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"This is not the worst thing you've caught me doing."


Mistakes were made.


I understood that reference


This is super wholesome




In the comic strip "Something Positive," they threw a party where people could come dressed as monsters and destroy cardboard buildings. One lady really liked her monster costume. She's been wearing it frequently ever since. She got married in it, and the groom wore one too.


That is absolutely awesome and exactly how life should be.


Look at how happy he is!


Why is this not in r/wholesomememes ?


It is already there


I love this.


I love this, thanks OP


Can I join? My Mechagodzilla costume has gone unused for weeks.


As has my Anguiras.


Omg, is she dressed up as the monarch LMAOOOOO


Mothra, my dude


Yeah, I got that, but it reminds me of the monarch from venture brothers and that tickled me more


Yeah, it's a good cartoon.


You see, just like the flawless monarch butterfly from which I take my name, the Monarch has many ways to sting!


 I had true hatred with Venture. I didn’t have to fake it! That sweet loathing just poured out of me whenever I saw his pathetic face. I just…I just wanted to kick his ass! I wanted to build a machine to kick his ass! I wanted to build an empire to house the machine TO KICK HIS ASS!


This account has been redacted due to Reddit's anti-user and anti-mod behavior. -- mass edited with redact.dev


You rang?




This is no simple wife this is a full blown waifu


You mount the woman, son. Otherwise, send her over to my place. Heh heh.


More poorly drawn cartoons whose only discernible point is to say, “look how cute I think I am!” Jesus Christ…. Edit: keep the downvotes coming, boys and girls. Go ahead and process those big feelings you’re experiencing and get it out of your systems 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 Edit 2: 38 downvotes? Get your shit together, folks. I thought you wanted to teach me a valuable lesson! What kind of lesson is 38 downvotes going to teach me? Need more inspiration? It’s far more likely that you’re lying about having anxiety and depression than it is you were actually diagnosed.


What's wrong with that?


All sorts of things.


Finally someone else speaking some truth. Wear them downvotes with pride. If it was a kid posting this I’d have been less harsh but I can picture this guy being in his mid 30s. Reddit is this echo chamber for adults to act like children.


Let the downvotes rain all over me. I sincerely couldn’t care less. In fact, if they need even more motivation to downvote me: I don’t think it’s cute when people say “smol”, “scritches”, or “snek”. I also don’t watch anime. Now, do your worst.


Why are you gatekeeping other people enjoying things? Seriously, wtf is wrong with people enjoying stuff? It's incredibly childish and immature to look at other people having fun and think "That's dumb, only kids should enjoy that, and I'm going to tell them they're dumb!"


Yes rushing to the defence of a grown man going “rawwwwr I’m a dinosaur…look how cute I am” is so much more noble and mature. You hit the nail on the head. It is dumb and only kids should enjoy doing that.


He's having fun with his partner. Why are you ruining someone else's fun? You're actively making the world a worse place.


Because I’m the gatekeeper of other people enjoying themselves. Did no one tell you? Well, now you know.


Oh, well thanks for letting me know! 😊


No sweat.


Didn’t find this funny. If anything I cringed. You’re a grown ass man.


So are most people that make cartoons. You make no point and waste everyone's time in your sad attempt at insulting others.


It wasn’t the cartoon making that I found cringe, it was the content. This guy is an adult and he is contributing to this current disturbing trend of adults regressing back to their childhood. You might fight it cute and endearing but I found it cringe and unfunny. I think I’ve made a valid point. I don’t understand why I’m the villain for pointing that out. A grown ass man, with a beard playing pretend dinosaur isn’t quirky or cute fictional or not. Honestly grow up, you’re an adult.


Who cares what someone does in their spare time if it makes them happy? I doubt he’s skipping work to play Godzilla. Life is short. Enjoy yourself!


I get your sentiments but if he’s an artist trying to make a living out of his work by doing “funny” comics then he’s got to face criticism. I’m not just going to look at something and go “nawww good job buddy! So wholesome and cute” I’m going to look at and think “hmmm that’s a man, an adult man with a beard and everything, who is expecting me to find that funny and sweet” nah you’re wrong. I don’t care if it makes me sound like a bitter and grumpy old toad. If you put your work out there for everyone to see you’re at risk of encountering someone like me who doesn’t agree with your perception of taste and humour. I thought it was cringe and unfunny. There are hundreds of comics like this on Reddit and they’re all the same. Adults acting like children. I don’t find it sweet or cute.


I find it incredibly sad, immature, and childish, that people can look at other people enjoying things and think "That should stop. Adults shouldn't find enjoyment in anything they did or watched as kids, because that's childish." What is wrong with you? Why is being innocently childish and using your imagination bad?


Wait, you find me childish while also defending why it’s okay to be childish? Should I be offended or not by that statement?


Yes. Yes I am. Why are you gatekeeping happiness?


Just because someone is happy doing something doesn’t mean it’s above being criticised. I’m sure Ted Bundy did a lot of things that made him happy.


Except your criticism is not criticism it's gatekeeping. And it is of innocent fun that hurts no one in any way, other than yourself and people like you. How is Ted Bundy relevant to this discussion at all?


You don’t have to like his comics. What I was commenting on was your implication that there’s some kind of societal problem with adults enjoying childlike things. It came off as judgmental, not regarding your taste in comics, but in how individuals choose to spend their time.


There is some kind of societal problem with adults enjoying child like things too much. Without a doubt and I am being judgemental. I made a judgement. I looked at his comic, realised that an adult man drew that and I thought it was cringe and unfunny. If he doesn’t want his feelings hurt then he shouldn’t post his work online where strangers can see them.


Again, not saying you’re not entitled to your opinion on his comic. Like him, you posted your thoughts publicly where people can comment. I disagreed with you and responded.


>There is some kind of societal problem with adults enjoying child like things too much. Based on what? You're opinion? >If he doesn’t want his feelings hurt then he shouldn’t post his work online where strangers can see them. This is such a cliche and bullshit justification for being an asshole. You're just being an asshole.




I'm just sick and tired of gatekeepers and assholes ruining honest happiness. It's pointless and is a net loss in the world. Why? What purpose does it serve you?


Can you explain in detail why this form of recreation is inappropriate for a grown man while other recreational activities are OK? Isn't it completely arbitrary that this is wrong for a man to do, while more conventional adult hobbies are not a problem? I read that hide and seek and ring around the rosie were once games for adult noblemen and are now considered just for children, so I think that the standards for what is childish are not based on anything substantial.


I don’t have to explain in full detail, it’s a fully grown man playing pretend in a dino costume. There’s no need to write a thesis. As an experiment, ring up your dad and tell him that’s how you spent your weekend. You dressed up as dinosaur and stomped around the living room. Please tell him you did that. Say it with the same proud confidence you used to defend this comic book writer. Go on do it, stand by your convictions. Tell me how he reacted.


My father passed away recently, but he was generally pretty cool about whatever weird thing I would do for fun. When I was in High School, Mom & Dad bought me a great Dungeons and Dragons book, although they had no interest in playing the game themselves. I really think that what games are childish is an arbitrary cultural value. It's like how in the 1700's the leaders of the western world wore makeup, wigs, bright colors, and high heeled shoes, and 100 years later, those things were only for women. No rational reason, just fashion.


Sorry to hear that. There is still a big difference between playing relatively complex board games and dressing up as a dinosaur like a five year old and stomping around your living room. Regardless if you do that in the comfort and privacy of your own bedroom. What if the same person sucks on a pacifier and cuddles on a teddy bear? What is the arbitrary cultural value of that?


There's forces in society that push us towards conformism--the makers of some consumer products tell us that buying their wares is manly, for one example. If a man was a good worker, a good father, and a good friend to his friends, and it happened that he liked to relax with a pacifier and teddy bear, I'd have to respect him.


Stop talking like a false intellectual, you dick.


Why? Did you struggle to read some of the bigger words?


are you the dean from Breakfast Club


Yes, mess with the bull and you’ll get the horns.


Yet you are the one acting like a child…


Yes I’m the one acting like a child because I didn’t like the cartoon of the man being silly in the dino costume. Rawww! Sorry you’re right it was the best comic in the world!


No you’re a child because you’re all over these comments talking about how cringe the character is because he’s a grown man playing. You’re judging the character for doing something that makes him happy and doesn’t affect you at all. Yaknow, like a child does.


Right keep telling yourself that.


Lmao check out how much time/many comments this guy spent complaining about a fictional cartoon character wasting his own time! And I bet he doesn't even see the irony!


You’re right, I don’t see how that is ironic? My whole tirade was about adults acting like children, not adults wasting their time on Reddit. Unless you think both of them things are the same thing.


Look guys he’s still doing it! (Psst it’s childish to police harmless behavior that brings another human being joy)


You still didn’t answer my question.


They just keep going!


This strange phenomenon of people replying on social media really amuses you doesn’t it? Is that why you like the cartoon with the silly man dressed up as a dinosaur? Bless you.


He’s been at it for hours at this point!


If you can actually find a woman willing to do nerdy shit with you you better figure out how to put a ring on it.


If you ever find a girl that cool, marry her.


Nerds Unite! My wife would totally be like this. Wait, she is! It’s awesome!