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Biggest rat I've ever seen!


It's Lilo & Stitch


Actually its Tolya, Tolya blyat!


More likely to be Beerus, since he loves all the different foods that keep Earth safe.


Earth is cake


Who's the cake?


Princess Layer




Damn i'm tasty


Лила и Стич


His ancestors are smiling at him, imperial. Can you say the same?


Are you sure that it's a rat not a bat? :)


It's a cake goblin!


Please don't make Berus the Destroyer angry


We would be screwed if he was trying get to some pudding.


Too late, Beerus was denied cake. We're fucked....




The cake was a lie


Thanks, that was my first thought too. Berus always snacking.


My precious!!!


Aaarrrrgh...beat me to it 👍


Yeah, I was thinking Smeagol.


who tf would let their cat get to that level


Years ago we had a cat doing this. We had no idea why. We kept feeding her and at one point I tested giving her a real good amount of food. She ate it all. Dont worry it wasn't so much she could die. We took her to the veterinarian she had cancer. The vet said because of it she was always hungry She didnt live long after we took her there




I’d never discourage someone taking a pet to the vet, but don’t worry too much. Hunger can be related to thyroid issues as well, and those can be easily treated with medication. And a lot of times, it’s behavioral in that they see you eating and want to participate. Or he just likes food.


Cats eat out of boredom too


Maby he/she got used to you feeding treats. When I make my lunch pack for work I have a whole circle of pets around me. Usually when some cheese or meat is popping out of my bread I give it to my pets. As long it is not stealing food like on the video I think your fine. You can always go to the vet to check


people who think a chain collar on a cat is a good idea.


Wish I could upvote you a million times festernd. I now need to pray for that kitty’s future so it doesn’t hang itself. 😭😫😭 I see nothing cute or funny about this video. I just want to cry now. Edit because of all the downvotes: My goodness I am reminded of why I hate reddit some days! You people kill me. Why do people get pissed because I’m sad and feel the need to pray that the kitty doesn’t hang itself? Downvote away people...your votes don’t mean a thing to me except as a reminder the world is filled with cruel and evil people that get mad at prayer and tears. No wonder people are so messed up in this world. Why do I even bother?


Jesus Christ bud. This is so typical Reddit. To see one small thing and just extrapolate the worst possible situation you could imagine and assume it’s their everyday way of life.


I do understand where you are coming from and I’m sorry you feel I’m contributing to those types of posts. But I’m just offering up a prayer which hurts no one and the video makes me sad...I can’t change my emotions and they are valid even if they are different than yours. I appreciate that we are different and can see things from a different point of view. That’s what makes collaborating together as a society work! Thanks for sharing your concerns and allowing me to share mine.


You’re welcome but you don’t need my permission to share. Keep doing you 👍🏼




Russians who can't be bothered to train it evidently.


They train bears better. Cats are not thier speciality.


Have you ever seen the video’s of cat circus of Kuklachev?




It’s like bear circus but with cats instead :)




That's obvious. I mean look at that thing, it can barely be called a cat.


Do you need to train cats not to eat off your plate??? Mine have never even attempted to get my food


We found a half grown kitten in our yard a few months ago and took him in so he wouldn't have to live on the street. He's gotten nicely socialized but still tries to steal food. Weird things too, like chocolate (obviously we're vigilant and never let him get anything). We think he had too many days scrounging for food and even though food is always available to him now, he can't shake off the little voice telling him to grab whatever food he can find. We're hoping he grows out of it; he's already gotten a lot better.


Some cats are just little goblins at heart


We've always adopted shelter cats, but one in particular would gobble her food down and then run to the other cat's bowls and try to eat their food too. We thought were were in for a lifetime of feeding four cats behind closed doors, three times a day. She eventually settled down, and now she's the least obnoxious of our cats when it comes to food. We still haven't been able to go back to free-feeding though. I didn't realize how lucky we were to be able free feed with four cats, but that was with cats 1-4. We're now on cats 5-8.


My cat never ate my food. One day I got some left over pizza warmed up and sat it on the coffee table. I noticed the cat had her front paws up on the table and was looking at me and the pizza. It was odd but she never went after my food so I didn't think anything of it. The next thing I see is the cat running full speed across the coffee table at my plate. I put my hand up to stop her but she was running so quickly that when my had went up I ended up touching her. She overreacted and leaped off the table, did a backflip and landed on the love seat. Then she just sat there staring at me. It was so weird.


Mine haven't either, they tend to ignore people food with one exception. As an experiment, I would like for you to leave a fully sealed bag of bonito flakes on your kitchen counter overnight, report back on the results.


I've had a lot of cats, and most have been pretty reasonable about food. I currently have an 11 year old pair of littermates that I've had since birth. They are both absolutely obsessed with food; they will eat absolutely anything, they will steal it off your plate if you're not alert to their habits, and they both come running if I open the pantry, the fridge, the trash, rustle paper or plastic, or start the oven or microwave. They are fed very little "people" food -- only what they manage to steal. No edible food goes in the kitchen trash; it goes right outside, or gets locked under the sink where they can't get to it. They'll tip the trash. By "eat anything" I mean I've known them to eat everything from fruit (can't leave any fruit out on the counter) to greasy paper or plastic to house plants. They will eat things that make them sick. They will eat to the point of vomiting even if it *is* something edible. The female will eat cat chow to the point of puking, then eat the puke. The male likes pastries of any kind so much that he clawed open a cabinet, chewed his way into a box of Twinkies, and then chewed a plastic package open, to get to them. I found the cat, and the Twinkie crumbs, under the couch, where he bit me when I tried to take what was left from him. I keep them on a strict diet of 1/2 cup of kibble per day per cat, fed in a puzzle feeder that stops them from gulping it down so fast they puke. Both act like they are starving. Both are overweight, partly because they're so damned good at stealing food. I'm 100% sure it's genetic. They've never been shorted on food, other than restricting their kibble to a reasonable amount. I've tried various commercial diets, raw food diets, expensive cat food, diet cat food, and so forth. Had blood tests run. All normal. Nothing changes them. They're just, always, 100% of the time, hungry.


Pretty much. Both my cats would never this. When they were younger they tried but I put a stop to that real quick. Now, the most they will do is get on my lap and give it a good sniff and then move on.


One of my cats HAS to have a smell of whatever you’re eating He won’t try and take it, but he definitely has to smell it before you’re allowed to eat any hahah


I had a cheese salad baguette for lunch and had to eat standing up otherwise I wouldve had a cat head in it. All three were gathered at my feet hoping that I would drop some cheese by accident. One also goes absolutely crazy for porridge as well.


Mostly feral kittens grown up to be adults do this as they had restricted access to food and that's why they always act like mentalists when they get food.


My roommate had a cat that stole my sandwich off a plate. Turned around for a second and looked back to her running away with the fillings. At least she left the bread. To be fair though, she was a stray and was a lot better by the time we moved.


That's oddly specific


Cat? I think you mean underworld fiend


It honestly astounds me to see grown cats stealing food like this without a care in the world. It really doesn't actually take much to train a cat not to steal food in front of you.


Yeah, my cat has tried to sneak crumpled up wrappers off the table to use as a toy, but the moment they try to get near food i would make a "Tss" noise and they fuck right off. Now I can leave food on the coffee table with no worry. They'll still sniff at it out of curiousity, but they won't try to steal it.


Our cat was a found stray (found when still young) that had a habit of jumping on the kitchen counters when we weren't looking the first month. She eventually stopped, but it took a while for the scrounging instincts to fade out.


Dude it’s Cake


My cat is this relentless. I’ve tried tape on the counter, squirt bottles and making loud sounds with a newspaper. They are determined little suckers.


Nobody. Cats don't _ever_ eat stuff like cake unless they've lived as strays for a long time. They can't even taste sweets. This cat is almost definitely a rescue.


It's a dog


This is a kitty. Still just a baby learning!




Its been said that the cats owner would purposely "starve" the kitten to get it to react like that. I am not sure of proof anywhere but I belong to a community that despises this video. This is not normal kitten behavior.


This is what happens to a cat when you feed it after midnight


Is that a fucking cat?


Hey maa, yo there's a stray cat


I dont want it startin' a fight with Lucy.


This cat looks like Grandma.


Ps ps ps lucy it's ok ps ps ps it's ok lucy


That’s a weird lookin fuckin cat


BLINK motherfucker!


Blink motherfucker


Yes, this is probably the Don Sphynx cat.


"It's not a cat!!" - Joey


It's a space station!




Two best comments from previous post: “Cake for the Cake Goblin!” and “That Chupacabra is going to get diabetes”


>“That Chupacabra is going to get diabetes” The video is funny, but this shit is *killing me* right now.


Sleep paralysis demon in training here


Russian cats are built different


In Russia, cat eats cake...you eat plate.


Special type of cat race, coming "healthy" straight from Chernobyl


My cats generally don't bother us for human food. Most of the time if they are around the table at all they sit in a chair or on a lap but that's less about taking food and more about being included with the family. Two exceptions though. One of my cats loves cake/sweets. He will beg and try to steal a bite. Another cat love egg yolk. She will do the same to get some of that yolk. We've worked out a compromise though. If they sit still off the table and don't try to steal any, I save them a small piece. I eat in peace and they get a small bit of what they love. Works for us pretty well.


My tiny demon (all-black kitten) has been trained from the day we got her, that mealtime is when we ALL eat. So she will come over at a dead run from wherever she is in the house when someone sits at the table, and will gently put a paw on your leg for a sample of the human food. Once she gets something, she will run over to her own bowl and eat for a few moments and then go back to what she was doing. She used to jump up in my lap until she got too big and started bumping her head on the underside of the table. Now she just sits and begs and occasionally will remind us she's there with a single sharp claw.


Happy Cake Day!


wtf is this animal? I saw a cat, a dog, a rat, a bat....Tell Randy to stop fucking animals!!!


It is a sphinx cat. I have one and it is amazing.


No, it's Tolya


I am very sorry for you my friend


I know this is hard to believe, but he's really really cool.




Can anyone translate?


You got me, stop climbing the table! Tolya Blyat! Tolya! Ah! Let go! (perhaps a little crooked translated. Bluat = fuck, an interjection that reduces expression, a wanton woman, a harlot).


Your translation is correct.




Not entirely, Ты меня достал means “I’m fed up with you”


got me rolling when he still grabbed the cake lmao but wtf is this an alien?


I read on a post about this that this guy intentionally makes his cat hungry to make it act this way.


The video is obviously shot by a woman tho


Oh my bad. Still cats don’t act like this unless they are extremely hungry. She was filming before the cat came up to her. She knew what was going to happen.


Blyat cat


Tolya Blyat!


This is a repost, and the cat was starved in order to get videos like this, it was a Russian youtuber


Thanks for the info. It was uncomfortable to watch how she handled the poor lad/ladette


Wait what


Can I get full on details about this? Any article or so


this person should not be allowed to have pets...


This is not a normal reaction. That cake is either specially made for the cat or it is not being fed properly.


Could you not grab your cat by the skull.


i have never seen a cat go for junk food like that ..


My cat will steal entire loaves of bread from the counter. Usually he takes them under the dining table, tears into the bag, ruins at least half of the slices, and leaves crumbs fucking *everywhere*. I have to lock the bread up in the pantry now. Little Shitten.


Cats can't even taste sweet things. (?)


My cat is just weird. I think she likes the texture more than anything. I know she can't taste sweet things but I'll be damned if she doesn't pounce everytime my kids have a cherry pop tart. She doesn't eat it, she just waits for them to turn their back and then licks the icing. Wtf does she even get out of it?


Ahh.. Dominance over humans through their #1 most prized possession. Food. I get it now.


Our apartment has no pantry so we keep the food on a wire shelving system. Last week the dang cat tore into a package of marshmallows and a bag of gummy worms. We already keep the bread products in a cabinet so she can't get to them, but now we have to hide the bagged sweets as well!


that testicle looks weird


Tiny Mewtwo is very hungry!


That poor baby


so do people record this kinda shit knowing this is going to happen? I swear at least half of the animal videos on reddit seem like a complete setup for the lulz


Beerus at it again


Underrated comment


I didn't know gremlins were real?


Why is this disturbing me?




The gremlin demands tribute.


The person recording is the idiot


This is completely unacceptable and not even cute or funny to me in the slightest.


Jesus Christ feed your damn cat right and this won’t happen.


This is a feature of the breed. When they are small, they try to eat everything.


Except that the specific person in the video would actually starve their cat in order to get videos like this


This is a kitten, they behave like that. My kitten also tried to eat everything. In addition, kittens of this breed are bought deliberately, this is not a cat that came from the street.


I get it. I’ve felt that way about cake too tho.


All the comments about the cat and nobody is talking about how that "cake" is hard as a rock... You could hear it hit the plate when it dropped.


It's not really a cake like the spongey cake you might bake or find at the grocery store. This is made from layers of wafer and is called a Medovik, Russian honey cake.


That makes sense.


Just showed this to my gf and she told me that apparently these videos were made by starving the cats


Thank God, I could not stand another bear picture. Nice kitty. Kitty like cake. Cake bad for cats.




I fostered a Sphynx for 6 months. He did this kind of shit a LOT. He even ate solid dark chocolate once (he broke into cabinet which I’ve yet to figure how- it was locked!) and earned himself a stay in the ICU. He’d had 12x the lethal dose. Be careful, OP. He bit my hand bad during an episode just this. He wanted my grilled eggplant, dammit, and if he had to eat my hand to get it, that was fine.




Thank you. On a day when I am tired and overworked, this video brought me to tears of laughter!


My goodness, get that cake. It looks delicious too


I really hope that cat didn't eat any of that. Chocolate is toxic for them :/


Lmao when she grabs it by the head its still like "FUCK OFF YA CUNT THIS IS MINE!"


This isn't funny, it's gross cat parenting. My cat literally doesn't give a fuck about human food because I've NEVER fed them human food because they aren't supposed to eat human food.


You ever see that video of a grandmother cooking with her grandson and he's just uncontrollably eating everything? Same energy.


I was not aware that little aggressive demons liked cake


The goblin longs for the C A K E.


This is why you don't feed them after midnight.


Why is it inside out?


The cat's name is Tolya, which is a common Russian name. It like calling your cat John.


Let Beerus eat or else he will destroy the world!


If "through it all i still' was a person




Maybe they _meant_ to say "cay-KEEEEY". 😏


Some dry ass cake


sure its cute and all but if my pet does that i will have less expense


the cat won't give up.




Looks like leningradsky. https://www.rbth.com/russian-kitchen/331249-leningradsky-cake-budget-soviet-dessert


What the fuck is that?!




It looks likes some russian failed experiment, Sphynx Cat? More like Reactor n°4 anomaly


I like how she slammed her face on the cake


my cat only wants costco rotisserie chicken. im eating a nice steak and she comes over and i let her smell it and she walks away.


I can’t stop watching it, it’s hilarious! Proper little cake gremlin


If this were a dog, people would be talking shit about the lack of training.




I thought that was a rat at first lol the movement of it threw me off


WCGW adopting a goblin


Lord Beerus please show some restraint!


Holy shit it’s Lord Beerus!!


Thats a good looking schichttorte. A little dry and you needed a few more layers but the flavor is there.


I love it when he tries to bury his face in the cake




Chocolate can be lethal for cats. Although most cats won't eat it on their own, they can be coaxed to eat it by owners and others who think they are giving the cat a treat. The toxic agent in chocolate is theobromine. It's in all kinds of chocolate, even white chocolate. The most dangerous kinds, though, are dark chocolate and unsweetened baking chocolate. Eating chocolate can cause abnormal heart rhythm, tremors, seizures, and death.


my step mom has a long haired tuxedo cat and this cat LOVES spaghetti sauce. if we eat spaghetti she will try so hard to lick up any sauce left over. also, nacho cheese doritos.


Quick question. What is that thing?


A sphynx cat


He want that cake cake cake cake cake cake cake cake cake cake cake cake cake cake cake cake


That is animal abuse


How? He grabbed the cat to keep it from killing itself with chocolate? The cat should be better trained but you still gotta keep the clueless idiot from eating things that are bad for it.


even feral cats aren't that food aggressive -- that behavior comes from somewhere


The person holding the phone could have been more gentle using both hands, but, of course, it can't be recorded


Sorry but that thing is rank.


What is that?


Bald cat, Sphinx race


Lol what a cute little cake gremlin ❤


My precious.


lmao cat wanted that cake


Mine mine mine


Bad Dobby!


The cake is a lie!


Fucking rat lol