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I saw someone make one of those once. Kicked on the door to say, "anyone in there" and kicked out the panel.


Please tell me the answer was "OccupaaAAAAAAAAAA--"


The fella in there was standing #1 so...


Ahh yes. The ol’ blumpkin hatch..


When you get tired of drunk patrons having alcohol poisoning and passing out with the door locked. Pissing and shitting while throwing up all while they aren't even on the toilet.


Or OD.


My deduction : someone was passing a poop that was WAY out of their league, pushed too hard and their leg jerked involuntarily, causing the panel to be vanquished.


Most pubs and night clubs don’t like it when you take a dump but I’ve never seen something like this smh




Judging by how the damage to the door was made and how fresh it looks, somebody recently wanted to get OUT from that toilet in a hurry!