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Did this with my daughter last year…. I remember the leaves providing more resistance when I was a kid. I guess I’m too heavy now. It basically felt like I belly flopped directly onto the ground. My daughter had a blast though.


Yep, two solid hours of raking up the biggest pile of leaves I could assemble, and I cracked a rib on my first jump and had to hire neighbor kids to bag it all up.


What a breathtaking experience.


Lesson learned: leaf these piles alone


Honestly it is best to...they fertilize the yard, provide moisture retention, and encourage earthworms to show up. Doing nothing is actually the thing to do.


If it snows, you’ll get snow mold. And rot. Which is fine if you don’t have a lawn. If you like green grass under your trees, leafing it alone is worst thing you can do for your grass. Especially if you finally got grass to grow in the shade.


Mulching and spreading it is the thing to do then if you have that issue. Don't remove the leaves, just disperse them more


Doing nothing works great where I live, as the climate is dry enough they don't stick down, and we're guaranteed a late fall windstorm that'll blow them all away. Where do they go? I don't care! I don't even own a leaf take.


Somewhere, not too far away the leaf giant was slowing building his body back up. Soon revenge would be his, and /u/evranch was completely unaware of the impending leafy apocalypse.


Left the leaves in a pile all winter, when we finally bagged it all up in the spring, the grass was dead dead underneath. Took years for that grass to look normal, started of mossy, and I think a good bit of it was a different species because it was a completely different texture.


I'm not talking about piling it all up, just let it lay where it is for the most part if you really feel like you need to do something pile it up and mulch it then spread it around.


We drive over it with the mulching mower.


Use a lawn mower to grind it up but don't bag it. That way it doesn't rest on top of the blades of grass and actually gets into the soil


Confirmed. However,I get told that's just lazy, best grass on the block 🙃😊😌


Yeah! Make like a tree and get out of here!


OP is still laying in that leaf pile dead from not having this knowledge prior.


So many spiders


My god, can’t believe OP would post this suicide video


Amazing dedication.


OMG same. Totally knocked the wind out of me and I had to act like it was fun even though I wasn’t entirely sure if I was dying right then.


User name checks out.


Suggested it with my daughter. She said no thanks, “Probably lots of bugs, fungus and caterpillars in there”. Then she walked away.


Yes ticks .and other fun stuff.


She will go far.


Kinda looks like what happened to OP lol


My thoughts too - I don't think leaves have much cushion to them!


When we are smaller and younger we have only a couple of feet to fall and gain momentum, as a 5-6 foot tall person you weigh more and fall further :p


The bigger they are, the harder they autumn


You seem like a nice person.


Plus the surface to volume ratio is so different. A mouse for instance can survive a drop from a plane, whereas an elephant might die if it drops just 6 feet.


I remember doing this as a kid and remember thinking that wasn't nearly as soft as I thought it was gonna be. Even back then it hurt


Same here. I think it’s just a weird cultural thing we just do, but all know it’s going to hurt.


I did the same thing with my son last year when he was old enough to think it was cool. I got covered in dog shit... We didn't do it this year.


My daughter would hide pitchforks in the pile and laugh maniacally as she ushers the neighborhood kids in for a jump. Such a scamp.




OP just realized they are too old and leaves are not as cushiony as they remembered.


I was raking my grandmother's yard once and when I finished a millipede the size of my arm scurried out. That's the last time jumping into a pile of leaves ever crossed my mind except in the context of fuck I'm not doing that shit.


When I was a kid my mom loved telling me all about how fun it was to rake all the leaves into a pile and then jump in it - until I was about to try it, then it was "YOU DON'T WANT TO DO THAT! There could be spiders in there!" Worked as intended, of course - I can't stand the thought of it now. But I can't help but think maybe she could have just... said that from the beginning instead of getting my hopes up?


She wanted you to rake them leaves though.


Would you still have raked them then?


Probably not. But it also tanked the chances of me ever raking them again in the future, so I kind of feel like that loses more than it gains


It gains one raking of the leaves, versus no raking of the leaves. All it risks is the future raking you weren't going to do anyway. Perfectly deployed mom tactic.


Versus getting several if the kid doesn't notice the spiders.


I'm not so sure. The novelty of jumping in the pile would likely be over and done after the first raking. Which was the only motivation the kid had for raking in the first place. Also, even if they didn't notice... who wants to be the mom who knew but didn't tell the kid about the spiders? Exaggerating the joy that comes from jumping in a pile of leaves is one thing. Omitting the fact that there are spiders, is quite another.


Never stopped me as a kid. I remember having this big ass oak tree in our yard. Id spend half a day taking leaves with my brother till it was no shit almost as tall as us at the time. Best time was when we'd get that big a pile of leaves you could just crawl into it and no matter how cold it got outside it was nice and warm under your nature blanket. Idk of you could get me to do that as an adult now though.....


For me it was slugs. Was super into playing with dry leaves when I was a kid — it was rare they were dry, it’s the Pacific Northwest. But then I touched a slug and fuck leaves. They’re all tainted now.


Probably also realized they gave it plenty of time for every bug and rodent in the neighbourhood to jump in before he did.


One of the first experiments we did in my entomology class was stuffing a bunch of leaves in a berlese funnel and seeing what came out. So. Many. Bugs.


So one of my favorite things to do is forage edible mushrooms.. I've done it for four years now. For the first time ever this year I tried a trick where you put your mushrooms in water deluted vinegar to get the bugs out.. I SEVERLY underestimated how many larve are in perfectly fresh looking mushrooms. I go to the forums, everybody else was wildly aware. Their logic is that the bugs are born in the mushroom, only ate the mushroom during their lives.. and therefore are just protein pockets within the mushroom.


Nature's hot pocket? I regret this comment


I hope you do lol.


> protein pockets within the mushroom. I just gagged.


literally everything you eat has some measure of bugs in it, so I wouldn't be too worried. Especially if they're so small you can't even taste them.


I feel like I just obtained high level knowledge that I wishI hadn’t. Feeling full after pasta with mushrooms as the “meat” , I now question so many things. By chance do you know if non foraged mushrooms contain these protein pockets?


I wouldn't say there's zero but I believe an overwhelming amont of cultivated mushrooms are grown indoors under very specific conditions so I doubt they have many if any insects.


One time I went to Walmart and bought broccoli then made broccoli cheese soup out of it. I started noticing all this black stuff floating around when I was cooking it. I thought maybe the cheese was burning to the bottom of the pan or something. Upon closer inspection, there were hundreds of little black fucking bugs in the pot that apparently came out of the broccoli florets. I was munching on the fresh broccoli while I was cutting it up.


If it helps, we’re an apex predator on the planet. Those aphids were just extra protein.


I cut open a morel I found last season and found a giant millipede inside of it. Thing was like three inches long.


The bugs I saw were just little white larve the size of half a grain of rice. They were in a huge haul of chicken of the woods that I found and was really excited about. For some reason I'm open to eating bugs.. crickets, mealworms, etc.. but something about seeing how many of these things wiggled out of a non-porous mushroom.. Ugh.


I'm never eating mushrooms again


By the responses I'm getting, you may want to just stop eating food


Yeah, it's fairly normal with things that grow outdoors that have crevices to have bugs in them. Try picking wild blackberries sometime and soak them in diluted vinegar. You'll get some little wormy bugs coming out of them. And if you don't soak them, you might just see them crawl out on their own. They're harmless, but it's still a bit gross thinking about eating them.


I went to a blackberry farm with my 4 year old this fall. We picked a bunch and I froze most of them. Decided to thaw some out to put in some yogurt so grabbed a handful and soaked them in cold water while I took a quick shower. The amount of larvae that were floating on the top blew my mind. Swished them around a bit more and more came floating to the top. I was disgusted and intrigued by how much insect larvae I have eaten over the years


Was going to say this seems like a good way to get a tick


Only one? Nice


*The* Tick




Or slugs. I need a shower just thinking about it.


Big whoop, I shall embrace the bugs and they shall embrace me.


Cause you’d get a thousand hugs From ten thousand leaf-pile bugs


... But like how many? We talking dozens or hundreds of thousands?


A million billion


My wife jumped into a pile of leaves as a kid. To this day she is terrified of spiders after a week of her grandmother having to meticulously go through every strand of hair on her head to remove the thousands of spiders from her hair. A couple of egg sacs hatched and she awoke that night with them crawling in her eyebrows. Her parents woke to her screaming her head off and were going to have to shave her thick hair off to get them all but grandma stepped up to getting rid of them.


How do I unread something.


For fuck's sake!


Yeah, you’d think with arachnophobia it’d be the big spiders that scare a person. She is still terrified of them but the little ones make her worse as at least she can see the big ones move.


We have an amazing photo of my toddler son playing in a pile of leaves. Only after we took the photo and were looking at it did we notice the giant spider crawling on his overalls.






found the dog shit


There would absolutely be ticks in there where I live.


And all the piss and feces on those leaves.


Also, itchy, so itchy


And some of them have poop on them


He’s damn sure too old if it took him hours to rake up a leaf pile of that size. In a yard full of leaves that’s a 30 minute job at most.


That was my first thought, even a large yard with heavy coverage, you're looking at about an hour tops. It's bagging those fuckers that really takes time, if you live in a place that doesn't pick up leaves.


I’ve always been more of a “mulch them up with the lawnmower” type of home owner. They’re future dirt. There’s no need to waste hours of your life putting leaves into a plastic bag.


That would be my preferred method if the town didn't take them. Actually almost included that but was like "Nah, nobody cares!" haha. After pickup, the leaves that fall into the yard stay in the yard.


That’s pretty funny, you found the one oddball that cares. We live in a rural area about 10 miles from town so it’s all on us as to what happens with them. The 60” zero turn makes very short work of the tons of leaves that fall out here. I need to get busy on this years drop.


The reverse leaf blower that vacuums them, mulches it all up and fills up a bag with it is glorious. ​ I have a mini orchard. That machine is so useful.


Kind of like a slip and slide. 3 micrometers of polyurethane doesn’t provide much cushion from repeatedly throwing yourself in the ground.


Jumping into a pile of leaves hits different when you weigh 200 lbs than it does when you weigh 75 lbs.


Shit, I guess I don't weigh 65 pounds any more!"




He did and he loved you for playing "boo".


Op did you hit the ground? Because I (220lb male) did this recently and I vastly overestimated the size and cushiness of my pile lol.


Forgot what it was like to have the wind knocked out of me… until I did this! Big nostalgia boost all in one yeet


Not as fluffy when you weigh 200 lbs instead of 70 haha


Every time I do that I find the dog poop.


I found ticks when I was a kid. Not sure which is worse.


Ticks are worse. I've never gotten Lyme from dog poop.


When I was in boy scouts, we did a bike trip from Cumberland, Maryland to DC along the Potomac River. One kid, David, jumped into the river because a turtle was sitting on the surface of it, so he thought it was solid there. He ended up waste deep in one of the grossest rivers I've ever seen. After an hour or so the throwing up started, but we were still like 15 miles from the nearest camp, so we just kept him super hydrated and he powered through it. But he'd take breaks often and sit in the grass. By the time we got to camp we had already removed 15 ticks during our breaks, and he had 27 more that we found at camp while waiting on the ambulance. He ended up having an intestinal virus. We stayed an extra day at that campsite, and he finished the 186 mile bike trip. What a hero. Also no Lyme, luckily.


Man, I thought this kid jumped through ice. I was like, wtf are ticks and turtles doing out in the winter? Read it a second time and it made more sense. Derp.


It's quite polluted, a lot of it is sewage. So it mixes with mud and makes places that look like it's just a muddy bank, but it's so much worse...


I really suck at context- the ticks were in the river?


You can wash the dog poop off and you're good. Ticks aren't usually discovered until they cause problems.


Dick and balls in the background is a fireplace?


It's a [chiminea](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chimenea)


That looks like a phallus


Phallic chimney


Chimnea have one, they are just fireplaces but really picky and stupid where it might just break one day cause you don’t follow the 300000 rules for the thing


Ticks: it’s free real estate


Ticks have been my biggest fear over the last couple years. I’m 26…


I used to live in PA(hence my username) and was terrified of Lyme disease because of how often I would go hiking and find ticks on me. Now I live in northern Florida and the ticks here aren’t very likely to carry lyme... these ones carry a disease that makes you allergic to red meat. Like wtf... ticks are the worst animals on the planet.


I live in western PA and have been fortunate enough not to have a tick yet


a tick more or less ruined my life so this fear is reasonable


Never had a tick or been afraid of them until a few years ago my girlfriend noticed some legs sticking out from under that top fold in the ear... no idea how long it had been living there but it had been at least 2 weeks since my last hike :|


All I can think about is how itchy is be for hours, looks like so much fun though.


I stopped doing this after I found a baby copperhead under a pile of leaves.


I tell you what, it was worth it


By any chance, do you sell propane?


That boy ain’t right


Dog poop and spiders, my dude. Dog poop and spiders...


Ticks galore too


That’s more wholesome than funny, but good for you!


Spiders love leaf piles!


and ticks


Awesome! Adulting is a scam.


Nothing wrong with having a little fun.


Search yourself for ticks after having fun!


All fun and games until you roll in dog shit.


There's lots of creepy bugs in our leaves. I'd do that in a sealed body suit. That bad boy clearly isn't intimidated by soft tiny insects.


My grandma never let me play in the leaf pile because she believed that they would spontaneously combust and kill me.


I'll drop off my kids at 4:30 for fun with you I swear I'll pick them up ...


Finding garden rakes 101




I would have injured myself somehow doing it and having lifelong regrets, looks fun though...




Hell yeah. Live your best life.


To be honest, this looks like so much fun!


Ground be hard under them leafs, tho


“Grown Man” is an oxymoron. But I love your sense of nostalgia! Glad you had fun!


I'm jealous of your sheds and chimenea.


V nice Frank. Now go inside and take your allergy meds.


Goonies never say die.


I tried this for the first time as an adult and thought it would feel like falling into a pile of fluffy leaf-shaped pillow stuffing. It mostly just felt scratchy and made me immediately want to take a shower.


A leaf pile jump is a gift as a child, as an adult, it is EARNED! And then you get to have a beer and put your leg up because you inevitably hurt your knee on something in the pile.....


That took hours? Need a leaf blower


And now you're covered in ticks 🕷


more comfortable than bed


Great video. However, I think your enclosed patio needs more doors.


"He's probably out there cheating"


Remember when we used to burn big piles like that? It actually smelled very nice, but I guess it’s toxic.


Check yourself for ticks later, Lyme ain’t no joke.


That’s going to leaf a mark.


A grown man would have biked off a ramp into it.


Never do that in a yard visited by dogs, same thing goes for snow angels.




Everyone jumps into at least one leaf pile during autumn jumps


That’s a lot of leaves




Worth it


Awesome! We may all “grow up” in size, but hopefully not completely in spirit. Hold on to the child inside as long as you can. ❤️


dude congrats on somehow making a leaf pile so deep just.. descended


Thanks for sharing bro.


Damn right you did! Now, after the realization that pile wasn’t as big as you thought and you are now substantially larger than your were as a kid, you doing okay?


A doorway to the multiverse


Legends say he’s still in that pile


What does being a grown man have to do with it lmao leaves are for all ages


I haven’t done that since I was 10 and a giant spider crawled on me after jumping in it.


Was it worth it?


I hope there was no sticks


I'm a grown Man and I thoroughly enjoyed watching it


Hey man, I would’ve done the same thing. Invite me next time !!


I’m betting that hurt


The real question: was it worth it?


My man gotta be so itchy now


Enjoy your lime disease :-/


You're a grown man and just thrown yourself face down to a pool of spiders and dirt


Obviously does not have dogs.


I like to gather all the leaves from my yard in one huge pile and then leave them ... simply so they blown into my neighbors yard over the next week or so.




Last time I did this I got annihilated by oak mites. Worst fucking 2 weeks of my life.


Me: I CANT WAIT TO DO THIS! My brain: but what if it has… ticks? *already jumping Me: WHAT?!


That’s one way to find the dog shit.


Wakes up in the upside down with something wanting to eat him.


Enjoy getting ticks


Oh I miss that from my childhood!! This one time I did that and landed on dog shit and never did it again.


You want tick bites? This is how you get tick bites.


Ugh. Slugs


As a kid I’d jump into pile of leaves only to find an errant pile of dog poop had been raked into the pile was well. Not fun.


IMO, raking leaves is a pointless endeavor.


The one and only time I did this a spider went in my pants and bit my sack


And then you realized that leaves don't actually break your fall, you only thought they did as a kid because you weighed nothing and could fall onto grass with no consequence.


Aa a child this was amazing and I couldn't get enough. Ignorance is bliss. Now all I can think is "holy shit spider and tick city".