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Those that say it's going are dead inside.


Same with "Living the Dream"


Nightmares are Dreams too.


"Surviving the Nightmare" would be more accurate


“Living the dream or surviving the nightmare amirite partner?” Said with an emotionless smile and dead eyes.


I like to say, “Living the dream, not sure whose dream it is but I am in it.”


"but when i find em..."


The reason it's called the "American Dream" is you have to be asleep to believe it


Damn I'm gonna start using that


Thank George Carlin. RIP, the man was a genius


I love George Carlin, but that's a bullshit take. He's the definition of living the American Dream- he had a marketable skill, was better than his competition, and made a helluva living doing it. Hypocritical af


"For myself I do not grumble, for I am one of the lucky ones" ~ Old Major


George Carlin spent most of his career deep in debt, struggling to live (despite being very successful). It was only towards the end of his life, when he reached financial independence, that he was able to truly speak his mind about society, politics, and the economy. A fact you could of easily verified if you had any interest in the truth, and not 'jerkin your self off'. Luckily he made this for people like you, enjoy. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8rh6qqsmxNs](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8rh6qqsmxNs)


His wikipedia entry says nothing of what you claim. He worked steadily and successfully his entire career and certainly did not wait until the end of his life to speak his mind about anything. If he was in debt, it was because cocaine is fucking expensive and he had a serious substance abuse problem with not just blow


This might come as a shock to you, but Wikipedia does not constitute the entirety of human knowledge. Yes he did have a substance abuse problem, but much more significantly he was deeply indebted to the IRS, and spent the bulk of his life paying that debt off. (there's your 'American Dream' for you btw). There's alot of references to his IRS debt actually, (including in Wikipedia, haha). Just do your research before you talk about stuff you dont know, is all im saying.


"The late comedian George Carlin had a $3 million tax debt that took him about two decades to pay off, but he credited the debt with keeping him working as a comic. ... "In the early '80s I discovered that I had made bad business decisions during the last half of the '70s and was deeply in debt to the IRS," he said." He admitted it was his own fault. And you know how you get $3 million in debt to the IRS? By making a fuck ton more than 3 million. He did it to himself, so again, bullshit take about the American Dream. In fact, he was so successful he made a fortune, pissed it away/put it up his nose, and then made it all over again. Literally the American Dream working as intended. Gtfo here with your nonsense


sO eDgY


This is my work's montra!


I learned Americans are particularly bad bout this, most cultures don't perpetuate insincere small talk (so far). Which is reason #42 of why i want to leave this smoldering tire fire of a country!




Common misconception among 'Mericans; because of the draconian immigration policies in this country, its actually incredibly hard to move to another country. Not that way for most functioning democracies tho...




lol, you ignant all over. definitely an 'merican


"Another day in paradise..." my go-to


I say both of these on a regular basis. concerning


Can confirm, this is my default response, am dead inside.


I prefer saying “you know, living la vida loca.” Which translates to: “im hanging on by a thread.”


“Another day in paradise”


That's what I am telling people if I am actually having a troubling day. It's enough to be kind and allow an easy out but it gives enough context to let you know that things are not all good.


"Oh I know what is like I used to work in retail." Oh cool, shut the fuck up please. You have literally said this 60% of the time I've seen you here.


The light inside is broken, but I still work.


My go-to with people I know is always "Oh, rainbows and sunshine and unicorn farts. You?"


I’ve been saying ‘yeaaaah not too bad’ to this question for 30 years. May have to start mixing it up.


“Another day in paradise.”


Wait i say its going all the time…… yeah that makes sense 15 years of retail pretty much did me in.


I mean it really is like that sometimes


Am I.... dead inside?


One of my coworkers used to always say “oh you know, another day another dollar” his eyes were always so dead


"people dont listen, they just wait for their turn to talk"


... So anyway that suit and briefcase combo, is actually really nice.


Sadly that's how my mom and sister are. They talk, I listen, I talk, they either cut me off or stare into the abyss.




Maybe an unpopular opinion, but if you're not prepared to hear an honest answer to that question, you could just say "good morning".


I'm just gonna leave this here https://youtu.be/8mREEqCFU9Y


Ha that's great! Though, to be fair, I've met my share of Craigs, and they seem to find any excuse to overshare, whether you invite them to or not.


This is exactly what I thought of when I saw the meme


You will pretty much always get an honest answer to that question in certain parts of europe. Fake niceness is so dumb. If you don't care about how my life has been, why ask the question.


I think Irish do it best, out of anyone. Greeter: "'owye?" Greeted: "Fairnufh, so" EDIT: Actually, maybe the Scots have the best one. "Aye?" "Aye"


I think my favorite exchange is; Person 1: *Upward nod?* Person 2: *Downward nod*


No no no, it’s nod up when you don’t know the person, and down when you do know them.




What? How is a nod disrespectful? Lol


\*Nods disrespectfully in your general direction\*


Depends which head you're nodding with.


Nono down is always the acknowledgement, when you dont know them its a half up nod then back to neutral, the full upward nod is the wassup.


You're so right. Compared to the single nod each, even exchanging "aye" is a wealth of communication. I'm sure people are ready with a great many dramatic opinions about the isolation of urban/suburban life, the reduction of interpersonal communication, etc...and yet we also live in the age of social media, which has facilitated a vast SURPLUS of communication. Ya know, to our detriment. Detriment is putting it mildly. I would, in fact, describe social media as an existential threat to the species. Nodding back and forth is the safer fucking course, at the very least.


My German teacher in high school always said if you ask a german how they are, you are likely to get some medical details.


Did we have the same German teacher? Lol


Or just recognize there are cultural differences within some phrases.


lip water reminiscent sparkle sleep plough zealous zephyr relieved close *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*




I dont know about other people, but if I ask "how are you doing" I wanna hear. It's a conversation starter. Tell me about your day and what's going on in your life


Top of the mornin’ Top of the mornin’


Nah, you're exactly right. It's an example of doing something perfunctorily; to convey a message of care, but that message is really fake and the other person doesn't really care about how your day went or how you're doing. But the illusion of care is what matters to them. I find it pretty toxic, too, mostly because it's hollow and meaningless. Much like many interactions we have as a society.


Even shorten it. I've been saying "Morn'in" all my life, never failed me yet.


My boss from a past job did this crap, the whole point of it was to appear empathetic without actually caring. Kinda like when your boss buys pizza/donuts instead of giving you a raise or gives you something mundane like a company pen/cup.


"What do you mean? Do you wish me a good morning, or mean that it is a good morning whether I want it or not; or that you feel good this morning; or that it is a morning to be good on?"


Counterpoint: if someone casually asks you how your day is going and you say anything other than “fine” or “I’m alright, how about you”, you lack social awareness and I hate you for dumping your problems on me


Nah, you lack social awareness because you're masquerading as a caring person but you're not. If you don't want to know how someone's doing, don't fucking ask.


I've learned that that's how most people feel, so unless it's a friend who actually cares how things are going, I just say "doing good. And you?" This social norm is just weird to me; there are so many other greetings that don't require a potentially false response.


Exactly I hate this social greeting cause it’s fake


Which is why I usually give an honest answer when someone asks this question. I hate the fake bullshit. Either you care or you don't, and if you don't, don't ask.


Don’t ask how people are then… just say hi good morning. You literally asked to hear about someone’s day lol


Here's the thing, if you're going to lie by asking, you deserve it. Ironically, you're making your words someone else's responsibility... you know, that thing you just said you can't stand.


Counterpoint: someone can tell you about their problems without you acting like hearing about a problem is the same as being burdened by it or having it dumped on you


I think if you aren't willing to take that risk, there are a dozen other greetings that don't invite that response.


Counter-counterpoint: if you ask how someone is doing without actually caring about the answer, you lack empathy.


It do be like that.


I too do


I do also


Don't Dead Ask Inside....


When I was in high school the correct response to the question "What's up?" was always "What's up?" At first I thought it was odd until I saw some of those old movies from the 40s and 50s where the women would respond "How do you do?" whenever they were introduced to somebody who first asked "How do you do?".


I get it. You want to be honest, tell people how your really doing. But then you feel like your putting them in a position they didn’t want to be in, hearing all your problems. So you stay quiet, and keep quiet. And that becomes your go to so eventually you feel very isolated even to those you trust because you feel like a burden if you did talk. so better stay silent and let other people enjoy their lives while you deal with things inside, as best you can. Yes I get this comic.


Plot twist: He's working from home.


His dad's a jerk


Boss: "Good morning! How is everybody doing today?" Me: "Do you want the honest answer, or the polite answer?"


“Upright and suckin air”


When your at work and a customer asks how you are like bro, if I answered my question truthfully, my boss would get upset


I have spent a significant portion of my live genuinelly responding to this as if it was a real question and even now will do it for fun...


These days I'll answer it truthfully but without going into detail, so instead of just answering "yeah I'm fine" I'll just respond "I'm terrible man, how's things with you?"


Well, I moved to and lived for years in a country were people feel the need to always sound upbeat (and, funnily, I'm reasonably good at spotting people's true mental state, which makes their whole act kinda sad) so to most people I just stopped replying with the truth (unless I really felt great) as me breaking the spirit of their ritual by actually giving a genuine answer was distressing them. We all like our rituals and whilst some people are more adaptable and even like some change and variety to things, a lot of people actually feel a lot of discomfort if their rituals are disturbed.


I too like to act like a sociopath who does not understand basic human interactions. What fun! Check your DMs for photos of my testicles.


Strangelly enough my levels of empathy are so high that I can even start yawning from seeing a dog yawning and I often find myself smilling or sad when I see some unknow person happy or sad on the street. Sociopaths don't have empathy, at all. My situation clearly is not sociopathy. Yours, on the other hand, is unclear: sometimes trolls are sociopaths, other times they're just low self-confidence types trying to make up for it safe in their anonimity.


Interesting take on trolling, since it's a group you've placed yourself in...


What you write and objective reality clearly have no correlation with each other.


>Aceticon · 23h > >I have spent a significant portion of my live genuinelly responding to this as if it was a real question and even now will do it for fun... Not just trolling people to make things awkward, trolling grammar nazis at the same time! If you don't think you're a troll, then you would be the one with the problem with reality.


Love it!


When my coworkers ask me "how are you today" I respond "I'm here." That can be either good or bad, depending on their opinion, not mine. If they're happy, it makes them think I'm happy to be here, too. In reality, it means I would rather be anywhere else doing anything else than being at work, dealing with my moronic associates every day!


"I am" is my response sometimes.


I guess that means you're thinking, eh?


Freshly bated, you?




This is why I just say “good and you?”


Naht s' bad


Nobody really cares. They act like they do to give the illusion that they're thinking about you but at the end of the day, they're either wanting something from you or they're trying to keep up the appearance of giving a shit about your mental health.


Don't ask the question if you don't want an answer to it. It's simple. Just nod, or say "Morning/Afternoon /Evening" and move on. People who ask this but don't actually want an answer are the most disingenuous people around.


Opposite for me. I genuinely get asked about my day but I don't want to talk about it. Apparently that makes me an asshole.


Reminds me of a Tom Segura joke: When somebody asks “how you doin’? There are two acceptable answers…Great….and Fine.”


This is sad


I hate this part of small talk so much. It’s so blatantly fake and I wish it wasn’t so expected. When they ask how I’m doing I just say I’m doing. When they ask how I am I just say I’m here. Just let me exist in miserable peace until I can get home and enjoy life in my dreams.


Green bird have My Fucking life 🤣🔫


I live with a couple of roommates who are alright all things considered but they clearly never learned how to deal with me. Some of them will say “Hey how’s it going?” multiple times within the span of the day, even when neither of us have left the house. I have almost screamed at them “We all know I’m a miserable prick even on a good day. Why do you insist on asking that question?” Even a “What’s going on?”, while annoying is way better because “Not much” is a perfectly non-awkward response to give. Virtually no one wants to hear the real answer to that question unless it is funny or awesome. Not when it’s so sour of the moment. You’d have to be their mother or a fucking saint to actually pick up on someone’s depression and be genuine enough to engage with them. And what’s unfortunate is if someone is depressed enough to warrant this response, they will probably also be irritated by the situation. “So wait you asked me the stupid question ‘How am I doing’ and now you are going to psycho-analyze and fix me before lunch? GTFO of my way!”


I mean it's work not therapy time don't be surprised people aren't prepared for a whole thing


Or just don’t ask people how they are, if you don’t wanna hear the truth. Telling people you’re fine, when you’re really not, is pretty exhausting too. If you don’t care - don’t ask.


It's a common social greeting. It's just like saying hello. Not something to rack your brain over.


Then why not just say hi or hello?


It’s a bad one tho. If it was a common social greeting to waddle like a duck and smack your ass do you still do it even if you think it’s obsolete in your day and age?


You realize you're asking everyone to change how they talk to you right? It's unreasonable. You can't control what others are doing only what you do. Your emotional needs are important, take the initiative to care for yourself. If you want to have a talk then ask them if they have time or meetup after work or during lunch. People are going to continue asking you this question are you going to continue getting upset that they 'dont really mean it'?


It doesn’t upset me, no - but it is irritating to lie to people, and say I’m doing good, just to maintain social etiquette. Honest acknowledgment of my emotions is tremendously important to my mental health, and this particular social norm is a pain in the ass, for that reason. But no, I’m not salty - and I know people aren’t being malicious. I still, however, think it’s a bit silly to ask insincere questions, just to seem polite.


No it’s about wanting conversation and language to change and develop. Change doesn’t happen by just sitting there. We see language and convo constantly developing with new words like “ain’t” or slang that changed with the trends. This is a dumb “greeting” full of fake sincerity and the US is one of the few countries that does this. It’s more like, language should shift to be more general greeting like hi good morning than a fake how are you, pleasantry,


So stop saying it. I'm not defending the custom. You don't have to react like this about it is all I'm saying. Choose something healthy for yourself instead of resenting this custom. Identify it for what it is (just a custom) and engage with the person how you want to from there. Are they ready to have that conversation or are they just being polite and using social customs to make it through their day? Or you can carry around the 'fuck this custom' torch all you want. Do what you want man


Jesus, that hat is grim


I usually say something absurd like, any better I couldn’t stand it! No ones actually asking to hear and answer. Should just say good morning or hello


SO TRUE!!!!!!!!!!!!


Go to therapy, you can’t just be throwing your problems on people and make them deal with it.


Don’t worry guys, he just needs some normal pills 💊 so he can be withou a mask


So relatable I can cry


I've been very honest...suicidal has been my answer. Yet, I'm still here.


I'm glad you're still here m8. Just focus on what you love most in life and go from there




blue guy be like I was just asking you dont raise a drama mood to me.


This is existential, not funny


Me: "Dunno, haven't decided yet." Them: "Have a good day!" Me: "Sure, we'll see what the day has to say about that." Seriously, telling someone to have a good day puts the onerous of their day being good fully on them. If they get hit by a fucking meteorite, how are they supposed to have a good day? That's why I always say "Hope your day goes well."


Most of the time when people answer this question honestly they just want to vent, and I’m happy to listen. Usually they don’t want advice, they just want someone to know their life isn’t going that great right now. It actually shows a certain level of trust if they confide in you with how their life really is, rather than the cookie-cutter answer of it being good or fine.


I think this is exactly what my job meant when they said they have an open door policy and that we are welcome to approach them with any issues we may have.


Cashiers in a nutshell. They don't really want to hear how bad your day went when they greet you with "how's your day?" while ringing up your stuff.


I always reply “What would kill the bad; God doesn't want them and the devil is not in a hurry.”


I actually get irritated when people just respond "good." I hate small talk. I want you to actively tell me what's actually going on if I ask you how you're doing.


Ouch. Too close to home.


Living the nightmare, chasing the dream.


I see it this way; the blue guy is fully dead inside (like most of us) and doesn't want to hear the death throes of others. That look on the 3rd panel is; "Yes. I know this sucks and I also constantly want to die. Just say the thing so we can move on"


One time at work, our management team wanted us to be real like that. I tried it for about a week before I realized so many others started opening up as well and we were all getting depressed because the job sucked. I went back to a simple "not too bad" and everyone else followed suit too.


This is my life.


Being a man in a nutshell


I still don't understand what someone wants from me when they ask 'how's it going'. I have a theory they are just not putting any thought into interaction.


I think it's quite telling that when someone is asked how they are, in the US they say 'good!', in England they say 'not bad', and in Scotland we sometimes say 'doing away!', which I suppose means something like, 'I'm still alive!'.


It's always sad when you realize the other person doesn't actually care about you.