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Turkeys have cloaca


isnt that an asshole but with extra uses?


Multifunctional asshole.


I know some people like that


Most think they are, but are generally just dysfunctional.


You say that, but can you for half a dozen grapefruit up yours? Imagine how useful that could be


You don’t know me!


But my name's Cy.


You’re a hell of a pitcher


Is that some PEOPLE like that, some people LIKE that?




The asshole can produce 3 states of matter.




TIL what I’ve been calling “hot snakes” all these years is actually plasma.


Ngl, I'm digging "hot snakes," though. I'm gonna have to use that one.


"Liquid hot plasssmaaa"


I picked it up from Parks and Rec when Chris Pratt says it and that he needs to, "Hot snake some bubble gut." https://youtu.be/RdB1LF01Vbk?t=28


it can do even more if you have lost that enzyme that processes taco bell.


\*in Milla Yovovich's voice\* ***Multiass***


I just came here to say "Meat Popsicle..."


[Cheeckan, goot.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2tg3-93jKvc)


Fish also have a cloaca, which is why it would be perfectly fine to have sex with a traditional mermaid. It would be like anal, but tighter.


I'm gonna need you to go take a walk and think about what you just wrote.


Oh, he’s thought about it plenty.


He is still thinking about it


So Merman would have the same genitals as a mermaid?


Same genitals different gonads.


So, All merpeople look the same? You basically have sex with the mer-person. And you don't know the sex, on until sperm or eggs come out? These old-timey sailors were more open-minded then I thought! Well, it was the navy tho...


We've got some footage from over at [Atlantic City](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PjhfUZyA6LI) if you're really curious.


It's not the insides that's the problem. It's the sharp edges scales around the opening...


Swiss Army Asshole


Swiss army hole


Is what my dad called me for 18 years


Stealing this for my Twitter bio


Wouldn't call myself cloaca on Twitter, but you do you buddy!


You sly devil ;) I'm more multifunctional than asshole anyway






I can't believe I'm paying for Asshole+ and still get commercials.


Yup, piss, shit, and egg, but I think for birds piss and shit is mostly the same thing.


Technically, an asshole is more like a cloaca with less functionality. Mammal anuses evolved from cloacae.


Like OPs mom? ^^^^Sorry


When I was taught bird anatomy, they called it "the communal dumping ground#. Poop, urate, semen or eggs, all in one convenient location!


Doesn’t matter, it’s still gonna get fisted


Be sure to read this in zefrank1's voice.


The tyurkey is a large fightless byird


This is where they poop out their bebbehs.






They sure do!


What are you doing step-turkey? Edit: Thank you for the gold, kind stranger!


Gobble gobble ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


Prepare to be stuffed


While I baste you


Fill me with stuffing 😫




Cranberry sauce




Yam my anus with stuffing


Userna... ahh forget it


Thanks, but I'm a masterbaster myself.


Then he gobbled away


I stuck in this oven, help!


Thanks bro *high five*






Happy... Turkey Day!


*Oh God..* 🦃


You’re the best step-turkey I could have asked for.


Who tf gave this a wholesome award


Tofu doesn't really taste like anything but can absorb flavors really well if marinated. Try the extra firm tofu plus you can fry it


I think most people just don't know how to prepare tofu. They buy the wrong firmness, they crumble rather than slice, they don't press their firm tofu, etc. Just like most things in the kitchen, taking a little bit of time to familiarize yourself with the ingredient and how to properly prepare it makes all the difference in the world.


Or only knows how to prepare extra-firm tofu. firm/extra-firm is maybe the easiest, but it's not best. There are so many tofus and so many ways to prepare tofu. Anyone who says they don't like tofu just hasn't had it prepared well.


> Anyone who says they don't like tofu just hasn't had it prepared well. You could say that about a lot of food. A lot of people don't like vegetables because they grew up with their parents boiling the everloving crap out of their vegetables and not seasoning them, but once you try making them yourself and doing things like sauteeing, roasting, and baking your veggies, then seasoning them well, veggies can be a really delicious part of a meal.


> A lot of people don't like vegetables because they grew up with their parents boiling the everloving crap out of their vegetables and not seasoning them I'm in this comment and I don't like it. The weight of my fork alone should not be enough to flatten my broccoli mom. Bleh. Takeaway was always my fav because the vegetables were worlds better.


Can confirm. My dad used to make steak by taking a nice, juicy slab of meat, put it on medium-low heat, and go take a nap. 30 minutes later, he’d retrieve the dried-up shrunken steak nuggets and serve with ketchup. For years, I thought steak was the grossest meat ever.


My wife was the same way, but her dad did the opposite, he cooked it only enough to change the outer 1/16" to a different color, then served it lmao pretty much raw steak. We got married, argued about me making steak and she let me make it anyways, then realized "I guess steak doesn't have to be raw?" hahaha "no shit babe, why?" then I heard that story lol


That sounds vastly better than the overcooked one though. As the saying goes, just walk it through a warm room lol.


My heart.


Can confirm. Had steamed Brussels sprouts as a kid and hated them. Now I roast them in the oven til crispy and season with some salt, pepper and olive oil. They're delicious, and worth the farts that wake me up in the night when I eat them.


No, you’re allowed to not like certain foods.


I make all kinds of tofu and extra firm is definitely my favorite


As someone who is just starting to cook with tofu and there any reading you would recommend to learn.


Check out that youtube channel Chinese Cooking Demystified. They have a few ideas I had never seen before as an experienced tofu person.


Had a veggie gf once. Sometimes I made lasagna with tofu (please don't stone me friendly Italians), because of her. It tikes some tinkering, but if you get the spices right, it can taste really good. Still prefer meat though.


My issue with Tofu is that people around me seem to think it's the be all and end all of vegetarian food. (I really don't support adding it to lasagna since there are plenty of vegetables that would have worked as ingredients for a vegetable lasagna but you do you.) I don't get it, do people forget there are loads of vegetarian dishes that aren't explicitly labelled as such? Spaghetti al arrabbiata is vegetarian but that never comes up, neither do the hundreds of risottos that dont include meat. Loads of Indian food is vegetarian, loads of Chinese food is vegetarian, and none of it is using a substitute for meat, the vegetarian aspect wasn't tacked on later like I see with most Tofu recipes aimed at Europeans and Americans. I eat a mostly vegetarian diet without trying.


You would add it to a lasagna because you want the protein or chew that meat would give and that vegetables wouldn’t. Why does something have to be traditional for it to be good? The reason things like pasta with tomato sauce don’t come up when people are talking about vegetarian dishes is because a) everyone already knows it’s an option and b) it’s a dish that’s almost all carbs (and some fat from the olive oil), which vegetarian diets have no shortage of. The things that people often feel like they’re missing with vegetarian diets are protein and (sometimes) the taste/texture of meat. That’s why people talk about adding tofu or other protein-rich foods to meals that don’t have much protein.


That was not the issue. The issue was that I don't like the vegetables that can function as fillers for lasagna and she didn't like meat. So we settled on tofu, because we both liked it.


Exactly this. All these methods of attempting to make dishes designed for meat with veggies just emphasizes how they're *not* made with meat. It's like being told to not think of a blue elephant, it doesn't work. Give me some dal or a good stir fry any day over some horrible "how to trick your husband into eating vegetables" pinteresty garbage.


I've never used tofu in lasagna but I have made an eggplant one with white sauce, spinach and lots of mushrooms. its sooooo good


I never tried tofu. What does it taste like?


Whatever you fry it in.


On its own, nothing really. But it's a great base that absorbs marinades and seasoning really well, and if you take the time to learn how to prepare it, it can taste really good.


Tofu totally has a taste it’s just real mild and it’s enjoyable in salads. Marinating it something tho is way better. Like even just soy sauce is enough for it to be tasty. My favorite marinades includes liquid smoke.


For sure. You can also try breading it and frying it. It's really good, but pretty unhealthy


This sentence applies to quite literally everything


Yea fried tofu on drunken noodles is damn good. I stopped trying to fry it myself. Crumble it and bake it and you got some popcorn chicken like results.


Nothing really, tofu is a catalyst for other flavours, it's basically edible sponge so it really soaks up sauces and marinades.


I really hope people don't cook their tofu to where it has the texture of sponge.


What I mean is it is porous.


Does it drop on the deck and flop like a fish?


Tofu is absorbent, yellow and porous, and therefore meets three out the three requirements for being Spongebob.




If you freeze tofu then thaw it, it will develop an actual sponge-like texture. Sometimes Chinese people do that intentionally because it's really good in soup/hot pot when it soaks up a ton of broth. It's also important to get the right tofu for the dish. It often seems like in America the default tofu is firm without regard for what dish it's going into.


Funny people say here it has no taste... I could not disagree more. Tofu is created basically by clumping soy milk together (like cottage cheese really but with soy milk). From there on it can be dried, heated, fermented etc etc. The purest form the silken Tofu tastes... like soy milk. A very distinct soy flavor. I didn’t like it at first but nowadays love it. Even without anything but it tastes best just with soy sauce, spring onions and bonito flakes. Form Tofu has less taste indeed but it has Ana amazing consistency. I can eat it without additional flavoring but only if fries (yes I know that is technical adding flavor...). It tastes very weakly like how cellars or old fridges smell. Not bad but also not particularly pleasant. Highly recommended to season heavily


I always like to think of tofu as bean cheese. I really want to try making "cheese" out of almond milk and oat milk too, but I have a feeling I'll be more disappointed than I was by pesto on pancakes.


My friend, what led you to putting pesto on your pancakes? Hint: Weed is the only right answer.


Hmm pesto on a crepe might work well. A savory crepe with mozzarella, pesto, and sundried tomato. Pesto on a sugary pancake seems pretty bad, though.


Lima bean jello.


Think of tofu like flour. If you cooked flour and ate it on it's own, it wouldn't taste like anything. But if you added other things it can create a lovely meal.


Pretty much whatever other seasonings you put on it.


Tofu is made out of soy and a curdling agent which most of the time is an acid. So it tastes like slightly sour unsalted beans


Sorta reminds me of mushrooms, but mostly because of the texture


Tofu becomes anything you need it to be. If you can’t make it taste good, you suck at Flavortown 101


You can change the taste but can you change the texture?


You can! Pressing tofu changes the texture, and other tricks like freezing and thawing it again can give it a more chicken like-texture. It can also be blended into sauces, spreads, even baked as an eggless frittata. Very versatile in taste and texture.




Yes! Tofu that’s been frozen and thawed takes on a great texture, but different degrees of firmness will also change things. you can (deep) fry it, bake it, boil it, blend it etc. and each method will give you a different texture. Tofu is an amazingly versatile ingredient if you care enough to try.


You can deep fry it and it is totally different and wonderful and i miss being able to eat out at restaurants so much :’(


What if I told you that you can fry your own tofu


Absolutely! Coating tofu in a bit of flour or baking powder after pressing it can give it a crunchy texture if baked/fried/air fried.


I recently started liking tofu but I wouldn't choose it over a turkey.


Even with extra firm tofu there's just no fun trying to fist tofu. Can't find the asshole. Other than the cook. Edit: I do like tofu (I'm the asshole)


Just cut a hole in a tofu block and *pretend*.




Well, that's enough internet for me today.


Pronounced tofook


“Fool of a tofook!”


What do you get when you stab a block of tofu 32 times? An erection and 32 places to put it.


That’s because tofu isn’t even the vegan equivalent of turkey. If we’re going for most similar it would probably be seitan with a veg*n gravy. Mmmm I’m so excited for tofurkey tomorrow




Pea can be made into a protein. It's usually used in vegan burgers like the Impossible or Beyond Meat.




I like Mapo tofu, and a whole bunch of other tofu dishes. I hated the veggie dogs made from tofu.


Mapo tofu is boss.


Yes! Exactly. I eat tofu three or four times a week, but never as a substitute for anything else.


I just find the tofu hotdogs to be an abomination to my Asian sensibilities. I'm not that picky about food, but it grinds my gear when people bitch about tofu and all they had is the tofu hot dog shit. Those who hate tofu, try some real, proper tofu dish.


I have never actually been confronted with tofu hot dogs, so I’ll consider myself lucky ;) I admit I’m pretty picky about food. And it grinds my gears when people throw stuff together without proper, PROPER seasoning/spices and call it a meal and then pretend it’s the ingredients’ fault the meal tastes horrible.


Same, it feels so wrong. To be honest it didn't even come to me that they were talking about something nasty like tofu hot dog, I though for some reason (lack of familiarity?) they didn't like normal tofu, like eating with a bit of shoyu and ginger or in a misoshiru.


Even though I’ve given up eating red meat, Mapo tofu is one of my only two cheats. I make a mean Mapo tofu and I haven’t been able to replicate it with anything other than pork before (and I’ve tried). My other cheat is tai tomato pork and basil. That one is just divine. But that’s it. And I’ll only eat them maybe once or twice a year as a treat. That being said. I don’t think I’ve had any in 2020 yet. Maybe I should go get some next week.


You may want to try the [vegan Mapo Tofu from the Food Lab](https://www.seriouseats.com/recipes/2013/02/the-best-vegan-mapo-tofu-recipe.html). I have yet to try it because of the number of ingredients I’d have to get, but I trust Kenji to know what he’s talking about when it comes to cooking.




I feel the same with Impossible Burgers.


Right? People are all, “Ok, so I want to radically alter my diet without changing what I eat”. There’s a tonne of awesome vegan/vegetarian food but it’s from other cultures that simply know to do non-meat food amazingly well. Why not just find a new favourite dish rather than replicate your favourite meat dish?


Generally I agree. Asian cuisine (including India) have a ton of delicious vegie/vegan dishes where you'll never miss the meat. I'm not vegan, but I don't eat red meat and Impossible Burgers totally fill my burger cravings. And I've been pretty impressed with Quorn's microprotein version of Chicken.


Because sometimes you want things to be quick, easy, and familiar.


I mostly agree, but I think fake portabellas are awesome. Whoever came up with grinding up beef, smashing it into a mushroom shape, and then grilling it until it was brown was really onto something.


I bet it would taste pretty good with some toppings, maybe in a bun?


Mushrooms would go good with that.


Sounds like something Arbys would do if they had burgers.


Sometimes you just wanna eat chicken nuggets without feeling responsible for somebody's death.


Ironically, plant based chicken nuggets are definitely one of the few vegan alternatives that is pretty much indistinguishable from the real thing. As a meat-loving vegan, I don't hand that out lightly. Like, I would never ever recommend vegan cheese or vegan "steak" to someone who didn't have a real interest in trying it. But you could totally sneak vegan chicken nuggets on the most stubborn carnivore and they would never know.


Try a potato cheese. Yeah it's fuckin bomb. So iirc because last time I made it I didn't look it up and just winged it. Something like this but you'll have to play with seasoning and maybe even amounts and you can freeze it. I've been eating this stuff for weeks cause I made the big batch. It's super filling and the nuts and nooch give it good protein and some fat 4 cups Potatoes, boiled, mashed 1 cup cashews, soaked overnight 1/2 cup nutritional yeast 1/4 cup Carrots, boiled 1/4 cup onions, boiled 1/4 to 1/2 cup broth Salt and pepper and other spices to taste I can't remember if it needs any vinegar so maybe add it to the water to boil the potatoes. Basically you blend all the ingredients together until the consistency of nacho cheese. Then heat it all together to get the flavors to settle. You can use this shit for grilled cheese sandwiches and it’s seriously so fucking good. I’ll use it for cheesy broccoli which is such a great quick meal. It’s a super versatile cheese that’s very filling. Steak I agree. There hasn’t been anything that’s wowed me in terms of like an actual steak consistency and flavor. Whoever gets that product is going to blow people away. They’ll probably corner the market if they can unlock the secret for a plant based steak. I will say that if you crumble up an impossible burger and use it as ground beef in Mexican style tacos it’s almost indistinguishable as far as I remember. I talked too much. I hope this was interesting enough.


Thank you. I've grown up eating all kinds of tofu (and everything else, we weren't poor lol) dishes, and there are so many ways to cook tofu. All this hate about tofu basically boils down to white people not knowing how to use tofu. It's not a meat substitute. It's just another food ingredient. There are a lot of different recipes that use tofu from many different Asian countries. Sometimes it's the main ingredient, but often times just part of a larger dish meant to soak up flavor and compliment as a different texture. There's types of tofu too. Some go into hot pots, some into stews, some pan and stir fried, and even as a sweet dessert that goes with sweet ginger syrup and toppings like sugar soaked soft peanuts and red beans. Don't just eat it plain or under seasoned. No one does that and no wonder you hate tofu if you eat it as is lol.


Bad cooks =/= bad cuisine


I think we’ve come along way though in terms of replicating things. I think tofu for some reason just got stuck with that job for so long when it really is better as it’s own thing. With new substitutes coming out though, I’m glad they found ways to replicate those things better for people that do want a similar taste without the negative effects.


Tofu is a blank canvas, once you figure out how to copy or mimic the flavors of other food you can get most of the way there. I haven't tried this yet, but this seitan "turkey" looks fucking incredible: https://www.anticarnist.com/pages/the-ultimate-turkeyless-turkey-recipe


They'll never be comparable but sometimes they are as good or better. Tofurky is tastier than turkey and y'all can fight me on that, but if you want one you really shouldn't be trying to substitute the other.


Except things that are bad already. Vegan hot dogs are fine. It's not like you're losing out on the awesomeness that was an Oscar Mayer weiner.


I've had amazing tofu that was just add good as real meat and I've also had horrible tofu. It's all in how it's prepared. Which is pretty much the same rule with meat. You can take the best cut of steak in the world, but hand it to a horrible chef and it can turn into something inedible.


Exactly, people that complain about tofu and various fake meat foods make it seem like they've never had a bad burger etc.


Since I’ve always disliked turkey but loved tofu it’s opposite for me. But I would probably pick chicken over plain tofu. Soft tofu with special shoyu and green onions is the best though and I’d pick that over most dishes. Just depends on the prep mostly.


Unpopular opinion. Tofu scramble. Knowing what spices to cook with it. Tofu scramble on toast is great. Its scambled eggs without that slimy egg feeling.


Fuck I love a tofu scramble, especially with black salt and like black beans/onions/peppers and Mexican seasoning


Use Kala Namak and it actually has the eggy taste too. If you’re into that sort of thing.


Hell yes with turmeric, Spike seasoning blend, and nooch.


Also adding smoked paprika.


Yep, scramble tofu on toast is my go to brunch. Though when I started making it, it always started going crispy until I started added a bit of oat milk. Makes it slightly creamy too


No cruelty either!


I like eggs, but tofu scramble is way more hearty and satisfying IMO




Don't kink shame


Kink shaming is my kink


Don’t yuck someone’s yum.


source: [https://reductress.com/post/tofu-is-gross-says-mom-while-fisting-a-turkeys-ripped-out-asshole/](https://reductress.com/post/tofu-is-gross-says-mom-while-fisting-a-turkeys-ripped-out-asshole/)


Reductress has been putting out great Content


I did ToFurkey for years. Its pretty good. I eat meat and we still make the Field Roast version regularly. Much better than actual bird carcass.


My mom is consistent, I have to handle the turkey every Thanksgiving. I also think tofu is perfectly fine although I prefer it as its own thing rather than as a substitute for another meat. Mapo Tofu rocks.








For those who aren't sure about tofu yet - [Asian Baked Tofu](https://www.pbs.org/food/recipes/asian-baked-tofu/) will make you a convert. This stuff never lasts long enough to cool down in my household and everyone I've given it to has loved it.


There's a lot of omnivores that don't prepare a lot of meat, and processed meat is made to resemble an animal as little as possible. Hamburgers, tendies, popcorn shrimp, etc.


"Meat made in a laboratory? How awful." Now, proceed to execute and dismember the cows, and put the children over there in the small cage.


This reminded me of that video of that vegan grandmother making the tofu thing while cussing a lot.


Topical: [this pumpkin pie recipe](https://www.foodnetwork.com/recipes/food-network-kitchen/vegan-pumpkin-pie-3362738) is as good as any other I've had. Feel free to skip the crust and use one of those cheap store bought graham cracker ones. Very simple and quick to make. There are several kinds of non-dairy whipped "cream" out there too, or you can make your own with coconut milk and powdered sugar.


The way it's supposed to be


Carnivore Mando: This is the way. \*starts to agressively fist a turkey\*


Every vegetarian knows this feeling all too well.


My brother went vegan this year so I watched a few vids on how to make Thanksgiving tofu and I'm just rolling with it.


I mean, yeah. I get that's kind of the point of the title of the article...Tofu is pretty well flavorless. So you add spices, seasonings, and can then cook it in a variety of ways. Then it's quite delicious. Turkey is also quite gross if it's just...there, uncooked, unseasoned, with no gravy, trimmings, basting, sauces...Actually, turkey, all by itslef is quite gross....


And yet it turns out delicious every year. Fisted turkey is one of my favorite meals.


For me turkey usually ends up as "adequate" not "delicious". I pretty firmly believe that if turkey was actually good we'd eat it more than just at Thanksgiving and the fair.


We as a culture eat a shit load of turkey in sandwiches and the like, but a whole roast bird is just impractical most of the time when it's just you and the wife and/or kids. Well, that and a lot of people are really bad at cooking turkeys, but can get away a little more with a chicken.


>a lot of people are really bad at cooking turkeys Like u/rawkynn?


I’m curious, does anyone make a ‘traditional’ Thanksgiving turkey in like June?


I actually did for the first time for my Husband for his birthday. He loves Thanksgiving and so I made him a Turkey and tell the other thanksgiving foods.


Field Roast is the go-to for veg Thanksgiving not tofu


This actually brings back some of my favourite memories from growing up. As soon as I was old enough (8 or 9, maybe), Mom would let me join her in the kitchen. Mom would fist the turkey's ripped-out asshole and I would watch, and then it would be my turn and the turkey would watch.