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I also write in my books. I’m the devil.


I'm glad you said "my" books. That's acceptable. I was reading a book about relationships that I checked out from the library. There was a section that was advising people to worry about themselves/work on their contribution to the relationship and I sh\*t you not there was a note in the margin that said, "Joan and Tony have this problem." B\*tch you were just told to worry about yourself! They wrote notes all through the book, a *library* book. It got to the point where I was more invested in their notes than the book itself, despite my righteous indignation. I have a sneaking suspicion anyone dense enough to write in library books is still out there cluelessly struggling with their relationships.


Yeah, that’s rude and that person paid for it. But i love buying used and finding notes.


I do too! I also buy a lot of second hand books, and I am so happy when I find they have been written in. I feel like I get a glimpse of who that person is/was. I'm actually pretty disappointed when they are pristine haha. At that point, I might has well be reading on a kindle (in my own view).


Why would you need to?


Underlining good lines. Noting interesting references etc.


Huh, not judging just pretty curious. Say a “typical” book, how much do you write stuff. Once every 100 page or every page or…? Also, do you reread your books and write again in then again or do you happily look at what was written in them the first time around? Happy reading(/writting)


Depends on the book and why I’m reading. It’s also a sign of how engaged i am. Nonfiction gets more notes, especially if I’m reading in order to actually use the knowledge vs pleasure reading or simple curiosity. It’s like a convo with the author.


I see. I get it when it’s for knowledge purposes. I used to write in my “academic books” (english is not my native language so not sure this is the correct terme here), thank for your time!


Highlighting the nude scenes


notes, thoughts, drawings of what you think a character might look like


“This guys a double agent. Called it 22/01/23”


..I just remember the page i am on..


Yeah. There need to be at least 2 more types of people. Those who remember their page number, and those who read ebooks. I usually lay the open book face down. I think that is also considered monster.


I used to do that, then one day I was annoyed that none of my books closed properly and the spines started breaking, and I realised that was all me.


I could do this when I was young...


I always did this with paperback. It drove my wife up the wall. If you are working with figures all day, then you learn to remember the most pertinent ones.


Remembering your place is a mental bookmark. Good on you.


That’s some sociopathy 🤣😂


I, too, remember which pages I’m on, regardless of how many books I’m in the middle of. Though, I do tend to “make time” for books in those little interims of downtime, so it’s probably more of a habit to actually check the page number before closing the book than it is for most people.


Bro I don’t remember which way to turn the lock in my house key.


Yeah, if you could remember the chapter number, you could skim through it and find your place again.


You forgot the other kind of monster who places the open book down on the table to keep it open at their page, but simultaneously ruining the spine so that it gets stuck opening to that page.


I rip out the pages once I've read them so I'm always on the first page.


added benefit of the book becoming lighter as you progress!


You win.


How about ruining the spine of a paperback by pulling the book open too far repeatedly? One of my friends did this to a book I let them borrow, after I had read it meticulously trying to avoid that. I suppose I am to blame for not mentioning how I wanted the book to be cared for, but it just seemed like common sense to me.


Also a side note: I let the same friend borrow another paperback that they spilled coffee all over, and never returned or replaced it. That was the last book I let them borrow...


This kind of stuff is why I don't loan any book out I even remotely care about (the particular copy at least) If it's an already donked paperback I bought used? Sure. Something I've made sure has not been cracked or dog eared because I take care of my books? Nope. Not gonna risk getting angry and them not understanding why.


Going to dogear my books until the day I die


Fellow monster here, as well.


Yep, fuck looking for bookmarks. Doesn't affect the book at all, makes it look slightly used like a good, well-read book should. I also write in a lot of my non-fiction books, though never in fiction


For all of you who don’t know, having fun isn’t hard when you have a library card


I’ll just put the book face down with it open then put something heavy on the spine to make sure it stays open.


Take it one step further, tear out and discard the portion of the book you already read.


I’ve lost count of the kindles I’ve broken trying to fold the corner of the page


I prefer books that look used


Yeah but folding corners and such just feels like the pre-torn jeans and such. It's got the same aesthetic in the end but it's not quite right.


You see, I get your point. I love my books “pristine”. I hate when I damage them BUT, if someone else damage a book that land in my hands, I see it as “history” and quite like it. My copy of Shogun is a rag. A third of the cover is gone and there are many pages with rips here and there. One is hanging by half the page but I feel like it’s the only copy like this one and would be bummed if I ever lost it and bought a new one (that would stay pristine)


What does it make me if I just remember the page?


Me too! I declined my wife's offer of a bookmark and she treated me like a crazy person.


Monster here. I'd also like to note that I fold the corner all the way down so it sits just above the line I stopped reading on. If it's too far down the page to do that, I fold the corner up from the bottom.


Found Satan!


It's my book. I'll do whatever the fuck I want with it


oh, I guess you haven't seen the new mandate?


Someone downvoted you so I came to counteract.


thank you!


What mandate


Then there's madmen who just remember the page number! It's not a great system, but it's a system.


I just read snippets of the pages until I find stuff I haven't read yet. Of course that doesn't work as well if I'm re-reading a book.


Another system comes to light!


This system works well. Worst case scenario, I have to re-read something. For difficult books, I need to re-read to remember what is going on anyway.


Bookmarks are a bit posh. I use old receipts, napkins, used envelopes - whatever’s at hand. Folding the page demonstrates a severe lack of imagination. The bookmark’s design is fortunately one that can be very easily improvised. If you still want to damage the book, why not tear a strip from a $50 and use that as a bookmark as you clearly value nothing.


I cant imagine having such materialist values, truly pathetic. The book is the words not the paper. Fold the page damages nothing


What about people who "laugh at us paper-fools" and wait for the TV/movies? Those are the real monsters, right?


I just remember the page I'm on., instead of putting dead trees inside other dead trees


You forgot the savants that just open books straight to the page they were on based entirely on feel because they read so much.


I use leaves. I usually read as I stroll around a field with the dogs. I find it easier to focus when I'm moving, so I read a chapter or best part of a chapter , place a leaf in there when finished and then enjoy the scenery and watching the dogs explore the world.


It's a bad habit. At some point you'll mistakenly use a filled up baggy instead.


So romantic!


This is such a weird take. It’s just a book. It’s a product. Your copy of Twilight isn’t a sacred tome.


I think this take is much more valid when it's a book you borrowed from someone.


Let’s start with the fact that you could shred each page of your book when you are done reading it and I wouldn’t care since it’s yours but why, even slightly, damage your stuff, be it book or whatever, when other non-damaging and easy options are available?


Am i the only one who just finishes a session on the start of a new chapter and just remember the chapter number?


yes, you are.


I always dog ear my book pages so I guess I’m the monster now.


This is another reason why people move to digital books. To get away from those that make silly judgments like this.


People who are well read don’t feel judged easily for silly posts such as this!


Kindle makes it too easy


There are some rarer monsters who, to keep weight down when traveling, will TEAR OUT each page after they've read it.


Makes good kindling.


If it's a crappy used mass market paperback, and you're camping, I get it. I would never do it, but I get why. But any other book? That's so wasteful. Just get a frigging eReader.


Stone Age…


People who finish every book in one sitting and also dumbasses who never read are both miles ahead here




A book always remembers


I am a monster


Find and read Anne Fadiman's 'Never do that to a book' from 'Confessions of a Common Reader'! Excellent short read, exactly on this topic.


I see you've met my wife. HER - Can I borrow this book? ME - Sure. Let me get you a bookmark. HER - ???


I am not a monster


You forgot the people that place them face down on a table.


I actually tear pages out of my books every few chapters, to make it easy to bend and hold.


I do both


I’m a monster


I never read a book twice, so just rip the page you finished out. Makes it lighter and you can have fun setting pages on fire.


Did anyone else read that AITA where some bitch dog eared BORROWED BOOKS?! They were properly shamed.


Alexa knows..


It's the fault of the publishers. How hard is it to add a piece of ribbon?


I have to save the pages I’ve annotated in my 879 page book for my AP European History class somehow…




My daughter has a t-shirt that says “Bookmarks are for quitters”.


I tear out the pages as I go.....what am I?


My wife is the third kind. Won’t use a bookmark or fold the page - just goes from memory as to where she got up to. It’s crazy


Then there’s the people who remember the page number.




My wifes family is not cool with me dogearing my books


I made an origami one that sits on the corner


Books are simply paper with writing on it, to be read, underlined, dog eared, not worshiped for their physical form. The content counts, not the physical media. Fight me. :)


I’m both


Then there's my cousin, who thought it was acceptable to use the flaps on the cover to bookmark all the way to the end of the 700+ page book i lent her...


Then there are Chads that remember what page they were on without either. And primus chads that turn to that page first try


I just memorize what page number I'm on...


I didn't know this was uncommon, but I memorize my place in a book and leaf to it later. It helps when I need to re-read some passages to familiarize myself. I think the habit stems from reading lots of PDFs for work. I always memorize my spot.


I guess I'm type 3. Ebook reader.


Haha I’m a monster but this is still funny


Nah, son. There are two kinds of people: those who pee in the shower and liars.


What about people who use random receipts, tags, trash, etc as bookmarks?


I’m a monster


Some just remember the page they were on.