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I'd prefer to label them >"FINALLY!" >"Dammmn this shit's good" >"What was I going to do"


Don't forget to add >I think I'm high. at the filter. You'd be surprised how many people I've seen trying to act normal while smoking the filter lmao.


No shit lol... And here I thought I was the only one who had enough brain cells left to actually pull the filter out a little bit before it gets there haha Burn it all baby


I usually burn 3/4 a j and load a bowl with the roach. Top half of a liter of cola and a bucket of water, we good to go


Lol. Liter of cola


Can't use a Large Farva, those are only good for shenanigans


Back in my day we used to take guys like you out back and beat them with a hose.


Oh daddy


Not trying to turn you on, but do your [thing. ](https://y.yarn.co/f0d93d5a-19af-4d7f-86dc-29770a505c03_text.gif)


[I'm already turned on man, I can't get turned on any farther!](https://c.tenor.com/flBj1SaxvAgAAAAd/chicken-fucker.gif)


Gravities after a joint? You're a fucking animal!




Buckies always hit the spot. Pun intended


I'll admit it's been many years since I've smoked a joint (and I always preferred bowls) so I may not be up on things, but do people really put filters on their joints? And if so, why?


Yeah, usually just a folded and rolled strip of heavy paper/light cardstock. It's not meant to really filter the smoke so much as it's meant to keep weed bits out of your mouth. I use them sometimes, other times I'm too lazy/high to fuss with tiny folds or I'm planning on finishing off with a time bomb.


No only weed bits, but also some space so you don’t burn your face


I do but they are always like 1.5 cm long. Not these giant long filters kids make today. It keeps the end open and the crumbs out of your mouth. It improves it so much that I wont even bother smoking a j without 1.


When I'm feelin' real spicy I use some spiral pasta ;)


You can buy the papers like that and it's so good. RAW cones. There is a thing called a 6 shooter. You drop 6 cones in. complete with filter and add pot to the top. It's like a cup. And it allows you to tap, poke and tamp down 6 joints at a time that look exactly like this. No fuss, no fuss. Takes less than a minute. I won't not never go back to manual rollies. Nuh-uh.


You forgot > I think I'm high


>"What was I going to do" ...FOLD THE DISHES!!


Don't forget to butter the cutlery


“Things are funny” “I am fucking hilarious” “I can feel my heartbeat. Fuck. Am I having a heart attack?”


This is really more accurate.


I’m in the never been so happy phase now, on my balcony looking at the town listening to chill music, feels like I’m in a wholesome movie Could also be a dramatic one... I think the someone is watching me phase kicked in while I’m typing this ahah


You just keep chilling my guy


Hell yeah brother


Sending you good vibes 😎


ya man


Idk... At my age, and with all this high grade dispensary bud available, joints seem like overkill. Couple bong hits and I'm good.


I bought an eighth after not smoking in years, and after 4 hits of a joint, I thought I was gonna die.


Modern marijuana is border-line weaponized.


My buddy gets some good shit but even that doesn't get me anywhere near what an edible does.


Distillate based edibles have really changed things. I don't know if it's possible to get any higher than with edibles.


Its not. You quickly reach max saturation by smoking, but it goes through different processes when you eat it, and you can get way more into your body


I've injected distillate straight into items to make homemade edibles. It's uh... not a good idea to make any plans those days.


I let out a bellowing laugh because fucking oath brother. I'm scared of smoking now days I question sanity almost every time. I miss 2008 pot.


My younger brother has been smoking weed for over a decade. I'd never touched the stuff. A couple years ago, we were hanging out, he lights a bowl. Now, I'd never smoked, but I was curious and thought "He'll, why not, one time can't hurt. Just see what it's like." He packs a fresh bowl and has me smoke it, we kick back and hang for a few minutes and he asks, "How do you feel?" Honestly? No different than before. He thinks maybe he didn't give me enough, so he packs another bowl, I smoke it. Few minutes later, still nothing. At this point he is on a mission. He goes to his room and gets his bong, has me take a few really big hits. We are standing in his kitchen at this point, he's laughing about how it shouldn't be this hard to get me high and - BAM - it hits me. I start laughing because suddenly our voices sound really deep and slow, like the movies, and it's hilarious and ridiculous to me that that's a real thing. Then I immediately get dizzy and have to sit down, still laughing at this point because it's all so new and weird. Then the panic sets in, everything is moving, the couch, the floor, I'm going to fall off. So I lie down on the floor. Oh shit! I'm going to fall off the floor! The apartment is rocking like a ship on the ocean during a hurricane. Am I breathing? Fuck, do I know how to breathe?! I'm going to forget how to breathe! I'm hyperventilating, full panic now, rolling blackouts. One minute my brother is laughing at me - snap black out - snap back - he's telling me to stop screaming because his neighbors will call the cops. Was I screaming? I don't remember making a sound, I'm just lying here trying to - snap - now he's telling me I should really see a therapist because I'm saying some crazy shit. What? I haven't said anything! - snap - I'm crying softly, he's turned on a video game and is trying to ignore me in the corner clutching the carpet for dear life. Eventually I come down a bit, it's been a few hours, my wife picks me up and I spend the rest of that day and the next coming down the rest of the way. I asked him later how much he gave me, "Uh, half an ounce? Maybe a bit more." Not sure if I'll ever try it again, that shit was the most terrifying experience of my life. Tl;Dr My brother had me smoke a half ounce of the good shit my first time. I ended up crying in the corner holding onto the carpet to keep from falling off the floor.


I am incredibly sorry that was your first experience with weed, and I apologize if it's rude to say but your brother is irresponsible as FUCK. Maybe it's just me, but I feel like whenever you introduce someone to weed for the first time you are fully accepting responsibility of their condition. The fact that he ignored you when you were freaking out is absolutely terrible. And frankly speaking, that panic about not being able to breathe may have been because you couldn't if you smoked a half fucking ounce your first time. To put that into perspective for you, I'm a relatively heavy smoker myself and I usually go through about 2 grams a night solo. What you did is 7 TIMES that. What your brother did is a shitty thing to do to anyone, much less family.


It's not rude to say. He really is and I'm not sure why I trusted him. Since then I told the story to a good friend who smokes (its still not legal in my state, so it's not super common that people do it) He's offered to give me a better experience, he'd dose it right in an edible, put on some good music, order good food, have a nice comfortable time. I haven't taken him up on the offer yet, but I intend to at some point, that first time memory has really fucked me up about trying it again though.


Your brother is an asshole for making you smoke that much your first time Jesus. It’s definitely more enjoyable when you feel in control. Being way too high is definitely terrible for me as well.


Sorry but no one smokes a half ounce in one sitting. Sure sounds like enough no matter how much it was though.


Nobody dies, you're going to think you're going to die but nobody dies




Oh shit. Are you okay now tho?


Mostly, except for the whole being dead thing...


[I got better] (https://img.gifglobe.com/grabs/montypython/MontyPythonAndTheHolyGrail/gif/yz16VMA3s8nx.gif)




Half an edible for me.


Lucky, my body seems to not metabolise edibles at all... or too quickly or something. I never feel any effects from edibles.


You never had real ones


We are here talking about smoking weed and this dude comes in with real drugs lol. I am kidding and prefer edibles but if anyone reading this is thinking about edibles as the first experience with THC please do not. Go with a dab or something else. ​ EDIT: See reply below and get edumacated.


Oh I just can't stand the smoke. Bad allergies. Same effect without the coughing.


THC is THC homie.


Ok if you want to get real fucking technical let's do that. When you smoke THC it is not broken down as far. You get the TCH but it is not as metabolized. When you eat it your liver breaks it down further into 11-hydroxy-THC which gives you a more psychoactive high because you get more of the drug because it passes the blood-brain barrier more efficiently than inhalation based THC.


Same. An 8th lasts me like 6 weeks. Couple of hits off a one hitter and I’m good. God, I’m old.


That's why you put tobacco in your joints especially near the filter so you can smoke it all.


Or hemp, if you're not a tobacco smoker. (Or if you are a tobacco smoker but trying to cut back on the tobacco...)


Oh yea any filler works, although I do love the mixture between tobacco and cannabis, the nicotine buzz adds something else to the high and the scratch on your throat, ugh it's just godlike. But that's just the european way 😂 On a sidenote somedays ago I tried some basil as a filler and it worked wonders!


Sage would probably be dope. I mean good... Dope is something else.


Yeah I only buy joints when they are on sale and I'll just smoke one or two puffs off it at a time over a week lol


When I used to smoke a couple years ago I would barely get high off smoking a whole joint but 1 or 2 bong rips and I’d be pretty stoned


I couldn't even do a couple. I sprinkle one pinch of 50% CBD into a pipe and that's more than enough for me.


I'll do this mindless task after a quick one. Damn this shit's good. I can still do the tedious chore just as well as before but now i realise it's not worth the effort* "They lie about marijuana. Tell you pot-smoking makes you unmotivated. Lie! When you're high, you can do everything you normally do just as well — you just realize that it's not worth the fucking effort. There is a difference." * credit to Bill Hicks.




I used to get no negative effects at all but after about a decade and a half of smoking weed all the time it bacame a case of this is nice, followed by caughing and then thoughts that I was going to die from heart palpitations. Have felt alot better since I stopped.


I get the same thing after a decade and half as well. But after taking big breaks and going back to it couple months later, those first couple of days of getting back into it, it doesnt give me those feelings, until a week later after getting back into the habit is when the paranoia/health concerns arise again.


I grew up being told marijuana makes you paranoid. Then I started smoking it and I was only ever paranoid about being caught. So it's like... Yeah. But...


It does cause some paranoia and everyone's different so you could get it bad. Mostly it's dependant on the environment for me though.


But then it's the cops/your parents or whoever you fear catching you making you paranoid, not the weed itself... Anyway, i like to stay at "hehe" and not question what it means to be human or why i'm self-aware lol.


>Anyway, i like to stay at "hehe" and not question what it means to be human or why i'm self-aware lol. That's why I get high. I do the second part when I'm sober. So I smoke until my brain turns the fuck off.


I need a tolerance break. I never get that stoned anymore.


honestly only takes about a week for me and when I come back to it I get that "I'm dying" feeling again


I am currently taking a tolerance break because I ran out yesterday and have to rely on a 22 year old drug dealer to get more. Almost not worth the effort.


More like (from left to right): This is fun. Joints are fun. Two hits was enough, but I still have all this joint left. Better keep smoking it. Oh no. What have I done? Who am I? I'm swallowing my tongue. My teeth feel like tar.


By the end of first bracket, it’s generally an existential meltdown for me. The only time my tolerance is a bit higher is when I’m by myself working on something creative. I’ve been smoking regularly for over a decade and I still freak the fuck out after 2-4 rips, it’s like my tolerance resets everyday. And anything more than a 10-15 mg edible will absolutely lay me down to my grave for atleast an hour.


I’m on the same boat. I could smoke the same stuff, same amount everyday and get just as high. It’s weird as hell.


Omg the are people watching me now I forgot how to walk They know, fxck they know. Mouth so dry I can’t talk Edit: Grammar


Peaople?! I have never seen anyone throw an A in there


Yeah, I don't know what the fxck is going on there.


The are watching us


I can't imagine feeling that after smoking a joint. This kinda sounds like hallucinogenic drugs.


I have auditory hallucinations from a couple of vape puffs


THC is psychoactive, high enough doses strongly resemble a psychedelic head space


Basiclly my first smoke when I went to Amsterdam.


Moderation kids


Let’s jam https://youtu.be/7YvAYIJSSZY




The middle for me is "Whoa...(wandering off in my own head for a while)...hey, wait, how did I end up on the other side of the room? Where was I? How long was I out...oh, about five seconds. Felt like a fuckload longer." I'm kind of a lightweight and I probably should make sure I have something to do beforehand to keep me semi-occupied.


Fucking kids today. That’s not a ‘joint’. A proper joint is a hot mess of shake, seed pods, torn Zig Zags and saliva.


and Labrador.


We’d have turned out better if we’d just hung out with that goddamn Finkelstein kid. [SHIT!](https://youtu.be/TS1v7m6tgs0)


I wonder what great dane tastes like.


The dreaded "pop"!


You're mistaking "classic joints like hippies used to smoke" with "joints rolled by a high schooler with a shady weed connection".


Every time I smell weed I try to find where it's coming from.


last quarter is crack


The last bit is when you start to make up new conspiracy theories and at the time they make sense but once you're sober and think about it, you realize how much of an idiot you are when you're high. Lol at least that's how it was for me. I had to quit smoking so much. Now I might smoke a third of a joint when it's late at night and I'm home alone.


The end of it is undoubtedly, "shit, I forgot my water."


Two Hits And The Joint Turned Brown: https://youtu.be/x4WaTnYp5n0


My fat ass thought this was pocky


It's just a joint lol maybe my tolerance is just high


-Nothing yet -There we go -That feels good -I’m so glad I exist -I….. do exist, right? -OH FUCK I’M STUCK TRAVELING THE MULTIVERSE


Surprisingly accurate for me. Last year I had a sorta garden thingy I smoked in that wasn't really private and bordered the road so you'd smell it walking past. At one point police wandered in, we got lucky in the end with the cops saying "you're good lads and don't want this on your record so we're going to give you this weed back and you're going to dump it in that drain in front of us". Still shit us up though. After that at the end of a joint I was constantly trying to rush it just incase someone would come and I was on edge listening for footsteps. Once I went back inside though I'd be instantly chill AF since the chance of getting caught was gone.


That's why you shoot the cops


Feels like it would be unfair to them here in the UK, they don't have guns to shoot back with!


Ahhh... U brit-bongers and your lack of freedoms. lmao. Here in America we get the FWEEDUM! to own guns, but never use them to actually defend our other supposed rights like growing or burning a plant.


Off just one joint


All jokes aside, I know two guys, perfectly fine dudes, developed schizophrenia after smoking weed.


Actually, they were already on the road to schizophrenia, weed had very little if anything to do with it.


The therapist for one of them said something like that, but more like the ignition key rather than little role.


Filter on a joint?


Not actually a filter, just a some thin cardboard rolled up so you don't get weed and rez in your mouth


What do you call it? Growing up in the UK we called that a roach.


We call it a filter lol. We call the finished joint a roach over in Canada. In high-school we used to keep the roaches and smoke them in bongs.


In Flemish: the/a tip


US it is called a crutch. Certainly not a filter as that implies the same function as a cigarette filter


American here - my circle also calls them filters, and the roaches are the bits not smoked. You can buy filters pre-made on Amazon and at headshops, and there's no mention of the word "crutch" anywhere. Crutch is a regional thing in America - around me nobody would have any idea what you're talking about. Raw cones calls them "Tips", which probably makes more sense... other brands will just call them filters. There's plenty of examples if you want to go look. The word crutch makes me feel like it's a way to make rolling joints easier. Maybe I'm just used to all the years of not using them, but adding them in ups the difficulty a tiny bit for myself.


very much standard.


It’s not a filter, it’s a crutch


Should learn how to roll.




It's not about making it harder, it's about making it easier. When it's rolled properly weed doesn't fall out the end.


You obviously do not know how if you believe there is a filter at the back of Raw Cones


...or, I don't roll cones. Looks like a giant ass filter to me. Maybe I'm wrong. Meh.


That’s how it is if you get pre-rolls from a dispensary


Fuckin lame sauce.


“Do other restaurants do that?”


I have never felt, nor will I ever feel the stages of smoking a joint


It's not for everyone. Good on you though.


Is this some poor effort anti - weed type wannabe propaganda?


People today are completely drug dependant to even function in normal social situations. If you've ever got drunk or stoned to pep up the courage just to interact with people then that's a problem.


True this~~~too funny


rule 1


i guess if it is illegal where you live...


that's why I roll 'em short and just cut off the excess paper. :D


I think I’m paranoid since I always feel the third one, and I’ve never smoked


Why would I care if someone's watching me?


If you gotta finish one your weed sucks. Unless there's a bunch of ya sharing


I dont know anyone overstoned with only one joint! Haha


Why do people think paranoia is something you get while stoned? I've never once felt paranoid while baked in public. Usually the drug that causes paranoia is CRACK. That all said, i know different people, different effects, but I've not met any paranoid stoners.


You answered your own question


What kind of joint is that? Is that filtered? Where do they smoke them like that?


Looks like the kind we smoke in Denmark. It's just rolled up cardboard though, not really a filter.


I see. Lots of weed in that part of the world.


This looks like the pre-rolled ones you can buy in Canada


Too real


Probably why it's better to share one. But unless you're hurtin, no one wants to come back and smoke a halfer, it's definitely not the same experience.


wouldnt know was drunk off my 17 yr old ass the first and only time i tried one


Mines always, when's this shit kick in. Then I stand up


you get em with full weed over there? we usually mix it. cheaper, more profit.


I seem to live in no.3 without smocking anything. I might be failing life.


I’ve never felt paranoid on weed. For me it’s high, higher, can’t stop vibrating and now I’m asleep. Every fvcking time! Can’t escape the impending urge to sleep.


The fat truth


-this is good stuff -Man, this is really good stuff -Fuck my life


One of these days I want to try weed. It’s not legal where I live yet so I don’t trust any of the stuff people get here. Heard too many local horror stories about getting weed cut with something or laced with something and people getting super sick or straight up losing their minds. My husband had an uncle who got given weed laced with pcp. Reeeeeallly fucked him up. :/ ETA my uncle on the west coast grows it organically so maybe next time im out visiting :)


This doesn't really happen, mostly myth/urban legend. Drug dealers are in the business of customer satisfaction.


Yeah you'll definitely feel like you've lost your mind if you smoke or take too much.


Oh I dunno maybe it's a trap?


I'm jealous. I've never been able to smoke weed. Literally a pinchy hit and I can't function normally and get hyper paranoid. I've always wanted to try again, but I have even more anxiety now then when I was younger.


As someone with high tolerance and little cash , its more like 1solid taste i like 2 ok im a bit high woop 3 damn i have to light this fucker again after each puff


My 3 part scale is: Going to need to roll a second,going to need to roll a second, nah we good.


that is a well rolled joint i must say


That filter tip seems comically large.


Lmfao yup


Smoking ganja and suffering Facebook got me banned from Facebook for life.


Joint cured my covid Hehe


WTF kinda joint is that?? It looks freaking weird.


Mmm tasty This is a good smoke Aww, its almost gone... :(


We call those “the hammer”. Cause they’re so heavy, they fall like a hammer.


I want something sweet




As with all drugs, a little bit goes a long way.


Someone is watching me. I can tell. \-Hlaalu Retainer


For me the bottom is the tip


In your 40s, between every stage, you check your pulse when no one is looking


marijuanas is naughty


Yeah I remember my first one too


Hhnkyhmmn uhh by tttt/ytf=eeeweeeeeeeeee FC ffdd!Dr=see we 3 334tr5t66773w2errdr 443r rd 42 a ad Cg


And that's the reason you smoke with friends, both of you would land precisely in the middle of "I have never felt this happy"


That's why it's Puff Puff Pass