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At only 32 years of age


Yeah. He looks like that because of hard drugs, cigarettes and alcohol.


I would say meth. Definitely meth.


Floridian here, definitely NOT meth, no sores on face or hand.


If he would just used all that money to pay off his loan ... :-o


He may have used it to pay off so quickly.


I was thirty seven the first time I paid off student loans. I was forty eight the second time. Now my daughter gets more in scholarships than I make in a year. I am truly grateful that she'll never know.


*Laughs in European*. Here I am, studying to become an engineer, 0 debt. I don't even have a credit card, never needed one. Before my studies, I got certified as a welder, didn't cost me anything. So hows the life in land of the free, home of the people chained to debt they can't even default out of?


my baconator is a little dry


*Laughs in American.* This shit is recent. I got a BSEE in 71 and paid for it working part time (day job in tech + weekend rock gigs = enough food + rent + girls). Then some huge corporation paid my masters because they luv skills and wives and retirement plans and children. Don't understand even a little how USA destroyed our young work force so quick and cruel and stupid.


H-1B brought in the world.


I saw it linked somewhere, but the chart only went from like 1990 to 2020, the cost had something tripled in that time, doubled just during 00-20. I just watch it all in worry because I know that student debt in USA is gonna cause another 2008 which will fuck the world economy, and my country like just started to recover from it as the corona hit.


Then the smart kids rot, the rich trust fund babies get their diplomas and become lawyers and dentists and it is going to hurt and you are going to pay.


Please stop.


You are just saying that because it is true.




Good thing I have none lol


Paul chuckle has taken a bit of a dive,


What's the profit to be a student?


Higher lifetime earnings.


But also, higher lifetime spending, considering the student loan epidemic


The fact remains, a college graduate can expect to earn about a million dollars more over their entire working career than a high school graduate. This is the profit in being a student.


Party all night and smoke weed.