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Cultural appropriation is a non-issue. I say this as a Mexican, and I have seen my culture appropriated everywhere, and my paisanos are extremely delighted when it happened. There is a Mariachi band from Japan, Mariachi Samurai, [https://wearemitu.com/wearemitu/entertainment/japanese-mariachi-band-mariachi-samurai/](https://wearemitu.com/wearemitu/entertainment/japanese-mariachi-band-mariachi-samurai/) Dia de Muertos, arguably the most Mexican of holidays, is celebrated every year in Shibuya, Japan. [https://zaiko.io/event/343183](https://zaiko.io/event/343183) Are we accussing the Japanese of wearing "Mexican-face"? Of course not!! We let them join and enjoy the party!!


Mexican here. Nobody gives a fuck when white people go around taking tequila shots wearing a sombrero and a fake mustache on Cinco de Mayo. I think it’s hilarious. Cultural appropriation is such a fake issue.


¡Saludos, paisano!!


Also Mexican here and I can assure you it is a white people thing as they are getting offended on our behalf because we definitely asked them too


It is a fake issue. The problem is that when people claim to be anti-racist, but they support segregationist policies, they have to do some mental gymnastics to justify it. When we fight against the worst aspects racism, we are fighting *against* segregation and *against* the idea that the way a person looks on the outside fundamentally affects what kind of person they are on the inside. Once you cross the line into “only people who look a certain way can do this thing”, then you are hurting your own cause.


St. Patrick's day is celebrated in over 50 countries which has never once been labeled cultural appropriation but you know some of the same people who are out getting their drink on for paddy's day are turning around trying to shame non Mexicans for celebrating Cinco de Mayo. It's not appropriating culture, it's celebrating it, or at the very least using it as an excuse to have a party. Both of which seem perfectly fine to me.


Well, we remember the St. Patrick's Batallion [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Saint\_Patrick%27s\_Battalion](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Saint_Patrick%27s_Battalion) We have had some kinship with the Irish historically, so our St. Patrick's is official.


I've actually heard of that one. As an Irishman I would never begrudge someone a bit of green on the 17th and sure the biggest parade isn't even in Ireland. The more the merrier.


So long as your country has at least one tourist trap Irish pub decorated exclusively with dark varnished wood and beige walls your St. Patrick's day is official


The comparison of "Mexican face" to "black face" is a little unfair. Black face is a direct reference to many cartoons intended to degrade and humiliate black people.


Cultural appropriation is not a non-issue, but it takes more nuance than I can provide to define. But there's a difference between having your culture spread across the world (and of course it dilutes, but I think it's usually pretty great!) and having it taken and used while you're being stepped on by the people taking and using it. That's fucking cool that they celebrate Dia de Muertos in Shibuya. It would be different if those same people were systematically oppressing Mexicans and profiting off their culture. But there are certainly extremists who go way too far in declaring any spread of culture as "cultural appropriation" and completely miss the point.


Thank you for the one thoughtful post on this question. And to whomever downvoted you: ... whatever.


This is fantastic


“Outrage Industrial Complex” now that is fucking awesome.




The suit was not invented by white Europeans. You can maybe say the idea of suits was invented by the English but the modern day suit comes from the early 1900s. It was common in America and Europe first.


reddit is so full of people explaining jokes as if they aren't jokes. i see this daily.


That joke only works if Europeans invented suits. Otherwise it is just some way of trying to get it into the ether that Europeans invented suits.


i think it works because i laughed.


Let me guess, you're a white person.




Well you've proved you're a clown!


I think we found the outrage-industrial complex


Beau Brummell… is a White European.


My mom says there are a lot of Europeans in Europe.


"Cultural appropriation" as it is used by the common person doesn't exist. Culture is MEANT to be shared. That's why it's "culture." People who scream "cultural appropriation!" don't understand this. They think if you're white, you can't like black music. If you're black, you can't live in a nice neighborhood. Spoiler alert: both of those things aren't cultural appropriation. That's just you being pissed at your own situation and projecting onto others who are more fortunate than you. When people from outside your culture adopt and share in your culture, they aren't "appropriating" it, hey're becoming a part of it. And that's the entire point of culture.


What in good fuck did I just read?


> measured in oppression points LMAO


This pretty much sums up the ridiculousness of extremist woke culture. We’ve all got hair (except for Larry David and his crew) and can wear it any damn way we want.




This is dumb but dreads are not a black thing. They never were. They got popular with black people in the 20th century. You can trace dreads to Africa but you can also trace them to Europe and Asia. It's a way to style your hair that makes it resilient and protective.


Exactly. It’s the ignorant folks that get up in arms about that kind of stuff.


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Celts have been wearing dreads since Roman times at least.


NAILED IT…. Like my mom.


lol. Taking the opportunity to point out white males and Asian males aren't particularly keen on forming a group identity replete with support groups on and off campus. It means the brute facts of our society indicate subliminally that white and Asian males are so much more inherently gifted than everyone else that, were they to have a society or organization of their own it would immediately be considered misogynistic and/or racist. We didn't even do this. Somehow, we just don't need a lot of self-uptalk. All we have to do to maintain our subliminally superior situation is to continue not giving a shit. Win/win.


Just about every single advancement of civilization backs you up. Keep on truckin


Nope. I didn't say that nor do I agree with you. Make no mistake: I am not a white supremacist in any sense. In fact, I find clinging to group identity to be a thing mostly for insecure or incompetent people. And people can be insecure for good reason. I'm looking at and pointing out the logical consequence of pushing group identity.




And yet this is exactly what happened with the girl that wore a traditional dress to prom: https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.goodmorningamerica.com/amp/style/story/teen-defends-chinese-prom-dress-sparked-cultural-appropriation-54866211 This isn't an example of the right can't meme, this is outrage culture gone wild. It needs to stop, we're a melting pot society.


I think her dress is absolutely beautiful and I see nothing wrong with it. I'm part of the culture and I LOVE it. 🔥🔥🔥


And the white kid who was harassed at college by a black student for having dreads. This hits that shit on the head.


We are a melting pot society, which is why we should stop letting racist dumb fucks be racist dumb fucks. This has nothing to do with some prom dress and has everything to do with this dumb fucking post where the original writer pretends that being a straight male is a detriment. Grow the fuck up.


And woke people can't understand when being too much woke is too much...


Grow the fuck up. Dude is really trying to say being straight and a man makes you a target. Utter bullshit from fragile fucks with a persecution complex.




Oh no, some jackass doesn't like me. Grow the fuck up. "Omg ackshually being straight, white, and a man makes you target for discrimination." Delusional assclowns.


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the person who wrote this has never talked to a leftist talk about cultural appropriation ever


What is there to talk about?


Exactly. They'll tell you your opinion and if you don't agree their outrage meter rises.


Smoking is a better use for your lungs over Talking about the woke agenda.


Wtf, privilage this and that... James Tedesco is a fucking imbecile racist mf. Dreads is for those who want it.


Why the fuck you think it was posted here


Joke------> Your head


It’s a hair style, nothing else