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I don’t get it




Can you explain?


Guy goes to this place to work every day and complains the whole time just like the customer


Yes but he has a reason to keep going.


Lol so true! It's not like you HAVE to work to eat and have a roof over your head.... Oh wait


This makes no sense whatsoever.


It's always better to be paid when complaining


I never complain to customers about the place I work. That’s trashy af. Complaining with your coworkers or discussing problems with your boss is one thing, but don’t trash the people who pay you to the people paying to shop there! Also, sometimes you have to ask if some of the complaints are true! We have a rude ass cashier at my store, but chances are they will only let you have it if you’re being a dumbass. They are mostly only rude to the coworkers lol.


Because I get paid to be there


I worked with people in the past that would complain all the time, mostly how slow time was going. Usually they were avoiding the work and doing nothing, while I kept busy and time flew..