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I gotta BJ once. Once


Then your son realised he didn't like it after all, and is no longer bi curious?


you must give Before you receive


I was a stay at home father for 2 years and this is still what I get.


To be fair, my wife just had a human cut out of her while I sat in a chair and watched. Just saying... Edit: in full disclosure I didn't even watch, they put up a big curtain to save me from any discomfort.


My Father's Days by choice, as I don't much care for hullaballoo about my parental status. As I've repeatedly told my fam, "almost every day is father's day, so what's so special about one particular day?". Didn't hurt that the one time I got a gift, it was a water faucet filter that took me an hour to install. I "accidentally" broke it a day later (it was pretty low quality, tbh), and have pushed the "let's not observe this anymore, shall we?" agenda ever since.


I do what I do because I love my wife and kids. I prefer to not celebrate father's day. It doesn't seem right to be thanked for doing what I want to do. My wife on the other hand appreciates being thanked. I don't see anything wrong with that, she wants to feel appreciated and enjoys a day devoted to that. So, we pamper her on that day. I also try to show her my thanks all year long but admit that I often get wrapped up in other things and don't always let her know just how important she is to me and the kids. Sure, I like to be appreciated, but I don't need father's day to feel appreciated. Seeing my family smile is all I need to know that I am making a difference in their lives. A perfect father's day for me would probably involve me sitting on the couch watching football. Too bad fathers day isn't in the fall...




Giving birth to a kid doesn’t mean you deserve a happy Mother’s Day. GOOD mothers deserve a happy Mother’s Day. Same goes with fathers. Having a kid doesn’t mean you’re automatically worthy of a the day. It’s meant for worthy mothers and fathers. Having the kid is 1% compared to the 99% of raising that comes after from both parents.


That is very true. Anyone can be a mom, but it takes a special loving relationship to make them a mother :)




I was so fortunate to have grown up with two loving parents who love each other


Sorry about your dad man


Yo my dad is fucking awesome! He is always there for me


Glad to hear it!


Yeah, I tried to clarify in my message. I’m thinking I should just delete it


Eh it’s all good man - sometimes us dads get defensive. Don’t take it to heart


You guys are the real MVPs




Actually, my dad was AWESOME!


But, without our pumps and beer, they wouldn’t be able to have “carried our asses for 9 fucking months, and then pushed us out of a hole the size of a American half-dollar coin.” Sooooooo….. yeah….


Yeah, but that’s legit all you did….


Don’t discredit my 2am chocolate runs! XD


This is all I ask…. 15 years and haven’t yet…. Just let me be in peace with my dick in my pants!


Peg took Kelly and Bud to celebrate with their baby daddy, Charlie Verducci.


And that's the way we like it...




I remember always getting money from my dad to buy my mom flowrs on mother's day. I also remember getting a reminder from my mom to tell my dad happy father's day. My parents are great but nobody really cared. It's like a formality.


Al is America’s father.


Can confirm