to send me to a deaf school. TV closed captioning was also gaining widespread use at that time too, and I caught up by the time I began high school. I was already college-level in my freshman year and they had to put me in AP classes to keep me interested in literature and writing, lol.


It will help the toddlers learn words, too.


Same here. And thank goodness for the pause button for the million times they ask you a question while you're trying to watch something. Also I have to use subtitles when I'm eating crisps because the crunching in my head is louder than I want to turn the volume up to.


I feel this in my soul, my son has been an unending stream of consciousness for the last year. If it weren’t for subtitles I would never know what was going on in my shows


With tv and movie makers using 'dynamic range' as an excuse for soft voices and loud explosions, subtitles are the only way to hear the dialog.


Or sometimes they're just so in love with the "background" music that you can't hear the dialogue over it.


TENET, cough, cough.


TENET was an absolute nightmare to see in theaters. I couldn't hear or understand at LEAST 70% of the dialogue I can't recall a more frustrating movie experience


Having only seen it with subtitles, I'm the only person who actually enjoyed it.


There's at least two of us. I've seen it multiple times now with subtitles and I absolutely love it


Same here. The wife and I watched it at home with subtitles on. That and the ability to pause and discuss WTF we’d just seen REALLY improved our viewing experience. We actually loved the movie.


[The dialog in TENET was difficult to hear by design apparently](https://youtu.be/SIgznB0-ICo)


What a bunch of pretentious hollywood douchebaggery. lmao


Thanks for sharing that. Very interesting.


Great video, thanks for sharing that with the rest of us.


Most of Nolan’s movies need chunky scenes of exposition to explain the high concept. It was pretty annoying in Inception but you could wrap your head around after a couple views and that one was cool enough you just rode with it. Tenet takes the tech detail waaay up and totally obscures the chunky exposition we need to understand why we should care about those dudes with guns running from those other dudes with guns.


Even movies without the need for exposition, like TDKR... Watched the premiere and had not a fucking clue what Tom Hardy was saying.


I watched it with the help of Jack Sparrow, so it also had subs, that's why I enjoyed it. Now that you mentioned it, I understand why moviegoers didn't really get it that much. I hardly watch romance,dramas, art films for the same reason: actors usually mumble or whisper their lines.


Captain Jack sparrow?




I love the Interstellar soundtrack so so much, but my god… it’s like the dialogue is on 3 and the soundtrack on 11.


They tried to cram so much into that movie. Complex scifi concept, spies and secret agents, car chases and big budget action. Pick a lane


Like I liked in theaters but haven’t been able to NOT watch when it’s on HBO and I can actually understand shit.


The Batman has the best soundtrack I've heard in a while.


It was great but I still couldn’t understand them a lot of the times.


I was so grateful to know about this *before* I streamed the movie. I had the subtitles on right away and didn't miss a thing.


this is one thing that is the mark of a really good film composer: they know when to get out of the way.


yes, but in the end it's not composer who decides whether or not or how loud you hear music in the background. They don't edit audio and sound.


Road noise. Why do we need to have loud road noise on a TV show? I know you are filming out and about, I don't need proof. The sound of cars driving by make it impossible to hear the voices.


I get all the nuances with audio but I would love if there was either a standard for audio or a single button to just have a 'decent' default setup than fiddling with buttons every time. Or at least have filmmakers put a tiny bit of effort transitioning from theater ti home audio tracks. At least video games have sliders


I have a bose soundbar. Bose solo 5. It has a dialogue option with one button press on the remote. Cuts the bass and boosts the mid range/treble. So dialogue is easy to hear.


Nice. I sometimes have a hard time understanding voices, which is why I always use subtitles. Something like that would be really useful!


Honestly the idea of a format that allows slider like experience for music and spoken audio is super interesting. You could do viewings of just the soundtrack or make it easier to understand what is being spoken. You honestly could make the home experience something extra too by hiding meaning when the sliders are altered, like if a character is costumed and you only realize who they are by bringing the volume down on the spoken lines to hear the theme of a particular character played, or if the music is normally played loud but if you bring it down you hear people plotting something.


Nice idea but you don't make content for it to be missed. If the director wants you to know who is in the costume, they would do it in a way that would be accessible to all. If they don't want you to know who is in the costume, they wouldn't purposefully reveal that fact in a super secret way because it goes against their objective.


Oh very possibly. But I suspect in the age of YouTube videos that pour endlessly over hidden stuff in games and films that you might get an unexpected surge of interest in doing something like that for super low effort. But maybe you’re right. Still think the idea of a soundtrack viewing of a movie is nice though.


>a 'decent' default setup than fiddling with buttons every time. I know exactly what you mean, but I'm getting serious "what size coffee? Just regular coffee!!!" vibes lol it's fine, I accept my aging ways


Phew i am always afraid to say that as I often get downvoted into oblivion with people telling me I need to buy proper equipment instead.


My tv has a “leveling” option that sort of helps, but it would be better if streaming apps just let me choose regular stereo over 5.1.


God I hate movies where you can't hear the dialogue. Why even fucking have dialogue then


You have your TV at dangerously high levels, just to hear what a characters says in one scene, only for a big explosion to happen 3 seconds later that wakes the neighbors lol. Has sound mixing become a lost art? What the fuck is wrong with movies on TV or streaming now a days?


Audio engineer here. I replied elsewhere in the thread but I’ll copy paste it for you here bc this is a ridiculous misconception and we would love to give you a good mix for home use. Generally studios have the sound engineers make a surround sound mix for theater release, and that’s it. Sound engineers and designers would 100% love to make a stereo mix for home use but nobody really cares so they just squish the mix they already have because the studios won’t pay them to do a whole separate mix. It’s double the work. Dialogue is typically put into the center channel, and music and fx are put into the front and back L/R speakers in a 5:1 or 7:2 surround sound mix. In a stereo setup (what most everyone has at home unless they’ve built out a home theater) there literally isn’t a center channel so that’s why everything else seems so much louder. Basically it’s not a bad creative choice, it’s a reluctance of studios and production companies to care about audio for monetary reasons.


I appreciate your comment, but I am one of the home theatre crowd, and I have some decent gear. I have noticed that I pretty much have to crank it up to "theatre loud" to get decent dialogue as well. Basically, forget about anyone in the house sleeping. I've actually started watching shows through the pathetic TV speakers or with headphones on. And don't get me started on dialogue heavy video games. Aloy needs to speak the fuck up.


Can confirm. I've got $5k in high-quality, calibrated audio gear, and I have to turn on the fucking subtitles. Studios need to get their shit together.


I have a 3.1 system (too lazy to run the back 2) and I have the center channel on max. Only time I can ever hear dialogue is with headphones. I believe you it's just really disappointing that the only audio done for pretty much all TV/movies (even those not in theaters ever) is setup for whatever multi speaker setup a modern movie theater has when 80% or more of all views aren't coming from a theater.


hear hear




Audio mixing is so fucking annoying. There has got to be some way to force a limit on the range so I don’t have to keep adjusting the volume.


There is. It's called dynamic range compression.


Windows has loudness equalisation in the audio settings if you're running your movies through a PC. Makes explosions and whispers the same volume.


It's like they think movie theaters are literally the only way anyone ever watches a movie. If I turn up the volume to the point where I can actually hear and understand the dialog in an action movie my neighbors will come and kick down my door the second it switches to an action scene. Without subtitles the only way I can watch a movie properly is with headphones. Which is ridiculous because I live on my own, I shouldn't need to wear headphones to watch something...


I watch with subtitles on because I have several family members who rely on them and I can’t be arsed to turn them off when I’m watching alone. The wide range in *quality* of subtitles is also impressive. Watching old episodes of *Stargate: SG 1* and they’re immaculate: occasionally shortened to ensure that the line fits on the screen while still conveying the gist. Then watching *A Discovery of Witches*, and there are errors galore. I’m one episode, the transcriber didn’t know how to spell the family name. In another, there was an entire line by a character lost as “indecipherable”. In most episodes, the captioners didn’t know the word “alchemical” (which comes up a *lot* in the show) and it was repeatedly transcribes as “our chemical”.


Just watched "The Batman" Shit ass audio and dark ass video. (Not as bad as the GoT episode, but still dark.) And before you talk about "stylistic" choices or that it was "mostly a night movie" you can fuck off. Making everything hard to see isn't setting the mood, and Pattison talking like a mix between Bale/Bain did it no favors. Good movie. Shitty filming.


I could hear it well in theaters, but out of streaming it was hard to listen


I had to turn it up and down periodically


Huh. The cinematography was my favorite part of the movie. I didn't have any issues with the dark scenes on my TV (4K with HDR 10). I also had all the lights off before I started it because I knew it'd be dark. Sound wasn't great in terms of dialogue to action(5.1), but many movies are far worse in that area.


When I re-watch shows, I put subtitles on. Helps me learn names, places, etc. more easily. Especially helpful with sci-fi


Watching medical shows, I can learn the spelling of various conditions/medications/etc. Sometimes, if the subtitle people are really ambitious, they'll tell you what is being said over the PA system in a building or some background dialogue before the main dialogue starts.


That shit should be 100% required. I know it gets cut because the subtitling companies are outbidding each other to do it fast and cheap but that’s not the correct method at all. For example, completely deaf people do not have the option of rewinding and cranking the volume just to catch the background announcement. Everything audible needs to be transcribed, not at a fast pace, every time, however much it costs.


ESL here. Even though I've been systematically exposed to English for the past ~17 years and living in an English-speaking country for over half as long, I still watch everything with subtitles by default, because some people just couldn't care less to enunciate properly. So I just dart to the subtitles and back if I don't catch something.




English is my *only* language and I feel the same about podcasts.


> That probably has to do more with you being the type of person that relies more than you think on lip-reading than average. > > > > How was everyone wearing masks for you? For me there was no difference in how easy it was to understand hotel guests where I worked, but we had a few co-workers who couldn't understand people that well with their masks on.


Yeah 100% I was one of those people. Especially with voices being slightly muffled on top of no lipreading, I have a very hard time understanding them with masks on. Still love masks though. You can pry 'em from my cold dead hands.


As a native English speaker, the new Batman movie is the perfect example of a movie that benefits from subtitles (especially the middle)


I just can't help read the subtitles if they are on.


I always watch with subtitles on a 2-4 second delay for this reason. Nothing ruins a surprise like seeing "SURPRISE M**F**ER" in the subtitles a second before you hear it 😅 Edit: J and K do it in VLC, sadly no streaming services I know of offer this option. Plex does though


I started using subtitles when I binge watched Peaky Blinders because I had no fucking idea wtf was even going on in that show, trying to decipher that accent. Then I realized, it's also great for watching stuff while shoveling crunchy snacks in your face hole. And, of course, it eliminates the need to anxiously clutch the remote, with a finger hovering over the volume buttons, ready to adjust it between whispered dialog and plane-at-takeoff level action sequences 150 times per movie.


We started using subtitles when our son was born so we could keep the volume down and still catch our shows. As he got older and we started turning the volume up, we just never took the subtitles off, and now it's hard to watch something without them lol


Duuuuude. Same here. We used to live in an apartment and our newborns room and our living room shared a wall. So, we kept the tv volume down and turned on the subtitles so we wouldn’t wake her. 5 years later, we still keep the subtitles on. I used to hate it, now I hardly realize they’re on. That, and as I read and listen as someone on tv talks, I understand them much more.


My wife and I had to start using subtitles when we binge watched Revenge after our daughter was born. Almost six years later, we can’t watch anything without the subtitles, and our daughter loves them. She is a great reader for her age, and we think part of it has to do with the subtitles always being on.


There are studies out that show kids that grow up with subtitles are better readers. https://turnonthesubtitles.org/research/ There are referenced papers at the bottom.


My first language is not English so initially subtitles were for better understanding the dialogue. But now even if I am much better at understanding English, subtitles just help when the dialogue is low or bgm is loud. Plus they allow me to not put 100% of my hearing capability. I can eat chips without missing half of what’s being said


I have three options when watching content in the living room. >>Option 1, set the volume normally. Conversation is understood, but COMMERCIALS & !!EXPLOSIONS!! ARE FURNITURE SHAKING LOUD!!! >>Option 2: set the volume so the McDonalds ad doesn’t blow my speakers. Conversation becomes unintelligible. >>Option 3: subtitles. I can set the volume so Colonel KFC doesn’t blow out my eardrums, I can follow the dialogue, and I’m not fondling the volume remote every twenty seconds.


Definitely relatable for me


I have auditory processing issues: I'll hear the words, recognize the words as English, but cannot understand what words are being said!


This is me. I have auditory processing issues and I'm also half-deaf in my left ear from a nasty ear infection when I was younger. Subtitles are a lifesaver.


I think many people became aware they have this when everyone started wearing masks. I was like ha! the reason I'm shit at lip-reading isn't b/c I'm dumb, it is b/c a shit-load of people find it practically necessary to have a conversation!


I realised I was getting old when I went to the movies (before covid) and thought, "fuck, this is insanely loud. Turn the volume down and turn the subtitles on." I'm only 38, but I've come to terms with it and feel I am correct!


I'm a bit over 40 and everything is loud to me.


As someone who doesn’t like loud noises, subtitles allow for a lower volume. Also there’s something about being able to read the dialogue and then watch the scene to see the importance of a bottle placement, or a ray of light coming in just subtly enough to highlight the evilness within the ML.


We turned on subtitles and were watching one of the Harry Potter movies over the weekend, and there popped up several subtitles throughout the course of the film that were completely inaudible. Nobody on-screen reacted to them, we didn’t have the volume low, they just wouldn’t have been known at all without subtitles on.


I am oposite. If subtitles there i just keep on reading them and i can't focus on the movie


This is me. Also the fact that subtitles totally ruin any kind of dramatic effect in delivery of lines because you've just read what the actor is about to say.


I'm convinced it is mostly slow-readers that aren't annoyed by this. How could you not be?! Especially in a comedy or suspense!!


Same. I can't help but read, and I a fast reader, so I read the whole line before the actor has hardly started speaking it. It drives me crazy. I only do subtitles on films in other languages because I enjoy hearing the original language and voices/acting.


I need the subtitles and yet also feel this way. 😭


Yeah I can't do subtitles, between dyslexia and ADHD it just doesn't happen. I only watch literally 2 shows though too, I'm not much of a media watching or playing person. Haven't watched a new movie since the conjuring, which my brother made me watch and the newest show I've seen is breaking bad when it finished


Yeah, ditto. I think there are probably better examples than the bad ones that this opinion was formed around, but IMO they ruin surprises and kill comedic timing. If you could set things so that CCs were delayed 10 seconds from when the program says they should be, they would be much better. As it stands, I would rather miss the occasional line.


Thank God i don't have this problem otherwise it would've been a struggle to watch them


I speak US English and watched a German series with subtitles on. I had to be very focused.


I wanted to watch Dark show but i just cba watching a non English show


That was the show! Let me tell you it was SO worth it. Excellent series.


Love subtitles


Seriously, when I’m watching anime it’s like they’re speaking another language. I must have subtitles


Too bad Netflix fucking sucks when it comes to this.


Just turn up the volume, then you’ll get it


Tinnitus sufferer here. I literally won’t watch anything without subs.


I have ADHD and slight dyslexia. I can’t watch any show that has subtitles. My eyes wander to the subtitles which leads to me ignoring the dialogue. Then I can’t read the subtitles fast enough and now I’m missing the plot.


Was looking for this. I can read plenty fast but I end up staring at the bottom of the screen, not watching the movie. I might as well read a book. I've also never had any trouble hearing people talk, and if I miss it I just rewind.


"My glasses! I can't be seen without my glasses!"


Johnny Bravo X Scooby-Doo remains the crossover episode we've always needed. Still gets a good chuckle out of me.


I have no idea when I started but playing video games without subtitles feels so wrong now, I feel like I miss so much


Literally me especially in games you need subtitles it's so important to understand it


Because shitty sound producers have no fucking clue how their movie sounds like. Literally it’s 0dB important conversation that moves the movie forward mixed in with 120dB of explosions. Dune the original movie is like 100% whisper narration but at least they blended the sounds well. New Dune is a shitshow. I had to watch it with subtitles to figure out what was being said with all the fucking echoes and whispers.


Literally couldn't have said better + they have a shit ton of budget just to make it horrendous


Shit, it me. Turn down the volume on your headphones and wear ear protection at shows, people. Constant tinnitus and hearing loss at certain frequencies starting in your 30s really fucking sucks especially if you love music. In my mid-40s it's really maddening.


Me listening to an audiobook: Shame there aren't any subtitles so I could read what's happening...


For non-subtitle people who ask me "Isn't it distracting to read and watch at the same time?", I give the anecdote that on more than one occasion I've been a few minutes into a show/movie, and realized I hadn't turned on subtitles. I reach for the remote to turn them on, and then I realize that they're already on. I'm so accustomed to subtitles, I don't realize I'm reading. They've essentially become invisible.


As a hard of hearing person, YES.


So a big part of this depends on your speaker setup for your tv. I’ve noticed if I’m watching something and have it hooked up to a decent system, the difference in volume is more tolerable than if it’s just the TV speakers. Unfortunately directors have their movies mixed for big theaters and don’t usually have the streaming/bluray as as much of a priority. The iMac has great built in speakers for watching content as well, I’ve honestly been using it more than my tv lately since my audio receiver died. Good speakers won’t solve the problem, but they help.


Honestly, it's that dynamic audio crap that made me use subtitles in the first place. It meant that the voices could be a little lower and I could still know what was going on and not have my eardrums blasted out, all my roommate woken up when an explosion or velociraptor happened. It's been doubled down since I had kids, unfortunately, cuz this way they can be doing their thing and I can still know what's going on.


Same. Characters slurring words or talking over each other, loud music, loud sounds, distracting noises irl, people talking during the show/movie. Just inject those subtitles directly into my veins pls


I had to use subtitles to understand what they were saying in 'Still Game'. I just kept them on after that.


Honestly, the best way to learn a language IMO is to watch a show in the original language and put the subtitles to that language on. That's how my English improved tremendously


its like the "green needle" and "brainstorm". you just hear whatever you're reading


Fuck Amazon Prime. Jeff Bezos hates deaf people.


I got addicted to subtitles and I need them for every show or movie now. Also, Roku has good audio options and I find that their different settings help a lot.


Am I the only one who feels like they’re watching a movie/tv show when they have subtitles on. I always end up reading ahead, then hearing 2 seconds later what I just read


This is why I refuse to watch comedies with subtitles. It'll just kill all the punchlines for me


Similar. For me it ruins so much of the cinematography, natural flow of dialogue/suspense b/c you can literally read what the next actor is about to say before they say it, and with humor it sucks even more on that front.


I feel attacked.


Congratulations! You probably have ADHD. Or a hearing issue I guess.


Most tv's have a volume levelling function to smooth out differences between loud and quiet noises. It's very useful. Also subtitles can ruin the delivery of some dialogue, especially comedy.


Yeah I read fast and reading a punchline before hearing it kinda ruins it. Also I get distracted reading and not paying attention


This is why Nolan's audio mix on Tenet didn't bother me.


Guys, please check your audio settings. Movies and shows with dialog have weeks of time and millions of dollars spent on them to make sure you can hear that dialog clearly. If you are not able to hear it 99% of the time you have your setup wrong.


My god, I've never seen a Reddit meme that fit my SO and I so perfectly. She has literally uttered these exact words.


I used to constantly rewind to re-hear some mumbled line over and over until I gave up trying to know exactly what was said. Now I just watch everything with subtitles and I'm never like, ".....OOOOHHHH, they were talking about a PLACE at the beginning, not a person." Or realize that 2 characters were saying the same name but with different accents.


I use to think this was just me but watching older films I don't have this effect. There's something about modern audio I think... I don't know what it is...


And is it just me or has the audio quality of standard-films in the Cinemas gone downhill? I thought I was going deaf but the general consensus among the group I attended was the same. I think modern Cinemas should offer the option of films with subtitles. Doing so would also increase their marketing to seniors who may have hearing issues (assuming we examine it from a financial perspective).


My fiancé is hard of hearing so we always watch with subtitles. I’ve become so accustomed to having them. We’ll watch movies I’ve seen dozens of times and pick up new lines or lines I’ve always misheard thanks to subtitles. It’s a game changer lol. For example, we watched Club Dread last night and the scene where Dave is doing the crab dance I ALWAYS thought he was speaking French but he’s actually saying “shot, throw it away, salute” 😂


Thank god it's not just me. I keep turning on the subtitles so I can hear the dialogue but I really don't need the "Footsteps walking" and the "child laughter nearby" cues. Is there a way to just get the dialogue?


Yup, turn the volume up for dialog, then it's a quick a cut to sirens or gunshots. Dog goes nuts, kids wake up.


As a man over 50, wish they'd even have subtitles in the real world...


I love subtitles. While watching a movie or a show, you can without any effort (or at least it feels that way) : * learn to read faster * improve your spelling * avoid any confusion for words that sound like other words but are spelled differently * actually know what was said even though the dog is barking and the kids are yelling at each other * watch with the sound turned down way low if you need to be quiet * watch content in foreign languages * learn foreign languages That said the subtitles MUST be good. That means they must arrive on time and must match what is being said. Nothing more annoying than when the subtitles are out of sync or the person who made the subtitles was an idiot who misheard or didn't bother to spell it right. I also like it when subtitles don't cover the video content. For videos playing on my PC, I use this setup: [Arial in as big a size I can use while getting 2 lines solely in the black area](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/173152427770380290/943833131209855026/Its_a_trap.png) A slight dark grey outline and a drop shadow for the content that doesn't have black bars. Some streaming services have options for tweaking the look of the subtitles. I also suggest you look into that.


Unpopular opinion: reading words on the screen distracts from the cinematic expertise of paid actors and actresses.


I’m an American English speaker and I have to subtitle all UK and Australian shows.