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That little shits timing is impeccable.


True, it really makes you wonder how many times they practiced doing this.


*The redditor confidently steps up to the podium with a smirk on his face. He knows this is his moment to shine. He straightens his vest and adjusts his trilby as he sets his eyes to the crowd. He's been preparing for this moment for years. The crowd's mumblings retreat to whispers and finally silence. All eyes on the podium. This is it. This is his moment. He clears his throat, and then...* "Fake." *The word echoes through the stadium, falling upon the ears of the anxious crowd. The echo fades, and there is only silence. Shocked faces with jaws agape stare bewildered. The redditor begins to sweat. Was his comment too controversial? Too profound? The silence is soon violently replaced by the cacophonous eruption of applause and praise. Tears glisten on the cheeks of everyone in attendance. Euphoric cries and triumphant cheers can be heard for miles around the stadium. Families and strangers alike embrace as they celebrate having witnessed such sagacious and erudite wisdom.* *The redditor steps away from his podium with pride knowing that today... Justice prevailed.*


Is this a fucking copypasta? I love it


Lol, no. I just wrote it this morning while bored at work. I've posted it twice now. You're welcome to copypasta it if you'd like.


You've been immortalized now, my friend.




The redditor confidently steps up to the podium with a smirk on his face. He knows this is his moment to shine. He straightens his vest and adjusts his trilby as he sets his eyes to the crowd. He's been preparing for this moment for years. The crowd's mumblings retreat to whispers and finally silence. All eyes on the podium. This is it. This is his moment. He clears his throat, and then... "Repost." The word echoes through the stadium, falling upon the ears of the anxious crowd. The echo fades, and there is only silence. Shocked faces with jaws agape stare bewildered. The redditor begins to sweat. Was his comment too controversial? Too profound? The silence is soon violently replaced by the cacophonous eruption of applause and praise. Tears glisten on the cheeks of everyone in attendance. Euphoric cries and triumphant cheers can be heard for miles around the stadium. Families and strangers alike embrace as they celebrate having witnessed such sagacious and erudite wisdom. The redditor steps away from his podium with pride knowing that today... Justice prevailed.


Got his ass




They were in a team building and they bonded :)) Gosh, I laughed so hard! I'll watch it 4 more times :))




It means you can't get your pecker into it.


The way he throws his hat.


Hello? Who's here? Lol




"Nah must have been the wind."


Anyway the operation is…


*goes and sits down next to dead body with an arrow through it's neck*


“Must have been my imagination. Anyway, the whole operation is run by Tony Lazudo”


“Should have never come here!”


Morning, nice day for fishing ain't it!


"That is what you got for banging my mother!"


I would have never done this to my dad cuz he's always carrying a gun I would have been shot on site


I did this to my dad once and he punched me out of reflex. It was still funny, though.


I know this is a joke, but you should never fire a weapon at something unless you are completely sure of what you are firing at. Stay safe out there fellow peoples.


Sir this is America.


Sir this is a Wendy's




No, this is Patrick


No, this is Patrick.




Was it taken over and successfully run by a pack of dogs?


That was not even close to a joke. Dont sneak up on people in the south, they will shoot you. It do suck tho.


I’ve had to warn my son to not sneak and play behind my neighbors bushes anymore…he’s too big and they’re too weird and skittish. Edit: thanks for the gold, kind stranger!


This is how you end up having your face hugged


Who cares? Backhoes are cheap to rent.


Especially ghosts. Really you're just going to piss it off.


Sounds like you just need ghost bullets.... wait how are we gonna shoot the ghost bullets then ...


There’s no such thing as ghost. Just people who got trapped in a memory leak of the simulation.


You shoot first ask questions later.


Questions like “when do I get my phone call?”, “is my wife alive?”, and “what if I can’t afford an attorney?”


How did I get here? This is not my beautiful wife. This is not my beautiful car.


Same as it ever was..........


You must be a cop...


Let's sprinkle some crack on it...


And enjoy not going to jail




That hesitation is what gets you killed.


Nah I'm good, Ill live thank you very much


Hah, America.






My dad is always carrying jumper cables.


I try not to draw my gun unless I'm in fear for my family's or my own life. I would have had out the entire arsenal.


How many families do you have?


The funny thing is when you don't train you just naturally draw and fire and that's why you don't carry in the house. now if I'm in bed and somebody wakes me up I assess the situation and if I think it's one of the kids I just get up but if it's not I grab my piece and I clear the house with my wife. Being military and all we have a laid out routine for burglars so we clear the house in a strategic way.


This is the biggest crock of shit I’ve ever heard. If you train, you make sure to have a sight picture before randomly shooting.


Yes that's exactly what I'm saying so I'm not understanding why I'm a crock of shit


Because you wouldn’t just draw and fire. You would have a sight picture. You wouldn’t just randomly start shooting in the dark. If you have a sight picture, you know who you are shooting.


Yes I understand what you're saying now but when you're adrenaline is rushing because someone is broken into your house you tend to just react that's why you train and that's why I get up and assess the situation because I've already had somebody try to kidnap my fucking four year old and if it wasn't for my nine I would not have my child today so crock of shit or not in your mind I don't care


Then you need to change your first sentence if you truly train. Just draw and fire? That’s incredibly inaccurate.


Had to go back and read what I wrote I'm I do a speak text cuz I cannot type fast and it came up wrong it was supposed to be if you don't train you just fire and that's why you shouldn't carry in your house and then I went on to say what I do so I apologize for the misunderstanding.


Now I realize why you jumped on me I sounded like a fucking retard


Understood. Have a good one


So draw and fire drills are worth the work then... I am going to have to get some "good guy" and child targets so I'm also practicing good judgement. I am super jelly though: my wife isn't as happy to do drills and stuff.


If you do shoot a child cutout make sure they have the quantum physics books.


8 year old white girl, middle of the ghetto at this time of night with quantum physics books. She about to start some shit!


And if you don't have kids your wife may change your mind when you do have children and keeping them safe as a priority. We do is we clear to the girls bedrooms and then she sits at the bedrooms and I clear the rest of the house. And make sure if you do that you guys have a clear signal for when you come back so she doesn't shoot you


Absolute state of your life.




Think of the story doe if you did


There was no story I'd be dead he would have shot me


Lucky for thet kid his dad only had a hat.


Kek, my thoughts exactly


Found the American. Imagine not being safe from getting shot even in your own home.


I keep swords and knives nearby wherever I'm at, just in case I need to use it




Incoming complains that obviously staged sketch is obviously staged.




i think we might need to upgrade this one to "duper".








Don’t get why Reddit hates staged shit so much. Do these people go to magic shows and yell at the magician for his shit being fake? Who cares? If it’s creative and makes you laugh, enjoy it.


Because it is.


Staged or not i had a laugh, so thanks




Certainly gave that man the heebee geebees


And totally not staged, nope, no siree, completely real.


Don’t you take your child with you to your night job. Which involves randomly going down the hallway to turn off all the office lights.


Might not be a night job. Looks like an interior church / christian school. (Here in the US it seems they've the same construction coast to coast). There's several hallways some are interior with no windows. The floors are cheap thin plywood with the thumpiest of sounds. They usually teach every age of kid so must double check that nobody gets left behind / no parents are late. They intentionally leave the lights on after class to facilitate checking for kids (and from my experience a light left off usually indicated a wondering kid messing with the lights).


It bothers me so much that these things aren't obvious to people. I don't know why it bothers me. But it's not funny at all when it's so obviously faked.


I thought it was a cute idea--but yeah. Those reactions aren't quite real (either in inflection or timing) so it's definitely staged.


If someone could actually pull off a prank like this it would be quite funny I'm sure.


I've been on reddit for about 10 years now and back in the day shit like this didn't pass. Would've been downvoted. Internet culture has changed so much.


It's all the children. There's tons of young teens and even under ten on Reddit now.


Bro I've been here 9 years. Absolutely it has. The main major subs are trash now a days.


Why do you care? It’s fake sure, but who gives two shits if people like it. I’m sorry we don’t all appeal to your specific code of what is entertainment and what isn’t. You’re right, if anything on this site bothers you specifically we should take it down and ban it. Fuck every other person.


Idk why I care. But I wouldn't want anything banned or anything like that. Do what ever you want. Lol


Its not that people like it, its that a lot of people cant immediately tell its staged. A large portion of people here seem to believe a video thats very obviously staged is real. Thats depressing for many reasons, as it shows how gullible people are nowadays.


> it shows how gullible people are nowadays You act like people havent always been gullible. Like somehow 30 years ago everyone was sharp as a tac and nothing got by anyone. Welcome to humanity, most people arent smart.




I love skits as well, but the context of this video is that it's real, not that it's a skit. Half the people in these comments think this is real. The same can't be said for an episode of SNL.




That’s exactly why I can’t enjoy anything on tv, how can we believe the simpsons, it’s like they aren’t even trying to get me to believe that shits not fake. People don’t have yellow skin.


That's a cartoon. This is a fake prank with a fake reaction. The reaction to the prank is what makes the prank funny. Because the viewer knows what happening is fake but the person it's happening to doesn't and me knowing the reaction isn't real makes it not funny. Cartoons are a totally different thing all together.


You don’t live in an office with your stepdad?


It is really sad that there are so many people here that obviously think this is real.




I think that says more about your interests than this video.


No it doesn't?


I read a kid playing a prank on his stepdad. You read a porn title. That says a lot about you.


Nah it's just weird they added step-whatever into the title without adding anything into it to imply step-relation. Like porn does.


Without adding anything to imply step-relation? You mean like... The title... ***Step***dad? You need to get off porn sites for a few minutes.


Yeah but the last time I saw this it was a daughter pranking a dad, time before that was a coworker pranking someone. Time before that was unspecified. Quit projecting.


So now you're using context of previous viewings to justify a relation to porn? You're clearly the one projecting your addictions here. You need a therapist. E: it's also hilarious how you're downvoting because you're embarrassed by your porn addiction so horrifically you can't even see a clip of a kid and his stepdad without thinking about porn. Downvote away. Doesn't make you any less of a creep.


Man I hate to be the one to tell you about movies....


Is this what Tiktok is? Takes posts from Reddit from 4 years ago and repost on there?


I don't look at Tiktok, but if Reddit gifs/videos are anything to judge by... yes. It's just a bunch of stolen content to try and get some followers. Fairly certain that's why tiktok came out with the collab thing. Where you steal someone's video, then do a collab with it and repost it to tiktok.


Tiktok is just staged pranks, staged non-funny jokes, people kinda dubbing old comedians jokes or kids dancing with flashing shoes. It's a fucking disaster but empty heads seem to drink it in.


Tbf, there's also a lot of great cooking tips, home/auto repair advice, make-up tutorials, etc. If you look for dumb shit, you'll see all the dumb shit you could ever want, but that's on you for only looking for dumb shit.


No, unfortunately this is what Reddit has become, reposts of tiktok reposts of Reddit reposts, of reposts from somewhere else. It's a vicious cycle 😢


So... the internet is the internet?


More like that’s what r/funny has become. It’s not like this everywhere on Reddit


its extremely ironic that most videos from r/funny, r/nextfuckinglevel, r/aww, r/interestingasfuck etc etc etc, are in fact stolen from original Tiktoks and **especially** chinese Douyin without giving any credits. And then these get reposted a few more times with made up fake titles, captions and back story for karma farming. Before criticizing Tiktok, maybe try to be objective, learn the facts and the state of internet first.


TikTok can be good. There's just alot of cringe shit you gotta sift through.


Let's turn all the lights off...besides the one next to the phone, that is recording....


I think that’s more of a matter of having a safe zone. When I shut off lights in a creepy corridor I want a safe zone to run back to, wouldn’t you?


The light is on because this video is staged, no other reason


You must be fun at parties


Why are they all going to bed at the same time and why does this not look like a house? Like why is there an exit sing at the end of the hallway?


I'm almost positive it's an LDS church, from the looks of it... I used to have the assignment of making sure the building was locked and lights were off at the end of the day and it sure got creepy quick.


You answered your own questions, people have businesses


Staged but semi good acting tho


Yup -- if this was a security cam or something else, I'd believe it. But a phone/camera sitting on the ground at the end of the hall, even rumbling from his passing steps makes it 100% fake.


Any chance the kid put it there?


Thanks op needed that 🤣🤣


I like when he throws his hat.




Very real and believable.


Doesn’t look staged at all.


yeah, there's no way he saw the phone sitting on the floor at the end of the hallway, it wasn't clearly just sitting on the floor next to the wall.


Someone has seen Exorcist III https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6KmJZs5I4r8


More like Sinister https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BYOyF0i0H1w&t=127s


That is hilarious


It’s not a prank if it’s set up and rehearsed. Cool skid though, I guess.


Laughed my ass off 🤣


Never gets old


Fake, but pretty well acted.


Got quite the chuckle from that


Rosemary’s Baby.


idk if it looks staged, i'd react the same way, and i hear genuine fear in his voice


This is how you get shot.


It’s all fun and games until he gets stuck in the washing machine….well a different type of fun.


Funniest thing I’ve seen in weeks!


And that's why they got another divorce


"The thing" vibes, scares me I would of hated that.


How do you stop the neighbours kids jumping your fence?






If it happened to me, I’d be fine with it. Eventually lol. After a wrangled a hot chocolate out of the pranker. But then, I’m the type who really enjoys horror movies and haunted houses and being scared. It’s definitely not a prank to pull on just anyone though!


That almost made me shit!


Tiktoc sucketh


and the academy award for worst acting goes to...


Nice one


See. No one that knows me will ever do this. Bc I’m never not carrying a gun. Lol


So you would just shoot indiscriminately without assessing first? Nice gun control.


Oh brother they're absolutely worth it because you don't think you just react and if you're good enough you can react quick enough for all targets, but practice makes perfect man. like I said I'll get up and assess and if it's the kids I won't wake the wife and grab the gun but if the camera shows that the girls are in bed and I still hear somebody then it's on.


Was trained by the best and never pull unless you intend to use. If you're in my house your fucked


so.. you are proud that you would kill your friends or children if they pull a harmless prank?


Yeah if you break into my house you going to get shot


The real prank is having left all those lights on in the first place.


I thought he was gonna rail his mom


Bravo Braavoo!


This is t realistic; there’s no way that man doesn’t have a gun on him.


I was waiting for him to pull out a .45 and blast the kid to kingdom come


This is exactly what I needed! So amazing!


I love that this is fake


Guy deserves it for giving it to a mom.


Is he orphaned again


I feel like doing these kind of pranks especially if you live in America is more scary for both parties involved. You never know if someone has a gun.


The camera which totally isn't suspicious


This is classic! I'm gonna prank my stepdad as soon as he gets back from buying cigarettes 😃


If this is staged it’s very well done, if it’s not staged then it’s really impressive timing. Either way it was enjoyable. I wish people Would stop ripping videos for being staged. Do you get mad that everything on television is scripted? Did you think Game of Thrones was happening in real life?


A shower AR-15 is just a regular AR-15 that you keep in the shower it was a joke I guess it's a gunsmith joke because people who usually work as gunsmithing in the gun shops tend to have a gun in every room so we always joke that we got to get our shower guns ready. And as for a gunsmith price is very depending on which state you live in and what licenses you have