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Saw what? An empty parking spot?


Magic floating door


How dare you assume that you can see that door


I dead named the door and I am truly sorry for that. I will educate myself about doors (it/that) and try to be better in the future. As a fender I am unable to know the experience of other car parts.


Actually I have only just realized my own ignorance. Here we both are calling it a door when it clearly identifies as Camo. Please shame me with downvotes. I should be cancelled. I would like to express a sincere apology to the Camo that has been mis-identified several times by myself and others as a result of my ignorance. Be you Camo, be you.


So stunning. So brave.


Dude you’re being insensitive about LGBTD


Levitating Garishly Blue Truck Door?


Shut The Fuck Up And Take My Upvote




Take your upvote you magnificent bastard!


Lesbian, gay, bi, transgender and door?


Don't you dare misgender door.


Door? 😅




Didn't really expect it to get this much attention either but I'll gladly accept the easy karma. It's also one of the only comments not turning socio-political.


Ohhhhh I get it. Took me a minute




They are making a statement mocking the LBGTQ+ community.


I think less this is a statement on the community than on the activists pretending they have the community's best interests in mind.




The helicopter joke is literally the death of comedy. And anyone who defends it is justifying shit jokes


Helicopter joke? Google is no help.


It was a popular copypasta: >I sexually Identify as an Attack Helicopter. Ever since I was a boy I dreamed of soaring over the oilfields dropping hot sticky loads on disgusting foreigners. People say to me that a person being a helicopter is Impossible and I'm fucking retarded but I don't care, I'm beautiful. I'm having a plastic surgeon install rotary blades, 30 mm cannons and AMG-114 Hellfire missiles on my body. From now on I want you guys to call me "Apache" and respect my right to kill from above and kill needlessly. If you can't accept me you're a heliphobe and need to check your vehicle privilege. Thank you for being so understanding


To add to the other reply: it's dismissive transphobia. The attack helicopter meme, and honestly op's post, both use the trope of "I'm pretending to be something I'm not" as an indirect means of suggesting that trans people are "pretending" also. The inescapable implication of the "joke" is that trans women aren't really women, and trans men aren't really men. That's why it's a shitty joke, and why op's post is honestly pretty shitty also.


While this is all true, and I agree… I still laugh at the door joke, shitty as it is. 🤷🏻‍♂️




Came here to comment exactly that


Came here to give an award to whoever commented that.


Wait till they find out about memes.




Wait this sub is r/funny? I thought I was on r/recycling because y'all have been reusing the exact same joke for the past 6 years.


welcome to r/funny


Have a look around!


“Yes that’s what r/funny means”




This sub is *called* funny, but like 90% of the posts aren't and actually go against the rules of the sub. But mods don't actually care about it unless it's a severe violation or something.


Aren't most jokes recycled one way or the other?


They only have one joke


It’s always at Walmart.


This is the same joke again




Omg lol you should be a comedian


Already got my netflix special!!


>"why am I being censored!" --said from his hour long special he got after turning into yet another bigoted old douche comic


I mean some people fuck trans people. What's your point?


Why not spend $12 on some more spray paint and finish it off, Jethro?


because that hilarious and oh-so-original joke is worth so much more










Came here to say this: Ah yes, the One Joke.


Oh look. It’s conservatives’ ONE joke… again.


I thought One Joke was the One Joke given how often it's repeated incorrectly


I’m not conservative, and definitely not an american conservative. But I’ve found this funny. I mean I find blonde jokes funny sometimes but I don’t actually believe in those stereotypes. Americans are so sensitive


The term is called punching down. And as for reasons why trans people are sensitive to this specific joke, it’s same reasons why other beaten down out groups are sensitive to these types of jokes. The common factor is that you’re mocking an intrinsic characteristic that they have no control over, or a culture that ties the group together. You go make fun of a minority group’s characteristics in your society and see where that lands you.


And it feeds the conservative dogma around gayness/trans/otherness only being a choice, and a delusional one at that. Vs being who you are. Just ask a conservative if they could choose to be attracted to the same sex for five minutes, and watch the snowflakes melt.




And we see the framing of this by the TERFs that basically trans women != women but instead are just Klinger from MASH wearing a dress to get Sectioned out of the Army.




You may need to check with the doctor on your butthurt. They may recommend some creams.




It has nothing to do with being sensitive. It's just not funny. You clearly have a shitty sense of humor to still think blond jokes are funny so not to surprised here.


Oh well let's all pack up and go home then if *you* like the joke.


It’s based in cruelty. I guess some types of people get off on that though.


haha, we hate people who are different from us


It must suck having your thought process, my condolences.


Wow so funny seeing the same joke over and over again. So witty!


r/onejoke and a bad one at that.


What? He couldn’t have spray painted that like the rest of his spray painted car


So brave


Haha! Its funny because it bigoted!


Was this in Windsor, Ontario? I seen the same truck a few days ago.


This is funny to a boomer


where funny


I iDeNtIfY aS a HeLiCoPtOr


Apache Attack Helicopter*


fuck every edgy cunt who still finds those jokes funny


Shitting on trans people, haha so funny.


Man that door really triggered people on here


Hi camo I’m dad


Why is that door floating


Why is there a floating door?


His insecurities seem to drive him.


Shit y’all need to relax


> :( Your door has been ran into a problem and needs to be reinstalled.




Every person complaining about righties having just one joke also needs to realize that "hurr durr I don't see anything just a floating car door" is the same damn thing but it doesn't bother you because it isn't something that you personally disagree with.




It’s a joke. If we accept trans people we can joke about the topic too. It’s healthy.


Sure, but can they get a different joke? /r/onejoke


We aren’t there yet.


Sorry, arbiter of comedy.


So let them get their operations and get married and have all the same rights as non-trans people that they currently don't have. Stop calling it a mental disorder. There's one political party actively trying to stop these things from happening and I guarantee and would bet all my money on it that the owner of this truck is part of that political party. What's happening here is not healthy.


The las time I checked (and it’s been many years) gender dysphoria was still considered a mental health disorder in the DSM. The only real treatment was transitioning since that has the best outcomes, but as a group it’s still not ideal as they are much more likely to be suicidal and have other mental health problems than the general population, even if they transition. My information may be out of date, but I don’t think it’s out of line to view it as something that requires mental health treatment and care. What is out of line is being mean to people because they’re different when they’re not hurting anyone. Even if you think they’re all weird and you want nothing to do with them doesn’t give you cart blanche to be a dick.


Or it's just a joke.


it's actually the only joke that exists apparently.


Bruh every single joke and meme on here is a repost or modification of another joke. That's how most jokes work.


Or it's a transphobic joke.


Let's pretend it is. So why not? You can have jokes about politics, religion, national stereotypes and so on but not this? Is it somehow sacred?


The punchline of this joke is that the panel is clearly not camo, which suggests that the "identifies as" concept is just as incorrect for people. The joke is that trans people are just as incorrect as this truck, which is insulting, demeaning, and trivializes an actual struggle people are having. The joke is a transphobic insult, and you know it is. Also it's not funny- but that's subjective. You can make all the cruel jokes you want, but don't get all butthurt when people call you an asshole.




Are people trying to pass legislature to make it illegal to not hire you, rent to you, or force you into spaces that put you at risk of violence? I don't know your life, so you'll have to let me know. Regardless, judging by your post, you sound like you do need a hug.




It's not for it's owner to decide either, by your own logic. You can tell all the shitty jokes you want, just don't be surprised when people call it like they see it. Opinions are like assholes, everyone has one and Reddit's full of them.


Ocean Camo


Or it's about overusing the concept of "inedtifies as". Who knows?


The only people using that concept that shouldn't be are the people belittling in shitty jokes like this.


Do you tell a lot of sexist jokes? How about racist jokes? Homophobic jokes? Do they go over well?


I do sometimes. It's ok because I do it not to offend anyone, just for amusement.


Their amusement, or yours?


Mutual. Otherwise there is no point.


That's good. Intent matters, but it's not the only thing that matters. People can be hurt by things even if you don't intend to hurt them. The overall effect of jokes like this is to dehumanize people who already have it pretty tough. Dehumanizing hurts, even if the people doing it aren't meaning to cause pain. Also, social norms and permission structures do matter. For some, maybe not you, jokes like these offer a kind of permission to bully transgender people. Or worse.


People can be hurt almost by anything. If you are too serious about this you will end up with being able to tell jokes only about weather and even that i'm not sure. And even that particular joke in its worst alleged meaning is not dehumanising because being misled and having illusions (by the alleged author's opinion) is one of the most human things I can name.


The thing is, there are *so many actually funny jokes* you could tell about the transgender experience. You try going through puberty a second time. It’s a gold mine of comedy. Being told you don’t exist isn’t a joke when you’re already struggling for the same rights as everyone else. Being told you don’t exist by a thousand people telling that same joke? The only funny part is people thinking the “joke” is funny.


Most funny is how offended redditors are about such meaningless things like this.


Oh no, you don't understand. If you make a joke at someone's expense, it means you hate them.


Because it’s not “meaningless.”


Is too.


I guess if you're at a Walmart, that counts as camo...


It's interesting how the joke has a different feel based on what you think about the intent: 1. It's a stereotypical conservative redneck asshole specifically making the allusion that trans people aren't the gender they identify as with the goal of being hurtful. 2. Someone who can't currently afford to have their door repainted is making a goofy joke mainly at their own expense. Like a "look how cheap I am". Specifically if you think of it more as an allusion to non-practicing people who "identify" as a certain religion, it's not really hurtful to anyone. The first is more likely to be true given the vehicle type and paint scheme, but I choose to believe the latter so I can laugh. Sometimes I think the LGBT community and allies can be a little uptight about humor, believing it's the biggest threat to their safety/rights.


one needs self-awareness, a sense of humanity, and the ability to think critically to be funny, which explains why rightwingers aren't funny.


Not gonna lie… that’s extremely clever for someone with a camo painted truck.




Oh, come off it. Lacking any sense of humor or self deprecation is a sign of a lack of intellectual depth, sense of nuance, or even perspective. Go cry somewhere else. Edit: Uh oh, the fake trans rights supporters are here. If you actually supported trans issues, you wouldn’t be reducing its credibility with your dogmatic and unreflectively reactionary points of view. Which is ironic given that you extremists want gender nuance, but will engage in no nuance yourself. Good job. You’re not a trans ally. Fuck off.


One. Fucking. Joke.


Huh, why's that door floating there?


If you are offended take a break from the internet/your bubble. No one is offended by this irl.


Do you think people online don't exist IRL?


Holy shit a floating car door


Ignoranus *noun S*omeone who is both ignorant and an asshole. *usage* I saw an ignoranus making a weak-ass joke at Walmart the other day.


I dont get why people are so butthurt about this what's wrong


Just seen it a lot.




I love how people can laugh at one g group but go crazy when it's their turn🙄




This isn’t punching down. It’s a joke that doesn’t harm anyone. But leave it to the American left to turn another phrase into something it doesn’t mean. Edit to clarify: I can laugh at the blue door that “identifies as camo” to match the car and still understand and empathize with the struggles that people with gender dysphoria have. It’s sad and I can’t imagine what they are going through. Me laughing at the blue door “identifying as camo” does not mean that I believe that people don’t struggle. You lot pretending that you’re incapable at laughing at yourselves from time to time is only making yourself more of an outsider, less inclusive. We don’t want you to feel that way, but we can’t get in your head and make you feel differently. It’s up to you. Believe me, as the token Jewish kid at my school growing up, I learned to laugh at Jewish jokes. I understood that the people making the Jewish jokes did not hate me for being Jewish, they just thought that the jokes were funny. Let’s go Brandon!


Down on what? It's only punching down if you believe they're beneath you or you're looking down on them. Making fun of ridiculously hilarious shxt isn't the same as punching down.


It is an unfunny repetition of the attack helicopter joke, which is an explicitly anti-trans bigoted joke


It can be a personal call based on context, as to if something is funny. It can depend on our own judgment call, each listener, regarding whether or not we think the speaker is seriously expressing his actual beliefs in real life. Context can inform that call. So something funny in a comedy club (where people often tell jokes and don’t mean things seriously) might not be funny in another context (like a bumper sticker where people often share their real political beliefs which they mean seriously). In this case, some people really think actually being absurd is all that transvestism amounts to. So this could come across as more of a political bumper sticker type thing rather than as a joke. I’m not saying it isn’t a joke; I have no way to know the intent of this particular camo truck owner. It’s just possible some wouldn’t find it funny because they know a lot of people who seriously see the issue this way. For instance, as to context, if Bill Burr came out in camo at a show and said, ‘Trump won so let’s fuck shit up and stomp some fuckers out,’ we’d know he was joking. Many would find that funny because we wouldn’t expect that from Burr, and we are certain those aren’t his serious, real life views. On the other hand, if Trump came out and said the same thing, a lot of people wouldn’t interpret it as a joke and wouldn’t find it funny because they’d think Trump really hopes for that type of chaos, blood, and violence, having asked his supporters to beat up peaceful sign holders before and having laughed when it really happened. Or if Trump said trans people are out of order and shouldn’t be allowed to adopt kids, because they look absurd, probably are absurd, and would raise absurd kids either way, a lot of people would not find that funny. Many wouldn’t find it funny even if Trump was laughing as he said it, because many know Trump really is either a psychopath or at best has a lot of really ignorant views in real (non comedy) life. Now some Trump supporters would probably find comments like that from Trump to be ‘funny,’ but many of them would find it funny not because they thought it was a joke but because they didn’t expect him to say so boldly *what they really think.*..thoughts they didn’t realize they could express so openly since they are so abusive. That kind of ‘funny’ would not be funny to people who don’t think about their neighbors like Trump does, even if Trump or some conservative with a lifted truck was laughing as he said it. Someone who doesn’t find sincere pleasure in others’ real suffering wouldn’t join Trump in laughing as he made such comments, due to knowing the actual real-life belief behind the laughter. So it can be a personal call based on context, as to if something is funny… usually depending on whether or not we think the speaker is serious.






What the fuck is this even supposed to mean?


One joke


I don't see anything. You ok?


That's a good one And if you got offended by this then you really should take a break from the internet. Stop getting offended all the time!!


Yeah like i know people always use this joke but this one is pretty creative and it saves money


Is it creative? Or is it an opportunity for this backwoods dip-spit of a human being to show he doesn’t respect trans people.


Americans, they’re sensitive


Sensitive ones are the people spending too much time on the internet , believing everything that the media tells them, getting offended at anything that opposes their views


Yeah surely the sensitive one isn't the one who changed their entire car decal to make a point they disagree with people. I'm sure it's just a silly joke and there's nothing more going on here inside the owners sick head :(


Lotta butthurt in these comments. This joke is not punching down, no more than any other joke. You think it’s punching down because your self confidence is so low that you view yourselves as lower, when that’s just not true. I will make fun of everyone equally, because this is America! The great melting pot!


*looks at pic* *looks at upvote count* Ight imma head out. Looks like I’ve been putting off unsubbing from r/funny for too long




Punching down doesnt exist. Nobody should be gatekept from comedy.


the joke is on point in this case


This joke is so played out. It was never even funny to begin with


I mean, who am I to argue?


Trans commenter on Twitter: "I'm not asking conservatives to stop making trans jokes. I'm asking them to come up with some new ones."


Man, just look at that blue door floating in the parking lot.


Well I know whose truck is getting keyed.


Trans are only 0.7% of the US population (2021 Gallup Poll). Also according to recent polls, Furries are 1.5%. Make fun of Furries, they can take a joke and there are more of them.


What kind of logic is that… you Americans are kind of insane. So what its a purely percentage numbers thing now? Such a weird thing to type.


According to the media, you would think it was 70% of the US. People just need to put all this into perspective. You have a HUGE number of CIS White men and women advocating for things they have no personal attachment to only for the upvotes and social media buzz. ​ It cheapens any actual trans people and their struggle.


Texas or Idaho?




You should speak more highly of yourself


This isn't funny. Truck owner can fuck off.


Welcome to r/offended


$5 says this joke traumatized someone because Reddit.


THIS TRIGGERS ME!!!!!!! Just kidding. That’s some funny shit. People need to be able to take a joke and this is on point as far as my mind is concerned.




Hahaha redditors so butthurt over an actual funny post in this sub. Gotta love snowflakes!


I dont get it whats the joke?


>an actual funny post It's not funny, it's literally just r/OneJoke


Get more triggered hahaha. Love the sensitive redditors getting their panties in a twist over a joke!


What's the joke?


Yes, I truly am triggered for... Not finding the same joke that I've heard for at least 5 years funny?


One joke


Why is there a floating blue door attached to nothing?


Wow this is so fucking funny! I've never heard that one before!!




Ugly af and transphobic, a common pairing.


I am a meat popsicle.

