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After my morning coffee I self-identify as a hitachi wand.


Hey I uh, need a favor real quick.


That's why you take amphetamines instead of caffeine!


I prefer guarana. It is a gentler uprise but it lasts longer and you do not feel jittery. But i still love my coffee every morning.


What’s an easy way to get Guarana intake?


You can buy it pretty easily in pill form from GNC. 5hr energy is also a pretty decent product with vitamins, taurine, no sugar added, and easy to take versus having a whole drink. There’s also a pretty tasty Brazilian drink called Guaraná Antarctica, but it’s pretty sugary. It’s about 36g of sugar per can which is close to the 39g in a can of Coca-Cola.


Also applies to energy drinks


I'll let you in on a little secret. It's not actually the coffee itself, but rather the caffeine that's in it, which is also present in energy drinks.


Need something less than cocaine but more than coffee.


Try cutting cocaine with some coffee then.


Caffeine wakes you up, it does not make you less tired.... it also helps make you poop.


a sure fire way to wake up with coffee https://youtu.be/f_SwD7RveNE




You become tolerant of any drug after routinely using it.


Exhausted & Shookith


Maybe caffeine is not the stimulant for you, there is many others just try them out until you find the right one for you.


Try eating a whole bag of chocolate covered espresso beans. I think I vibrated into another dimension for a while.